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Suthep announces election must be blocked


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QROPS, on 29 Jan 2014 - 10:58, said:
haroldc, on 29 Jan 2014 - 10:55, said:
Cnxforever, on 29 Jan 2014 - 10:51, said:

so i think it is fair to say then that he is going back on his word again - "not to prevent people from voting?"

I think it is also fair to say then that his actions will cause a lot of problems and very likely again violence between voters and those who try to prevent them from voting?

I think it is also fair to say that this may cause more violence instigated by the mad man Suthep and I think it is also fair to say then that it is time that this lunatic should be "removed" - to use his words - "by all possible means" to avoid bloodshed and violence during the elections.

Removing this lunatic from the equation now might safe the lives of many innocent Thai people - so I say go for it - by all possible means get rid of this hate preaching nut case!

I have not met any Thai yet who would miss this corrupt gangster - Thailand would be a much better place without him! .

Well, I guess you don't know very many Thais...

Well I guess you know lots of Thais that like corrupt gangsters. What a pleasant place you must live...

Possibly even shares in their spoils. I know plenty everyday Thais and none of them will miss him at all. Maybe the so called 'Hi So wannabees' will

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This bloke is an idiot, the country is a mess. When is someone going to grow a pair and just rid the country of these muppets from both sides?

You start of with THIS BLOKE

Then you change your mind and say BOTH SIDES

It seems you need THIS BLOKE

so a period of time can happen to GET RID OF THE IDIOTS ON BOTH SIDES

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No Government with out an effective opposition will ever do any good for a country

2 Major Parties in Parliment is called Democracy

1 Major Parties in Parliment is called Dictatorship


No one forced Democrats out of Elections, it was their (sad and silly) choice... how can you call it dictatorship?

And I don't remember Democrats complain of any rigged vote back in 2011, but not it seems every single vote for PTP had been forced, coerced or bought.

My thought is any party other than Dems and PTP could do and be better that those two dinosaurs, willing to devour each other.

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The Thai term for this government is a Constitutional Monarchy. There may be a Prime Minister - but the Head of State is still the Monarch. It is the King that bestows that authority to the Prime Minister. So don't be too hasty in your judgement.

No Government with out an effective opposition will ever do any good for a country

2 Major Parties in Parliment is called Democracy

1 Major Parties in Parliment is called Dictatorship


Edited by toybits
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Mr Suthep, secretary-general of the People’s Democratic Reform Committee, said it was necessary to escalate the intensity of the struggle

Its easy to be philosophical when you are really old and your days are numbered anyway, and it is young impressionable people getting blown up and shot to bits in the name of your anti-democratic and delusional schemes. Shame on you.

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Peaceful protest because you don't like the government = fine.

Preventing law-abiding citizens from exercising their right to vote = borderline terrorism.

The word "terrorism" has been used so often and to such an exaggerated degree, that it no longer has the original meaning. If you have ever been truly "terrorized" you'll know what I mean.

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The Thai term for this government is a Constitutional Monarchy. There may be a Prime Minister - but the Head of State is still the Monarch. It is the King that bestows that authority to the Prime Minister.

No Government with out an effective opposition will ever do any good for a country

2 Major Parties in Parliment is called Democracy

1 Major Parties in Parliment is called Dictatorship


There is not much value in two party states, thats just not reflective of any society, it will be interesting to see how political groups organise themselves in the post Taksin era.

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railing at the press again now on stage.

People still think he is the man to lead the country. TNN24 got his goat somehow and he is probably starting his vendetta against the press. Seeing as most of them are intellegent enough to know what a loon he is, they'll be up against the wall after the putch.

Wish people woud watch things like World at War more. Suthep should realise that one day, people really will come out after him if he succeded with this.

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I would like to know how you think this situation can be resolved ( other than the usual one liners about expel evil Thaksin regime etc etc etc)....from your perspective, what is the way forward for Thailand?

There is no doubt a new constitution must be drafted up. There is much talk about power re-distributed with more given to provincial ministers etc. (long story) if the democrats get into office. The process here, as experts have pointed out, lead to disaster with a mix of ____ and democracy at the same time. You can fill in that blank. Such countries have the highest rates of coups reoccurring time & again. The other problem is the people select the party not the PM directly. It is true that without PTP, it will be a smoother road to development; however a few high up's have their backing, creating turmoil of family members who disagee amongst themselves. Wish I could discuss it more openly....one day, maybe?

