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Is thailand comparable to england for food costs


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You live in a very different Thailand than mine.

Yup, it seems that you live on this forum but that's fine. I live in BKK where prices are high at the moment. It is much cheaper to go to Thai restaurants then shop in Tops and cook your own dinner.

Compare Tops, Villa market to the list that OP posted and sure everything is cheaper in the UK then in BKK. Salary's in BKK are also higher then on the countryside. If you go to a cheap restaurant then you also get cheap food in very small portions.

The only restaurant where you can eat well for the price is Sizzlers. No wonder that there is always a queue there.

A/C supermarkets are of course far beyond affordable, not a cheap option - and the topic's got NOTHING to do with restaurants.

Obviously if you're a foreigner wanting to eat your foreign food, much wealthier than the locals so buying your food in places designed to accommodate that segment of the market, there isn't any logical comparison going on.

A wealthy Thai eating mostly nice Thai food in England will of course be spending a lot more money than the bottom 25% of the local population.

I'm talking about economizing, living like low-end locals do in each place and comparing minimum healthy food budgets on that basis.

So my household eats plenty of food, fresh and healthy prepared at home for B1500 a week.

To do the same in the US would be well over $150 a week (triple the BKK cost), and most Americans would be shocked that's even possible.

My question is how low could you go in the UK, say for a family of 5 and be eating a lot of fresh healthy food cooked at home, not counting sweets and junk, less meat than most would want but enough for growing kids. . .

I honestly have no idea but am suggesting the answer would be a better fit to the OP question than a list of specific foodstuffs when the cultural patterns are so different, looking for the common ground here.

Granted there are alot of things that are much cheaper here than they are in the UK but i just find it little strange that what we class as basics in the wetern world they are the same price as they are in Thailand even though all 7-11's sell it and sell alot of it.

My thinking is that the thai companys are greedy and either paying the works alot less than they really should do(if they are charging western prices pay western salarys) or they are overcharging the thai's who have a more western way of thinking,

Transam had a good point with the HP sauce its 0.95p(50b) on the tesco.co.uk website yet in tops its 125b(2.50gbp) taking into account delivery thats still a massive markup the thai companys are putting on compared to UK

What you fail to understand is that food, water and booze have always been free in Thailand or close to it.

If a fellow runs up on hard times in Bangkok he just takes his family and goes back to the farm. A Thai does not need HP sauce any more than he needs toilet paper.

If a fellow runs up on hard times in he doesn't go home and eat potatoes anymore.

Half of the Thai population is still involved in agriculture. What percent would that be in the UK?

You need a grocery store to buy food. Thais don't need no stinking grocery store.

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Well goodluck going to the Thai markets in BKK. They are also expensive and never show their price, so they can easy cheat any farang/rich person.

Also they don't have good parkinglots and you can barely walk around there. On top of that nobody speaks english.

So supermarkets are the way to shop and the airconditioning is a nice plus. Also they show their price on the products and you can just walk around without being pushed away. Go look at the meat on the local markets, i guess you will become vegetarian spontaneously. If you are lucky then they splash some boiling hot oil on you or maybe some juices when they are chopping up fish/frogs/turtles right next to you.

The OP also showed prices of supermarkets with heating in the UK, not marketprices so yes then it is cheaper to shop in the UK.

I bet you wear a suit and a coller and tie at all times as well ,dont want to mix with those nasty natives

ps i neveR ever get overcharged in the markets and most stuff is labeled with the prices as well ,but then i live in that nasty Pattaya ,not with the upper classes in BKK.smile.png

That's good for you dude, my wife has a real job and just bought a new car herself without needing my money for that.

I wear casual everyday, don't have to work if that's what you wanna know.

My point is why would i go to those markets to get cheated, contaminated with formalin, be dirty/sweaty while i can buy all in Foodland or the Kings shop?

Maybe markets in Pattaya do price their goods, no idea because my wife doesn't want to go there at all.

The supermarkets in Thailand are expensive because of all the personell they have. They don't need them and wait untill Aldi or Lidl will come here, then they will get very busy.

