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Thailand to lose one million tourists if political turmoil prolongs: KResearch


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Nai Harn beach in Phuket today, More tourists than in previous years. Beach is full, and nearly all chairs are rented.

I hear Russian, French and Italian spoken...

Wonder where the English are... Scared at home or what? Or perhaps they know better places than the beach to have fun....whistling.gif

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A temporary loss in tourism is a small sacrifice to prevent the 2.2 trillion baht loan the shinamaffia wants. That huge loan would push the country in deep debt for decades. Kick out that maffia and there's a chance of reconciliation and growth.

Yes, very true. Kick out the mafia. It'll improve Thailand's prospects immeasurably...

But, what to do with the Shinawatras?

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uote name=ginjag" post="7342987" timestamp="1390634626]

They can not blamed this on the caretaker Government, Yingluck, has offered to postpone the election if the protesters go home and promise not to attempt to interrup the new election and all parties agree to partiscipate in that election,

A very reasonable compromise. all that needs to be done that Suthep and the Democrat Party to.agree to the terms!

Whether a new date is set for the election, is up to the Demostrators/Democrats who must take the responsibility fot the lost Tourists!


HER TERMS,--"go home and promise to do what I say? The 3 years of mismanagement has caused this, and mismanagement is an understatement.

Her responsibility that no one pillages and plunders, can you comment on that ??

I can i think the new zoo gonna be great success I've never seen monkeys almost look like humans like this but they need a fence

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Thailand economy really being screwed ,all the vendors on the blocked streets doing business (no tax paid) whereas staff in the rest of the economy ,malls are losing massively and they wont be paying tax and even worse the Thai staff will be losing their jobs,Bangkok Jungle reality

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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One hundred years ago Thailand must have been a very beautiful place, large forested areas teeming with wildlife. Now it is mostly deforested, over-cultivated and thoroughly exploited, and especially devoid of fauna apart from an infestation of wretched dogs. The beaches are average and the country is verging on becoming overpopulated, with heavy road traffic in many areas.

So what exactly are all these millions of tourists coming here for? The entertainment and shopping I can understand, but for natural unspoiled beauty they would really be better going to Burma and Laos, not to mention destinations further afield such as Africa.

This desperate greed for the tourist dollar is sad to behold.

Come on. We know exactly what the millions of tourists come here for. It's for natural unspoiled beauty of course, but not the kind found in Burma, Laos and Africa.

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They can not blamed this on the caretaker Government, Yingluck, has offered to postpone the election if the protesters go home and promise not to attempt to interrup the new election and all parties agree to partiscipate in that election,

A very reasonable compromise. all that needs to be done that Suthep and the Democrat Party to.agree to the terms!

Whether a new date is set for the election, is up to the Demostrators/Democrats who must take the responsibility fot the lost Tourists!


HER TERMS,--"go home and promise to do what I say? The 3 years of mismanagement has caused this, and mismanagement is an understatement.

Her responsibility that no one pillages and plunders, can you comment on that ??

Maybe so but that is what an ellection is for - FOR CHANGE. Not what is going on now. Why dont you look at the people that are in the permenent possitions. These are the people that are not doing their jobs. Look at the police and the driving deaths. OK? Nuff said?

Aren't those people, the ones in permanent positions not doing their jobs properly, the ones who PTP & the caretaker-government have failed to change when they had the chance, over the past two-and-a-half-years ?

So why expect that they'll suddenly leap-into-action after another election ? whistling.gif

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Maybe tourists are not going to Bangkok but here in Chiang Mai it is packed with tourists. Guest houses, hotels and tour operators keep getting bookings for months in advance. Keep it up Suthep as Chiang Mai and I am sure other parts of Thailand are taking money from your tour operator supporters in Bangkok.

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The morons never cease to amaze me. Here we are in Pattaya, no interest whatsoever in the turmoil in Bangkok. We have tourists here ( mainly Russian), who all want to go out and enjoy themselves. What do they do? Close all the bars on a Saturday night due to local elections! Totally insane.