Of course a new constitution or an amended one can only be put into effect when the drafters have an electoral mandate. Nowhere does it state this can be done without it (for obvious reasons).

So the million dollar question I have and would like an answer to, is why does the biggest opposition party (which are probably supporting and financing the protestors) not run for office on a reform agenda ?

If a sufficient number of the Thai electorate equally believes reforms are needed, they will reflect that in their voting and suddenly the biggest opposition party could form a government, possibly find a number of coalition parties that commit to reform and execute it.

If somehow that sufficient number cannot be found, than that would be will of the Thai electorate and would be perfectly democratic as well.

Trying to pass reform without consulting the electorate is undemocratic and illegal.

Everybody talk that the constitution has to be amended? Why? Did everybody read it? Constitutional changes should be proposed by the parliament and approved with a large majority, not by a group of old grumpy men. Suthep and his gang have to accept that Thaksin has changed Thailand, and they will not be able to turn it back. The people (reds) have taste the power and will not give it up easy.

The dream of Suthep is not to amend the constitution but to manipulate it, by finding a way to that not all votes will count, because that is the only way to bring his friends and may be himself back to power. The demonstration should focus to strengthens the judicatory pillar of democracy, the constitutional court. Ensuring that during election no vote buying is possible on both sites, would be the second point, asking the UN to monitored the election.

Not to participate on the election (Democrats) or blocking the election (Suthep and his gang) has nothing but nothing to do with democracy. It looks like a bunch of small kids which have been forced out by other kids from the play ground. No they are crying and weening.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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The word "terrorism" has been used so often and to such an exaggerated degree, that it no longer has the original meaning. If you have ever been truly "terrorized" you'll know what I mean.

I would class any physical threats or actions made against people who are travelling to voting-stations as terrorism. It is the use of terror to destabilise the democratic process. Also if you are walking to the polling booth alone and thirty guys stop you and taunt you and push you around, or beat you up like we've seen these last weeks, that individual is terrified, has a state of terror inflicted on them. It is terrorism.

And btw I've been terrorised a lot in my life, all around the world, including by some actual officially recognised 'terror groups'. It doesn't make any difference to me if the person threatening/attacking me has political goals XYZ, if they are attacking me I am terrified, and if they are doing it for political reasons it is terrorism.


Edited by Yunla
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Just saw on the news about how rice farmers in the north who haven't been paid by the PTP government after pledging thei rice back a few months ago. They are protesting. Turns out Thida called them fake farmers and certain "red shirts" went to some homes and threatened to kill their families.

In my wife's village some people told the families in the village that if they didn't hang a red shirt in front of their house, their children would be abducted. Makes me think about a certain human rights lawyer who went missing and hasn't been found, and the 8800, and then some, people whose lives have been lost due to the policies of the Shinawatra clan from the "drug war" and fom "cleaning up the south", including the 80 something people who died when stuffed face down, hands tied behind their back, piled on top of each other when Thaksin claimed they dispersed the protesters gently in Tak Bai, and the 32 who were massacred in the Krue Se mosque at his same command.

Suthep Thaugsuban had to respond to the use of weapons of war when he had to deal with the protests in 2009 and 2010. The military was there to help defend the public and propertry from violent revolution by people closely associated with Thaksin Shinawatra, such as Seh Daeng and the red/black "guards" under his command. Those same people closely associated with Yingluck Shinawatra continue now to use their illegal and violent means to stay in control and they continue with their killling using the same means as they did when they killed both sides back in 2010.

Suthep and the millions of supporters of the PDRC bravely walk throughout Thailand to take part in the democratic process to seek reforms so that proper elections can be held without vote buying and intimidation in the villages..

The current government made itself illigitimate when it refused the Constitutional Court's authority which is enshrined in the constitution which is the first consitution voted on in a referendum. Thus it has no right to call an election.

The same constitution ensures the protesters right to protest peacefully for exactly this type of situation where a government comes in and is corruptly clinging to power. The power belongs to the people and if the voting process is corrupt it is not democracy. The people are guaranteed the right to do what they are doing because there has to be a way for the power to truly belong to the people.

It has been an interesting process to learn about all this from watching Blue Sky, T- News, Nation TV, ASTV and listen to the Thai viewpoints of many leaders from many fields. There have been hundreds, thousands of cilvil servants who have joined on the stages, from the south and Bangkok, because it is their right and their duty to support the people, the freedom to religion, and the constitutional institutions. It is certainly more educational than reading a lot of the viewpoints on this forum.

