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Good service and fair price at Bangkok hospital (credit were credit is due)


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Hello ...

At 09:00 hrs this morning I turned up at Bangkok Hospital Pattaya with a infected cyst (middle of my back) which had turned into a abscess ...I saw a general surgeon within 10 minutes for a assessment he advised me it needed lancing.evacuating and cleaning out... 5 minutes later I was having minor surgery totally pain free and professionally done ...a 2 1/2 inch cut and drain was fitted .and I have to return in 2 days to have to drain removed ..and again in 5 days to have the stitches removed

By 10:05 hrs I was on my way home very satisfied with the quality of the service from start to finish.

Total cost for doctors fees medicines and following treatment was ฿7,788

back down of cost as followed :-

Drugs 800

Medical Supplies 2528

nurse charge 600

package med charge 190

doctors evaluation 600

surgeons procedure fee 3000

Credit were credit is due you can not complain at the price or service ....I would never get this standard of care back at my home country

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While you are still able to walk out and go elsewhere you will find that hospital to be resonable.. Different story when you are on a stretcher in agony though, they do have a slight reputation for ramping up the charges and extracting maximum cash!

Other hospitals (or dare i say a doctors clinic) would have been cheaper of course, but you paid a premium for the good service you received and you are obviously not complaining about the amount..

I would have done exactly the same.

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agreed, I have used bkk hospital in Bangkok, Hua HIn and Hat Yai.

Service is excellent but they sure do get you on the way out and drain your wallet.

A friend had a scooter accident in Pattaya.

Broken shinbone and broken shoulder blade.

Operation to fixate ("nails"?) both.

600'000 Baht.

Not so sure whether this is a fair price.

He had to beg his children to advance pay.

Quality was good. He is now up and walking well.

Even sits on a scooter again blink.png

Took him more than 6 months.

Edited by KhunBENQ
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All I will say is , they don't always give fair prices at any of the Bkk Hospital and its affiliates. I had a friend whose Bill was so padded ,when he died and his family came, as soon as they gave them the bill they offered a 10% discount.

90% would have been fairer , the way they padded his bill. If your paying for any medical services in Thailand , I see people getting over-charged all the time. After 27 years here , if your admitted to the hospital, I 'm telling you most times if they issue any intravenous stuff ,even if its returned they charge you for it . When you get Oxygen , not a canopy ,just those little nose inhalers...ask how much a day it costs ? they give it to you even if it isn't needed ,so they can charge you for it. All time worse Hospital ,which at one time was the most recommended in late 80's is MISSION in Phuket ! I was on an IV ,when I stood up some blood ran into the tube...no big thing , but a aide not a nurse , came took out the needle and wiped it off with toilet paper tyhat was sitting on a table ,then was going to put it back into the flask of medicine I was being fed. I screamed at her to stop ,so unreal. After 6 days I had to transfer to Phuket Int. Hospital cause I was getting sicker from the bad care there. I was operated on immediately as a emergency at Phuket Int. cause the infection that Mission actually worsened the condition of....the next day the Mission Hospital Director came apologized and told my wife and I ,they were paying my Bill at Phuket Int. Hospital. It was a very Horrific experience ,especially because of the location, but if your a guy you'd cringe if I described the area they caused to worsen its condition.

After this incident ,i never went anyplace in Phuket but Phuket Int. , but even their I had over-charges that the cashiers had to refund.

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I go to my local government hospital they are very good and I only pay the basic price I had a very bad burn on my foot would go every day for complete clean and proper dressings cost per visit 100 baht the nurses were superb very gentle and understanding when the doctors finish there shift they drive across town and go do a few hours at the Bangkok hospital I refuse to pay Bangkok hospital rates have now been using my government hospital for over 8 years with no complaints.

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I had a tripple heart bypass at BKK hospital in Bangkok, all went well. I choose this as a second option after several visits to Bumrungrad. No abnormal charges, good aftercare but very few nurses speak english...anecdote (really happened) i was in a lot of pain after the operation and I was begging for medicins. None of the nurses understood my plea imtil finally I saw a spark in the eyes of one of the nurses. After a long 15 minutes she came back with a smile and put a pack of "magazines" on my bed!!

