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US expresses concern over Thai political situation and power seizure


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In the current world of hypocritical politics they, in the benign spirit of political correctness could say little else. The US has strategic interests in Thailand and that is their major concern. They will go with the flow whatever happens as that is the nature of politics today.

How about the US is basically a good nation that sides with good no matter where it is found in the world and opposes evil whenever it threatens the good.

Suthep is an evil the US won't abide, so they are stepping up to the plate to knock him out of the park.

Perhaps the US govt has personal interest with one side in Thailand, and that side does not happen to be the one that Suthep is on. Problem is that sometimes the US (and other governments) support 'bad' sides, like the US did when they supported, for example, Saddam Hussein, Pinochet, Charles Taylor and the Brazilian Military Government of '64 - '85, none of which fit in very well with your 'sides with the good' assertion, in hindsight.

I suspect your comments will go right over his head. I can add Ukraine where the US is in a hypocritical pickle over a free and fair election in Crimea. If Kosovo can do it............

There is no evidence that the US has even mentioned Suthep - so that's just rumour mongering. Anyone who believes Surapong's spin is just very gullible. Normal diplomatic notes don't take political sides despite what the gullible think.

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I thought the US didn't interfere in the political situation in Thailand ?

How is "expressing concern" interfering? Would you expect the worlds superpower, with strategic and economic interests in the area to be unconcerned????

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In the current world of hypocritical politics they, in the benign spirit of political correctness could say little else. The US has strategic interests in Thailand and that is their major concern. They will go with the flow whatever happens as that is the nature of politics today.

How about the US is basically a good nation that sides with good no matter where it is found in the world and opposes evil whenever it threatens the good.

Suthep is an evil the US won't abide, so they are stepping up to the plate to knock him out of the park.

Perhaps the US govt has personal interest with one side in Thailand, and that side does not happen to be the one that Suthep is on. Problem is that sometimes the US (and other governments) support 'bad' sides, like the US did when they supported, for example, Saddam Hussein, Pinochet, Charles Taylor and the Brazilian Military Government of '64 - '85, none of which fit in very well with your 'sides with the good' assertion, in hindsight.

I suspect your comments will go right over his head. I can add Ukraine where the US is in a hypocritical pickle over a free and fair election in Crimea. If Kosovo can do it............

There is no evidence that the US has even mentioned Suthep - so that's just rumour mongering. Anyone who believes Surapong's spin is just very gullible. Normal diplomatic notes don't take political sides despite what the gullible think.

Very soon the delusional edifice Suthep followers have built up between themselves and reality is going to come crashing down around them and they shall all have nowhere to hide from their own wilful ignorance.

The US is against Suthep as clearly as it was against BinLaden.

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Very soon the delusional edifice Suthep followers have built up between themselves and reality is going to come crashing down around them and they shall all have nowhere to hide from their own wilful ignorance.

The US is against Suthep as clearly as it was against BinLaden.

The US is neither against,, or for anyone,

The US and for that matter any country, is and should be, for what best serves it's national interests.

PS: when it was in the US's interest the US supported Bin Laden

Edited by sirineou
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Why do you think Thaksin want a coup ?

If a military coup happens, his sister and most of the PT party definitely will be history.

Two very good reasons from his point of view.

For a start he knows the PT Govt is finished so if the army stepped in he could yell that it has been overthrown in a military coup then he can then get international sympathy and also form a Govt in exile.

Secondly he will have the excuse he needs to bring out his armed reds to fight, we have already seen from statements from Ko Tee and others that this 'fight' would include plunder.

This fight would not be directly against the army but against soft targets similar to what we see in the south.

This would create a situation of a no win for the military, again as we see in the south, with negotiation as the only way to bring any peace to the country.

And who would the negotiations be with ? That's right, the Govt in exile.

That the country would be wrecked would not matter, in fact possibly a bonus to the great hero peace maker who would come back and save and rebuild the country.

Spot on RobbyNZ. (and your earlier post). What we have been seeing in recent weeks is a publicity campaign wherein PTP are preparing for international sympathy; The announcement of them going to the UN, the announcement that they are appealing to the US and other nations and so on. Then, when Kerry sends this letter, they use it to IMPLY that they have US backing to garner support.

I think Thaksin would only make for a mediocre chess player. He may be able to play gambits that fool the peasantry, but he is certainly no Kasparov.

I thought I'd throw in a dose of reality, so here

Violence and the seizure of public or private property are not acceptable means of resolving political differences.