And I do enjoy to visit with yall from time to time. Thank you to those who actually express educated and respectful opinions.

May peace, harmony, joy and equality prevail in the end.

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This power hungry scoundrel is getting more and more out of control.

scoundrel is the perfect word for him....

I thought they were going to arrest him within 72 hours?

He has friends with uniform who protect him. Actually Suthep is working for them. The guyswho claim to protect the nation are always conspiring to take the power, it doesn' t matter at which cost. Today is Suthep, yesterday it was Abhisit , before Sondhi.

Edited by max72
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Just saw on the news about how rice farmers in the north who haven't been paid by the PTP government after pledging thei rice back a few months ago. They are protesting. Turns out Thida called them fake farmers and certain "red shirts" went to some homes and threatened to kill their families.

In my wife's village some people told the families in the village that if they didn't hang a red shirt in front of their house, their children would be abducted. Makes me think about a certain human rights lawyer who went missing and hasn't been found, and the 8800, and then some, people whose lives have been lost due to the policies of the Shinawatra clan from the "drug war" and fom "cleaning up the south", including the 80 something people who died when stuffed face down, hands tied behind their back, piled on top of each other when Thaksin claimed they dispersed the protesters gently in Tak Bai, and the 32 who were massacred in the Krue Se mosque at his same command.

Suthep Thaugsuban had to respond to the use of weapons of war when he had to deal with the protests in 2009 and 2010. The military was there to help defend the public and propertry from violent revolution by people closely associated with Thaksin Shinawatra, such as Seh Daeng and the red/black "guards" under his command. Those same people closely associated with Yingluck Shinawatra continue now to use their illegal and violent means to stay in control and they continue with their killling using the same means as they did when they killed both sides back in 2010.

Suthep and the millions of supporters of the PDRC bravely walk throughout Thailand to take part in the democratic process to seek reforms so that proper elections can be held without vote buying and intimidation in the villages..

The current government made itself illigitimate when it refused the Constitutional Court's authority which is enshrined in the constitution which is the first consitution voted on in a referendum. Thus it has no right to call an election.

The same constitution ensures the protesters right to protest peacefully for exactly this type of situation where a government comes in and is corruptly clinging to power. The power belongs to the people and if the voting process is corrupt it is not democracy. The people are guaranteed the right to do what they are doing because there has to be a way for the power to truly belong to the people.

It has been an interesting process to learn about all this from watching Blue Sky, T- News, Nation TV, ASTV and listen to the Thai viewpoints of many leaders from many fields. There have been hundreds, thousands of cilvil servants who have joined on the stages, from the south and Bangkok, because it is their right and their duty to support the people, the freedom to religion, and the constitutional institutions. It is certainly more educational than reading a lot of the viewpoints on this forum.

And I do enjoy to visit with yall from time to time. Thank you to those who actually express educated and respectful opinions.

May peace, harmony, joy and equality prevail in the end.

I'd take you on, but with your viewing habits, its obvious you know nothing.

Been a pleasure knowing you.

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Peaceful protest because you don't like the government = fine.

Preventing law-abiding citizens from exercising their right to vote = borderline terrorism.

Terrorism?! That involves physical violence to the extreme. Red shirts?

Don't be so dramatic, unless you wanna star in a thai soap opera.


Terrorism is defined as the use of violence and intimidation in the pursuit of political aims. So yes, this is borderline terrorism. Also, why is it that anytime someone criticizes the protesters for crossing the line, someone ALWAYS goes "... but, but.. but THE RED SHIRTS!". So sick of this excuse. Just because you're not as violent as the previous group of <deleted> doesn't make you any less of an asshol_e.

Thats is exactly what I keep saying - the Democrats and their followers have in 20 years never come up with any new ideas - always just blaming their opponents!

After Mr. Suthep brought down the last elected Democrat government with his corrupt dealings in Phuket they have never managed to reform themselves and kept doing the same thing over and over - criticizing criticizing and more criticizing - and never an idea how to do it better believable to the electorate.

It never dawned on them that times and the political landscape had changed in Thailand and the electorate had moved on from electing patronage based local mafias to policies based parties - TRT was the only party who came up with new ideas.

Then the Democrats had another chance after the coup - and screwed up so badly - even though copying the "populist policies" they had bitched so badly about during the Thaksin years, re-writing the constitution with the military, re-writing election rules to suit them better.

Not a word about reforms during their almost 3 years in power - they could have had all the reforms they wanted introduced during this time - they where unelected without a notable opposition - still could have gotten much needed reforms approved by way of referendum - but they did nothing!