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3 weeks ago during a bicycleride, I will do every day for half a hour, a dog crossing me, I fell on my bike back apart from some grazes, my hand get wounded and I had six stitches in my hand needed. My girlfriend took me to the local governementhospital for that. I know, when you come for regular help, you have to be patient, But now they bring me to the emergancy department and get quickly first aid. All the cost together was not more then 950 Bath including Tetanus vaccination, medicine, and the 6 stitches. That is what I call a reasonable price.

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I am sorry to say I don't agree with you. I think you paid well over the top for a very basic simple procedure.

I recently had to have hospital treatment and decided to go to Bangkok Hospital in Buriram.

The hospital was well laid out very clean and generally the service was good, However their prices are extremely high.

The other thing one must at all times take into account when you have private medical treatment is that Private Hospitals are run as a profit making business so their main priority is to make as much money as they can.

When I went to Bangkok hospital for long term diarhoea I mentioned a problem I had when walking with pain in my left hip. Another consultant was called in to see me. After finding no pulse in my left groin or near my ankle he told me wife that this was very serious and that I could lose my leg or even die. When I started asking more in depth questions the Consultant realised I had quite a lot of knowledge about medical procedures having worked in the medical field for over 40 years in the UK. This was in the Royal Army Medical Services, a short time in a Private UK hospital, covering for a friend of mine, and for 20 years privately in my own business. Suddenly the consultants opinion seemed to change and it was no longer a life or death problem but a blockage in my my femoral artery but the their was sufficient blood flow to the leg and that it was best to keep an eye on it and if it causes too much problems come and see him again and a much more minor operation could rectify the matter.

In my experiene a lot of additional tests and procedures are carried out in Private hospital when it is not really necessary, it is just to make more money. Patient care takes second priority. Also they know that the majority of patients will have health Insurance so why not bump up the price and make the Insurance Company pay. The problem with this is that most Thai Insurance Companies only pay about 50% of most procedures and have a lmit on what they will pay out on for diagnostic tests, room rates etc.

Why give you paracetamol for pain most of the time at a ridiculous cost when you can go and buy it from a local pharmacy at a fraction of the cost.

I need a cataract done soon, so I enquired at the Bangkok Hospital for the cost for standard lens replacement including a one nights hospital admission. Quoted 40,500B. Asked the same question in the Buriram Private hospital and the quote was 22,500. Other hospitals quoted in the region of 20 - 25,000B

The room charge at Bangkok hospital was 4,500B per day for a very basic room, food and nursing service. 18 months ago I went to Buriram Private hospital for a hernia operation and the cost for a VIP room with sofa table and chairs, large plasma TV, fridge and a large balcony, including food and nursing services was 1,800B.

Many consultants work at Goverment hospitals and one or more private hospitals. So you could go to one hospital then another for a second opinion and see the same doctor. This applies to the UK as in Thailand and I suspect in other counties.

Yes with my knowledge and experiences I am very sceptical about Private medicine.

It looks like everyone is offered a 10% discount at Bangkok Hospitals, I was, even before my tests were completed.

I agree with another post, that the Government hospitals in general are ok, not the cleanliness of Private hospitals and if as normal they are busy then one can wait hours to see a doctor unless it is due to an accident.

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Bangkok hospital sucks big ones...over charges to the max at every opportunity.

Had several run ins with them, they hate it when you see a quack, get the results and then get a list of medications and refuse them all as too expensive and will buy elsewhere instead.

Was once loaded up with several packs of equipment to treat a womb at home, pack consisted of everything required, gloves, gauze, tape, bandages, pliers, other bits and pieces for circa 500b each and several packs....refused them all and saw the same packs in local pharmacy for circa 100b each.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

The doctor's name might be helpful to know for someone on here.