U.S. State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki said in a statement after an anti-democracy mob occupied the buildings belonging to the Ministry of Finance and Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Nov 26, 2013. The view from Washington remains consistent into the present. So seizure of government sovereignty by a raging lunatic probably would be unwelcome in Washington.

Edited by Publicus
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I thought the US didn't interfere in the political situation in Thailand ?

I think that this proves that what a lot of posters have been saying is wrong.

It seems that the American government can be duped as easily as Isaan people and shows that they most definitely DO NOT have their finger on the pulse as to what is happening in Thailand.

What is this idiot really doing to earn his money when he knows NOTHING about the situation in Thailand!!!

If he takes these lying toads words as gospel he is a prat!!

What I take comfort in is that the UK Ambassador was also at the US/Thai meeting, so I'm sure he pulled this gullible Yank aside and clued him up as to what really going on in Thailand.

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How about the US is basically a good nation that sides with good no matter where it is found in the world and opposes evil whenever it threatens the good.

Suthep is an evil the US won't abide, so they are stepping up to the plate to knock him out of the park.

Perhaps the US govt has personal interest with one side in Thailand, and that side does not happen to be the one that Suthep is on. Problem is that sometimes the US (and other governments) support 'bad' sides, like the US did when they supported, for example, Saddam Hussein, Pinochet, Charles Taylor and the Brazilian Military Government of '64 - '85, none of which fit in very well with your 'sides with the good' assertion, in hindsight.

I suspect your comments will go right over his head. I can add Ukraine where the US is in a hypocritical pickle over a free and fair election in Crimea. If Kosovo can do it............

There is no evidence that the US has even mentioned Suthep - so that's just rumour mongering. Anyone who believes Surapong's spin is just very gullible. Normal diplomatic notes don't take political sides despite what the gullible think.

Very soon the delusional edifice Suthep followers have built up between themselves and reality is going to come crashing down around them and they shall all have nowhere to hide from their own wilful ignorance.

The US is against Suthep as clearly as it was against BinLaden.

Total rubbish. There is no evidence - beyond Surapong's lies - that the US is for or against Suthep. If you believe Surapong then you are beyond help. Whether Suthep or the Shin dynasty crashes first is yet to play out. The US won't interfere.

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Very soon the delusional edifice Suthep followers have built up between themselves and reality is going to come crashing down around them and they shall all have nowhere to hide from their own wilful ignorance.

The US is against Suthep as clearly as it was against BinLaden.

The US is neither against,, or for anyone,

The US and for that matter any country, is and should be, for what best serves it's national interests.

PS: when it was in the US's interest the US supported Bin Laden

The US is not just any country.

It occupies a very unique place atop world affairs.

Right here, right now, regardless of their less than perfect record, The US is pro democracy in Thailand and it will use all the soft power it has at its disposal to ensure democracy survives in an area of great strategic importance given the rise of China over the last 2 decades.

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The US wants their Shin puppets to stay in power, so they can continue raping the Country wai2.gif

The current US administration is Democrat. US Democrats have traditionally allied themselves with the banksters. US banksters want to rule the world. You may be correct.

Google Caryle Group, Bilderburg Group, Trilateral Commission, Trans Pacific Partnership.

What incredible nonsense this is. It was the Bush administration (with their lackeys in Goldman Sachs) who bailed out the banksters who were "too big to fail". And Obama, who had a massive vote of confidence in 2008,(and therefore could have resisted this toxic policy) went along with this BS.

Edited by blazes
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Very soon the delusional edifice Suthep followers have built up between themselves and reality is going to come crashing down around them and they shall all have nowhere to hide from their own wilful ignorance.

The US is against Suthep as clearly as it was against BinLaden.

The US is neither against,, or for anyone,

The US and for that matter any country, is and should be, for what best serves it's national interests.

PS: when it was in the US's interest the US supported Bin Laden

The US is not just any country.

It occupies a very unique place atop world affairs.

Right here, right now, regardless of their less than perfect record, The US is pro democracy in Thailand and it will use all the soft power it has at its disposal to ensure democracy survives in an area of great strategic importance given the rise of China over the last 2 decades.

The record for US's support for democracy is clear.

I will compare Democratic choice to Henry Fords color choice for the Model T.

"you can have any color as long as it is back"

The US will support democracy in Thailand as long as the Democratic goals are conducive to US Interests.

A democracy is much easier to influence, it allows for many voices , and voices are easily influenced.