Beer is even much more expensive in Thailand although i don't know the price of it in the UK. Peanutbutter is very expensive too, same as butter or cold cuts/cheese.

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Well goodluck going to the Thai markets in BKK. They are also expensive and never show their price, so they can easy cheat any farang/rich person.

Also they don't have good parkinglots and you can barely walk around there. On top of that nobody speaks english.

So supermarkets are the way to shop and the airconditioning is a nice plus. Also they show their price on the products and you can just walk around without being pushed away. Go look at the meat on the local markets, i guess you will become vegetarian spontaneously. If you are lucky then they splash some boiling hot oil on you or maybe some juices when they are chopping up fish/frogs/turtles right next to you.

The OP also showed prices of supermarkets with heating in the UK, not marketprices so yes then it is cheaper to shop in the UK.

I bet you wear a suit and a coller and tie at all times as well ,dont want to mix with those nasty natives

ps i neveR ever get overcharged in the markets and most stuff is labeled with the prices as well ,but then i live in that nasty Pattaya ,not with the upper classes in BKK.smile.png

That's good for you dude, my wife has a real job and just bought a new car herself without needing my money for that.

I wear casual everyday, don't have to work if that's what you wanna know.

My point is why would i go to those markets to get cheated, contaminated with formalin, be dirty/sweaty while i can buy all in Foodland or the Kings shop?

Maybe markets in Pattaya do price their goods, no idea because my wife doesn't want to go there at all.

The supermarkets in Thailand are expensive because of all the personell they have. They don't need them and wait untill Aldi or Lidl will come here, then they will get very busy.

Beer is even much more expensive in Thailand although i don't know the price of it in the UK. Peanutbutter is very expensive too, same as butter or cold cuts/cheese.

I wouldnt knowingly buy any meat from the market man, i was once at a market and there was one women sitting there selling some kind of meat and literally 1000's of flies around it it was dog rough, i was actually more shocked at the women for sitting there thinking somebody was going to buy off her

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I have recently returned, and some things aren't that much out of kilter as you might expect. And with beer prices going up inexorably in thailand, its getting closer.

I am astonished at how cheap the high street is in general in the uk. It has become incredibly competitive. Now I am not saying 100 baht shirts and 25 baht pad krapow, but it isn't as bad as I expected.

Bear in mind VAT is 20% in the uk. If it was 7 the prices would be even closer.

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Well goodluck going to the Thai markets in BKK. They are also expensive and never show their price, so they can easy cheat any farang/rich person.

Also they don't have good parkinglots and you can barely walk around there. On top of that nobody speaks english.

So supermarkets are the way to shop and the airconditioning is a nice plus. Also they show their price on the products and you can just walk around without being pushed away. Go look at the meat on the local markets, i guess you will become vegetarian spontaneously. If you are lucky then they splash some boiling hot oil on you or maybe some juices when they are chopping up fish/frogs/turtles right next to you.

The OP also showed prices of supermarkets with heating in the UK, not marketprices so yes then it is cheaper to shop in the UK.

I bet you wear a suit and a coller and tie at all times as well ,dont want to mix with those nasty natives

ps i neveR ever get overcharged in the markets and most stuff is labeled with the prices as well ,but then i live in that nasty Pattaya ,not with the upper classes in BKK.smile.png

That's good for you dude, my wife has a real job and just bought a new car herself without needing my money for that.

I wear casual everyday, don't have to work if that's what you wanna know.

My point is why would i go to those markets to get cheated, contaminated with formalin, be dirty/sweaty while i can buy all in Foodland or the Kings shop?

Maybe markets in Pattaya do price their goods, no idea because my wife doesn't want to go there at all.

The supermarkets in Thailand are expensive because of all the personell they have. They don't need them and wait untill Aldi or Lidl will come here, then they will get very busy.

Beer is even much more expensive in Thailand although i don't know the price of it in the UK. Peanutbutter is very expensive too, same as butter or cold cuts/cheese.

You must be in another country. Thais don't drink much beer because it can't be made here by the family. It's too hot. They make rice wine and whiskey which goes for 5 baht a shot. Thais don't eat diary products or cold cuts or cheese.

