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Slow typing in Windows 7


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For the last week or so I have had this problem and it was getting worse; using Win 7 Ultimate, 64 Bit - legit copy BTW!

I would try typing - in any Application, Word, Email, whatever - and there would be a significant delay in the words actually appearing, sometimes several seconds, as as time went on sometimes nothing would appear at all.

I Googled the problem and there were several Threads on the subject with various solutions suggested, none of which worked in my case, then a Thai friend suggested that it was a sign that my "C" Drive was failing, and when I looked at the Computers Indicator Lights when typing sure enough they showed that the Hard Disk was working constantly whenever I typed.

Just thought I would share the situation with anyone who might have a similar problem!

By the way, as a solution I replaced the Hard Disc with a Samsung 120 Gig SSD and transferred my OS and all Programs to that - the difference in speed was significant and even my Internet Connection seems faster now.


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Please download the "Unin- staller pro" from the bay, get rid off all the junk files,,de- fragment your machine, plus using the right Anti virus software should do the trick.

And of course update your machine from Windows. P.S. Please check your available memory. If you have two memory cards,it could happen that one can't be read.

P.S. You can check your hard drive's health easily by using "sentinel."

Edited by sirchai
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HD Sentinel is a great, very sophisticated program. I wonder though if your machine might be infected with a malware keystroke tracker. Have you tried running CCleaner and Malwarebytes? It might be good also to run Ad-aware. It may only have been a hardware problem but it's good to keep your machine lean and clean - free of malware and junk files and programs.

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You might want to temporarily turn off the indexing function to see if that makes a difference. That might be what is making the hard drive indicator seem to be constantly lit up. You can sometimes look at the Task Manager (CNTRL, ALT, DELETE) under the "Processes" tab to see what function is occupying so many CPU cycles. Also, if you're using a wireless keyboard, there can sometimes be a lag as you describe although that problem typically self-corrects in a few seconds. Or a change of keyboard batteries can oft solve that problem too. Finally, if you haven't powered down your computer in a few days you might try that. That is the electronic equivalent of an enema, and we all know how useful that can be.

All of the suggestions so far made by others in their replies to the OP are good and worth exploring. Good luck to you!

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You might want to temporarily turn off the indexing function to see if that makes a difference. That might be what is making the hard drive indicator seem to be constantly lit up. You can sometimes look at the Task Manager (CNTRL, ALT, DELETE) under the "Processes" tab to see what function is occupying so many CPU cycles. Also, if you're using a wireless keyboard, there can sometimes be a lag as you describe although that problem typically self-corrects in a few seconds. Or a change of keyboard batteries can oft solve that problem too. Finally, if you haven't powered down your computer in a few days you might try that. That is the electronic equivalent of an enema, and we all know how useful that can be.

All of the suggestions so far made by others in their replies to the OP are good and worth exploring. Good luck to you!

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... then a Thai friend suggested that it was a sign that my "C" Drive was failing,

Coincidentally I was experiencing something similar recently on Windows 7 Home Premium (legit copy). Early this week I got warning alerts of "imminent hard drive failure." Prophecy became reality and a quick death followed.

Got a new HP desktop computer at Wattana Systemation on Pattaya Klang across from Foodland in Pattaya and bought Windows 7 Premium 64 bit (OEM). Previously I had the boxed CDs, but thought the hassle of trying to reuse them on a new computer was more than I wanted to deal with just then.

Installed OEM version myself but the ethernet controller disappeared in the process, along with a couple other things. So no Internet connection at that point on the new computer. Googled that problem on my iPad and discovered that was a fairly common issue. Took it back to the store and the technician sorted everything out in short order and did a few other helpful things.

Surprisingly quickly I was back to 95% of my pre-crash state within 24 hours. I had a couple of Seagate external hard drives that saved virtually everything important from my dead computer (unlike a useless WD backup I had been using). Thunderbird and Google Chrome were quickly back with bookmarks saved on Google and all my email folders restored on Thunderbird.

The only tedious issue was reorganizing folders and playlists on iTunes but. as far as I can tell, all purchased songs, TV and movies were there and podcast subs reinstated.

Since I was familiar with the Windows 7 approach to files, I was able to do a more rational sorting of things saved than when I migrated from XP to Windows 7 the first time.

Aside from being a little lighter in the wallet, it was a fairly painless transition and that techie at Wattana is the first person I will see in future if any problems arise.

Edited by Suradit69
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@Suradit69 Re: iTunes library

you should look in to making your iTunes portable. This means you can just copy the whole iTunes folder onto your External HDD and start it from there.

This way you also could copy the data (music movies) to another external drives or your internal drives and never have to be afraid losing your music or Movies.

Links - https://discussions.apple.com/message/18703603#18703603

Edited by MJCM
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@Suradit69 Re: iTunes library

you should look in to making your iTunes portable. This means you can just copy the whole iTunes folder onto your External HDD and start it from there.

This way you also could copy the data (music movies) to another external drives or your internal drives and never have to be afraid losing your music or Movies.

Links - https://discussions.apple.com/message/18703603#18703603

Thanks. Once I get it all re-sorted I'll look into doing that for future crises. I think the only thing I lost was stuff I had downloaded from CDs ... and the playlist & folder organization. I have some things on both my iPad and iPod, but only a fraction of what's on the desktop. I've been reloading a lot of music directly from store-bought CDs.

I have noticed that a lot of what had I purchased from iTunes, and that I'm now rearranging, is being downloaded from Apple as I put it into playlists, so I guess a lot was saved by iTunes rather than my backup HDs, but I will readily admit that a lot of iTune's functionality remains a mystery to me.

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Oke if you need help just shout, I have done this and now (for example) when I go back to Village I take my laptop and when I come back home I just copy the library (the *.itl and *,xml) and the "maybe changed" music to my external drive, and I can play everything from my desktop. This also keeps my PlayCount and changed Playlist intact.

Ps: My iTunes library is at the moment 100 GB++ (everything legally bought (either Cd's or from the iTunes store) so I would hate to lose that.

PsPs: All iTunes store bought stuff you can re-download free (if you might lose it)

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What usually prevents stuff like this from happening:

  • Keep all your files etc. off the local disk (C Drive) so it isn't clogged up. Move them to the D Drive or an Ext. HDD.
  • Only install the programs you actually use.*
  • Remove everything from Start Up except the 3 Intel Programs. (Search: msconfig. Start Up Tab. Unclick everything but them)
  • Run CCleaner every day or two.
  • Update and run your Anti Virus, Spybot S+D, Malware Bytes, Superantispyware every week.
  • Update Windows every week.
  • Defrag once or twice a month.
  • Use CCleaner every day or two.

*I really only have MS Office, Gom Player, Photoscape, Skype and Utorrents installed. The last two only set to open when I do so manually.

Computer will be running smooth.

Edited by Som wat
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