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US expresses concern over Thai political situation and power seizure


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What a nerve!!

The US should be told to sort out its own problems first, before trying to push Thailand or any other country around.

They've managed to stuff up the whole of the Middle East and now they want to tell Thailand what to do?

Bumbling Obama couldn't organise a "passing of wind" in a Thunderstorm and now he and "Lurch" as John Kerry is affectionately known, are sticking their noses in Thailand. Hope both sides of politics tell them to Butt Out!

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Did not think this was an American bashing OP.

The OP is

US expresses concern over Thai political situation and power seizure. Quoted by Surapong only, nobody has seen this letter other than....

Does anyone really think the US really responded to this Thai issue the way Thaksins cousin Says it did?

Does any body consider Surapong has a vested interest in keeping his cousins govt alive, and purger himself to meet his ends?

Or is it just a convenient avenue to bash the US as a world leader because of a serious inadequacy of one's own countries meager existence or lack of influence on the world stage?

Certainly not the last one!!

Really Steve?

We could go back and do some research on how many posters condemn the US for action or inaction suiting the desired "bash". It really does not matter, Surapong has again added his spin on a boilerplate letter from the US SoE. Why try and make more out it? Why not bash Surapong for instigating an already volatile situation?

I accept that I have based it all on what that ignoramus said was the case - the US's response is clearly going to be different to that stated by Surapong's lies and exaggerations and is bound to be different on account of this. If they actually understand what this government is like and how they have behaved then I take it all back. The problem that I have with this is that they seem obsessed with elections being democracy when this is far from reality (specifically for Thailand).

I honestly believe that we (TV members) collectively have a greater understanding of the situation than these so-called experts although we obviously disagree greatly (on) the slant of it all, depending on our views.

The experts wrote the letter yet you haven't any actual clue as to what's specifically in it, that's how much more you know about Thailand than they do.

You think and believe you know more about Thailand than does the US government, the UK government, the Boyz in Beijing, Canberra, New Delhi and a whole lot of governments know individually or collectively. It's no surprise you think and believe in this way given that you sit intellectually and culturally isolated on your nowhereland feudal estate.

So you haven't my permission to arbitrarily and summarily include me in your "TV collective" that "have a greater understanding of the situation than these so-called experts."

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I find it quite humorous that the US continues to pass judgement over how sovereign nations conduct their business considering the mess they have created at home. Hypocrisy and hubris of the highest order.

The US has lost any legitimacy to lecture other nations on law and democracy.

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A warning from the US to Thaksin not to get his red army involved.

And to PT and Yingluck to accept the ruling of the courts and not to try to hang on to power at any cost.

I wonder if the letter actually mentioned coup or is this just a bit Surapong added on ?

The US know the army aren't going to give Thaksin the military coup he has been trying for.

They also know that the judicial coup is just the law being applied as it should.

And I am sure they will see the latest 'modern coup' as the BS that it is.

You've actually got 8 likes for that piece of fiction, you misinterpret the whole article and 8 blinkered numpties agree with you, unbelievable!

It's actually a warning to Suthep and the courts alike that the US will in no way support the removal of the elected government on trumped up charges, again!

You might like to explain where the fiction is.

But first I will clarify some points :

We all know from statements by red supporters that there is an armed faction of the reds and that they have been claiming they are getting together a force of 200,000 who will come out and 'fight' should a court verdict go against Yingluck and the caretaker cabinet.

We also know that when PT were in Govt they refused to accept court rulings so it is quite possible they will do the same again and we also know that their UDD supporters have said they will not accept any court ruling that goes against any PTP members.

Should Yingluck or her caretaker ministers defy the law of the land and refuse to accept the legal rulings of the courts it is then equivalent to clinging to power as a negative verdict would require them to step down.

These things must be of concern as they have the potential to escalate into a civil war.

Of far greater concern than Sutheps peaceful rallies in favor of reforms before elections.

We still do not know if the letter mentioned a coup, possibly you do ?

I have explained in a subsequent post why a coup would benefit Thaksin.

Oh and if you could do a post without insults it would be great.

And for your information there is no elected Govt and no MP's at present only a caretaker cabinet.

"You might like to explain where the fiction is"

All of it!

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US expresses concern over Thai political situation and power seizure

BANGKOK, 9 April 2014 (NNT) – The United States has handed a letter to the Thai government expressing grave concern over the political situation and the possibility of a power grab.

US Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs Daniel R. Russel and US Ambassador to Thailand Kristie Kenney attended a meeting with Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra at the Ministry of Defense on Tuesday.

Foreign Minister Surapong Tovichakchaikul said after attending the meeting that the US delegation handed a letter from US Secretary of State John Kerry, which expressed concern over the political situation in Thailand, to Ms. Yingluck.

