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Bangkok Lumpini Park becomes focus of protests


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Bangkok boating lake park becomes focus of protests

(Reuters) - A green park in downtown Bangkok was slowly beginning to resemble a tent city on Saturday, a day after anti-government protesters said they would clear camps blocking key intersections and congregate in the park instead.

The protesters have blocked some streets since mid-January in their bid to push out Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra and eradicate the influence of her brother, ex-premier Thaksin Shinawatra, seen as the real power in Thailand.

Suthep's supporters are to move to Lumpini Park, where many protesters already sleep in tents near an established protest stage on the edge of the Silom financial district.

The tents are slowly filling up the park, most under the shade of trees and blue awnings and next to boating lakes, with washing lines strung.

"We will stop closing Bangkok and give every intersection back to Bangkokians. We will stop closing Bangkok from Monday," protest leader Suthep Thaugsuban told supporters on Friday.

"But we will escalate our shutdown of government ministries and Shinawatra businesses."

Full story: http://uk.reuters.com/article/2014/03/01/uk-thailand-protest-idUKBREA1R03O20140301

-- REUTERS 2014-03-01

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Now that Sutherp is clearing the roads, TV Red posters will start complaining about the obstruction of pedalling boats in the park.coffee1.gif

I must admit it would have been much more convenient for all if instead of Lumpini Park Suthep had moved his mob to the nearest phone booth.

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with them all in the one place I wonder how long it will take the reds to start the explosions and shootings again, not that its ever stopped. Hopefully the army can police it and stop any further carnage seeing the police are not capable of it.

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Now that Sutherp is clearing the roads, TV Red posters will start complaining about the obstruction of pedalling boats in the park.coffee1.gif

I must admit it would have been much more convenient for all if instead of Lumpini Park Suthep had moved his mob to the nearest phone booth.

It wouldn't be more convenient for Yingluck or Thaksin, they don't live in Bangkok any more.

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Now that Sutherp is clearing the roads, TV Red posters will start complaining about the obstruction of pedalling boats in the park.coffee1.gif

I must admit it would have been much more convenient for all if instead of Lumpini Park Suthep had moved his mob to the nearest phone booth.

You could be more original than repeating your previous rally at Nana phone booth comment.

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Now that Sutherp is clearing the roads, TV Red posters will start complaining about the obstruction of pedalling boats in the park.coffee1.gif

I must admit it would have been much more convenient for all if instead of Lumpini Park Suthep had moved his mob to the nearest phone booth.

Wow, you are so witty.

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Now that Sutherp is clearing the roads, TV Red posters will start complaining about the obstruction of pedalling boats in the park.coffee1.gif

I must admit it would have been much more convenient for all if instead of Lumpini Park Suthep had moved his mob to the nearest phone booth.

You could be more original than repeating your previous rally at Nana phone booth comment.


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This shift is a good one. It lowers the temperature. It also deflates to a degree the administration's narrative. The focus shifts now to the UDD campaign against the NACC, the EC, and the Civil Court. This will make Chalerms' favouritism more apparent, and place him in an increasingly uncomfortable position, as the pressure to deal with the UDD's move against the constitutional process will cause him to act. The position of both the Constitutional Court and the Civil Court and the Criminal Court - all three affirm the constitutional right of the PDRC to protest. Having said that, if the UDD go after the independent agencies and courts, the consequences for the UDD are quite different. It will unquestionably box Chalerm in. The administration has also gone through a sea-change in that they are finally acknowledging that they are under constitutional restrictions in relation to the rice scheme. In other words, they are beginning to acknowledge what everyone else has for quite some time now. This realization will increase, as the courts move forward. The UDD will become more isolationist, as they will be the last to accept the administration's impotence. As much as the UDD are advocates for the administration, they will now become an increasing embarrassment to them simultaneously. The secession calls and the calls against the independent institutions and judicial system will be a particular embarrassment. Even though the administration is sympathetic to the UDD argument regarding the independent agencies, the UDD's efforts to cement the NACC will not look good to Ki-moon, or to the international media. In short, the UDD helps the administration but destroys their narrative simultaneously.

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Now that Sutherp is clearing the roads, TV Red posters will start complaining about the obstruction of pedalling boats in the park.coffee1.gif

I think most complaints about Suthep was about how much of a corrupt little shouty idiot that he is.

There was nothing honourable about what he stood for, no matter how many pretenses he bleated behind as time went on.

You people amaze me, always throwing the attention away from government wrongs. What would you say if you didn't have Suthep and Abhisit to fall back on and blame.