Remember, "divide and conquer "

A top heavy political system is more difficult to predict and control, because it has two default settings.

Pro and against.

as long as it is Pro, it's great but you never know when it might go against.

So I agree,

Right here, right now, the US will support democracy in Thailand, But if democratic results were to take a turn such as it did in Egypt, then expect the US to sing a different tune.

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Very soon the delusional edifice Suthep followers have built up between themselves and reality is going to come crashing down around them and they shall all have nowhere to hide from their own wilful ignorance.

The US is against Suthep as clearly as it was against BinLaden.

The US is neither against,, or for anyone,

The US and for that matter any country, is and should be, for what best serves it's national interests.

PS: when it was in the US's interest the US supported Bin Laden

The US is not just any country.

It occupies a very unique place atop world affairs.

Right here, right now, regardless of their less than perfect record, The US is pro democracy in Thailand and it will use all the soft power it has at its disposal to ensure democracy survives in an area of great strategic importance given the rise of China over the last 2 decades.

The record for US's support for democracy is clear.

I will compare Democratic choice to Henry Fords color choice for the Model T.

"you can have any color as long as it is back"

The US will support democracy in Thailand as long as the Democratic goals are conducive to US Interests.

A democracy is much easier to influence, it allows for many voices , and voices are easily influenced.

Remember, "divide and conquer "

A top heavy political system is more difficult to predict and control, because it has two default settings.

Pro and against.

as long as it is Pro, it's great but you never know when it might go against.

So I agree,

Right here, right now, the US will support democracy in Thailand, But if democratic results were to take a turn such as it did in Egypt, then expect the US to sing a different tune.

I used the words "right here, right now" for a reason.

It seems we agree on something.

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Kurt Campbell, the former US assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs from 2009 into 2013, wrote recently in the Financial Times that

The international community should underscore that both sides in the domestic struggle should commit to electoral and legal means for resolving disputes and not to rely upon unelected “people’s councils” – the preferred venue for governance by key leaders on the Democrat side.

I think that's a pretty clear statement of Prez Obama's view of present events in Thailand.

Edited by Publicus
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John Kerry's letter is bound to be in diplomatic speak. Whether Foreign Minister Surapong Tovichakchaikul fully appreciates the nuances or not is another matter, but here he is simply spinning the situation to LOOK like PTP has US backing.

It's as simple as that.

The US has only one interest in mind... Its own.

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John Kerry's letter is bound to be in diplomatic speak. Whether Foreign Minister Surapong Tovichakchaikul fully appreciates the nuances or not is another matter, but here he is simply spinning the situation to LOOK like PTP has US backing.

It's as simple as that.

The US has only one interest in mind... Its own.

A very fair statement about pretty much every country on our planet.

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Kurt Campbell, the former US assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs from 2009 into 2013, wrote recently in the Financial Times that

The international community should underscore that both sides in the domestic struggle should commit to electoral and legal means for resolving disputes and not to rely upon unelected “people’s councils” – the preferred venue for governance by key leaders on the Democrat side.

I think that's a pretty clear statement of Prez Obama's view of present events in Thailand.

It would seem he wants politicians to contest elections and obey the law.

Don't we all.

Edited by bigbamboo
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A warning from the US to Thaksin not to get his red army involved.

And to PT and Yingluck to accept the ruling of the courts and not to try to hang on to power at any cost.

I wonder if the letter actually mentioned coup or is this just a bit Surapong added on ?

The US know the army aren't going to give Thaksin the military coup he has been trying for.

They also know that the judicial coup is just the law being applied as it should.

And I am sure they will see the latest 'modern coup' as the BS that it is.

You've actually got 8 likes for that piece of fiction, you misinterpret the whole article and 8 blinkered numpties agree with you, unbelievable!

It's actually a warning to Suthep and the courts alike that the US will in no way support the removal of the elected government on trumped up charges, again!

Well that can't be right. The charges weren't 'trumped up' but they were politically motivated. They were used as way to show the PM was not fit to govern the country and thus the coup was justified.,

The issue with the army is that no one is quite sure which way Prayuth will jump. He talks a lot about his future and sometimes it sounds as if he playing the 'Swiss gambit'.... see which side is winning and support them whilst pretending to be neutral.

What the US definitely does not want to see is a redshirt army reminiscent of the KR. Now that would provoke a response.

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Is it just me...or does anyone else give a sxxt...what the US expresses concern over...anywhere in the world...cleanup your own act at home...quit spying on folks around the world...and just shut-up....