Mr. Surapong added that the US was especially against a military coup or seizure of power. The US was also worried over the effects the problems in Thailand would have on ASEAN as a whole, as Thailand was unable to initiate any new policies in the multilateral arena due to the caretaker status of the government.


-- NNT 2014-04-09 footer_n.gif

Given situations in Asia, Thailand is of strategic interest. Stability is important, and the tough part for the US and allies is siding with the winning side. China sits idly by watching.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

The US hasn't had a very good record of siding with any side, in the World...It supported dictators like Marcos (Phillipines) and ruthless ones in South America in the past, along with the murderous (several) leaders in South Vietnam, during the Vietnam war. Who cares what the US thinks. It's an Empire that is on the verge of collapsing wai2.gif

OK now. I know you're dealing with a delusional fog, but go home, and get back on those meds. The obamanation is the furthest thing from "empire"; not another country in the world gives us the time of day anymore. And though beset with populist-derived problems (and a few pathological America-haters nobody pays much attention to) to be sure, isn't nearly as close to "collapsing" as that barstool you're doing the balancing act on. Obviously the U.S. has less than nothing whatsoever to say about what's going on in Thailand, letter or no letter. TS will have to do without any meaningful support from this administration, a shared mentality notwithstanding.

Edited by hawker9000
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It's a mild US notification. Long overdue by the way. The US should have delivered a more serious note going back to the airport closing in 2008, a horrifying display of breach of international security. The US is snubbing Suthep since they did a questionable visit with Abhisit of all people, who the US refers to as the opposition. Maybe the US doesn't care that Abhisit and his party sat out the last national election.

The US seems to be confounded by its own lack of forthrightness and conviction on a Thailand policy that makes sense and the truth. It's the US and other foreign investors like the Japanese who have been enabling this Thai corruption monster without ever supervising the use of money and establishing conditional milestones and benchmark controls. Now it's totally out of hand. The US State Department hasn't really got a clue about how to handle Thailand at this stage, and it would be best if the US just minded its own business, let the chips fall where they may, and don't spend any more US tax payer dollars on or in Thailand.

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I thought the US didn't interfere in the political situation in Thailand ?

It does't look like they are interfering. They haven't made any demands or even recommendations, just expressed their concern that the situation looks worrying.

Don't forget that the US is still by far the Worlds largest economy (despite what China may have you believe) and they have some responsibility to participate in International trade, this means they should express concerns, as should all leading economies.

They are doing the right thing in my opinion.

The bigger they are the harder they fall.

In this case I hope you're wrong.

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well done Kerry let's hope Suthep's thugs take heed

John Kerry statement:

"A democracy is not solely defined by an election"

OK, now please stop using that worthless and meaningless tripe statement of 'we woz democratically elected' as John Kerry says winning an election doesn't necessarily mean that democracy will prevail!!!!!

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well done Kerry let's hope Suthep's thugs take heed

John Kerry statement:

"A democracy is not solely defined by an election"

OK, now please stop using that worthless and meaningless tripe statement of 'we woz democratically elected' as John Kerry says winning an election doesn't necessarily mean that democracy will prevail!!!!!

...and the Obama administration has been ever so forthright about that ever since, about, oh, let's see now, emm, err.....November 2012 wasn't it, (when the GOP won a majority in the House of Representatives). Lol. If it weren't for that, I'm sure the infamous Duke of Dubai would still be getting all their love.

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If Thailand wants dictatorship, Thailand gets dictatorship.

If Thailand wants absolute monarchy, Thailand gets absolute monarchy.

If Thailand wants military coup, Thailand gets military coup.

If Thailand wants democracy, Thailand gets democracy.

We can take care of ourselves, no thank you.

It has nothing to do with USA, so, please mind your own business, and shut your big mouth.

Edited by chotthee
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If Thailand wants dictatorship, Thailand gets dictatorship.

If Thailand wants absolute monarchy, Thailand gets absolute monarchy.

If Thailand wants military coup, Thailand gets military coup.

If Thailand wants democracy, Thailand gets democracy.

We can take care of ourselves, no thank you.

It has nothing to do with USA, so, please mind your own business, and shut your big mouth.

Relax. Whatever was in it, unless it was a declaration of war, (or worded anything like your rant), it was just a letter. ...'As purposeless as just about anything on the planet.

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Still interesting (and telling) to me that many have nothing to say about the UK participating in this meeting. The US, UK and other nations have publicly expressed concern, all saying the same things. If the US and the UK were not involved, there are a couple of other suspects who might be willing to fill the void, notwithstanding Thailand's immediate neighbors who may have their own interests in all this.

I try to remember the inevitable event that will bring this country to a breaking point, and that current political theater may be strategically linked to that.

