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Hi so so what


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The engineer is building cages in prison or living in one. I expected you should have kicked in a bit more flesh in that zone.

I avoid married women like plaque, don't care whether bg or hiso.

My MIL is the worst mother you can wish on anyone. Whenever I am talking with my ex and we start getting carried and being too nice to each other, I bring her mom in to the talk, and she will hurriedly have to attend to something else.

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The engineer is building cages in prison or living in one. I expected you should have kicked in a bit more flesh in that zone.

I avoid married women like plaque, don't care whether bg or hiso.

My MIL is the worst mother you can wish on anyone. Whenever I am talking with my ex and we start getting carried and being too nice to each other, I bring her mom in to the talk, and she will hurriedly have to attend to something else.

Oh he is living in one, with good reason to he was certainly not innocent, attempted murder.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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the term hi so used on this board is simply a misnomer. the fact remains that the vast majority of foreigners in thailand don't even get close to any true thai "hi-so".

you must either be very wealthy yourself, or have a connection through business, or have attended school with them abroad or all of the above to have an in.

the true high so moves in very rarefied air.

Hi so people are not necessarily more respectable though, some are of coarse but they are just people.

The problem with hi so girls is if I got one I would feel out of place, we both would, not a moral issue, not a case of who is better one of the sweetest girls I know sweeps the floors in big c, I am just worlds apart with hi so girls.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Edited by Kangawallafox
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'Hi so' Thai would not be interested in any farang, let alone date one, big loss of face, i wold imagine it would be like an immigrant dating an upper class socialiate here in the uk.

Would they date a hi so farang, or could they resist if they were truly in love, hard to walk away.

Or would a farang want to date a girl with that stuck up hi so attitude, why date a hi so at all, just date the girl you fall in love with regardless of who or what she is.

My wife's sister has a man who is on tv in Thailand, he has so many woman after him, people always asking for his autograph when we are out, it could be said my wife's sister is lower class then him, she has a good job but she is not hi so by any stretch of the imagination, they are so happy, would have been a mistake if he left her because she is an amazing partner to him, very good woman.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Edited by Kangawallafox
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I doubt any farang would ever meet let alone move in hi so circles, it's not money it's your family history that matters in the uk and Thailand, maybe different in places like usa, you simply can not buy you way in. of course Thai visa posters only marrry' hi so or medium so' woman who just happened to pop into a pattay bar,

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I do recall a very hi so gathering, a bday party for their dog, they had a cake and everything, the cake was a pig in a bikini and the hi so woman was in a g string and topless whilst being served by hotel staff poolside.

Hi so does not mean respectable, I will take respectable first anyday, that sweet girl who is a friend I know who cleans the shitters at big c, she would never do anything like that.

Good and bad in all classes, hi class does not mean better.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Edited by Kangawallafox
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'Hi so' Thai would not be interested in any farang, let alone date one, big loss of face, i wold imagine it would be like an immigrant dating an upper class socialite here in the uk. The nearest i got was filling their champagne flutes at Henley Regatta,

Exactly, Hi-So's don't date Farangs!

Except MY wife of course :-)

I'd be keeping an eye on her if that is the case :)

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I doubt any farang would ever meet let alone move in hi so circles, it's not money it's your family history that matters in the uk and Thailand, maybe different in places like usa, you simply can not buy you way in. of course Thai visa posters only marrry' hi so or medium so' woman who just happened to pop into a pattay bar,

That's my point, you are of the opinion all tv members are with bg, why.

Bit of a generalisation.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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I doubt any farang would ever meet let alone move in hi so circles, it's not money it's your family history that matters in the uk and Thailand, maybe different in places like usa, you simply can not buy you way in. of course Thai visa posters only marrry' hi so or medium so' woman who just happened to pop into a pattay bar,

That's my point, you are of the opinion all tv members are with bg, why.

Bit of a generalisation.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

That was a bit tongue in cheek, only kidding, but the Ho so dog party. are these really hi so people or just peasants with money,, i use the peasants in a joking way,, Why worry if you are happy go with it, i am open to an invite to any hi so function

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I do recall a very hi so gathering, a bday party for their dog, they had a cake and everything, the cake was a pig in a bikini and the hi so woman was in a g string and topless whilst being served by hotel staff poolside.

Hi so does not mean respectable, I will take respectable first anyday, that sweet girl who is a friend I know who cleans the shitters at big c, she would never do anything like that.