Wake up. Compare things that Thais eat or drink in the same quantities to have an accurate comparison.

It's always the same you people from your Western homes trying to make yourself feel better but it just isn't so.

A man can live well in Thailand for 10% of what it takes in the West. Get over it. Stop with the jealous stuff. No Thais don't eat dairy products so they don't smell bad. It's just one of those things.

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I wouldnt knowingly buy any meat from the market man, i was once at a market and there was one women sitting there selling some kind of meat and literally 1000's of flies around it it was dog rough, i was actually more shocked at the women for sitting there thinking somebody was going to buy off her

Wouldn't be so quick to jump to conclusions. Neither myself or my dogs have ever gotten sick off market meat. However, my one dog did get trichinosis once from some vacuum packed pork fillets from Tesco.

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Well goodluck going to the Thai markets in BKK. They are also expensive and never show their price, so they can easy cheat any farang/rich person.

Also they don't have good parkinglots and you can barely walk around there. On top of that nobody speaks english.

So supermarkets are the way to shop and the airconditioning is a nice plus. Also they show their price on the products and you can just walk around without being pushed away. Go look at the meat on the local markets, i guess you will become vegetarian spontaneously. If you are lucky then they splash some boiling hot oil on you or maybe some juices when they are chopping up fish/frogs/turtles right next to you.

The OP also showed prices of supermarkets with heating in the UK, not marketprices so yes then it is cheaper to shop in the UK.

I bet you wear a suit and a coller and tie at all times as well ,dont want to mix with those nasty natives

ps i neveR ever get overcharged in the markets and most stuff is labeled with the prices as well ,but then i live in that nasty Pattaya ,not with the upper classes in BKK.smile.png

That's good for you dude, my wife has a real job and just bought a new car herself without needing my money for that.

I wear casual everyday, don't have to work if that's what you wanna know.

My point is why would i go to those markets to get cheated, contaminated with formalin, be dirty/sweaty while i can buy all in Foodland or the Kings shop?

Maybe markets in Pattaya do price their goods, no idea because my wife doesn't want to go there at all.

The supermarkets in Thailand are expensive because of all the personell they have. They don't need them and wait untill Aldi or Lidl will come here, then they will get very busy.

Beer is even much more expensive in Thailand although i don't know the price of it in the UK. Peanutbutter is very expensive too, same as butter or cold cuts/cheese.

You must be in another country. Thais don't drink much beer because it can't be made here by the family. It's too hot. They make rice wine and whiskey which goes for 5 baht a shot. Thais don't eat diary products or cold cuts or cheese.

Wake up. Compare things that Thais eat or drink in the same quantities to have an accurate comparison.

It's always the same you people from your Western homes trying to make yourself feel better but it just isn't so.

A man can live well in Thailand for 10% of what it takes in the West. Get over it. Stop with the jealous stuff. No Thais don't eat dairy products so they don't smell bad. It's just one of those things.

No idea where you live but here in BKK the Thai sure eat cheese, buy milk, eat yoghurt and everything else. Have you ever seen the huge Yakult factory in BKK? Look if you live in Nakhon Nowhere then probably you have no idea about BKK, and BKK is not only Sukhumvit, the Thai family's live in villaparks that you won't see from the roads.

I agree with you that if you live in Nakon nowhere and eat local from the markets and grow your own fruit/vegy life can be cheap. But here they all drive brand new cars, have big houses with 3 bathrooms, 3 aircons, security and much more so it is a different world these days.

Also Thai here go travelling, to Asia/Europe/Australia/Japan anywhere. Also they drink wine from 800 baht a bottle or Belgium beer for 200 baht a glass.

Have you ever been in a mall in BKK? i guess so well then everything you see there has it's customers. Also malls outside of Sukhumvit have the same products and they are being sold daily.

What do you mean with "stop with the jealous stuff"? I'm happy to live in BKK in my western home. I'm not jealous with anybody, even not the ones in the huge mansions and loads of personell and 3 big german cars on the driveway.