That aside, if this ends in tears, which it very well may, aside from the tragic results for Thais, the aftermath from the keyboard pundits will be interesting. The US may be raked over the coals because they didn't do more than express concern and write some letters. Some might say the US (and UK) didn't put their backs into it because there wasn't enough oil or other incentive to make it worthwhile.

Damned if you do, damned if you don't. So, at the moment, the West bets equally on red and black as the Thai political roulette wheel spins round and round, as it has for longer than most of us have been alive.

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well done Kerry let's hope Suthep's thugs take heed

John Kerry statement:

"A democracy is not solely defined by an election"

OK, now please stop using that worthless and meaningless tripe statement of 'we woz democratically elected' as John Kerry says winning an election doesn't necessarily mean that democracy will prevail!!!!!

We don't need any advice from that fool! The same guy who slated Russia after the elections in Crimea, calling them bullies and stating big states have no right invading sovereign states in the 21st century. That despite there having been no invasion unlike in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya etc. A fool and a hypocrite!

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well done Kerry let's hope Suthep's thugs take heed

John Kerry statement:

"A democracy is not solely defined by an election"

OK, now please stop using that worthless and meaningless tripe statement of 'we woz democratically elected' as John Kerry says winning an election doesn't necessarily mean that democracy will prevail!!!!!

We don't need any advice from that fool! The same guy who slated Russia after the elections in Crimea, calling them bullies and stating big states have no right invading sovereign states in the 21st century. That despite there having been no invasion unlike in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya etc. A fool and a hypocrite!

John Kerry is no man's fool and he realises his statement shows that he understands what democracy is and isn't.

The rest f your post I agree with.

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A warning from the US to Thaksin not to get his red army involved.

And to PT and Yingluck to accept the ruling of the courts and not to try to hang on to power at any cost.

I wonder if the letter actually mentioned coup or is this just a bit Surapong added on ?

The US know the army aren't going to give Thaksin the military coup he has been trying for.

They also know that the judicial coup is just the law being applied as it should.

And I am sure they will see the latest 'modern coup' as the BS that it is.

Rooby nz I'd be really interested, if not fascinated to hear how you reconcile this issue to your statement:-

"The US know the army aren't going to give Thaksin the military coup he has been trying for" I genuinely would like to understand your point of view.

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US expresses concern over Thai political situation and power seizure

BANGKOK, 9 April 2014 (NNT) – The United States has handed a letter to the Thai government expressing grave concern over the political situation and the possibility of a power grab.

US Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs Daniel R. Russel and US Ambassador to Thailand Kristie Kenney attended a meeting with Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra at the Ministry of Defense on Tuesday.

Foreign Minister Surapong Tovichakchaikul said after attending the meeting that the US delegation handed a letter from US Secretary of State John Kerry, which expressed concern over the political situation in Thailand, to Ms. Yingluck.

Mr. Surapong added that the US was especially against a military coup or seizure of power. The US was also worried over the effects the problems in Thailand would have on ASEAN as a whole, as Thailand was unable to initiate any new policies in the multilateral arena due to the caretaker status of the government.


-- NNT 2014-04-09 footer_n.gif

Given situations in Asia, Thailand is of strategic interest. Stability is important, and the tough part for the US and allies is siding with the winning side. China sits idly by watching.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

The US hasn't had a very good record of siding with any side, in the World...It supported dictators like Marcos (Phillipines) and ruthless ones in South America in the past, along with the murderous (several) leaders in South Vietnam, during the Vietnam war. Who cares what the US thinks. It's an Empire that is on the verge of collapsing wai2.gif

I was born American, but i agree with you on who cares what they think. Which empire would you prefer to take it's place?...Chinese, British, Russian or another one? Because if the US 'empire' collapses another will take it's place.

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If Thailand wants dictatorship, Thailand gets dictatorship.

If Thailand wants absolute monarchy, Thailand gets absolute monarchy.

If Thailand wants military coup, Thailand gets military coup.

If Thailand wants democracy, Thailand gets democracy.

We can take care of ourselves, no thank you.

It has nothing to do with USA, so, please mind your own business, and shut your big mouth.

Chotthee when the elections of 2008 and 12 happend both english language papers and Thai in los, did not want (Obama) because they thought the Democratic presidential candidate would be tougher about trade issues with Thailand- Thailand ruins a big trade surplus with the US at the same time it is a major hotbed for pirated goods under US copyright.

Why did not Thailand mind their own business then? Why did they not shut their big mouth?

since they did not, why would you expect the US too now?

Edited by LomSak27
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well done Kerry let's hope Suthep's thugs take heed

John Kerry statement:

"A democracy is not solely defined by an election"

OK, now please stop using that worthless and meaningless tripe statement of 'we woz democratically elected' as John Kerry says winning an election doesn't necessarily mean that democracy will prevail!!!!!

