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Yingluck to hold Suthep responsible too if violence breaks out


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"She begged anti-government protesters to think of the country" She never thought of the country herself except lining her own and her brothers pockets.Hypocrisy at it's best.
Ok, please explain how she has lined her own pockets. Not heresay, please - just some facts would be nice for a change. Endaxi!
Suthep is the only person who can prevent any violence. Unfortunately, violence is his plan.
Sadly this is true and having a general back you up helps . . . what a lovely marriage made in heaven. A man who wants to take all democratic principles away from the population and a general who is not only taking sides in the conflict but who will enter the fray militarily
whilst you thoughts are well intended please explain where DEMOCRACY. Exists on either side?Sent from my RM-892_apac_laos_thailand_219 using Tapatalk
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"Thailand's political stalemate is leading some foreign companies to shelve expansion plans and economists to warn of capital outflows in one of Southeast Asia's hottest investment destinations."In the Wall Street Journal today! Way to go, Thailand!Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

when the first major closes or exits... The game is over and the financial floodgates will open... All exiting stage left

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Leaders are expected to lead by example, accept responsibility for glitches in plans, failure of programs, and the behavior of those following his/her instructions.

The 'caretaker PM' has certainly not been observed/reported taking responsibility for the mess she and her political cronies have gotten themselves into, much less the state of the nation and a large part of its people. If this is the type of plan she and her henchmen have come up with to distract from what many see as the chance to give Thai politics a cleansing physic then a quick resignation may save a heap of embarassment/face down the road.

Leaders are also given credit for accomplishing stated goals, making realistic forcasts, reviewing personel proformance, good preformance, problem solving and sometimes even self evaluation. In this regard I would question the PM even coming up to the scratch mark herself, much less telling someone who she has no control over, what they will be held responsible for.

It does appear the "protests" have been much more successful in what many consider a (Good way) than the present government. I will commended its leadership for dilligence to they goals. They seem to have a hands on approach to management which is something the PM may want to take note of , just for future reference.

totally agree!!!

As a company Director I am held to account for MINOR things yet politicians escape the same judicial process

Sent from my RM-892_apac_laos_thailand_219 using Tapatalk

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"She begged anti-government protesters to think of the country"

She never thought of the country herself except lining her own and her brothers pockets.

Hypocrisy at it's best.

Ok, please explain how she has lined her own pockets. Not heresay, please - just some facts would be nice for a change.


Suthep is the only person who can prevent any violence. Unfortunately, violence is his plan.

Sadly this is true and having a general back you up helps . . . what a lovely marriage made in heaven. A man who wants to take all democratic principles away from the population and a general who is not only taking sides in the conflict but who will enter the fray militarily

I don't think Yingluck is a good PM, but I don't know if she is corrupt and nor does anyone else on TV. Please think for yourself and don't just spout what the Nation or other media outlets or Suthep and the Democrats just repeat as mantra. It's bad enough in Thailand with people who don't think for themselves, let alone farangs on TV repeating it. For godsake, to all those TV members who just repeat the "corruption, corruption, corruption" mantra from the media and Suthep, you make me sick. Get some evidence and then come back. If not, shut the %$ up.

How can we gather evidence when every single government account is kept secret, either because they are incomplete or because of national security according to the PTP government itself?

Is the fact that the accounts are kept secret not evidence enough in itself?

Edited by monkeycountry
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Why can't both Yingluck & Suthep arrange the "peace" debate in the front of the public through live TV? It will not cost anyone's life.

they don't want peace. They want power and with that power comes the ability to obtain loans in the nations name and siohon off copious amounts for I'll gotten gain.

All in the name of either reds.. The people or yellows.., the king.

So sad for this country and we who cate

Sent from my RM-892_apac_laos_thailand_219 using Tapatalk

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Yingluck / Tarit (DSI) has already charged Suthep with murdering around 100 people, I doubt charging him with killing a few more is gonna make any difference to Suthep or anyone else in the opposition camp, who, like me and most likely the courts, thinks the charges are BS anyway.

they know where he is. Why has he NOT been arrested if they ate certain of the charges because murder is serious.

No one cares. Sad but true

Sent from my RM-892_apac_laos_thailand_219 using Tapatalk

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Why can't both Yingluck & Suthep arrange the "peace" debate in the front of the public through live TV? It will not cost anyone's life.

Actually Suthep DID challenge her to a debate. She declined.

Why should she accept? Who is he to demand a debate with the PM? Are you saying that every moron can decide she owes him/her a debate? Ridiculous notion

Why do you place such different standards on her than on your own leader?

Call him whatever name you want but he's the man about to topple her government. Or seeing that she's already dissolved parliament, you could say he already did. If a debate could have prevented this shutdown or bloodshed, what's so ridiculous about?

He is the one to turn this whole mess into a bloody mess!

Does he care?

Hell, no!

Do the people, who back him do?

Not in a million years!

Will many, MANY innocent suffer?

Yep, you can bet your @$$ on that!

Will anything change for better?


Next year: same <deleted>, different name!

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So what if you the lame duck PM wants to hold Suthep responsible? It's the army that's more important and the army chief has already said it will hold YOU and your government responsible if violence breaks out.

