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PCAD guard arrested, identified as Thai Navy officer


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What's the big fuss? We already know the military have been protecting the protestors because of the cowardly daily bomb and gun attacks. Police want to be tools of the Shinawatras and do nothing? No problem, the Navy will do their job.

The Navy's job involves Thailand's borders and ocean resources. It does not include the sabotage of a civilian government, nor does it involve taking up arms against the civilian government.

We now see very clearly that the navy has actively engaged in the undermining of the civilian government. It is illegal, unethical and wrong.

The cat is out of the bag as they say.

They're not taking arms against the civilian government. The protestors are getting shot at and bombed and the Navy have sworn to protect the people(yes, even the protestors are 'the people') and they're doing so.

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Another non-violent protester ??? Except from the two Glock's and ammunition.

So you say, having a gun in order to defend means being violent? In particular when the need for defence is highly ovious, isn't it?

Good point. Perhaps these Navy fold and the armed protest guards are just implementing their very own version of a "Stand Your Ground" law?

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Yes, you use Glocks to bake cakes and souffles these days...whistling.gif

Yes if you carry a gun in your line of duty you're trained to use it through escalation of violence, nobody who carries a weapon is taught to shoot to maim,incapacitate you shoot to kill end of story, and if that's not violent enough for you then you have no idea of the role of the armed forces.

That is the most fatuous crap I have read for years. Specialist Forces are NOT trained just to kill or to escalate violence but to use weapons judiciously so as to prevent more violence, and also to incapacitate to prevent other people killing others.

You know nothing. I do, having spent 4 years in the UK SAS Reserves. Shut up until you know what you are talking about..

Edited by Mister Fixit
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What's the big fuss? We already know the military have been protecting the protestors because of the cowardly daily bomb and gun attacks. Police want to be tools of the Shinawatras and do nothing? No problem, the Navy will do their job.

The Navy's job involves Thailand's borders and ocean resources. It does not include the sabotage of a civilian government, nor does it involve taking up arms against the civilian government.

We now see very clearly that the navy has actively engaged in the undermining of the civilian government. It is illegal, unethical and wrong.

The cat is out of the bag as they say.

The civilian government did enough to undermine their own policies and authority! They don't need the help of the Navy. Who have not done anything against the civilian caretaker government. Other than doing the job the police have failed to do so far.

We haven't heard anything yet about the police catching the scum that killed innocent children over the weekend. Is that because it would be seen to be reds doing the shooting?

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Another non-violent protester ??? Except from the two Glock's and ammunition.

You know it is not illegal to have guns in Thailand you can possess guns quite legally with a license.

Having a gun and violence are mutually exclusive ideas.

Thailand has over 6 million privately registered legal guns out there.

source http://www.gunpolicy.org/firearms/region/thailand

So perhaps it is unsurprising they do turn up.

But you may not carry them with you without permission from the police to take them from a to b.

Unless of course it is part of your official duty (police officer).

That's the reason he was arrested - carrying in public without permission from the police.

Sent from my GT-N7000 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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TV Gerry, I'm pretty new to the country, but I'm also well aware of whom the Military ultimately answers to, and whom we're not allowed to discuss here either, however even if I wasn't new to the country, calling someone an ignoramus is rich coming from someone who clearly doesn't know how the Armed Forces work, and if you had ever served, you'd be more "educated" as to their roles responsibilities and duties, but I'll refrain from calling you an ingnoramus due to your lack of subject knowledge then wink.png

Oh and the Thai Military if I'm not mistaken used the British Military as their role model, often sending their officers to RMA Sandhurst.

I'm sure you already knew this though eh? wink.png

However, I fully agree that the Police are inept, but unless you get rid of the lot of them, and have a fully trained force ready to replace them, then you had just better get used to thier lack of motivation towards the PDRC. You still need to maintain a Force able to coduct basic Law and order, again I seen it all go to ratshyt in Iraq during the de baathification process, there was a huge void where law and order was concerned.

Without having a Police Force that is relaible, what you're alluding to is Martial Law, imposed by the Military, and I gues you would need a coup to do that... funny that's what some people seem to be driving towards??

I didn't call you an ignoramus, I asked if you were pretending to be one.