The doctor Dr Theeti Varinsirikul


I entirely agree with the PO. The service one gets at the Bangkok Hospital (I can only speak for Bangkok) is absolutely super. The doctors are all highly qualified and experienced professionals. Although I live in Chiang Mai for anything serious I do fly to Bangkok, as I have learnt from experience that there is no comparison between local (International like Ram and others) hospitals in Chiang Mai and the Bangkok Hospital. I am very happy that a Bangkok Hospital will be opening soon in Chiang Mai and can only hope that they will keep the high standard here. As far as costs are concerned they are slightly on the high side in Thailand, but very much so on the low side as far as other countries such as Malaysia or Singapore, let alone European countries or the US.

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Bangkok hospital sucks big ones...over charges to the max at every opportunity.

Had several run ins with them, they hate it when you see a quack, get the results and then get a list of medications and refuse them all as too expensive and will buy elsewhere instead.

Was once loaded up with several packs of equipment to treat a womb at home, pack consisted of everything required, gloves, gauze, tape, bandages, pliers, other bits and pieces for circa 500b each and several packs....refused them all and saw the same packs in local pharmacy for circa 100b each.

The same applies to most, if not ALL, hospitals, including government ones. The costs of medicines etc is at least double in hospitals than in pharmacies.

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Bangkok Hospital quoted me 350,000 for laproscopic surgery for a double iquenal hernia. That is the same as the operation costs in the Houston Medical Center. In Canada it is free but they won't cover me here because it is done in Canada and it is not an emergency yet. But I work here for Thai wages and I enjoy my job a great deal so I would like to stay. Has anyone had a comparable operation done in Thailand for less money?

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Bangkok hospital sucks big ones...over charges to the max at every opportunity.

Had several run ins with them, they hate it when you see a quack, get the results and then get a list of medications and refuse them all as too expensive and will buy elsewhere instead.

Was once loaded up with several packs of equipment to treat a womb at home, pack consisted of everything required, gloves, gauze, tape, bandages, pliers, other bits and pieces for circa 500b each and several packs....refused them all and saw the same packs in local pharmacy for circa 100b each.

You should seek a competent gynecologist to treat your womb but that requires spending some baht, something that you apparently are not inclined to do.

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I am contemplating some Spinal surgery and was aghast at the price you paid for a simple procedure.

I have just asked a local Doctor "Friend" who operates a small surgical clinic.I forwarded your post to him for comment and he agrees that Private hospitals are akin to Five Star Hotels but are in no way necessary for simple surgery as you describe. Many competent Clinics are available and his estimate of total charge at his clinic and several other similar places would not exceed 1500Baht.

All the best wishes from PEP

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I agree that Bangkok Hospital has good service and I have been pleased to use several of their departments for diagnostics at reasonable cost. That being said, when you are admitted, the meter starts to run at high speed. I have had friends whose bills were astronomical and would have been far less at a government hospital. I have had two major surgeries at Chulalongkorn Hospital in BKK and the cost was a fraction of the cost for the same procedure at one of the top tier private hospitals. Both of my surgeons were trained in the latest techniques at prestigious US hospitals, and the nursing care was very good.

Granted, you will do more waiting, sometimes quite a lot of waiting, and the surroundings are far less enjoyable than say, Bumrungrad, but when the time comes to pay the bill, the relatively modest cost makes it all worth it. If you do not speak Thai or do not have someone to speak on your behalf, the government hospital route may not be a viable option. My two cents worth, anyway.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>


I am contemplating some Spinal surgery and was aghast at the price you paid for a simple procedure.

I have just asked a local Doctor "Friend" who operates a small surgical clinic.I forwarded your post to him for comment and he agrees that Private hospitals are akin to Five Star Hotels but are in no way necessary for simple surgery as you describe. Many competent Clinics are available and his estimate of total charge at his clinic and several other similar places would not exceed 1500Baht.

All the best wishes from PEP

Can you please give the name and the address of your doctor friends clinic for future reference . ...who knows if it checks out I might try it in the future

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BK hospital in Hua Hin are only any good in relieving the contents of your wallet. ALL other hospitals there are way ahead in terms of diagnosis, treatment and care

I have a very good friend that took her grand daughter to Bk Hospital Hua Hin and she would definitely agree with you. She ended up taking her

to another hospital in Bkk.