It's encouraging that you are such an avid Democrat, TVG.......................

Really, it is like trying to put brains into a monument.

How many times do you guys have to be told ? Just because someone does not like or support the PTP it does not mean they are automatically an "avid Democrat".

You really are clutching at straws and arguing with yourselves, trotting out the same old tired and worn out arguments that did not work even five years ago.

Your ridiculous comments only serve to highlight your level of intelligence, or lack-thereof, and the Shinawatra regime attracts your type like moths to a flame.

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He is the one to turn this whole mess into a bloody mess!

Does he care?

Hell, no!

Do the people, who back him do?

Not in a million years!

Will many, MANY innocent suffer?

Yep, you can bet your @$$ on that!

Will anything change for better?


Next year: same <deleted>, different name!

Well the red colored kool aid must taste great! clap2.gif

Edited by TVGerry
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He is the one to turn this whole mess into a bloody mess!

Does he care?

Hell, no!

Do the people, who back him do?

Not in a million years!

Will many, MANY innocent suffer?

Yep, you can bet your @$$ on that!

Will anything change for better?


Next year: same <deleted>, different name!

Sounds like someone is getting their red knickers in a twist ! clap2.gifcheesy.gifclap2.gif

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So, a possible 3rd party might instigate violence (violence is sometimes the work of a third party which is a concern) and then Suthep will also be responsible.

Somehow missing is the part about the government being responsible as well. That would exclude Ms. Yingluck of course, she's not responsible. I wonder where she'll be on Children's Day wink.png

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He is the one to turn this whole mess into a bloody mess!

Does he care?

Hell, no!

Do the people, who back him do?

Not in a million years!

Will many, MANY innocent suffer?

Yep, you can bet your @$$ on that!

Will anything change for better?


Next year: same <deleted>, different name!

Well the red colored kool aid must taste great! clap2.gif.pagespeed.ce.z5euFoXm0J.gif alt=clap2.gif pagespeed_url_hash=892957568 width=31 height=25>

He is the one to turn this whole mess into a bloody mess!

Does he care?

Hell, no!

Do the people, who back him do?

Not in a million years!

Will many, MANY innocent suffer?

Yep, you can bet your @$$ on that!

Will anything change for better?


Next year: same <deleted>, different name!

Sounds like someone is getting their red knickers in a twist ! clap2.gif.pagespeed.ce.z5euFoXm0J.gif alt=clap2.gif pagespeed_url_hash=892957568 width=31 height=25>cheesy.gif.pagespeed.ce.HaOxm9--Zv.gif alt=cheesy.gif pagespeed_url_hash=3951237149 width=32 height=20>clap2.gif.pagespeed.ce.z5euFoXm0J.gif alt=clap2.gif pagespeed_url_hash=892957568 width=31 height=25>

If you have anything intelligent to answer, please feel free to do so!


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He is the one to turn this whole mess into a bloody mess!

Does he care?

Hell, no!

Do the people, who back him do?

Not in a million years!

Will many, MANY innocent suffer?

Yep, you can bet your @$$ on that!

Will anything change for better?


Next year: same <deleted>, different name!

Well the red colored kool aid must taste great! clap2.gif.pagespeed.ce.z5euFoXm0J.gif alt=clap2.gif pagespeed_url_hash=892957568 width=31 height=25>

Sounds like someone is getting their red knickers in a twist ! clap2.gif.pagespeed.ce.z5euFoXm0J.gif alt=clap2.gif pagespeed_url_hash=892957568 width=31 height=25>cheesy.gif.pagespeed.ce.HaOxm9--Zv.gif alt=cheesy.gif pagespeed_url_hash=3951237149 width=32 height=20>clap2.gif.pagespeed.ce.z5euFoXm0J.gif alt=clap2.gif pagespeed_url_hash=892957568 width=31 height=25>

If you have anything intelligent to answer, please feel free to do so!


LOL your red shirted rant is far from 'intelligent'! whistling.gif

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If you have anything intelligent to answer, please feel free to do so!


"He is the one to turn this whole mess into a bloody mess!"

--> rumour has it that a 3rd party may interfere, PM Yingluck suggested that. So those would possibly turn the mess into a bloody mess, not Suthep.

Does he care?

Hell, no!

--> Suthep might care, but the police would have failed in their job of protecting the people

Do the people, who back him do?

Not in a million years!

--> as above

Will many, MANY innocent suffer?

Yep, you can bet your @$$ on that!

--> no betting allowed on this forum

Will anything change for better?


Next year: same <deleted>, different name!

--> probably no change for the better this month. As for next year, too far away to worry now wink.png

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Scary . . .


How many plastic armbands is he wearing . . .

A politician kissing babies, while wearing the flag of the nation around his wrist and on his shirt... How cute. So meaningful--what a PR photo! Three blue bands, two white and two red (the last two probably give him blisters, though). Pwerfect photo-op oproportions engineered for our posterity. Doesn't look like the kid likes his looks, though.