And while I respect the fact that you served, you know for a fact the military here is different. They may be organized the same way as the British military but that's where the buck stops. We all know that the military in mature democracies are not supposed to get involved in politics. Thailand isn't a mature democracy and the military here has its tentacles in everything. When you start telling us stories about how the Navy shouldn't be involved in this and that blah blah, you're posting for the sake of posting because you know very well the rules are not the same here for the military as it is in places like the UK and the US.

Of course we shouldn't replace the police, such as they are. But with regards to the constant attacks on the protestors, where the police seem to be sitting on their hands doing nothing, the military should be there to protect the people. The police can stand around and collect their salaries.

If more violence occurs and the body count goes up then yes a coup would have to happen.

Total rubbish.

The Thai military are based far more on the US military structure.

My landlord is a retired RTAF Air Marshall, and he knows. I have a student who is a pilot in the Royal Thai Air Force and he knows. One of my neighbours is a retired Thai Navy Vice Admiral and another neighbour is a retired Thai Army general. His son lives next door to him (opposite me) and is a full colonel in the Thai army. He was sent to the US and Japan for training as most Thai officers are.

The Thai armed forces may occasionally send someone to the UK, but it's rare. It could well be that an occasional Thai Army officer is sent to Sandhurst but I suspect far more are sent to West Point. I can find out if necessary, as I still have contacts in the British Army.

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Pretty darn idiotic of them to carry firearms and then carry their military IDs. Whatever happened to covert operations? It seems the Navy is fudging up everything or there's more to this since they've been caught left and right. Whatever the case, carrying firearms without proper authority to use them is again, stupid. Should've just let the Army do the protecting.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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I was trained to shoot to kill when it came to using a firearm, Infantry soldiers and LEO's NEVER taught to shoot anywhere outside of the centre of mass mate.

Show me proof that they're taught to wound, rather than shooting centre mass please.

They use NON lethal weapons such as tazers if they want to imobalse and incapacitate, you get shot in the femoral artery you will bleed out in minutes if you wnt to "wing the guy" , so please, I do this stuff for a living, and I also train Iraqi personnel almost daily and not once in my life have I ever heard of Military or Police being taught anything less than Centre mass when it comes to shooting/discharging weapons.

You are hower correct in that the use of a weapon should be the last resort, however it also depends on the Rules of Engagament and the Rules in the use of Force.

You are correct. May I add that during my long if rather inglorious military career I tended to the view that you should squirt as many rounds as possible at the opposition (surroundings permitting).

This is:

1 - good for your own morale.

2 - bad for his morale.

3 - if you are the chap in charge gives your blokes something constructive to be getting on with whilst you concentrate on coming up with a cunning plan.

But I digress, probably too much ear medicine!

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Edited by JAG
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What's the big fuss? We already know the military have been protecting the protestors because of the cowardly daily bomb and gun attacks. Police want to be tools of the Shinawatras and do nothing? No problem, the Navy will do their job.

The Navy's job involves Thailand's borders and ocean resources. It does not include the sabotage of a civilian government, nor does it involve taking up arms against the civilian government.

We now see very clearly that the navy has actively engaged in the undermining of the civilian government. It is illegal, unethical and wrong.

The cat is out of the bag as they say.

You see clearly from THAT article ... wow. Like almost ALL news articles over the last few months, No information and no back up.. they released the guys name before even contacting the Navy, That suggests that he may be ex-navy not serving. But who knows for sure!

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There were a few instances that come to mind, where the protest guards were unarmed, earlier in the protests. In one instance a grenade was thrown and when the guards tried to catch the guy, they were shot at and had to retreat, because they were unarmed.

I am glad, that there are finally armed, professional guards to protect the peaceful protesters. Otherwise, they are just easy targets, for anyone who wants to toss a grenade or spray some gunfire into them.

Since the police are not doing their job, I am also glad, that some of the military is doing it for them.

That being said, I still believe, that both sides are being manipulated as pawns by the "big guys" on both sides. (and I am not talking about Suthep. He is just another medium size piece on the chess board) This is about power and control and the masses on both sides being manipulated by those who want to be/stay on top.

So sad, to see practically innocent adults and their innocent children die. The Reds are being used and so are the Demonstrators.