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Nai Harn beach in Phuket today, More tourists than in previous years. Beach is full, and nearly all chairs are rented.

I hear Russian, French and Italian spoken...

Wonder where the English are... Scared at home or what? Or perhaps they know better places than the beach to have fun....whistling.gif

Don't think we are scared, buddy, as we rescued you in the 2nd World War!!

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Nai Harn beach in Phuket today, More tourists than in previous years. Beach is full, and nearly all chairs are rented.

I hear Russian, French and Italian spoken...

Wonder where the English are... Scared at home or what? Or perhaps they know better places than the beach to have fun....whistling.gif

Don't think we are scared, buddy, as we rescued you in the 2nd World War!!

After a post like this, give me the Russians any day of the week!!coffee1.gif

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As a business owner in Thailand and an investor caught up in this mess (again), I can confirm with KResearch that I am doing my bit during the political turmoil, created by this country's magnificent leadership on all sides. As our revenue continues to be negatively impacted, I am now laying off staff until the crisis is resolved. Sadly, the pigeons do come home to roost and the proverbial you know what rolls down hill. I wonder if we are seeing lay-offs buy other overseas investors?

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".....government and private sectors, as well as media and the general public--to seriously and sincerely cooperate to find solutions out of the political turmoil. (MCOT online news)"

Govt.?.....Private sector?....Media?.....General public?......They are the one's to fix the coup-mongers thirst for power they cannot win via elections?...Doesn't make sense.....There is a very, very simple solution.....Commit to electoral democracy....Not complicated...coup-intentioned people need to accept a coup is not in the offing....They are a minority and are not going to ride roughshod over the electoral majority....What they need to do is 'contemplate their navel' and ponder what they can do to appeal to a diverse electorate.

But if shutting down the airport previously didn't faze them, I am sure these huge tourism losses wont worry them either....For them, it is "our way, or the highway", regardless of the cost to Thailand. They are so convinced of their own political superiority, that for them, economic damage will be worth re-acquiring the political hegemony they had before.

As an aside, I understand Southern Dem's are currently being trucked up to BKK to interfere with the advance Polling.....Cute.

your so angry your posting on every topic.w00t.gif .....seriously calm down lad...

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Honestly, talk about burying ones head in the sand - hotel bookings are way down already and the number of foreigners on Bangkok's streets are noteable by their absence.

This is just another bunch of meaningless statistics geared up to try to convince people that all is not so bad really. Typical Thai mentality.

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A temporary loss in tourism is a small sacrifice to prevent the 2.2 trillion baht loan the shinamaffia wants. That huge loan would push the country in deep debt for decades. Kick out that maffia and there's a chance of reconciliation and growth.

You got a source for that claim? Or is that just a number you pulled out of your ****?

that is a fact. use your own time to research. google will help you. so dont talk out of your **** before you look or check the facts

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They can not blamed this on the caretaker Government, Yingluck, has offered to postpone the election if the protesters go home and promise not to attempt to interrup the new election and all parties agree to partiscipate in that election,

A very reasonable compromise. all that needs to be done that Suthep and the Democrat Party to.agree to the terms!

Whether a new date is set for the election, is up to the Demostrators/Democrats who must take the responsibility fot the lost Tourists!


HER TERMS,--"go home and promise to do what I say? The 3 years of mismanagement has caused this, and mismanagement is an understatement.

Her responsibility that no one pillages and plunders, can you comment on that ??

Postponing the election will not solve anything. Nothing will change, the result will most likely be the same now or then whichever way it is going to swing. Why prolong things?

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1,000,000 tourists not going to bkk ?

Say on average a tourist who holidayed in bkk, would spend around 70,000 baht including hotels food and transport. (not including air fare to Thailand and out). I think they would spend a lot more but just say its 70k.

That is like 70 billion baht! or 2.1 billion US dollars, no wonder a lot of people in bkk are seriously pissed!