Then the elections - what where the Democrats thinking keeping on Abhisit and Suthep? Who had been seen as anti-democratic oppressors by a majority of Thais - the mayhem still fresh in peoples memories - alienating a large part of the Thai electorate instead of trying to win them over.

But of course if peoples egos are bigger than their brain - all objectivity and common sense is lost.

The Democrats should dissolve and a new party should be formed with honest people and ideas - no need anymore for any of these mafia types like Suthep - the Thai electorate has information now and is much better (self) educated than 20 years ago. It could have been so easy with the current government playing into their hands - but the Democrats never saw their opportunity - they kept bitching - obsessed with Thaksin!

The Thais do not have much of a choice right now - between a few remaining local mafias in political party disguise who are still being elected and PT - the Democrats are not electable anymore to a large majority - only by their die hard followers - and even they deserve better than Suthep and Co.!

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Just saw on the news about how rice farmers in the north who haven't been paid by the PTP government after pledging thei rice back a few months ago. They are protesting. Turns out Thida called them fake farmers and certain "red shirts" went to some homes and threatened to kill their families.

In my wife's village some people told the families in the village that if they didn't hang a red shirt in front of their house, their children would be abducted. Makes me think about a certain human rights lawyer who went missing and hasn't been found, and the 8800, and then some, people whose lives have been lost due to the policies of the Shinawatra clan from the "drug war" and fom "cleaning up the south", including the 80 something people who died when stuffed face down, hands tied behind their back, piled on top of each other when Thaksin claimed they dispersed the protesters gently in Tak Bai, and the 32 who were massacred in the Krue Se mosque at his same command.

Suthep Thaugsuban had to respond to the use of weapons of war when he had to deal with the protests in 2009 and 2010. The military was there to help defend the public and propertry from violent revolution by people closely associated with Thaksin Shinawatra, such as Seh Daeng and the red/black "guards" under his command. Those same people closely associated with Yingluck Shinawatra continue now to use their illegal and violent means to stay in control and they continue with their killling using the same means as they did when they killed both sides back in 2010.

Suthep and the millions of supporters of the PDRC bravely walk throughout Thailand to take part in the democratic process to seek reforms so that proper elections can be held without vote buying and intimidation in the villages..

The current government made itself illigitimate when it refused the Constitutional Court's authority which is enshrined in the constitution which is the first consitution voted on in a referendum. Thus it has no right to call an election.

The same constitution ensures the protesters right to protest peacefully for exactly this type of situation where a government comes in and is corruptly clinging to power. The power belongs to the people and if the voting process is corrupt it is not democracy. The people are guaranteed the right to do what they are doing because there has to be a way for the power to truly belong to the people.

It has been an interesting process to learn about all this from watching Blue Sky, T- News, Nation TV, ASTV and listen to the Thai viewpoints of many leaders from many fields. There have been hundreds, thousands of cilvil servants who have joined on the stages, from the south and Bangkok, because it is their right and their duty to support the people, the freedom to religion, and the constitutional institutions. It is certainly more educational than reading a lot of the viewpoints on this forum.

And I do enjoy to visit with yall from time to time. Thank you to those who actually express educated and respectful opinions.

May peace, harmony, joy and equality prevail in the end.

The military gov. was illegitimate while it staged a coup against an elected government. The 1992 Constitution wasn t written by Thaksin.

By chance, are you North Korean ?

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Whistle Mob aka Democratic Party is desperate and to be honest I cant believe they are that stupid to block voting. They seem to want Western support, but blocking voting is a sure way to get condemnation. facepalm.gif

Did you mean PDRC not the Democrat party?

No I meant the Democratic party which is the same thing as PDRC. wink.png

No it isnt.. whilst there may be some support from within the Democrat party, they are not the same entity...

This is the same as saying UDD and PT are the same, well not quite the same as many UDD terrorists became MP's in PT. In 2009 it would have been the same...

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Mr Suthep, secretary-general of the People’s Democratic Reform Committee, said it was necessary to escalate the intensity of the struggle

Its easy to be philosophical when you are really old and your days are numbered anyway, and it is young impressionable people getting blown up and shot to bits in the name of your anti-democratic and delusional schemes. Shame on you.

Brave and honorable citizens young and old alike have been "blown up" and "shot to bits" upholding freedom and democracy. Shame on the police for not catching the culprits and for apparently taking part in the killing such as is evidenced by the plain clothes police oficer who was captured yesterday, with his gun out. The protesters didn't know he was police. He shot the protesters before they beat him. Then it came out that he is police and the police fabricate a story just like they did about the protesters on the roof of the labour ministry and then we find out from the head of police, oh they were police yes.

