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Black magic, or sorcery, in LOS. Believe in it?


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wêet-mon or sai yaa sat, (spell?)

do you believe in it? My ex told me my new girlfriend put a spell on me and that is why I left her. I don't believe in it but I feel like my new girlfriend controls me. Maybe I am pussy whipped?

Buriram is apparently the place where you can get someone to do the sorcery. Black magic woman is the name of a song.

I may have to get a potion to counter it if i feel weak on the knees etc..

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Buriram full of the undead and vampires didn't ya know? That's why they piss out the window in the middle of the night because there shit scared to go the hong nam,wish they would of told me,save me gettin a Golding shower off the old mother on me way back,and am not taken the piss.,

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A load of old bolony.I trust and believe in God and God alone,and through my belief, God has blessed me with a most fortunate life and is sufficent for me.

Same same but different.

People can believe in magic if they want. There's lots of different sorts of magic, Christian magic, Thai magic, all of it is in the minds of the people who believe in it.

If your mind is susceptible to influence, then you will experience the 'effects' of these beliefs.

If you are exposed to other people who believe in these things, then you might start to empathise.

If your ex says that your new girlfriend put a spell on you, it's likely that she can't believe that you left her for any other reason.

It's also possible that she is putting doubt into your mind so that you will consider going back to her.

One magic that many men are susceptible to is women's 'magic' and the spells they weave to amuse themselves at men as they lead us a merry dance.

Mind games, nothing but mind games. If you are in control of your mind, they don't work.

Great post. Thanks. I think if people believe there is a good god then they must admit that there is a bad xx

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A load of old bolony.I trust and believe in God and God alone,and through my belief, God has blessed me with a most fortunate life and is sufficent for me.

well now John, i also believe in a creator as such, but i haven't encountered him/her/it. have you or is your faith simply blind faith? with regards to black magic i have experienced it first hand and actually have documentary evidence. so it is 100% for me.

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I believe in what my 5 senses can perceive and what science has proven to be a fact.

I believe when you die, your life ends. There is no heaven or hell. There is no coming back and there are definitely no such things as a ghost. If there were, with science what it is today, we would know about it.

I think there would be less wars if people truly believed there was only one life and if you die, you cease to exist for all eternity. People would be more careful and nicer because they would not want some crazy person to loose their mind and end their life.

This is the only life you have and the reasons for the decisions we make in this life should only do with making this life better for ourselves or the ones we love. Making decisions in this life for a imaginary life beyond does not make any sense. It is a waste of often money, time and energy.

However, to each his (her) own. If believing in a higher power, god, or after life gives you comfort in this present life, then I will not stop you from living in this fantasy (the faculty or activity of imagining things, esp. things that are impossible or improbable) world. Just be careful your spiritual decisions don't impact my present real life decisions. Therein lies the possibility of an offense being taken.


'I think there would be less wars if people truly believed there was only one life and if you die,' .....
surely if people believed in a just God then they woulndt commit evil acts for fear of retribution.
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All of the incessant Thai babbling about "Khmer black magic" is just racist denigration of the Khmers as the mysterious, dark-skinned "other" who have "mystical powers" to hurt, deceive, etc., the "civilized" Thais.

This is the same old story around the world, some minority group in your country/inhabitants of a poorer neighboring country are invariably branded as possessing some sort of evil magic/trickery. Just take out "Khmer" and insert "Gypsies," "Jews," etc., depending on where you live and whom you choose to hate...just the same old racist bullshit.

Edited by Ajaan
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[Continuing the reply below, as the forum seems to have a limitation on the number of quoted blocks of text per post]

Remember, we only have a tiny part of the truth

I prefer to call it "a piece of the puzzle". We must tread cautiously when we have only one or two pieces of the puzzle, and refrain from drawing conclusions (in either direction). But as we collect more pieces of the puzzle, we begin to form a testable hypothesis that may eventually lead to a scientific theory.

Equally wrong are those who might say "you don't have all the pieces of the puzzle, so your hypothesis is flawed!" This is like saying "you're missing a few pieces of the puzzle, so that's not the Mona Lisa!


when you say "There's no life after death", you should mark this as your personal opinion and not declare it as an absolute truth, because in the end, you have no way of knowing.

I'm not sure who you're directing this at, as nobody here has said anything about life after death. The best that can be said is that we don't know one way or the other, so we leave the burden of proof on the shoulders of anybody who makes the claim that there is life after death.

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A load of old bolony. I trust and believe in God and God alone,and through my belief, God has blessed me with a most fortunate life and is sufficent for me.

Not sure if you're being serious, but in case you are: There are several references to witchcraft and magic in the Christian bible, most notably in Deuteronomy and Exodus. Please reconcile that and get back to us.

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I believe in what my 5 senses can perceive and what science has proven to be a fact.

I believe when you die, your life ends. There is no heaven or hell. There is no coming back and there are definitely no such things as a ghost. If there were, with science what it is today, we would know about it.

I think there would be less wars if people truly believed there was only one life and if you die, you cease to exist for all eternity. People would be more careful and nicer because they would not want some crazy person to loose their mind and end their life.

This is the only life you have and the reasons for the decisions we make in this life should only do with making this life better for ourselves or the ones we love. Making decisions in this life for a imaginary life beyond does not make any sense. It is a waste of often money, time and energy.

However, to each his (her) own. If believing in a higher power, god, or after life gives you comfort in this present life, then I will not stop you from living in this fantasy (the faculty or activity of imagining things, esp. things that are impossible or improbable) world. Just be careful your spiritual decisions don't impact my present real life decisions. Therein lies the possibility of an offense being taken.

There it is.

The burden of proof is there for everybody to try out. It doesn't need complicated machines or mathematical wizardry. It's a personal path of self discovery through various methods like meditation for example and obeys its own set of rules. It's there for everybody to try out.

I found that when atheists are faced with this option, they simply dismiss it and continue running around in circles, demanding scientific truth. As if that is the only Truth possible.

Also, it's simply not true that a society without the believe in a higher power is free from war...just look at the 'communist'/atheist states of Russia, China or North Korea. Same war mongering as any other 'religious' country.

I rather think that once we realize we are not separate beings and are all connected, war will become meaningless...like shooting yourself in the foot.

I'm an optimist.

PS: I do have a few open minded atheist friends. When we happen to talk about such topics, they listen, I listen. It's not a fight over who is right and who is wrong. Such conversations are refreshing and enrichen all of us. Call it an exchange of puzzle pieces if you will.

Edited by OmegaRacer
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Surin are into the magic quite a lot.

Yes Surin is the place.I never believed in it I never even thought of it until about 8 years ago when something happened.Had no effect no me or the lady that sang the song but the Thais that were there that was another story

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