I just hope, that this gets resolved quickly and as peacefully as possible and that this will be the last time. wai2.gif

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I was trained to shoot to kill when it came to using a firearm, Infantry soldiers and LEO's NEVER taught to shoot anywhere outside of the centre of mass mate.

Show me proof that they're taught to wound, rather than shooting centre mass please.

They use NON lethal weapons such as tazers if they want to imobalse and incapacitate, you get shot in the femoral artery you will bleed out in minutes if you wnt to "wing the guy" , so please, I do this stuff for a living, and I also train Iraqi personnel almost daily and not once in my life have I ever heard of Military or Police being taught anything less than Centre mass when it comes to shooting/discharging weapons.

You are hower correct in that the use of a weapon should be the last resort, however it also depends on the Rules of Engagament and the Rules in the use of Force.

You are correct. May I add that during my long if rather inglorious military career I tended to the view that you should squirt as many rounds as possible at the opposition (surroundings permitting).

This is:

1 - good for your own morale.

2 - bad for his morale.

3 - if you are the chap in charge gives your blokes something constructive to be getting on with whilst you concentrate on coming up with a cunning plan.

But I digress, probably too much ear medicine!

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

LOL! Totally off topic, but very funny and very true.

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Another non-violent protester ??? Except from the two Glock's and ammunition.

You know it is not illegal to have guns in Thailand you can possess guns quite legally with a license.

Having a gun and violence are mutually exclusive ideas.

Thailand has over 6 million privately registered legal guns out there.

source http://www.gunpolicy.org/firearms/region/thailand

So perhaps it is unsurprising they do turn up.

But you may not carry them with you without permission from the police to take them from a to b.

Unless of course it is part of your official duty (police officer).

That's the reason he was arrested - carrying in public without permission from the police.

Sent from my GT-N7000 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

You can get a carry licence in Thailand.


A license is needed to own firearms and a reason must be provided such as target shooting or hunting. A license may not be issued to anyone who is a repeat offender or mentally unstable.

Fully automatic firearms and explosive devices are prohibited. All other types of firearms are permitted under license. A person is also not allowed to carry their gun without an additional permit for concealed carry.[105]

source :http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Overview_of_gun_laws_by_nation#Thailand

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I was trained to shoot to kill when it came to using a firearm, Infantry soldiers and LEO's NEVER taught to shoot anywhere outside of the centre of mass mate.

Show me proof that they're taught to wound, rather than shooting centre mass please.

They use NON lethal weapons such as tazers if they want to imobalse and incapacitate, you get shot in the femoral artery you will bleed out in minutes if you wnt to "wing the guy" , so please, I do this stuff for a living, and I also train Iraqi personnel almost daily and not once in my life have I ever heard of Military or Police being taught anything less than Centre mass when it comes to shooting/discharging weapons.

You are hower correct in that the use of a weapon should be the last resort, however it also depends on the Rules of Engagament and the Rules in the use of Force.

You are correct. May I add that during my long if rather inglorious military career I tended to the view that you should squirt as many rounds as possible at the opposition (surroundings permitting).

This is:

1 - good for your own morale.

2 - bad for his morale.

3 - if you are the chap in charge gives your blokes something constructive to be getting on with whilst you concentrate on coming up with a cunning plan.

But I digress, probably too much ear medicine!

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

LOL! Totally off topic, but very funny and very true.

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There were a few instances that come to mind, where the protest guards were unarmed, earlier in the protests. In one instance a grenade was thrown and when the guards tried to catch the guy, they were shot at and had to retreat, because they were unarmed.

I am glad, that there are finally armed, professional guards to protect the peaceful protesters. Otherwise, they are just easy targets, for anyone who wants to toss a grenade or spray some gunfire into them.

Since the police are not doing their job, I am also glad, that some of the military is doing it for them.

That being said, I still believe, that both sides are being manipulated as pawns by the "big guys" on both sides. (and I am not talking about Suthep. He is just another medium size piece on the chess board) This is about power and control and the masses on both sides being manipulated by those who want to be/stay on top.

So sad, to see practically innocent adults and their innocent children die. The Reds are being used and so are the Demonstrators.