Shame on the Thaksin thinks Police do regime for escalating the war on drugs claiming that anyone involved in drugs is either due to go to jail or the temple (ie. to be cremated.) Then in three months 2800 plus people were dead, nobody was held accountable, and about half or more were found to have no history or record of drug use.

Shame on people who think violence is okay if people express views different to your own, such as Chalerm Yoobamroong who came out today to say that the protesters who were shot the other day should expect that. The police are supposed to help in situations like that, to prevent people from being hurt. Instead they stood idly by.

Kudos to Suthep and the PDRC for taking a stand and bravely confronting this violence. Kudos to them as well for seeking to change the police force to be more efficient and less corrupt. Kudos to all the good police out there as certainly there must be more good people in the 200,000 plus people on the Thai force. Hopelfully the PDRC will be able to reform the Thai Police as they are seeking so that the image of the Thai Police as a whole will not be spoilt by the dirty actions of a small few.

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The PDRC should really adapt their tactic at this point, banging the same old drum is getting no where fast and only helping to legitimise their critics.

Obviously this election, without any real opposition to the ruling party for voters to choose, is a farce. That it is being forced through with no hope of electing enough MPs to formally appoint a PM and government, at great cost which could be better used to pay some rice farmers, and under media censorship which limits discussion of policies makes it clear that the intention is a power grab and suppression of information about the government's mismanagement/corruption.

But to actively oppose the rights of people to vote, however pointless, is a big own goal.

The PDRC should call on all who reject the Shinawatra regime to vote 'none of the above' as a vote against the election and the Pheu Thai government.

You just do not get it do you. There is only the Suthep way. PDRC should do nothing other than what he says.

Meanwhile in the real world, there is no support whatsoever for PDRC thugs, not from GOv. Diplomats, media ... nobody and PDRC send a spokesman out today complaining about this adverse press and saying it is going to make the overthrow attempt now last another 3 - 6 months. Pathetic, and only the army keeping it alive now. Not enough protesters left in the mob to close 88,000 stations and lock out 49 million voters.

Economist gave prominence to this fine portrayal of Democracy in Danger... which is what it is. Ironic that Burma after all they went through are now worried about the direction Thailand is going in. Get this fascist where he belongs or he and his elite backers will ruin the country and civil war is the only card left to play. Think the reds are going to sit back for 2 years whilst suthep decides when, if and in what form they may be allowed to vote again... if ever.

Dream on,,,,, the Government has to be strong now. Stand up to this nut as other than a few Thai rich boys,,,, everybody seems to have your back


This young Thai democracy is indeed in danger, but not only from a temporary administrative government, while much needed reforms are discussed, proposed and approved by the population.

The very real fear felt by many Thais, not just those actively demonstrating in Bangkok and the South against the government, is that Thaksin will continue his path to power and continue where he was forced to stop. Don't you remember the libel suits against any media that dared to criticise him? His attempts to subvert the constitutionally appointed offices to check the excesses of government? His cynical manipulation of the legislature to avoid paying taxes? His granting of government loans to assist his business interests? His attempt to infiltrate the military command, which was the final straw that led to the coup? Was it OK and 'normal' that he had increased his wealth by 60 billion baht while in office?

Suthep is an old dog on his last legs politically speaking, and should definitely not have any role either in government or in a reform assembly, but reforms are essential for the further development of Thai society, and too important to be left in the hands of politicians from either side, when considering their inability to work for the benefit of the country but only for their own bank accounts.

Please not that it is possible to disagree without using the words 'fascist' or 'terrorist'.

This is all well and good and I agree that Thaksin used his position to enrich himself and his friends.

You have to accept the reality that this is not only an issue with Thaksin but endemic in Thai society.

Time and time again polls report that corruption is acceptable to 70% of the population as long as it benefits them or the country.

Eradicating corruption will not ease Thailands current crisis nor will any amount of political reform.

The problem lies not with Thaksin but the relentless power grabs and manipulation of the democratic process by establishment figures opposed to Thaksin.

The coup in 2006 was quite possibly the most stupid move made in recent Thai history.

Its achievements can be summed up as, polarizing the political landscape, creating a constitution which is oblique and strengthening Thaksins political support.

The relentless meddling in the democratic process by the courts, army, opposition forces continues to give legitimacy to Thaksins political machine.