We don't need any advice from that fool! The same guy who slated Russia after the elections in Crimea, calling them bullies and stating big states have no right invading sovereign states in the 21st century. That despite there having been no invasion unlike in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya etc. A fool and a hypocrite!

John Kerry is no man's fool and he realises his statement shows that he understands what democracy is and isn't.

The rest f your post I agree with.

I agree that John Kerry is not a fool, but he does have the misfortune to be working, and to some degree serving as a water-carrier, for one. And that "one" really doesn't have any brain cells to spare for, and certainly no political capital to expend over, what's taking place in Thailand. I expect the letter was little more than a pro forma expression of "concern". It just doesn't deserve much being made of it. ('But for some, any old excuse to slam the USA...)

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I don't think anyone wants an unstable Thailand, including it's neighbors and the EU. Most Americans I know want the US out of everywhere. As a matter of fact there is a growing movement in the US to stop sending aid to any country and to withdraw any type of aid to any country (military and otherwise). I think it will be an interesting world when Asia comes increasingly under the thumb of the Chinese which has been flexing it's military muscles lately. Please note what happened in Tibet and Tiananmen Square. Good night and sleep tight.

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The US hasn't had a very good record of siding with any side, in the World...It supported dictators like Marcos (Phillipines) and ruthless ones in South America in the past, along with the murderous (several) leaders in South Vietnam, during the Vietnam war. Who cares what the US thinks. It's an Empire that is on the verge of collapsing wai2.gif

The US did a pretty good job siding with the Allies to get rid of the Third Reich!!!!

Yep ... 2 years after every other country stepped up to the plate ... I believe you were late to the 1914-1918 stoush too (but I'm willing to be corrected on that).

Doing better in later years though.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Unfortunately, we went in on the wrong side during World War I. Would have been best to not go in at all. Just let all those empires fight themselves. But if forced, I would choose the German kaiser over the Russian tsar and Austro-Hungarians over the British. And just about anyone over the French.

So you like autocratic despots that rule based on class and ethnic privileges then? You should fit in really well with Kaiser Thaksin and his elites.

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US expresses concern over Thai political situation and power seizure

BANGKOK, 9 April 2014 (NNT) – The United States has handed a letter to the Thai government expressing grave concern over the political situation and the possibility of a power grab.

US Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs Daniel R. Russel and US Ambassador to Thailand Kristie Kenney attended a meeting with Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra at the Ministry of Defense on Tuesday.

Foreign Minister Surapong Tovichakchaikul said after attending the meeting that the US delegation handed a letter from US Secretary of State John Kerry, which expressed concern over the political situation in Thailand, to Ms. Yingluck.

Mr. Surapong added that the US was especially against a military coup or seizure of power. The US was also worried over the effects the problems in Thailand would have on ASEAN as a whole, as Thailand was unable to initiate any new policies in the multilateral arena due to the caretaker status of the government.


-- NNT 2014-04-09 footer_n.gif

Given situations in Asia, Thailand is of strategic interest. Stability is important, and the tough part for the US and allies is siding with the winning side. China sits idly by watching.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

The US hasn't had a very good record of siding with any side, in the World...It supported dictators like Marcos (Phillipines) and ruthless ones in South America in the past, along with the murderous (several) leaders in South Vietnam, during the Vietnam war. Who cares what the US thinks. It's an Empire that is on the verge of collapsing wai2.gif

I was born American, but i agree with you on who cares what they think. Which empire would you prefer to take it's place?...Chinese, British, Russian or another one? Because if the US 'empire' collapses another will take it's place.

After 2 world wars, Britain could no longer afford to be the world's "policeman", it the widest sense of the word. France had never really been, despite wanting to be, and was in a worse state than Britain. The US picked up that mantle and has been toiling ever since. They are the largest economy and have spent billions and billions of $ in a role that has always proved a costly life draining experience for any country.

The contents of the letter haven't been made public but as usual number 1 cousin tries to spin it off as being in favor of the corrupt PTP regime. Of course the Americans and all major powers know the reality here. Which is exactly why none have ever offered support to the government, PTP, the Shins or any of their gang by name.

To be fair, the US gave Yingluck and her regime, fair chance. They were openly supportive at the time of the 2011 flooding. Now, like all the major powers, they are careful only to promote peace, dialogue and full democracy, (not seeing being votes in as a means to thieving).

No one outside Thailand is going to support the Shins or come to their aide. They are seen for what they are.

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I sure would like to see this letter from Secretary of State Kerry. If he gave the letter to YL and the content was leaked to the news for this article then there is about a 99.9% chance that this letter contained a lot more than what is said here... Also I am sure that such a letter would not have shown bias to parties and only encouraged to continue trying to establish some form of Democracy. I would bet that YL and her staff edited enough out of this to make herself look good. Just as the US has continued to remain neutral to the problems facing this Government. Something smells fishy,

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