I just hope, that this gets resolved quickly and as peacefully as possible and that this will be the last time. wai2.gif

I got a strange sense of de ja vu walking down Sukhumvit today. Watching the trucks with PDRC members coming back around 1pm i just saw total indifference on the faces around me. I remember that same look from 2010 around ratchaprasong.

Sent from my GT-S7562 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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I drove through Rajadamnoen and the "hotel California estate" - tents of the protesters without any problem. I was expecting that one lane would be free to drive through, but it wasn't so. We had to use side sois right through their camps. Nobody ever made any problems. A few guards who looked alerted, but not aggressive opened two barrier for us without any questions asked. We passed hundreds of tents and there was nothing to be afraid of.

I think they know for whom and what to look out, no? Unlike like the red mob

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We wait for the announcement that this was really a top secret anti-drugs mission?

you know in Thailand is against the law to disagree with government so it does not really matter if you are in navy or not

not true.... where did you get that from? it is against the law to be against the Courts and "something else" - this is to protect the 'system'

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Another non-violent protester ??? Except from the two Glock's and ammunition.

Another fine piece of logic.

He is in the Armed Forces, he has a gun, therefore he is violent.

Forget your predjudices and political inclinations for one moment, stop trying to be smart or witty and focus on the important point. A serving member of the Royal Thai Navy has been clearly identified as providing armed security for the protesters. I am not going to speculate on whether the two hand guns and amunition found on him were issued by the RTN. The point is that there is now clear evidence the military are backing Suthep. Their claims of being strictly neutral have been exposed as a sham. That is pouring gasoline onto a smouldering fire!

One swallow soldier makes a summer military these days ?

Edited by JesseFrank
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Michael Yon is reporting on his FB page that a credible source spoke to him yesterday and said that the Red Brigade/Anti PDRC are going to go on a killing spree aiming to kill as many as 500, using "bombing" quoting this as a magic number that would avoid an all out civil war, if Yingluck doesn't step down tomorow.

He also states that it will not come in the form of ground attacks, so that leaves either several VBIED's or using aircraft to drop ordnance onto protestors.. quite frankly I find what he reported quite disturbing and digusting, and it's a sure fire way to stir up the entire situation..

I agree the people need protecting, but it's simple, go home and you'll not risk being blown to bits,if that attack has any credibility, then Suthep needs to get everyone off the streets now, empty streets = No high impact attacks or casualties.

Use other means to remove Yingluck, her time is about done as it is, but IF people are stupid enough not to heed such warning s and a huge los of life happens as a result, well sorry, I'm all out of symapthy and you let Karma happen!!

Michael Yon...cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif .....credible source ..cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

he also posts that "he" has meetings with Abhisit - these meetings are designed by the Democrats to spread propaganda using "journalists" who are sympathetic to their cause - all he posts are the rumors and propaganda that Suthep wants him to post - hardly a source for reliable news!

Watch this about Michael Yon...Suthep melts down...priceless!


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What's the big fuss? We already know the military have been protecting the protestors because of the cowardly daily bomb and gun attacks. Police want to be tools of the Shinawatras and do nothing? No problem, the Navy will do their job.

The Thai police actually arrested someone...for something!!!! Amazing Thailand!!!

Now instead of arresting the supposed PCAD guards, how about arresting those shooting and throwing hand grenades at the protesters....

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What's the big fuss? We already know the military have been protecting the protestors because of the cowardly daily bomb and gun attacks. Police want to be tools of the Shinawatras and do nothing? No problem, the Navy will do their job.

The Thai police actually arrested someone...for something!!!! Amazing Thailand!!!

Now instead of arresting the supposed PCAD guards, how about arresting those shooting and throwing hand grenades at the protesters....

Better to arrest the guards, so they can not catch the police when throw grenades.

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We wait for the announcement that this was really a top secret anti-drugs mission?

you know in Thailand is against the law to disagree with government so it does not really matter if you are in navy or not

not true.... where did you get that from? it is against the law to be against the Courts and "something else" - this is to protect the 'system'

You say...........

With several corruption cases and petitions involving claims that Premier Yingluck Shinawatra violated the constitution, it is perhaps not surprising that the red shirts have suggested she should exercise civil disobedience against court rulings

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