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Just make sure you identify a vet that will put it down ahead of when the time comes, few Thai vets will.

Took a solid three days I finally found a muslim doc from the south in BKK that would, Scooter suffered a lot in the meantime.

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Funny eh?

Just a small dog, scotty mix.

And over a dozen vets wouldn't do it for any amount of money, goes against their religious principles.

Apparently putting a suffering creature out of its misery in a humane way accumulates bad karma, not good, but just letting him suffer is irrelevant, just like eating meat that someone else killed on your behalf.

Not actually criticizing that much, just want pet owners to be aware they're not in Kansas anymore, forewarned is forearmed etc. . .

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Do it yourself when time comes.

Get the vet to put the drip tube in....you administer the green dream yourself.

We had a dog at home recently that I had to administer the drip, so they will do it that way if approached, they not push the button, you do, release them from their illogical ways.

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Good, thanks for that I'd be able to do it myself.

But many wouldn't. . .

Wonder if I could use that tactic for myself when the time comes?

I feel for you that scooter had to suffer,i sorted this out soon after getting my beloved,but as for the above I would get the wife to press the buttons.MINE AND HIS.smile.png

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Let's try to stay on topic.

It is easy to import a pet and there is no quarantine. All you need is an import permit and health certificate from Animal Quarantine who are located right next to the baggage carousel. If you have brought the pet with you (either in the cabin or as accompanied baggage) that's it and cost about 50 baht. If however due to size or other reason the pet came as cargo then you have to go top the cargo terminal and deal with customs and there will be a bargaining process and money to pay as well as more time spent. So if at all possible avoid that.

Although you can obtain the import permit on arrival some airlines require that you have it in advance. See the pinned thread.

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