Edited by ggt
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A warning from the US to Thaksin not to get his red army involved.

And to PT and Yingluck to accept the ruling of the courts and not to try to hang on to power at any cost.

I wonder if the letter actually mentioned coup or is this just a bit Surapong added on ?

The US know the army aren't going to give Thaksin the military coup he has been trying for.

They also know that the judicial coup is just the law being applied as it should.

And I am sure they will see the latest 'modern coup' as the BS that it is.

You've actually got 8 likes for that piece of fiction, you misinterpret the whole article and 8 blinkered numpties agree with you, unbelievable!

It's actually a warning to Suthep and the courts alike that the US will in no way support the removal of the elected government on trumped up charges, again!

I've just become a blinkered numpty and it feels great!!

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yah this is good - as a Yank myself and reading what is going on the Ukraine and what the USA has done in the past 40-50 years backing all the wrong rebels for all the wrong reasons here is my take: this may be a longish post...

the usa is on Yingluck's side as an "election" was called but Suthep got in the way - that is a big no-no..TS was giving his speech at the CFR meeting the same moments that the coup was called here... TS has big friends in the usa for his big biz and rape and pillage the countries money - all under the guise of "democracy" ...exactly the same template that the usa has used for years... back Saddam the screw him when he wants to sell oil in non us dollars - same with Gaddafi... enemy -then friend then enemy... only AFTER he wants to sell his oil in non us dollars...the usa has a big problem - the military industrial complex and the banksters and a lot of big corporations run the show... duh...so Badluck's bad election is easy peasy - the us can say Thailand is going down as the "election" wasn't consumated...doesn't matter about 22 billion dollars in rice scam money - how much or not actually went to rice farmers... or Taksin's selling the AIS shares for a penny to his family so he wouldn't have to pay 300 million usd in taxes after the 2 billion dollar deal... or all the other scams... the new car buyer payback which now like the rice scam is out of money...government programs are fine - but scams to line the pockets of the 1% here are not...take a look at the guns and ammo being supplied to the "rebell" syrians - or the 5 billion dollars spent to bring down the elected government of the Ukraine when the corrupt pres.. yes he was bad... gets ousted by neo nazis that are getting money from the usa... wait to see how the elections go in the Ukraine in May...

anyway to cut this short... the usa and Kerry can claim that thailand must have the usa help now that an election didn't happen - doesn't matter why - it is the election that counts - even if the wrong people all get elected again... for the same reason the usa cannot afford to have what Suthep has done here for 5 months is protest... do you think the usa would let a Suthep deal happen in Washington DC? we will also see that on May 16 when the same type of thing is planned for Wash DC...can't have the serfs standing up and asking for fairness now can we? if Suthep did in the usa what he has done here - the swat teams and the police would have been in there in the first 6 hours and it would have been OVER...as Jefferson did say a couple of hundred years ago -

The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.

Read more at http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/keywords/liberty.html#o3cUUrfSE1VqA8CR.99

but of course "The Powers That Be" in the usa can't stand for that...

we will see what we will see... at least Thailand doesn't owe the IMF 15 billion + like the Ukraine is going to owe very soon - all handed over by an Unelected interim president picked by the usa...some big things are going to fall from the Tree this year... all over the place...elections are good and so is "democracy" - but so are peaceful protests and reforms before elections...and so are countrywide referendums like Crimea just did...when regular people stand up and get things changed it is good - but it sure as heck is not good for Big Gov, Big Banks, Big Pharma, Big Agri (Monsanto), the Military industrial complex that needs perpetual war to keep the money flowing... imagine if you owned a missle or rocket making company and you had no orders to fill? well guess what people.... the usa is RUN by all the above type companies... Kerry and Obama are great talking puppets... but they are not talking peace and reason and intelligence... the money behind the scenes is ALWAYS pushing for more war, more money, more GMO foods, more vaccines.... and all this in the name of "democracy" ... I am pretty sure the usa has never had a nationwide referendum on anything .. like going to war or anything...maybe time for thailand to have one with say 10 questions on it and see what the PEOPLE really want and have to say

nuff said for now...

3 words….