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They can not blamed this on the caretaker Government, Yingluck, has offered to postpone the election if the protesters go home and promise not to attempt to interrup the new election and all parties agree to partiscipate in that election,

A very reasonable compromise. all that needs to be done that Suthep and the Democrat Party to.agree to the terms!

Whether a new date is set for the election, is up to the Demostrators/Democrats who must take the responsibility fot the lost Tourists!


HER TERMS,--"go home and promise to do what I say? The 3 years of mismanagement has caused this, and mismanagement is an understatement.

Her responsibility that no one pillages and plunders, can you comment on that ??

The powers that be had Yingluck backed up against the wall, they went in for the kill, with their lapdogs on the court. Where the EC tried to place on her the responsibilty of what "may" happen on election day, 'they overplayed their hand'!

The Court mustering what little credibility they had, knew the constitution did not grant anyone the power to cancel an election. They went back to the power that created them, the military Junta, who after staging a coup, they canceled the 2006 upcoming election and cited that as the presidence for their decision. (very questionable legal grounds)

The court findings placed the government back in the drivers seat, the EC and the government, must come to a decision together to cancel the election. Yingluck offered to meet the protesters and the Democract's half way. She placed the ball back squarely into the her oppositions court, call off the demostration and go home, do not disrupt the upcoming election , if you do I will agree to postpone the election.

Yes quite clearly, on her terms and why should it not be on her terms, as she is the Elected PM of Thailand.

Now we await the demostrators response!


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They can not blamed this on the caretaker Government, Yingluck, has offered to postpone the election if the protesters go home and promise not to attempt to interrup the new election and all parties agree to partiscipate in that election,

A very reasonable compromise. all that needs to be done that Suthep and the Democrat Party to.agree to the terms!

Whether a new date is set for the election, is up to the Demostrators/Democrats who must take the responsibility fot the lost Tourists!


A good friend is a proud Democrat and a staunch red shirt. The missus is a yellow shirt and a Demonstrator. I'm not sure what you are saying. The Demonstrators are Democrats?

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Sitting in my local bar right now and the police have just come in and told the manager to stop serving alcohol. Its 2010 on a Saturday night. What are these people thinking of. Tourist numbers are way down and those that are here are now told that they can't have a drink - its lunacy.

Thailand eh - always trying to find new and exciting ways to stuff the country. And, they are suceeding.

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They can not blamed this on the caretaker Government, Yingluck, has offered to postpone the election if the protesters go home and promise not to attempt to interrup the new election and all parties agree to partiscipate in that election,

A very reasonable compromise. all that needs to be done that Suthep and the Democrat Party to.agree to the terms!

Whether a new date is set for the election, is up to the Demostrators/Democrats who must take the responsibility fot the lost Tourists!



She was warned before she got into power, that there will be big problems if she tried to get big brother back into Thailand. But she continued to try and push through an amnesty bill which would have let this happen. She then tried to steam roll the constitutional court and threatened to push through her unconstitutional reforms. It's the caretaker government that started all this mess in the first place.

You mention things that are "unconstitutional" if any thing Yingluck did was in fact a violation of the law, She should have been charged and brought up for possible impeachment, That is the correct avenue in the Thai constitution that should have been followed,

What is happening in Bangkok is unconstitutional, but the rich elite old power base, the military, the EC and the court have placed all kinds of roadblock in her way and she has breached them all.

That short of being impeached for cause, is the duty of the Thai voters to appove or reject her based on her actions as PM, that sir, is constitutional!


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Sitting in my local bar right now and the police have just come in and told the manager to stop serving alcohol. Its 2010 on a Saturday night. What are these people thinking of. Tourist numbers are way down and those that are here are now told that they can't have a drink - its lunacy.

Thailand eh - always trying to find new and exciting ways to stuff the country. And, they are suceeding.

Apparently there is a ban on the sale of Alcohol for pre election. I went into 7/11 at 6.30 tonight (Chiangmai) to get a couple of beers for home and the fridge door is secured and a sign placed no alcohol sales prior to the election. Had to stop at the local mum & pop store.

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