Prevention always better than cure, transparency over 3 years and there would be NO problems, sums it up, that's all there is to it. If you people cannot see it you would not make sound friends.

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Now that Sutherp is clearing the roads, TV Red posters will start complaining about the obstruction of pedalling boats in the park.coffee1.gif

I must admit it would have been much more convenient for all if instead of Lumpini Park Suthep had moved his mob to the nearest phone booth.

Wow, you are so witty.

I know. The real kicker is the underlying truth that the protest numbers have dwindled so much and so quickly that in the not to distant future they would probably literally fit into a phone booth.

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Now that Sutherp is clearing the roads, TV Red posters will start complaining about the obstruction of pedalling boats in the park.coffee1.gif

I think most complaints about Suthep was about how much of a corrupt little shouty idiot that he is.

There was nothing honourable about what he stood for, no matter how many pretenses he bleated behind as time went on.

You people amaze me, always throwing the attention away from government wrongs. What would you say if you didn't have Suthep and Abhisit to fall back on and blame.

Prevention always better than cure, transparency over 3 years and there would be NO problems, sums it up, that's all there is to it. If you people cannot see it you would not make sound friends.

Abhisit had nearly 3 years when the courts through out the elected government back in 2008. Did nothing.

As for the wrongs - the best course of action is to start with correcting the larger ones and work your way towards the smaller ones. This is why the focus is on the Abhisit, Suthep, PDRC, Democrat side of the show. Any minor PTP infractions can be remedied after the serious stuff is sorted.

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with them all in the one place I wonder how long it will take the reds to start the explosions and shootings again, not that its ever stopped. Hopefully the army can police it and stop any further carnage seeing the police are not capable of it.

The Army "cleaned" the last mercenary group a few days already!

The press told that gun fire where exchanged between PDRC guards and "Unknown groups" from around midnight until early morning

But the people who where there said that they where with the guards and witnessed gun fight 3 - 400 meters from them position

The press was not allowed to come closer for "them safety"

No casualty was "reported"!

Early morning 4 - 5 am the gun fight stopped and armed soldier came into the protest area!!!

They have to recruit new mercenaries now!

The only thing that is still a real danger is the M79 grenades, because it can be launched from far away and do not need a lot of courage to pull the trigger!


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with them all in the one place I wonder how long it will take the reds to start the explosions and shootings again, not that its ever stopped. Hopefully the army can police it and stop any further carnage seeing the police are not capable of it.

... and then put the Democrats back in power. It seems that since the Democrats cannot buy win an election (for 20 years now), the Army is their only hope to attain their goal.

Now Lumpini will be thrashed as the surrounding areas of Democracy Monument were during their occupy Bangkok failing and waning operation started.

With the power of the army they will get back in government. TIDDT (This is dysfunctional/democracy Thailand)

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*Deleted posts edited out*

Manofreason is right. The arm chair activists do not know reality other than what TV or the bias press tells them (which they believe as the Gospel).

3 days ago at about 3 PM I went to Paragon and walked around the Ratchaphrasong area and you could hear the music blaring coming from a solitary guitar player shown on the Jumbotron. He was playing for an audience of Farangs, and vendors. No wonder the cameras were not trained for one second on the audience. A really a laughable sight.

I hung around until 5 and all one could see were the pitiful performers getting their 15 minutes of fame in front of a smattering of Thai senior citizens and the small crowd of Farangs and vendors; totaling both 4 or 5 times more than the "protestors". There were veritable walls of cases of bottled water as high as 2 meters. Areas dedicated to storage of provisions and equipment. Dozens on 10 wheel trucks were parked alongside the main confluences ready to load equipment or people. What I saw was deep pockets financing a grand scale operation to support a feeble attempt to protest.

After what I witnessed for the better part of 2 hours, the only change I would made to Manofreason comment would be to put Suthep's protesters in 2 phone booths were they would be hanging out in comfort.

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Now that Sutherp is clearing the roads, TV Red posters will start complaining about the obstruction of pedalling boats in the park.coffee1.gif

I must admit it would have been much more convenient for all if instead of Lumpini Park Suthep had moved his mob to the nearest phone booth.

You could be more original than repeating your previous rally at Nana phone booth comment.


Cut them some slack. Democrats firmly believe (the world over) they are always right and can do no wrong.

Worse if they are Liberal Democrats, There are several studies conducted by psychiatrists (do not ask me, don't be a lazy arm chair protestor and do your own research) that Liberalism can be cataloged and treated as a mental disease.

Thaksin bad. Suthep good. That is their mental mantra.

