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Soda and children


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In my travels to various schools and wats that have accompanying schools, I have noticed that inevitably you will have tables set up with offerings of mainly bottles of various sodas. I am a little surprised that the schools are pushing soda on the little blokes. I would think in this day and age, the supposedly informative Thai adults who make these decisions would realize that drinking soda on a steady basis is not ideal and would be offering other substitutes which would be more beneficial and/or healthier for you. I know young folks like sugar but do the adults need to feed that desire, especially in a school setting. Wouldn't it be more advantageous to start promoting a healthier alternative, especially to young impressionable children?

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Well your theory is rite but in practice improbable. First the parents would have to be aware of it and secondly they themselves prefer the soda to most other non alcoholic drinks. Most people do not read what is on the labels and those that do are not always aware of what each ingredient will do to a person. There is tons of information out there on the internet and almost every one of the items you choose to explore will have arguments for and against it. Plus most people don't care enough to look it up on the internet. If they have a computer.

Then there is the purist who comes along and says that the sodas that are not flavored with sugar are even worse.

People have been drinking soda pop for years and the life span continues to expand. I was taught early in life that two much sugar would rot my teeth and make me put on weight. Then they didn't have the research tools they do today. We listened to are parents and then went and bought a candy bar.

As for the damage it has done well so many of us have reached old age that the governments are faced with a serious problem concerning old age. Most of them have nothing to do with soda pop.

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I always try and order soda water for my kids, and have found on numerous occasions that the waitress will suggest cola is better for them.

They seem to associate soda water with whiskey.I am pretty sure soda water has sugar in it also.

I am pretty sure soda water has sugar in it also.

I limit myself to one bottle a day of it.

Also one bottle (1 1/2 liter) of Pepsi Max a day.

Also about two to three liters a day of water.

On top of all that I drink one cup of coffee with out sugar in it.

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up until recently didnt cafeterias in the states have all sorts of vending machines with junk foods/ ....

thailand will catch up with the rest of the food concious west in a few years; in israel we are only now also catching up with all the 'healthy foods ' for kids trends... a time lag of about 5 years (used to be 10 but internet moves things fast)..

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Do the research, that stuff is BAD news. Especially for kids. But hey, the kids here don't have a chance anyway, so you may as well poison them while you're dumming them down and prepping them for a live of poverty and ignorance.

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I always try and order soda water for my kids, and have found on numerous occasions that the waitress will suggest cola is better for them.

They seem to associate soda water with whiskey.I am pretty sure soda water has sugar in it also.

I am pretty sure soda water has sugar in it also.

I limit myself to one bottle a day of it.

Also one bottle (1 1/2 liter) of Pepsi Max a day.

Also about two to three liters a day of water.

On top of all that I drink one cup of coffee with out sugar in it.

I like soda water and sparkling mineral water myself but i doubt that there is sugar in it. Instead it is high in sodium which in high doses is probably as harmful as sugar in excess.

I think, perhaps the waitress who suggests cola is thinking that soda water is too bitter/sharp for the kids without the added sugar in it.

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When my blood sugar shot up to dangerous levels, my doctor warned me to keep off soft drinks (US=soda) as they had so much sugar in them.

I was amazed that about 20 spoons of sugar are in a 'normal' drink.

Anyway, stopped the drinks immediately, much as I enjoy certain types, and blood sugar back to normal.

Just look at the figures of those wheeling half a trolley load of Coke through the check-out, and you'll see why so many western countries are grossly overweight.

Yes, I'm trying so hard to lose my hard-earned extra kilos!!

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I taught the summer program at a private school a few years ago.

What I was given to teach was the food pyramid and personal hygeine.

For lunch the kids were given white rice, some kind of meat, a chocolate bar and a Pepsi.

The restrooms of course did not have soap in them.

Teaching them is one thing, changing them is another.

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When my blood sugar shot up to dangerous levels, my doctor warned me to keep off soft drinks (US=soda) as they had so much sugar in them.

I was amazed that about 20 spoons of sugar are in a 'normal' drink.

Anyway, stopped the drinks immediately, much as I enjoy certain types, and blood sugar back to normal.

Just look at the figures of those wheeling half a trolley load of Coke through the check-out, and you'll see why so many western countries are grossly overweight.

Yes, I'm trying so hard to lose my hard-earned extra kilos!!

Agreed there is a lot of sugar in the soda pop. I checked and Soda water has no sugar all it has is 20mm of Sodium.

Where as tonic water has as much sugar as some pop with sugar.

