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Thousands of Thai anti-government protesters march in Bangkok


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Now is the moment to tune to Bluesky and hit record.

suthep and his guards walking homeand there are so few people that they are having to make the way through traffic.

BlueSky are having to use tighter and tighter shots just to avoid the wide open empty spaces.

you mean this one? https://twitter.com/vapee/status/449804117913767936/photo/1 in Thai but I guess it says something like you are full of it?

That is not the only shot they showed but it will do. How many people do you think are there. When it panned out to show all of the gaps I estimated that it was about 10,000?

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This is a Queen Concert from 1985 @ Wembley .. I think the number was 107 thousand.... from what I am seeing on television now ...all channels ... nowhere near this number by a long shot... perhaps tonight when the concerts start

(20% not seen) NOT a wide angle lens


Edited by DirtFarmer
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I'd like to officially request that the misleading title of this thread be revised to "Dozens of Thai anti-government protesters........", in the interests of accuracy.

I do not know how do you count!?

Those pictures have been taken this morning!

Have a look!

From your first photo,

I make it 47 across, 19 between sky train posts and about 10 posts = 8900 people.


We could round that up to 10k. (What time was this taken?)

Edited by BlueNoseCodger
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I could gather a bigger crowd by holding up a sign that said "Free Chicken Noodles".


Just been checking the BBC, CNN and Al Jazeera. No mention of the Thai government resigning on any of them.

Edited by Spalpeen
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so how many against 20mln voters and millions, who were prevented from voting?

You mean the 20 million of which around 50% voted NO, and the rest were a couple of million for assorted parties and 8 million buffalos for the PTP.

The ones obstructed were not PTP strongholds and I think the 2% in some provinces that turned out in the re-runs says it all really.

The real majority are speaking.

Not the 8 million MINORITY!!!!!!!!!

The other 40 MILLION VOTERS!

Well over a million on the streets, and the rest voted with their feet.

Of the 40 million in un-obstucted areas, 20 million did not even bother to vote. 10 million who did voted NO and the other 8 million who didn't get the chance to vote would be pretty much all NO votes, and not a single vote would have been PTPO anyway.

So stick that in your pipe and smoke it pal.

what you smoking ?

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It should be easy enough to estimate aerial shots, average is 4 people per M2 ,measure the distance (length of the crowd) x Width of the roads I doubt the roads in Bangkok are anymore than 25-30M wide and for each group you can get an average, and have a margin of error of 10% Plus or minus..

So if the route is 16.5 KM's and it was packed solid all the way at 4 people per square M, at best you'll have just under 2 Million, but that would have to be packed for the entire 16.5 KM's of the march.. it's pretty obvious that this isn't the case here.. doesn't really matter, it's a fair old trek and for some it's a great day out.. ;)

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Now is the moment to tune to Bluesky and hit record.

suthep and his guards walking homeand there are so few people that they are having to make the way through traffic.

BlueSky are having to use tighter and tighter shots just to avoid the wide open empty spaces.

you mean this one? https://twitter.com/vapee/status/449804117913767936/photo/1 in Thai but I guess it says something like you are full of it?

That is not the only shot they showed but it will do. How many people do you think are there. When it panned out to show all of the gaps I estimated that it was about 10,000?

how about this drone from the nation https://twitter.com/vapee/status/449804117913767936/photo/1

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Now is the moment to tune to Bluesky and hit record.

suthep and his guards walking homeand there are so few people that they are having to make the way through traffic.

BlueSky are having to use tighter and tighter shots just to avoid the wide open empty spaces.

you mean this one? https://twitter.com/vapee/status/449804117913767936/photo/1 in Thai but I guess it says something like you are full of it?

Oh yes.. that looks like 6 million people to me :)

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Now is the moment to tune to Bluesky and hit record.

suthep and his guards walking homeand there are so few people that they are having to make the way through traffic.

BlueSky are having to use tighter and tighter shots just to avoid the wide open empty spaces.

you mean this one? https://twitter.com/vapee/status/449804117913767936/photo/1 in Thai but I guess it says something like you are full of it?

Oh yes.. that looks like 6 million people to me smile.png

i dont know who is referring to 6 million but I only post these (which are perfectly easy to find if inclined) to those with serious cases of denial about the scale of the numbers of people marching today. Maybe you can ask your poster boy Mr Capo for actual numbers.

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Reuters put the numbers at between 30,000-50,000 at around 1pm. Didn't Suterp boast of 1m this morning speaking to the press. Go home. It's over.

Not quite, the 50k one seems to be an estimate before the protest:

"We think the crowd will swell to 50,000 people.

The 30k one comes from the police:

By mid-morning police put the crowd at around 30,000. Around 500 protesters from the Network of Students and People for the Reform of Thailand, a splinter group of the main protest group, broke into the compound of Government House, a site largely abandoned by officials.

I've yet to see a photo anywhere near these numbers.