My mantra is that Thaksin, Suthep, Abhisit and et al in the Thai political arena are incompetent, venal, self promoting, selfish, indolent, duplicitous and corrupt.

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*Deleted posts edited out*

Manofreason is right. The arm chair activists do not know reality other than what TV or the bias press tells them (which they believe as the Gospel).

3 days ago at about 3 PM I went to Paragon and walked around the Ratchaphrasong area and you could hear the music blaring coming from a solitary guitar player shown on the Jumbotron. He was playing for an audience of Farangs, and vendors. No wonder the cameras were not trained for one second on the audience. A really a laughable sight.

I hung around until 5 and all one could see were the pitiful performers getting their 15 minutes of fame in front of a smattering of Thai senior citizens and the small crowd of Farangs and vendors; totaling both 4 or 5 times more than the "protestors". There were veritable walls of cases of bottled water as high as 2 meters. Areas dedicated to storage of provisions and equipment. Dozens on 10 wheel trucks were parked alongside the main confluences ready to load equipment or people. What I saw was deep pockets financing a grand scale operation to support a feeble attempt to protest.

After what I witnessed for the better part of 2 hours, the only change I would made to Manofreason comment would be to put Suthep's protesters in 2 phone booths were they would be hanging out in comfort.

AIS phone booths please.

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*Deleted posts edited out*

Manofreason is right. The arm chair activists do not know reality other than what TV or the bias press tells them (which they believe as the Gospel).

3 days ago at about 3 PM I went to Paragon and walked around the Ratchaphrasong area and you could hear the music blaring coming from a solitary guitar player shown on the Jumbotron. He was playing for an audience of Farangs, and vendors. No wonder the cameras were not trained for one second on the audience. A really a laughable sight.

I hung around until 5 and all one could see were the pitiful performers getting their 15 minutes of fame in front of a smattering of Thai senior citizens and the small crowd of Farangs and vendors; totaling both 4 or 5 times more than the "protestors". There were veritable walls of cases of bottled water as high as 2 meters. Areas dedicated to storage of provisions and equipment. Dozens on 10 wheel trucks were parked alongside the main confluences ready to load equipment or people. What I saw was deep pockets financing a grand scale operation to support a feeble attempt to protest.

After what I witnessed for the better part of 2 hours, the only change I would made to Manofreason comment would be to put Suthep's protesters in 2 phone booths were they would be hanging out in comfort.

If this ends the worst music festival in the world EVER then karmic justice will have been done - every two-bit no hope backroom bar musician and group have had their 2 minutes in the sun - time to go back home my friends and join Eric Clapton on his no show.

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No sane Thai or foreigner wants to see the twilight days of a revered institution soiled by insurrection and dissolution of the social contract. We all know the old saw, "Those that know nothing are talking, and those in the know are silent."

But we on the outside, may be able to see the forest for the trees. Thailand will weather this storm, my friends - as it has in the past.

I hope all Thais will honor His Majesty's Birthday Wish - Thais unite. Mr. Suthep is guilty of more than incitement to insurrection - he has made a mockery of His Majesty's desire. All those who love the King owe His Majesty this honor - not the shame of street riots and putsches. Long Live The King.

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I heard the best view of Lumpini Park is from the French windows of the oil massage room at the Dusit Spa.

Maybe you should slide over there and check it out? Might be a tad pricey for you Joe.

Maybe I could shutdown a backwater banana republic somewhere and raise some funds from its sheeple.

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Now that Sutherp is clearing the roads, TV Red posters will start complaining about the obstruction of pedalling boats in the park.coffee1.gif

I think most complaints about Suthep was about how much of a corrupt little shouty idiot that he is.

There was nothing honourable about what he stood for, no matter how many pretenses he bleated behind as time went on.

You people amaze me, always throwing the attention away from government wrongs. What would you say if you didn't have Suthep and Abhisit to fall back on and blame.

Prevention always better than cure, transparency over 3 years and there would be NO problems, sums it up, that's all there is to it. If you people cannot see it you would not make sound friends.

What blame did I fall back on and lay on him and Abhisit in that post?

What amazes me is the people that don't actually bother to read a post and instead just repeat boring slogans.

He doesn't stand for anything honourable, he just wants his lot in charge - and regarding him: "that's all there is it to it".

You blame everything on the government with the qualifying statement of "that's all there is to it", that really sums up your openess to look at wrongs on both sides. As someone else pointed out, Abhisit and co were in charge for a few years recently, where were all the reforms and transparancy then?

Remember all the money the democrat politicians made while they were in power? corruption is on both sides.

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