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It's the French not the Russians or Thai's ripping people off


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A little rant today, but need to get this off the chest. Throughout the forums we constantly hear stories of Thai's ripping people off and that the Russians are moving in and taking over, but in Patong it is something a little different. During the last couple of months it has been brought up many times in meetings and conversations that it is not the Russians, but the French that seem to be taking over. It is being said in these same meetings and conversations with both Thai and other expat business owners, that they are getting tired of French acting like they own the place, ripping people off and have no respect for anyone but their own little French groups.

I noticed this when dealing with them, and a friend witnessed this first hand when he pulled out of one business purchase to buy another that the French wanted and therefore, was followed home and threatened by a group of three. He couldn't understand what they were saying, because whatever they said to him was in French not English and they were angry at the time. About 2 months ago, they tried to rip me off with the sale of a business, however I was told before hand that 500,000 goes directly in their pockets, so I instantly dropped my offer by 700,000. They also tried to rip a Thai friend off on a business deal telling him a price that was nearly 3,000,000 above the actual price. I was also told from a French friend (yes there are a few good ones), that they are now trying to get commission from a business deal I did, which I am going to deal with today, and make sure this doesn't happen.

Anyone who knows Patong, would surely be able to see this. For those who haven't noticed, have a look who owns majority of bars at the front along Bangla, the boutique hotels around Patong Beach, the night clubs, restaurants etc etc. These French all hang out in there little groups partnering up with each other like their own little mafia. These guys are bottom feeders at best, absolute scum.

If anyone else has come across this please share. Don't get ripped off by the French, don't deal with them. If purchasing a business or doing any business in Patong deal directly with somebody else or walk away.

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So in short, more rats have joined the sewer, no surprise there then.

If you dont like rats, why choose to live or frequent a sewer.

There are rats everywhere, no matter where you live. Just getting the word out about this scum, so others can avoid it :-)

And the OP is just assuming they are French. Parts of Switzerland and Canada also speak French. Two sneaky nationalities if you ask me. Just look at their behavior on TV.

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not related to the topic but I have just come back from patong today and I honestly say the place is bouncing...never seen the place so full . I read the bad comments on here on a regular basis but I have to say my family and friends enjoyed our stay....ok its a different crowed now from 10-15 years ago, yes plenty of Russians,Chinese but also plenty of French , Italians, Swedes, Danes and plenty of English around.......nothing wrong with Patong for a family beach holiday...

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Before I join in it is worth me mentioning that I speak fluent French and lived there for 10 years. As individuals, I find the French amongst the most hospitable and kind people in the world, groups of French though I find almost intolerable; nothing of worth exists outside their group, and as a nation I would nuke it tomorrow. And that comes from my past experience, nothing to do with the French in Thailand. Now, though, they are coming to Thailand in their thousands, mostly for the same reasons as the rest of us; low cost of living, pensions go further, the weather is better etc. etc. The trouble with the French, as apposed to say the English, is that impoliteness stretches across all classes of French society and, unfortunately, racism does too. Therein lies my beef with the French in Thailand. OK, I know and understand why we and the French dislike each other intensely, they are our 'natural enemy' after all, and let's face it how many other countries in the world have had a war that lasted 100 years with a neighbouring country. But what is it about the French and SE Asians? What did they ever do to the French or to France that makes French think that they can treat them with utter disdain? In Paris I witnessed Thai diplomats being treated outrageously by their patronising French counterparts, and here, regrettably, I have seen the anger that they can provoke in the humblest of one my Thai friends who stopped his car in the middle of town and ordered a party of three of them out while screaming 'Shut up!' at the top of his voice. I agree with the OP, in business, dealing with them individually is generally OK, in groups they are incredibly pushy, and seem to want to show off to each other, how 'tough', or dodgy they can be; best avoided and left to themselves in their little groups.

France wanted to colonize Thailand in the 1800, The Thai king went to Britain and spoke to Queen Victoria, about helping Thailand. Britain and Germany told France they could not Colonize Thailand so they went to Vietnam.

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And the OP is just assuming they are French. Parts of Switzerland and Canada also speak French. Two sneaky nationalities if you ask me. Just look at their behavior on TV.

Oh how interesting... just wondering from what Wonderland you're from and what are those so instructive programs you're watching. Then we can give you a rub too.

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There are rats everywhere, no matter where you live.

Well, there are a bit more in Patong than in other places, mate. And Frenchies not being straight in business isn't the primary threat there.

Still, thanks for the warning.

Edited by Sam Gold
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Not my favourite of ''Folks'', i find them ''Rude,Arrogant,Dirty,Negative'''...... the list could go on ... and dont get me started about ''French Food''... , Great in the 60's.. but the world has moved on, but unfortunately there ''Cuisine has stuck in a time warp''...

