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Thai Finance Ministry assures farmers overdue payments will be made


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More made up figures, will we ever know the truth?

"There are 14 million tonnes of rice in the state's inventory." and yesterday it was 18mill, last week it was 10mill.

"The paddy pledged by the government under the scheme from crops between October 2013 and this month totaled some 10 million tonnes worth Bt177 billion." again, this 10mill tons has been claimed to have cost B160 or 190 billion too.

I wonder if anyone actually knows the truth? One thing's for sure, Kittikat's word cannot be trusted.

Paperwork is being fed into the shredder at some pace, the rice has to disappear along with it before the NACC come a calling.

The NACC will never be able to do a full investigation, because all the incriminating evidence will be 'lost'.

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"The Finance Ministry has prepared a plan to secure loans for Bt130 billion overdue payments to farmers from the rice pledging scheme but it would be kept confidential, a senior ministry official said."

"it would be kept confidential" facepalm.gif

Transparency, precisely, is one of the aims of Reform Before Election. Against corruption, cheating, bribery, and abuse of power

Transparency is already law in any moves the caretaker government takes to secure borrowing.

They don't reveal their borrowing sources, then they are acting illegally and can be impeached immediately.

They can not hide behind the emergency decree because it was not put in place for this and also does not allow for democratic systems to be circumvented.

It is 100% illegal, and so is borrowing. They seem to have forgot that article of the constitution that prohibits borrowing.

The moment money shows up, demands will be made by the courts as to where it came from, the banks all know this will happen and the government know this will happen. Everyone is waiting (and hoping) they will do this.

They are in a corner and this illegal move is so tempting. Within 2 weeks there could be 100,000 farmers in Bangkok. Thyey know this. I can hear the flatulence from here.

I suppose all they have got now is propaganda and lies.

Rich Teacher and Thailand are the only ones left on here assisting then with that.

"Rich Teacher and Thailand are the only ones left on here assisting then with that."

You give RT too much credit, what about fab4, gerry1011, geriatrickid, PRBkk, moonao to name but a few stars. All doing a fine job.thumbsup.gif

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This government just never seems to learn. The protests are against their corrupt practices and the lack of transparency in running the country and yet they still can't bring themselves to be open and honest with the people they were elected to serve.

I don't really disagree with you, but I do find it stunning that so many of farangs -- i assume you are one? -- overlook the fact that it is NOT only this or any Thai GOVERNMENT that is corrupt to the very core. It is THE ENTIRE COUNTRY - embedded in the Thai way of life. You can replace the government as many times as you like, but until the people and culture changes, you might expect to see very similar results. Why wouldn't you?

Or, are you saying that you believe that there are a good number of people in Thai society who are fundamentally different from these current leaders, and, if you are saying this, what group is this and what makes you think they will be better?

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Oh yeah, the check is in the mail. Banks won't loan the government money, the government can't sell bonds to raise the cash and in the end the farmers will get the shaft. Yep, the check is in the mail. Good luck with the next crop.

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Finance Ministry assures farmers overdue payments will be made

Another BLACK LIE... Go rob the Finance Ministry, farmers, you have the power....!!!

For Pete's sake, do not recommend criminal / brutal activities ...

We do feel sorry for the farmers, in due course the financial matters will be peacefully sorted by the countries financial and commercial authorities.

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"Rich Teacher and Thailand are the only ones left on here assisting then with that."

You give RT too much credit, what about fab4, gerry1011, geriatrickid, PRBkk, moonao to name but a few stars. All doing a fine job.thumbsup.gif

Excuse me, but you've missed me off your list. I am a genuine supporter of those who want universal suffrage in Thailand, "one man one vote".

The party/faction that seems to support that aim most clearly is the UDD (The United Front for Democracy Against Dictatorship) and I agree with much of their programme - at least, what I have seen of it. Thaksin made the first steps in the direction of genuine democracy but I don't think he is essential for the completion of the process - to turn Thailand into a modern democracy (to the same standards as pertain in Europe, for example).