Thais don't drink much beer because it is to hot, are you serious?? They also drink much whisky, Johnny walker but if the boss is paying they order Black label. I guess you have never been to BKK and met the locals there. They don't eat fried fieldrats anymore, they prefer strawberry's from Korea these days.

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Let's try it this way - my household of 7 gets by on under B1,500 per week.

That's not sweets, snacks or fizzy drinks or even fruit juice, just wet-market fruit & veg, very low on animal protein other than eggs, lots of rice of course (25 kg couple times a month) supplemented by local street market for dry goods.

The equivalent in the US - assuming a location with decent stores not too far away - is at least USD $150 a week, food stamps will cover much more than that, but few poor Americans actually cook many meals, mostly eat factory-prepared junk food.

So any poor people from the UK with experience able to contribute a ballpark comparison?

Please give some examples what you cook for 30 Baht per head and day and 2-3 meals per day.

Sent from my i-mobile IQ XA using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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He said 1500 Baht a day with 7 persons. That is a little bit more than 210 Baht a day or 30 per person. Your examples are for one meal and why is rice and veggies free?

Do you believe Mama noodles or khaow man gai is proper healthy food? And where do you live that rice costs 5Baht (here near CM it is 10 in the fresh market)? No fruits no sweets that is existing but not living.

Edited by hanuman2543
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I expect there is quite a lot of tax whacked on food imported into Thailand, for instance, have you seen the price of a jar of Marmite! On the other hand, look at the price of rice in the UK, and what it sells for in Thailand. One gets the distinct impression that in the UK, virtually any 'packaged/prepared' meal with rice in it, is considered a product you can charge over the odds for, as I'm guessing they use a fair number of artificial flavourings inside them instead of the spices and herbs used in Thailand.

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He said 1500 Baht a day with 7 persons. That is a little bit more than 210 Baht a day or 30 per person. Your examples are for one meal and why is rice and veggies free?

Do you believe Mama noodles or khaow man gai is proper healthy food? And where do you live that rice costs 5Baht (here near CM it is 10 in the fresh market)? No fruits no sweets that is existing but not living.

I mostly don't pay for vegetables or fruit and nor does anyone in the small community where I live. They grow everywhere and are not owned by anyone.

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He said 1500 Baht a day with 7 persons. That is a little bit more than 210 Baht a day or 30 per person. Your examples are for one meal and why is rice and veggies free?

Do you believe Mama noodles or khaow man gai is proper healthy food? And where do you live that rice costs 5Baht (here near CM it is 10 in the fresh market)? No fruits no sweets that is existing but not living.

Rice is from the family farm and free. Vegetables are from the year round garden across the street and almost free.

The only thing we pay for is chicken, fish and pork. Mama noodles are a starch so yes when mixed with vegetables and protein they are fine. Cow men gai is rice and chicken and soup with root vegetables in the soup. It's fine. What is a hamburger or fish and chips? For four people for one day I would spend 80 baht for a chicken and the rest is close to free. Rice porridge for breakfast. Pork soup with noodles and spinach for lunch. Roast chicken with rice and vegetables for dinner. My cost less than 200 baht for 4 people. Good balanced meals.

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Let's try it this way - my household of 7 gets by on under B1,500 per week.

That's not sweets, snacks or fizzy drinks or even fruit juice, just wet-market fruit & veg, very low on animal protein other than eggs, lots of rice of course (25 kg couple times a month) supplemented by local street market for dry goods.

The equivalent in the US - assuming a location with decent stores not too far away - is at least USD $150 a week, food stamps will cover much more than that, but few poor Americans actually cook many meals, mostly eat factory-prepared junk food.

As opposed to the formulin laced "fresh" food in your vaunted Thai wet market.

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I live alone and have a varied diet eating out most of the time sometimes cooking at home and it seems to me I spend roughly the same on food per week as I would at home. The difference is that to keep the cost similar at home I would never be able to eat out.

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He said 1500 Baht a day with 7 persons. That is a little bit more than 210 Baht a day or 30 per person. Your examples are for one meal and why is rice and veggies free?