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Bangkok Hospital quoted me 350,000 for laproscopic surgery for a double iquenal hernia. That is the same as the operation costs in the Houston Medical Center. In Canada it is free but they won't cover me here because it is done in Canada and it is not an emergency yet. But I work here for Thai wages and I enjoy my job a great deal so I would like to stay. Has anyone had a comparable operation done in Thailand for less money?

Jut surfing the net, I was surprised to see that things like joint replacements are the same cost as here in Australia, around $25,000. Cosmetic surgery is about a fifth of the price though.

As a comparison on hospitals, I recently had to spend a night in hospital, observation for sleep apnea (apnoea), and the hospital was $884, in at 7.00 pm, out at 7.00 am!!!

A few years ago a mate took a spill of a motorcycle on the road to Sangklaburi, nothing too serious, but lost some skin. He spent well over an hour at Thong Tha Phum hospital, had 4 nurses working on him for a good part of that time, and the total cost, including pain killers and antibiotics was B360. That's a good deal.

I had a full medical at Bumrungrad a few years ago, everything, ECG included, and the cost was less than $40.00.

I saw the dentist just a couple of weeks ago in Bangkok, annual check up and scale and clean, plus two small fillings (first in 15 years), and the total was B3000, about $100. Back here, a small filling was $175.00 6 years ago, and a clean and check was $140, so the cost here would have been $490 on prices from 6 years ago. I figured out my dentist charged about $550 an hour back then just on his throughput.

Nothing to complain about even if BKK prices are padded a bit in my view.

Edited by F4UCorsair
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Bangkok Hospital quoted me 350,000 for laproscopic surgery for a double iquenal hernia. That is the same as the operation costs in the Houston Medical Center. In Canada it is free but they won't cover me here because it is done in Canada and it is not an emergency yet. But I work here for Thai wages and I enjoy my job a great deal so I would like to stay. Has anyone had a comparable operation done in Thailand for less money?

Do a search on the health forum. Don't do laproscopic and you might get it done for 1/10 at a gov't hospital. At least check non-profit St. Luke's in BKK.

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My mother stopped by when she was experiencing rapid atrial fib. (she takes dijoxin daily) She was a cardiovascular intensive care nurse

for 30 years and she has experienced these events before in Canada. She wanted some blood tests, and a dijoxin drip. She was quickly

seen by one doctor who recommended another specialist doctor. He sent her for an x-ray, she declined as an x-ray would show nothing.

She read her own EKG as well as the heart specialist. He agreed based on the test she did not have a heart attack. She told him what she

wanted as treatment as she had received before in Canada. He insisted she be admitted to hospital for 3 days of observation. She said

no thank you. He left saying he would be back shortly. Two hours later he had not returned. When I asked when he would be back were

told no treatment unless she agreed to be hospitalized for three days. So we left. The bill was about 13,000 baht. (no treatment) We declined

to pay the Doctors consultation fees, the nurse was excellent, the charges for everything were inflated compared to any other hospital

I have been to in Thailand. We ended up paying 9,000 baht and left. My mother doubled her dijoxin dose for the day lay down and 6 hours

later she was fine but tired. So while I am glad you had good service at a fare price we certainly did not. As far as I am concerned a real

bill padding money making operation. That is my experience for them and as you say, credit were credit is due. He was doing his job for the

hospital in our case and not the patient.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Compared to the USA prices, it sound very fair to me.

Considering most of the staff barring doctors are probably paid less than a tenth of their US counterparts, you'd expect it to be cheaper.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Compared to the USA prices, it sound very fair to me.

Considering most of the staff barring doctors are probably paid less than a tenth of their US counterparts, you'd expect it to be cheaper.

why do people (expat )in general think it's alright for western countries to make vast profits at ever opportunity ?which has probably help them amass enough wealth to retire and live here in Thailand .or is corporate greed only allowed when it make money for the westerner?? lets keep thailand cheap for the westerner .......oH and by the way a nurses aid can earn ฿20000 + and and a fully qualified nurse up to ฿50000+ per month these wages have to come from somewhere

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