As for it being the cause of over weight it is only a part of it. Before the electronic games came out in the early 80s

to be followed up by the magic of the internet. People spent a lot more time being in action rather than sitting at a

key board or video control.

In short a lot of people are over looking the lack of body motion in their lives today. We used to play hide and seek

now kids play angry birds . Big difference and there are lots of adults that no longer go for walks in favor of a

keyboard or game controller.

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sell soda, make money.

what did you say?

oh, you want the little man to do the right thing.

"oh, you want the little man to do the right thing."

Might be better if some of the really big farang practiced what they're so good at preaching about. Talking the talk is so much easier than walking the walk.

And, once again, farang wisdom & advice tends to be readily dispensed here in Thailand, but mostly ignored back in farang utopia ... and random observations of farang waddling about in Thailand aren't very inspirational when it comes to healthy lifestyles.


It seems that any thing over 20% is from countries with a high percentage of electronic games.

I would venture to say even the one's above 15% have a high percentage of mobile phones

with games and the ability to contact any one with out action.

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oh boy, i hate those FAT hyperactive coca-cola boys... the problem here in thailand is they are actually popular and often appear in TV commercials and music clips (the funny FAT KID u know).

the fact that their BMI is dangerously high and that their IQ is dangerously low doesn't seem to bother the folks in the street...

anyway, as pointed out above, it's all about money and lack of education & sense of responsibility... i know kids here who live on sweets, soda and chips...

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If the Teachers cannot advise the Kids to wear Crash Helmets, i doubt ''Healthy Eating' would have a look in..

u mean the crash helmet that doesn't protect jack shi*t in case of an accident? the 250THB crash helmet ornamentation ?


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What is worse, my school locks the perimeter gates between 8 am and 2 pm - for both students and teachers. I can't walk across the street to the 7-11 to get the non-sweetened tea that they sell. And if I pick one up in the morning, it'll be warm by noon.

I suspect this is to guarantee a captive customer base for the on-site vendors of candy, snacks and deep fried foods. It's very difficult to find something that isn't either deep-fried or super sweet. Bottled water is about all there is.

I've asked one of the vendors to suggest something from their coolers that isn't too sweet, and they shrug their shoulders and say that the kids don't like that kind of stuff.

So there's your answer. And that's the answer in most countries, not only Thailand. Vendors sell what they think their customers want. Isn't the free market crazy?

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sell soda, make money.

what did you say?

oh, you want the little man to do the right thing.

"oh, you want the little man to do the right thing."

Might be better if some of the really big farang practiced what they're so good at preaching about. Talking the talk is so much easier than walking the walk.

And, once again, farang wisdom & advice tends to be readily dispensed here in Thailand, but mostly ignored back in farang utopia ... and random observations of farang waddling about in Thailand aren't very inspirational when it comes to healthy lifestyles.


Interesting that the Mediterranean diet is pushed so hard, yet two countries Spain and Italy have a high rate of obesity.

I'm very surprised Australia isn't brown......how old is this map?

Edited by uptheos
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sell soda, make money.

what did you say?

oh, you want the little man to do the right thing.

"oh, you want the little man to do the right thing."

Might be better if some of the really big farang practiced what they're so good at preaching about. Talking the talk is so much easier than walking the walk.

And, once again, farang wisdom & advice tends to be readily dispensed here in Thailand, but mostly ignored back in farang utopia ... and random observations of farang waddling about in Thailand aren't very inspirational when it comes to healthy lifestyles.


The "research" seems to be way too old. About 15 % of our boys, but also girls at a primary school in lower northeast, are too fat. Tendency increasing.

We had a sign "no junk food", while 'food vendors" are selling only crap to kids. Some schools "allow" their vendors to sell their unhealthy foods and drinks on campus, as the directors get financial kick backs.

No teacher wants to have hyperactive kids after lunch, but it seems that most Thai teachers are not aware what's causing their behavior.

The pretty new Mountain Dew seems to be a good example what kids shouldn't drink:


BTW, when I first came to Thailand, I've never seen fat people. Now I do, some seem to be as fat as some Americans are.

Please don't supersize Thai kids, please.

Please see:


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"Why don't Thai schools promote healthier food and drinks to children?" because Thai teachers don't know what is healthier food.

And if they knew, they wouldn't care.

In any aspect, be it for noise- air- waterpolution, dangerous driving, throwing garbage everywhere, killing easily, Thais couldn't care less.

Sorry to say that as I know a lot of very nice and reasonable locals.