Do you believe Mama noodles or khaow man gai is proper healthy food? And where do you live that rice costs 5Baht (here near CM it is 10 in the fresh market)? No fruits no sweets that is existing but not living.

You better buy glasses dude! He wrote per week. thumbsup.gif

Let's try it this way - my household of 7 gets by on under B1,500 per week.

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He said 1500 Baht a day with 7 persons. That is a little bit more than 210 Baht a day or 30 per person. Your examples are for one meal and why is rice and veggies free?

Do you believe Mama noodles or khaow man gai is proper healthy food? And where do you live that rice costs 5Baht (here near CM it is 10 in the fresh market)? No fruits no sweets that is existing but not living.

Rice is from the family farm and free. Vegetables are from the year round garden across the street and almost free.

The only thing we pay for is chicken, fish and pork. Mama noodles are a starch so yes when mixed with vegetables and protein they are fine. Cow men gai is rice and chicken and soup with root vegetables in the soup. It's fine. What is a hamburger or fish and chips? For four people for one day I would spend 80 baht for a chicken and the rest is close to free. Rice porridge for breakfast. Pork soup with noodles and spinach for lunch. Roast chicken with rice and vegetables for dinner. My cost less than 200 baht for 4 people. Good balanced meals.

Ok so what your really saying is that your family of 7 can live on 1500 baht becuase all you pay for is meat and fish and everything else is free

Yup. The food is free, power and water subsidized by the government and housing and public transportation about 1/10th of Western cost. And the chicks are free. Gee that might make a good song? When paying for living expenses here I am not in dire straits. Hmmm.

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On a slightly different matter, what i do compare is the ''Choices'' of ''Healthy Options'' in the supermarkets in the UK...

Like ''Reduced Salt'' 'Reduced Sugar'' , ''Zero Percent fat Yoghurt'', i do like to have a choice, when i buy the groceries, but here in ''Thailand'' i never seem to find those options,. i have found ''Light soy sauce'' but thats about it..

I have brought this up with ''Thai People'' and like always they say ''Same Same'' ???

anyway, just my thoughts..

Wish there was a ''Waitrose'' here..... ''Topps'' is about as close as it gets..

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He said 1500 Baht a day with 7 persons. That is a little bit more than 210 Baht a day or 30 per person. Your examples are for one meal and why is rice and veggies free?

Do you believe Mama noodles or khaow man gai is proper healthy food? And where do you live that rice costs 5Baht (here near CM it is 10 in the fresh market)? No fruits no sweets that is existing but not living.

Rice is from the family farm and free. Vegetables are from the year round garden across the street and almost free.

The only thing we pay for is chicken, fish and pork. Mama noodles are a starch so yes when mixed with vegetables and protein they are fine. Cow men gai is rice and chicken and soup with root vegetables in the soup. It's fine. What is a hamburger or fish and chips? For four people for one day I would spend 80 baht for a chicken and the rest is close to free. Rice porridge for breakfast. Pork soup with noodles and spinach for lunch. Roast chicken with rice and vegetables for dinner. My cost less than 200 baht for 4 people. Good balanced meals.

Rice noodles soaked for a few minutes in hot water: 5 Baht. Boned out chicken thigh: 10 Baht. Couple of hands full of fresh vegetables: free mostly. Small amount of garlic and ginger: Free mostly. Couple of slugs of oyster sauce and or Soy, fish sauce. 3-4 Baht? Half a lime and a couple of chillies: Free. Tiny amount of oil for stir frying: 2-3 Baht? 22 Baht all in and half that for a vegetable only stir fry. Healthy and balanced lunch for one.

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Prices of food here in Thailand are getting close to the prices in western Europe. I often compare with family and friends and was shocked last year to see the prices of many items in the UK. My weekly shopping cart is by now close to what you pay in budget supermarkets in Europe, and than I mean the standard items, meat, milk, eggs, sugar, rice, vegetables, etc. When shopping for imported stuff it's much more expensive here, so on a mixed Thai / Foreign menu you'll spend about the same here as you would in Europe.