If the coup of 2006 never happened the likely hood is that Thaksin would have been out of power by 2010 at the latest, support for his TRT party had already diminished and the tide was turning for him.

Some proposals

1) Stop the continued fiddling with the democratic process and allow it to run its natural course (maybe painful in the short term but has to happen)

2) A reformed legal system that treats all subjects equally irrespective of their wealth or influence. (Destroying the culture of impunity is the only reform required)

3) An effective opposition that offers a real alternative to the people.

If the PDRC somehow find a way to take control of the democratic process Thailand will just be repeating the mistakes of its recent past.

It will solve none of the underlying issues and the country will slide deeper into instability.

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Just saw on the news about how rice farmers in the north who haven't been paid by the PTP government after pledging thei rice back a few months ago. They are protesting. Turns out Thida called them fake farmers and certain "red shirts" went to some homes and threatened to kill their families.

In my wife's village some people told the families in the village that if they didn't hang a red shirt in front of their house, their children would be abducted. Makes me think about a certain human rights lawyer who went missing and hasn't been found, and the 8800, and then some, people whose lives have been lost due to the policies of the Shinawatra clan from the "drug war" and fom "cleaning up the south", including the 80 something people who died when stuffed face down, hands tied behind their back, piled on top of each other when Thaksin claimed they dispersed the protesters gently in Tak Bai, and the 32 who were massacred in the Krue Se mosque at his same command.

Suthep Thaugsuban had to respond to the use of weapons of war when he had to deal with the protests in 2009 and 2010. The military was there to help defend the public and propertry from violent revolution by people closely associated with Thaksin Shinawatra, such as Seh Daeng and the red/black "guards" under his command. Those same people closely associated with Yingluck Shinawatra continue now to use their illegal and violent means to stay in control and they continue with their killling using the same means as they did when they killed both sides back in 2010.

Suthep and the millions of supporters of the PDRC bravely walk throughout Thailand to take part in the democratic process to seek reforms so that proper elections can be held without vote buying and intimidation in the villages..

The current government made itself illigitimate when it refused the Constitutional Court's authority which is enshrined in the constitution which is the first consitution voted on in a referendum. Thus it has no right to call an election.

The same constitution ensures the protesters right to protest peacefully for exactly this type of situation where a government comes in and is corruptly clinging to power. The power belongs to the people and if the voting process is corrupt it is not democracy. The people are guaranteed the right to do what they are doing because there has to be a way for the power to truly belong to the people.

It has been an interesting process to learn about all this from watching Blue Sky, T- News, Nation TV, ASTV and listen to the Thai viewpoints of many leaders from many fields. There have been hundreds, thousands of cilvil servants who have joined on the stages, from the south and Bangkok, because it is their right and their duty to support the people, the freedom to religion, and the constitutional institutions. It is certainly more educational than reading a lot of the viewpoints on this forum.

And I do enjoy to visit with yall from time to time. Thank you to those who actually express educated and respectful opinions.

May peace, harmony, joy and equality prevail in the end.

I'd take you on, but with your viewing habits, its obvious you know nothing.

Been a pleasure knowing you.

Nothings gonna change the world and Thailand. ;)

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Oops hang on. We've gone from total shutdown,, elections stopped at all costs, a plague on your house TNN24 and now on the hilarious "we will not obstruct voters, go vote if you want to then we will laugh when the electcion is nullified"

Oh free parking and picnic on the streets with music. Is that the filthy metal band with the Swastikas that you booked on Monday night? Very nice, but in keeping with your followers. They even wore the sawstikas on the poster advertising them on at Rachprasong. Nice touch that.

So they all together already with the Court Order to nullify it. No collusion there then.

Lets get the election on. Suthep can only obstruct a bit of it. There are easy options for the South it they don't lynch him first for signing away the rights of 28 provinces. You can bet yer ass they are not all happy with that.....

When the army sick of their own Vermin it will be time to rid Thailand of Suthep.. But for now, they must think he can still get the coup re-ignited. Good luck with that as they will be laughing stock of the world if they try it. And, they'll all come under attack from the uprising that would follow. smile.png

Sweet Coup dreams everybody.

Swastika just so happens to be how women say hello here in Thailand, and yes it is the same word and the same meaning as the original symbol, which is a symbol of good fortune and blessings. It is a symbol sacred to Hinduism and Buddhism. Not sure how the metal band was using it, but just thought you should know. It is one of the most comon expressions in Thailand.


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