Good and bad in all classes, hi class does not mean better.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

That video you saw--it's infamous--was not just of "a very hi so gathering," it was a video of members of a certain Thai family that we are not allowed to discuss on TV, at least not in relation to things like that video. I suggest that unless you want to get banned, you don't mention it again.

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I do recall a very hi so gathering, a bday party for their dog, they had a cake and everything, the cake was a pig in a bikini and the hi so woman was in a g string and topless whilst being served by hotel staff poolside.

Hi so does not mean respectable, I will take respectable first anyday, that sweet girl who is a friend I know who cleans the shitters at big c, she would never do anything like that.

Good and bad in all classes, hi class does not mean better.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

That video you saw--it's infamous--was not just of "a very hi so gathering," it was a video of members of a certain Thai family that we are not allowed to discuss on TV, at least not in relation to things like that video. I suggest that unless you want to get banned, you don't mention it again.

I take back my peasant comment, then. oops

Edited by howerde
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Hi So ? I really don't know if I have met any in Thailand,I have met Rich people,who lacked that intangible Sparkle,which I would call HiSo.

In the UK I have met many true HiSo's who do not flaunt wealth or power,they have a definite charm and allure about them that radiates,they don't look down their nose at you,neither do they Lord it over you,in fact quite the opposite,they have a definite interest in you as a person and love to hear about your life.They can talk on any level,and be as interested in what you have to say,as if you are the only person worth having a conversation with,in the room.

I suspect,Thai so called HiSo's would be a long way from this kind of person! HiSo is not just about wealth!

Indeed sir, you have hit the nail on the head, That is class. Even when one elderly gentleman at Henley addressed me as 'boy' ( i was 28 at the time) it was done it such a way he simply oozed class. that i was after a decent tip

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'Hi so' Thai would not be interested in any farang, let alone date one, big loss of face, i wold imagine it would be like an immigrant dating an upper class socialite here in the uk. The nearest i got was filling their champagne flutes at Henley Regatta,

Exactly, Hi-So's don't date Farangs!

Except MY wife of course :-)

An extremely upper class woman married a farang. Just look at tablet, some mixed marriages there.

Question is, would you want to marry them. They aren't exactly low maintenance and if you think they are any smarter than the average you will me very disappointed.

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Some great honest comments here..(rare occurrence lol)

I feel a foreigner gets an opportunity to move through different classes ...perhaps an opportunity not open at home

this can be exciting....but after the gloss fades, it boils down to the quality of the person and how you conduct yourself in your own life...

more so the point of life is to make a nice life/environment around you and for those you care about...

i feel the west has well and truly lost the plot and lost the value of the human connections ..in the end this is what we are..who really cares what stuff you have?

all the hiso stuff is just a bit of fluff that soon passes...

through luck i am in a position where I can mix with people across the board and do see both sides...more similar than different

PS i was in pattaya for this new year, with my family, we were graciously and kindly treated as guests by the owners of many famous businesses.... and they were extremely lovely classy people btw...justr hanging out with their families enjoying NYD...that surreal experience was contrasted by seeing a lot of guys on bar stools staring across at a beach long since covered in those tarp covered stalls... it seemed they have no connections.. that may be wrong...but why travel across the world to do this....we each make our own life...it crystallized a theme...we seem to have become so fearful and paranoid we have lost the joy of connecting with other humans for simple friendship..

Edited by Douggie Style
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.we each make our own life...it crystallized a theme...we seem to have become so fearful and paranoid we have lost the joy of connecting with other humans for simple friendship..


Note to self. Never buy grapes in Thailand. Too many people say they're sour...

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I do recall a very hi so gathering, a bday party for their dog, they had a cake and everything, the cake was a pig in a bikini and the hi so woman was in a g string and topless whilst being served by hotel staff poolside.

Hi so does not mean respectable, I will take respectable first anyday, that sweet girl who is a friend I know who cleans the shitters at big c, she would never do anything like that.

Good and bad in all classes, hi class does not mean better.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

I would suggest if you or someone you know has a file of that video sitting on a device that you/they delete it ASAP. Possession of such could get you into some serious trouble.

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yes but here, if you marry the poor girl, as if they are none in USA/UK/EUROPE? (poor ones i mean), they do not expect to retire instantly and get a smash of cash & gold, just for taking up their daughter

in western world, you raise your children and do nott expect to SELL them !!!!!!!

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