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Do the research, that stuff is BAD news. Especially for kids. But hey, the kids here don't have a chance anyway, so you may as well poison them while you're dumming them down and prepping them for a live of poverty and ignorance.

You have a great opinion of Thai children and parenting!

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I always try and order soda water for my kids, and have found on numerous occasions that the waitress will suggest cola is better for them.

They seem to associate soda water with whiskey.I am pretty sure soda water has sugar in it also.

I am pretty sure soda water has sugar in it also.

I limit myself to one bottle a day of it.

Also one bottle (1 1/2 liter) of Pepsi Max a day.

Also about two to three liters a day of water.

On top of all that I drink one cup of coffee with out sugar in it.

Soda water DOES NOT contain anything except water and carbon dioxide which has been dissolved in the water under pressure.

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At my daughters private school they just opened a tuck shop. All they sell is total junk. Sugar, salt and deep fried foods only. Not a piece if fruit anywhere to be seen any where. Moving back to Australia at the end of the year. I am sure it will be better there.......... NOT!

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I always try and order soda water for my kids, and have found on numerous occasions that the waitress will suggest cola is better for them.

They seem to associate soda water with whiskey.I am pretty sure soda water has sugar in it also.

I am pretty sure soda water has sugar in it also.

I limit myself to one bottle a day of it.

Also one bottle (1 1/2 liter) of Pepsi Max a day.

Also about two to three liters a day of water.

On top of all that I drink one cup of coffee with out sugar in it.

Soda water DOES NOT contain anything except water and carbon dioxide which has been dissolved in the water under pressure.

I do not think that the OP meant soda water. Guess it was more about soda pops.

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What is worse, my school locks the perimeter gates between 8 am and 2 pm - for both students and teachers. I can't walk across the street to the 7-11 to get the non-sweetened tea that they sell. And if I pick one up in the morning, it'll be warm by noon.

I suspect this is to guarantee a captive customer base for the on-site vendors of candy, snacks and deep fried foods. It's very difficult to find something that isn't either deep-fried or super sweet. Bottled water is about all there is.

I've asked one of the vendors to suggest something from their coolers that isn't too sweet, and they shrug their shoulders and say that the kids don't like that kind of stuff.

So there's your answer. And that's the answer in most countries, not only Thailand. Vendors sell what they think their customers want. Isn't the free market crazy?

Are you complaining because they sell the very best drink for you water?

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oh boy, i hate those FAT hyperactive coca-cola boys... the problem here in thailand is they are actually popular and often appear in TV commercials and music clips (the funny FAT KID u know).

the fact that their BMI is dangerously high and that their IQ is dangerously low doesn't seem to bother the folks in the street...

anyway, as pointed out above, it's all about money and lack of education & sense of responsibility... i know kids here who live on sweets, soda and chips...

"i know kids here who live on sweets, soda and chips"...(sorry forcheesy.gif)

What a shame when they should live mostly on water vegetables and fruits like most US kids

Not to speak of those horrid Thai companies like ColaCola NacDonald PunkinDonuts or CFK all exporters of oily-sugary-crap-obesity-maker the world over!

Right, those Thai people poisoning the world with their fast-foods, no sense of responsibility, its all about money! blink.png

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oh boy, i hate those FAT hyperactive coca-cola boys... the problem here in thailand is they are actually popular and often appear in TV commercials and music clips (the funny FAT KID u know).

the fact that their BMI is dangerously high and that their IQ is dangerously low doesn't seem to bother the folks in the street...

anyway, as pointed out above, it's all about money and lack of education & sense of responsibility... i know kids here who live on sweets, soda and chips...

"i know kids here who live on sweets, soda and chips"...(sorry forcheesy.gif)

What a shame when they should live mostly on water vegetables and fruits like most US kids

Not to speak of those horrid Thai companies like ColaCola NacDonald PunkinDonuts or CFK all exporters of oily-sugary-crap-obesity-maker the world over!

Right, those Thai people poisoning the world with their fast-foods, no sense of responsibility, its all about money! blink.png

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I always try and order soda water for my kids, and have found on numerous occasions that the waitress will suggest cola is better for them.

They seem to associate soda water with whiskey.I am pretty sure soda water has sugar in it also.

I am pretty sure soda water has sugar in it also.

I limit myself to one bottle a day of it.

Also one bottle (1 1/2 liter) of Pepsi Max a day.

Also about two to three liters a day of water.

On top of all that I drink one cup of coffee with out sugar in it.

You are worried about sugar, but you poison yourself with that much aspartame?

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