By the way, you and others continually imply that someone is distributing money to anyone who opposes Suthep. In that case: where's my money?

Edited by tilac2
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Once again a red leaps in with blame Suthep.

What has he got to do with the banks rejecting the loans because of legal implications ?

Why didn't the minister of white lies make provision for the payments which he must have known would be due, before the house was dissolved, incompetence or just don't give a stuff for the farmers, take your choice.

Guarantee there has been no problem with him getting his salary.

Looks like these farmers are also blaming Suthep.

"Suthep don't use farmers for political gain"


Digging up paid for propaganda shoots...... get this from Khaosod Shinawatra News did you?

Poor sods must be starving to accept a few hundred baht each to pose for this shot for the government.

You support a government who has ripped these poor idiots off. Yet you beg Suthep not to help them also.

What exactly do you have against the farmers?

Have a read up on what Stalin did to the Ukrainians in the 1930's you ought to get your rocks off at that little read.

Stalin is a good example. Prepared to use any methods to make people obey. The Ukraine engineered famine is representative of how tyrants act.

Maybe another scenario could be - give the farmers a guaranteed high price, take all their rice and encourage them to better their lives with loans based on those new high prices. Then default on the payments. Now they have no rice, no cash to fund next year's crops, no money to meet bills and living costs, and possibly debts to service to. Now, in steps the nice rich "family" and buys up the land which it rents back to them. Next, find some rich investors, maybe in the Middle East, who are interested in investing in vast tracts of good agricultural land, and able to pay high prices. Voila - instant massive profits whilst increasing the 'family's" asset base too.

The poor farmers - expendable pawns and easily led.

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"Rich Teacher and Thailand are the only ones left on here assisting then with that."

You give RT too much credit, what about fab4, gerry1011, geriatrickid, PRBkk, moonao to name but a few stars. All doing a fine job.thumbsup.gif

Excuse me, but you've missed me off your list. I am a genuine supporter of those who want universal suffrage in Thailand, "one man one vote".

The party/faction that seems to support that aim most clearly is the UDD (The United Front for Democracy Against Dictatorship) and I agree with much of their programme - at least, what I have seen of it. Thaksin made the first steps in the direction of genuine democracy but I don't think he is essential for the completion of the process - to turn Thailand into a modern democracy (to the same standards as pertain in Europe, for example).

By the way, you and others continually imply that someone is distributing money to anyone who opposes Suthep. In that case: where's my money?

My apologies for the omission. Perhaps it's because you aren't such a keen and prolific poster as the above members. Anyway don't feel bad, and do keep up the struggle for a corruption free, democratic government. I agree with some of your middle paragraph BTW.

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Hmm... as I am not educated in the intricacies of the finance industry, is it possible that this means the Govt is going to borrow money from commercial banks, or that commercial banks are goin to lend money to the Govt through some 'back-door' or 'under-table' deals?

These lines "all commercial banks sympathised with the farmers and would be willing to assist, but without affecting their businesses" and "there are several options in finding financial sources including borrowing through normal channels" in the article seems to point to this direction.

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I Weeeeennnntt to the Mountainnnnnnn

I Haaaaaadddd a Dreammmmmm

I was talking to a man, acting the part of Thai under care taker Finance Mininster......strange but he bore a very strong resemblance to another puppet , one named Pinnochio.

He whispered his plan to me...... a plan to get the votes......

He said we will promise [in this case] the rice farmers a bonus for their rice. We will give them one and a half times what the market would give them. This will make them very happy and they will surely vote for us.

Then after the votes, we will delay paying them and delay paying them and squeeze them till it more than hurts.

They will be sure in the end that they will not be getting any payment at all..

Then just before the election our group of vote seekers will become hero of the day by getting something for them, when they thought all was lost...... that something will be half of what they would have gotten in the first instance..... and they will love us forever....

.....and with that, boys and girls, Pinnochio turned into a flying pig with the longest nose I ever seen, and flew off into the sunset....

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