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yah this is good - as a Yank myself and reading what is going on the Ukraine and what the USA has done in the past 40-50 years backing all the wrong rebels for all the wrong reasons here is my take: this may be a longish post...

the usa is on Yingluck's side as an "election" was called but Suthep got in the way - that is a big no-no..TS was giving his speech at the CFR meeting the same moments that the coup was called here... TS has big friends in the usa for his big biz and rape and pillage the countries money - all under the guise of "democracy" ...exactly the same template that the usa has used for years... back Saddam the screw him when he wants to sell oil in non us dollars - same with Gaddafi... enemy -then friend then enemy... only AFTER he wants to sell his oil in non us dollars...the usa has a big problem - the military industrial complex and the banksters and a lot of big corporations run the show... duh...so Badluck's bad election is easy peasy - the us can say Thailand is going down as the "election" wasn't consumated...doesn't matter about 22 billion dollars in rice scam money - how much or not actually went to rice farmers... or Taksin's selling the AIS shares for a penny to his family so he wouldn't have to pay 300 million usd in taxes after the 2 billion dollar deal... or all the other scams... the new car buyer payback which now like the rice scam is out of money...government programs are fine - but scams to line the pockets of the 1% here are not...take a look at the guns and ammo being supplied to the "rebell" syrians - or the 5 billion dollars spent to bring down the elected government of the Ukraine when the corrupt pres.. yes he was bad... gets ousted by neo nazis that are getting money from the usa... wait to see how the elections go in the Ukraine in May...

anyway to cut this short... the usa and Kerry can claim that thailand must have the usa help now that an election didn't happen - doesn't matter why - it is the election that counts - even if the wrong people all get elected again... for the same reason the usa cannot afford to have what Suthep has done here for 5 months is protest... do you think the usa would let a Suthep deal happen in Washington DC? we will also see that on May 16 when the same type of thing is planned for Wash DC...can't have the serfs standing up and asking for fairness now can we? if Suthep did in the usa what he has done here - the swat teams and the police would have been in there in the first 6 hours and it would have been OVER...as Jefferson did say a couple of hundred years ago -

The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.

Read more at http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/keywords/liberty.html#o3cUUrfSE1VqA8CR.99

but of course "The Powers That Be" in the usa can't stand for that...

we will see what we will see... at least Thailand doesn't owe the IMF 15 billion + like the Ukraine is going to owe very soon - all handed over by an Unelected interim president picked by the usa...some big things are going to fall from the Tree this year... all over the place...elections are good and so is "democracy" - but so are peaceful protests and reforms before elections...and so are countrywide referendums like Crimea just did...when regular people stand up and get things changed it is good - but it sure as heck is not good for Big Gov, Big Banks, Big Pharma, Big Agri (Monsanto), the Military industrial complex that needs perpetual war to keep the money flowing... imagine if you owned a missle or rocket making company and you had no orders to fill? well guess what people.... the usa is RUN by all the above type companies... Kerry and Obama are great talking puppets... but they are not talking peace and reason and intelligence... the money behind the scenes is ALWAYS pushing for more war, more money, more GMO foods, more vaccines.... and all this in the name of "democracy" ... I am pretty sure the usa has never had a nationwide referendum on anything .. like going to war or anything...maybe time for thailand to have one with say 10 questions on it and see what the PEOPLE really want and have to say

nuff said for now...

3 words….




Interesting writing style all of a sudden but just what does it all mean?

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Did not think this was an American bashing OP.

The OP is

US expresses concern over Thai political situation and power seizure. Quoted by Surapong only, nobody has seen this letter other than....

Does anyone really think the US really responded to this Thai issue the way Thaksins cousin Says it did?

Does any body consider Surapong has a vested interest in keeping his cousins govt alive, and purger himself to meet his ends?

Or is it just a convenient avenue to bash the US as a world leader because of a serious inadequacy of one's own countries meager existence or lack of influence on the world stage?

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I thought the US didn't interfere in the political situation in Thailand ?

So, you figure interfering and voicing a concern is the same thing? Has the U.S. Or any other country not entitled to voice concern about an overthrow of a government? I would think it will have little affect on the powers at play in Thailand but voicing a concern, and indeed a disapproval of this power play seems, to me, not out of line.

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Did not think this was an American bashing OP.

The OP is

US expresses concern over Thai political situation and power seizure. Quoted by Surapong only, nobody has seen this letter other than....

Does anyone really think the US really responded to this Thai issue the way Thaksins cousin Says it did?

Does any body consider Surapong has a vested interest in keeping his cousins govt alive, and purger himself to meet his ends?

Or is it just a convenient avenue to bash the US as a world leader because of a serious inadequacy of one's own countries meager existence or lack of influence on the world stage?

Certainly not the last one!!

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