On of the reasons is that the retail margins in Thailand are very high compared to extremely low in Europe where competition and price comparing is strong. No wonder that big companies are investing like crazy in Thai retail.

And indeed it is not easy to make ends meet on a 9000 Bath income in Thailand!

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Firstly, your figures are wrong, Th average salary in the UK is 26,500 GBP per year,, this is 2200 GBP per month before tax.

Secondly, you cannot judge the price of food in Thailand by looking at foreign products, this is not an indication of food prices. The reality is that food is much cheaper in Thailand then the UK, absolutely no doubt about it. But this is only relevant if you buy local produce and eat like a local Thai, which of course Thai's do.

If you look at the price of cornflakes, digestive biscuits, English Tea bags etc then of course food is expensive in Thailand as it is imported foreign food. Likewise if I buy apple aubergines, fish sauce, shrimp paste, Thai basil etc in the UK it is far more expensive then buying locally in Thailand.

Also, eating out in Thailand is far cheaper, again IF you don't go to the European restaurants but buy locally.. I quite regularly go to a small local restaurant for rice, pork with Basil and a lemon tea and I pay about 60 baht.. This is just over 1 GBP,,, there is absolutely no where, anywhere where you can eat out for this kind of money in the UK.

So, in summary,, eat local food it's cheap, eat foreign imported food its expensive, but generally the cost of living in Thailand is far lower then the UK.

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Go out with the lads after work to the pub for a pint. How much?

Somchai goes out with his buddies after work to granny the moonshiners who has two 18 year old Trade School

senior grandaughters who help her with the customers at her small family store. Somchai and friends spend 5bhat per shot drinking Thai whiskey eating granny's home made pork meatball soup and chasing about with beautiful young Thai girls in blue and white school uniforms. They get drunk and ..... conversation for under 100 baht. How much do you spend?

Edited by thailiketoo
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Thai don't eat much vegetables

You live in a very different Thailand than mine.

Yup, it seems that you live on this forum but that's fine. I live in BKK where prices are high at the moment. It is much cheaper to go to Thai restaurants then shop in Tops and cook your own dinner.

Compare Tops, Villa market to the list that OP posted and sure everything is cheaper in the UK then in BKK. Salary's in BKK are also higher then on the countryside. If you go to a cheap restaurant then you also get cheap food in very small portions.

The only restaurant where you can eat well for the price is Sizzlers. No wonder that there is always a queue there.

Eat well at Sizzlers? Only if you stick to the salad.

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In Scotland last Summer I payed 6.80 for fish and chips!!

(340 baht)

Best place in the UK for ''Fish and Chips'' for sure...., further north, even better..

Did you wash it down with ''Barrs Iron Bru'' ???.... another regional treasure...

No i couldnt afford an iron bru!

It was a nice fish supper in Ullapool but pricey.

I can feel a new "fish and chip" thread coming on.....

Sent from my GT-N7100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Thai don't eat much vegetables

You live in a very different Thailand than mine.

Yup, it seems that you live on this forum but that's fine. I live in BKK where prices are high at the moment. It is much cheaper to go to Thai restaurants then shop in Tops and cook your own dinner.

Compare Tops, Villa market to the list that OP posted and sure everything is cheaper in the UK then in BKK. Salary's in BKK are also higher then on the countryside. If you go to a cheap restaurant then you also get cheap food in very small portions.

The only restaurant where you can eat well for the price is Sizzlers. No wonder that there is always a queue there.

Eat well at Sizzlers? Only if you stick to the salad.

Yes saladbar is good, ozzy chopped steak is great, porkloin is great , real french fry's and with 2 persons and water we eat for 550 baht. We do that a lot. The more expensive steaks are not worth the money so i don't order them anymore.

It is not very cheap though but for BKK it is about the best deal you can find to just have a good dinner untill you are full. I get tired of the mini-portions or expensive prices in other restaurants. Also they don't know what steak is or good service. I learned my wife to eat much more vegy's and she loves Sizzlers now.

Only bad thing about sizzlers are many crying baby's and you have to ask for ketchup. We have Thai friends who used more then a whole bottle of ketchup there so i can understand why they are off the table lately.

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