Both factions have their soldiers, and everyone knows it. Both sides are corrupt, and everyone knows it...but we farang feel a deep-felt and sincere desire to buy into the cult of personalities rather than the cult of concrete ideas. It's our sportsman nature, forgive our side for fouls and move on to another criticism of our opponents. Lazily unintellectual and ineffective as anything but safely anonymous keyboard-popped barstool talk.

No wonder our homelands have such problems. I have serious doubts about both sides, and Voranai on the BP raises those same considerations in today's opinion piece, but THIS is a pathetic ploy, clumsily executed, and even more pathetically hoisted on the public as news.

It is equally as bad as the photo ops of Kuhn Yingluck strutting about, undeniably beautiful, but the form and content don't match.

I hope the military ambushes both sides and makes them sit down to meaningful reforms, which neither will do because they insist on their right to rape the system once they are in power, because the Good Guys of course (more like Good Fellas warring over territory).

Resume rants cheesy.gif

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Yes silly girl thaksin clown w00t.gif

and what about the amnesty bill and your shameless announcement that you want to be a PM again???

Have you ever heard about political responsibility ? I guess not.

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So what if you the lame duck PM wants to hold Suthep responsible? It's the army that's more important and the army chief has already said it will hold YOU and your government responsible if violence breaks out.

It's encouraging that you are such an avid Democrat, TVG.......................

Really, it is like trying to put brains into a monument.

How many times do you guys have to be told ? Just because someone does not like or support the PTP it does not mean they are automatically an "avid Democrat".

You really are clutching at straws and arguing with yourselves, trotting out the same old tired and worn out arguments that did not work even five years ago.

Your ridiculous comments only serve to highlight your level of intelligence, or lack-thereof, and the Shinawatra regime attracts your type like moths to a flame.

Irony is a little bit difficult.

Perhaps you can get sarcasm ?

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"She begged anti-government protesters to think of the country"

She never thought of the country herself except lining her own and her brothers pockets.

Hypocrisy at it's best.

Ok, please explain how she has lined her own pockets. Not heresay, please - just some facts would be nice for a change.


We could explain if the govt would be transparent. The govt. owe it to the people to come clean with everything. And not do things underhandedly as the court have found.

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marcusd, on 09 Jan 2014 - 16:46, said:marcusd, on 09 Jan 2014 - 16:46, said:
Sing_Sling, on 09 Jan 2014 - 15:05, said:Sing_Sling, on 09 Jan 2014 - 15:05, said:
Costas2008, on 09 Jan 2014 - 14:58, said:Costas2008, on 09 Jan 2014 - 14:58, said:

"She begged anti-government protesters to think of the country"

She never thought of the country herself except lining her own and her brothers pockets.

Hypocrisy at it's best.

Ok, please explain how she has lined her own pockets. Not heresay, please - just some facts would be nice for a change.


Curt1591, on 09 Jan 2014 - 15:00, said:Curt1591, on 09 Jan 2014 - 15:00, said:Suthep is the only person who can prevent any violence. Unfortunately, violence is his plan.

Sadly this is true and having a general back you up helps . . . what a lovely marriage made in heaven. A man who wants to take all democratic principles away from the population and a general who is not only taking sides in the conflict but who will enter the fray militarily

whilst you thoughts are well intended please explain where DEMOCRACY. Exists on either side?

Sent from my RM-892_apac_laos_thailand_219 using Tapatalk

Democracy exists on neither side.

Both sides have made a mock of democracy that was introduced to the world by my forefathers 2700 years ago.

Since then the system has been ridiculed, used for personal benefits and kicked around in rhetoric's.

Not only in Thailand but all over the world.

Even in my own country today.

Unfortunately the word is being used today by everybody just for their own benefits and create demagogy.

Hope the outcome in Thailand is a peaceful and sensible one not only for the Thai people but also for us foreigners who adapted this country as our own.

Edited by Costas2008
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Suthep is the only person who can prevent any violence. Unfortunately, violence is his plan.

You are so, so wrong. The person and only person who can avert any possible violence is Thaksin. Remove him and his clan from the equation I think you will find that peace and tranquility will descend on the Country. But that won't happen as he has too much to loose, financially.

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"She begged anti-government protesters to think of the country"

She never thought of the country herself except lining her own and her brothers pockets.

Hypocrisy at it's best.

Ok, please explain how she has lined her own pockets. Not heresay, please - just some facts would be nice for a change.


Suthep is the only person who can prevent any violence. Unfortunately, violence is his plan.

Sadly this is true and having a general back you up helps . . . what a lovely marriage made in heaven. A man who wants to take all democratic principles away from the population and a general who is not only taking sides in the conflict but who will enter the fray militarily

I don't think Yingluck is a good PM, but I don't know if she is corrupt and nor does anyone else on TV. Please think for yourself and don't just spout what the Nation or other media outlets or Suthep and the Democrats just repeat as mantra. It's bad enough in Thailand with people who don't think for themselves, let alone farangs on TV repeating it. For godsake, to all those TV members who just repeat the "corruption, corruption, corruption" mantra from the media and Suthep, you make me sick. Get some evidence and then come back. If not, shut the %$ up.

She's a Shinawatra. Not corrupt? Gimme a break.

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