Edited by BlueNoseCodger
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This news just in.........66.5 million people show their support for democracy and the elected government by boycotting Suthep's silly little parade!

I am probably being naive here,but just to satisfy my stupidty,is this a joke.I am not very good on alternative comedy.

Yes my friend it is a joke just like the person who posted it.
Oops! It seems I got my numbers wrong. See if you can spot the 66.999 million absent protesters in this photo........


Oops how about this. See if you can post a link to your original post " 66.5 million people show their support for democracy and the elected government by boycotting Suthep's silly little parade"! I don't know if English is your first language or not but I will give you the benifit of the doubt. Boycotting and absent have two different meanings.

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Go on with this nonsense.

The rich influence people always can leave Thailand, the ordinary people from North to East to South can't. They will suffer as always.

And you really think Thaksin will help them?

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Now is the moment to tune to Bluesky and hit record.

suthep and his guards walking homeand there are so few people that they are having to make the way through traffic.

BlueSky are having to use tighter and tighter shots just to avoid the wide open empty spaces.

you mean this one? https://twitter.com/vapee/status/449804117913767936/photo/1 in Thai but I guess it says something like you are full of it?

That is not the only shot they showed but it will do. How many people do you think are there. When it panned out to show all of the gaps I estimated that it was about 10,000?

how about this drone from the nation https://twitter.com/vapee/status/449804117913767936/photo/1

Just got back, I couldn't find them this time.

Did you get the wrong link? i clicked on it and got the low angle shot from BlueSky

Edited by Dr Bruce
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so how many against 20mln voters and millions, who were prevented from voting?

You mean the 20 million of which around 50% voted NO, and the rest were a couple of million for assorted parties and 8 million buffalos for the PTP.

The ones obstructed were not PTP strongholds and I think the 2% in some provinces that turned out in the re-runs says it all really.

The real majority are speaking.

Not the 8 million MINORITY!!!!!!!!!

The other 40 MILLION VOTERS!

Well over a million on the streets, and the rest voted with their feet.

Of the 40 million in un-obstucted areas, 20 million did not even bother to vote. 10 million who did voted NO and the other 8 million who didn't get the chance to vote would be pretty much all NO votes, and not a single vote would have been PTPO anyway.

So stick that in your pipe and smoke it pal.

Unfortunately, we will never know the voting public's clear intentions due to everyone not being allowed to vote, for any interested candidate being allowed to register and due to the major opposition party not perticipating in the election. The way to go is to win the hearts and minds of the voting public to vote for the best individual candidate. Yes, I know, naive. Still, flawed as it might be, it is the best way to deal with the will of the majority in a democracy. A lot of work, I know.

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Go on with this nonsense.

The rich influence people always can leave Thailand, the ordinary people from North to East to South can't. They will suffer as always.

And you really think Thaksin will help them?

And do you think that being given 300-500 baht every 3-4 months to vote (I'm being very conservative here) has a significant impact on their quality of life over a period of a year ??

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Oops how about this. See if you can post a link to your original post " 66.5 million people show their support for democracy and the elected government by boycotting Suthep's silly little parade"! I don't know if English is your first language or not but I will give you the benifit of the doubt. Boycotting and absent have two different meanings.


Not sure what 'English' has got to do with it, given that Boycott is an Irish word and practice....as most educated people know. (Note, benefit, not 'benifit')

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Here's the thing. Support Suthep or not, prior to today, he "boasted", more than once, that today's rally would be the "biggest ever". In my personal opinion, he's definitely missed the mark on that one.

You could be right about this is not the biggest show of support ever. However after 4 months of continuous protesting and givin the fact is is near 40 c in the shade walking over 15 km. in the sun, it is pretty impressive.

IMHO it has nothing to do with Suthep, this and all previous protest marches has to do with people sick and tired of the way this country is and has been governed, and want something better without a Shin or its clan in that equation.

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Just got back, I couldn't find them this time.

Did you get the wrong link? i clicked on it and got the low angle shot from BlueSky

I think you meant this photo?


I make it (36+10) * 2 across, 100 deep in the main block, = 9200, plus some bits on the arms, say 2000 in the left, 1000 in the top, 1000 in the right (I'll assume people behind the trees), and a bit along the bottom...

About 14000.

That'll get you about 25% of one seat in parliament.

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Just got back, I couldn't find them this time.

Did you get the wrong link? i clicked on it and got the low angle shot from BlueSky

I think you meant this photo?


I make it (36+10) * 2 across, 100 deep in the main block, = 9200, plus some bits on the arms, say 2000 in the left, 1000 in the top, 1000 in the right (I'll assume people behind the trees), and a bit along the bottom...

About 14000.

That'll get you about 25% of one seat in parliament.

Note to self: when it gets really hot in TH, remember to drink more fluids and stay out of the sun.

Ok, round 2 next week, let's see what team red can pull off - are they coming by police escorted boats this time?

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