Lots of Unemployment in France, so things are pretty bad over there..

'C'est pas vrai''..... I Can hear them saying...

Just my Centimes worth....

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And the OP is just assuming they are French. Parts of Switzerland and Canada also speak French. Two sneaky nationalities if you ask me. Just look at their behavior on TV.

Oh how interesting... just wondering from what Wonderland you're from and what are those so instructive programs you're watching. Then we can give you a rub too.

More than happy to answer but I have no idea what you mean?

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Well i don't like the french food at all and also i don't like Patong at all so they won't make a buck out of me.

I wonder though how they can survive here knowing that they can't speak english. Will they speak french to the Thai?

The French eat more bread than anything else. You don't like bread?

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Well i don't like the french food at all and also i don't like Patong at all so they won't make a buck out of me.

I wonder though how they can survive here knowing that they can't speak english. Will they speak french to the Thai?

I am with you on that one, ''Dont like ''French Food'' and as for ''Patong'' wild horses could not drag me to that place...

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French bashing now! And I was thinking that I hadn't seen it for a while here, so, I guess that some people can't help anymore posting their biased and mostly untrue generalisations once again...

In my experience, most nationals from every country are decent people. It's not because a few individuals from a specific country do not behave appropriately (according to you) that you should feel entitled to imply that all or a majority of their fellow countrymen and women are better to be avoided as a whole.

By the way, as already mentionned by another person, French is spoken not only by French nationals, but by many other people in the world: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_where_French_is_an_official_language

I know these guys and yes they are from France with only one of them who is Swiss.

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Always wants to dominate, never can. Politicans look and act like supporting actors from a Louie D`funes Movie.In their next vote facists will take over from current stoneage socialists and even these morons now recognize that the € which Germany let forced upon them then now will backfire. Wonder if they will still be able to afford Thailand when back to their Franc....

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So in short, more rats have joined the sewer, no surprise there then.

If you dont like rats, why choose to live or frequent a sewer.

There are rats everywhere, no matter where you live. Just getting the word out about this scum, so others can avoid it :-)

And the OP is just assuming they are French. Parts of Switzerland and Canada also speak French. Two sneaky nationalities if you ask me. Just look at their behavior on TV.

Not assuming anything. I know these guys and yes they are from France with only one who is Swiss.

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Get cheated only people who are stupid enough to get cheated.

Buy French, do you mean the drug dealers with African origin ?

I never got cheated, but they tried very hard :-p. No these guys arn't drug dealers or from Africa LOL. I do know the type you are talking about .

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Let me clarify:

Bismarck and the Prussians gave those Frenchies a jolly good licking in 1870-71, thus uniting Germany (against France's wishes). Another Franco-German war was inevitable after that, because French feathers had been ruffled and they needed to restore Gallic pride. Both sides subsequently tried to build up alliances against each other. Ze Germans with the Hapsburgs and Ottomans; France with Russia. Britain was worried about German expansionism against its colonies and the Royal Navy felt that its supremacy was under threat from the Germans, but Britain declared that it would only enter a Franco-German war if Germany violated Belgium's neutrality. To the Belgians, Germany responded, "Sorry, you're in the way. We're in a hurry to conquer Paris." Thus Germany invaded Belgium in 1914 and Britain declared war in retaliation.

If Britain had stayed out and let the European powers exhaust each other on the battlefield, it would have emerged unscathed and still ruling the waves as the word's superpower. Germany would have defeated France, as the French have a long history of military defeats against both Britain and Germany.

Without Germany's defeat in World War One: no unfair Versailles Treaty, no crippling reparation payments, no rise of Hitler, no pompous French (now a province of Germany, after all), no World War Two, no Russian invasion of eastern Europe or Iron Curtain, Europe's Asian and African colonies intact for much longer ..... The ramifications are endless.

All over a trifle called Belgium. It's all Britain's fault.

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French bashing now! And I was thinking that I hadn't seen it for a while here, so, I guess that some people can't help anymore posting their biased and mostly untrue generalisations once again...

In my experience, most nationals from every country are decent people. It's not because a few individuals from a specific country do not behave appropriately (according to you) that you should feel entitled to imply that all or a majority of their fellow countrymen and women are better to be avoided as a whole.

By the way, as already mentionned by another person, French is spoken not only by French nationals, but by many other people in the world: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_where_French_is_an_official_language

I know these guys and yes they are from France with only one of them who is Swiss.

Anyway... Does it entitle you to make those broad generalisations about most French people? Because you have had some business issues with a few of them?

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