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In love with thai girl married to thai man


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It's a scam and she's in on it.  She might not even have a husband. The whole thing stinks.  She obviously grooms men via the internet with this BS story.  It's not much of investment fir a 30 k payoff.  Most normal Thai women would not jump into bed with someone they've only met through Skype unless they're prostitutes of course. 

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Mate, get the services of a private investigator to sort these out for you. Or better still, get a reliable friend to try chat her up on the dating site to see if she bites. Make sure it's a very attractive profile. Give it 1 month to assess results.

Then make your call pending results.

Hope this helps.


11alvin11   has offered you the best solution yet...and I agree with him...done it myself to check the "validity" of some thai girls...who had "fallen" in love with me.


Don't hire a private investigator.....don't do any deal with the husband...don't part with 1 Australian dollar.


Get a mate in OZ to set up a wonderful "can't resist" profile on the same dating site you intially made contact with her on...and get him to start corresponding with her.    Monitor the results...!!!


You will either be shocked out of your underpants......or  she will come through with "flying colours"....then and only then will true loyalties be revealed.


I know this method sounds underhand, and deceitful   but you need to do it...and it won't cost you a cent.


She can contact you (even with the her i-phone smashed as you mention)  


In Thailand internet cafes are as common as 7/11 shops and I don't believe for a minute she is being held 24/7 in her house. (Sorry)


Her "friends" must be visiting her for them to be passing on messages to you....how else could they be acting as messengers and getting the messages to pass on?


Why isn't she using her friends i-phones to message you herself?


Tread carefully cobber....slowly slowly.....take your time.......piece by piece....and good luck

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Anyone know the OP's age?

(Member since today!)




But hey, thanks for a great laugh!

I mean, no one could be that stupid - could they?




 Im 35 she is 26.     I havent given any cash sure I took her to some nice restaurants and bought some cheap clothes from the road side stalls in BKK but that nothing.       I stated this thread to see if there was anyway for her to get a divorce without me paying his bribe since he wont agree to one.    From what Ive learned the answer is no as under thai law she has no grounds.                I still care for her and only want her to be happy.




 This is video of her she is very cute and alluring tongue.png


 RE the dating site she changed her profile to say she met me, and she has stopped using it.    I know because you can check when they last logged in and she hasn't logged in for 2 months that's why I thought she was serious as a gik wouldnt do that because they would lose to many customers :)

Edited by tekNique
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And she could divorce him. It is possible. 

But also think long term. You've just invested in a house in Australia. Do you really want to be getting into a relationship with a married woman, who lives in another country, and speaks a different language from you? You're setting yourself up for a long rocky road it feels... 

 thanks for link I think the problem is she has no grounds for divorce under thai law even though she dosent love him, in our culture we can divorce because no longer love.     She works in an embroidery type place that her husband or mum owns, she essentially does stuff all.   
 She does the design on the computer or something and has a lot of spare time on the PC when I Skype with her she was skyping from work and I even saw her ma a few times.    I not sure where iphone came from.             I do speak basic thai and I was going to go to after hours tafe college here in Oz to learn more on my return.
http://s5.photobucket.com/user/jasurat/media/1609992_721595474552057_1868331062_n.jpg.html  This her at work.
 I don't think it is a joint scam from her and thai husband to extract money from me as I know his facebook account (both her and him don't know I know this) and he wrote on facebook about her going with me, whether to try make her lose face im not sure, if was scam he wouldn't..    Is very complicated situation.     I think I just have to wait till she speaks directly with me again then ask the tough questions.
 I don't think scam she just wants her freedom because she is trapped, in work and in life.    At the worst I had a great holiday with thai guide and companion who saved me paying farang price on many things.   Truly was a happy two weeks.    I have my doubts too, but I have not lost faith in her yet I wait to speak to her directly as he cant keep her in the house forever.       I wont be paying him off to divorce her unless I win lotto tongue.png

Grounds for divorce,how about adultery with you for starters.
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I'm going to come off as the bad guy here, but have you considered that you're being scammed?


Could be an elaborate scam. Pay the money to husband, new girlfriend disappears (back to husband and your money).


Think about it!

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And she could divorce him. It is possible. 



But also think long term. You've just invested in a house in Australia. Do you really want to be getting into a relationship with a married woman, who lives in another country, and speaks a different language from you? You're setting yourself up for a long rocky road it feels... 

 thanks for link I think the problem is she has no grounds for divorce under thai law even though she dosent love him, in our culture we can divorce because no longer love.     She works in an embroidery type place that her husband or mum owns, she essentially does stuff all.   


 She does the design on the computer or something and has a lot of spare time on the PC when I Skype with her she was skyping from work and I even saw her ma a few times.    I not sure where iphone came from.             I do speak basic thai and I was going to go to after hours tafe college here in Oz to learn more on my return.


http://s5.photobucket.com/user/jasurat/media/1609992_721595474552057_1868331062_n.jpg.html  This her at work.


 I don't think it is a joint scam from her and thai husband to extract money from me as I know his facebook account (both her and him don't know I know this) and he wrote on facebook about her going with me, whether to try make her lose face im not sure, if was scam he wouldn't..    Is very complicated situation.     I think I just have to wait till she speaks directly with me again then ask the tough questions.



 I don't think scam she just wants her freedom because she is trapped, in work and in life.    At the worst I had a great holiday with thai guide and companion who saved me paying farang price on many things.   Truly was a happy two weeks.    I have my doubts too, but I have not lost faith in her yet I wait to speak to her directly as he cant keep her in the house forever.       I wont be paying him off to divorce her unless I win lotto tongue.png



Yes she looks great. Very sweet . . BUT 



More red flags than Tiananmen Square.


You cannot step up to that, so you have to step back. .. Way back 


good advice. Do not pay for anything. . . 2 weeks!!! 2 months????? Whoa 

I know which head is doing the thinking there


I know  I know I know it feels like love. That tells me you have identified her as a good genetic match for children. That's how we operate inside. .. step back


There will be others or another way . . There is a very good chance you're being conned. they are really really good at it

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   Certainly isn't a troll post this has what been happening in my life in the last 3 months, it has got to stage now on my return back to Australia that im confused.        I posted a photo of her at work (post 16) with her holding a sign that says she loves me, she never showed me anything but love as well the whole time.         She has never asked money from me, only her husband asked as he knows she has no grounds for divorce under thai law even though she dosent love him........so if he is going to grant her wish he wants to be paid off.   
 I haven't said no but im not going to pay him off, seems to crazy to be a scam as no would would fall for it.       Maybe I show him video of us together and he would be so enraged that he would strike her then she would have grounds for divorce.         Other than that the suggestion that I ask him for 15k to not bother him or his family anymore seems a good suggestion.
 BTW shes from the bangna region in bangkok

No scam is to crazy for Th.There has been better than this.
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 I know, but we skyped every day for 2 months for like 2 hours a day so I didn't just fall in love over 2 weeks.  You learn a lot about each other when you video call each other this much so I already had feelings for her before I went to Thailand.            I don't believe she would Skype with me this much if she wasn't really interested me as she was always asking in email "you Skype tonight mai".                    Its to much time to just try and scam someone, a scammer or some one who just wanted a gik payment wouldn't invest that much time.


 I appreciate all replies, cynicism included as I need to look from different view points as I feel quite confused at the moment.   Mrjlh I appreciate your post mak.



Sorry, but its called the Long con.  She has nothing else to do but skype for a few hours a day and spend two weeks with you for a one million baht pay off...not bad few months work

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  I have read every reply in this thread and I thank you for all, there is some good advice and iam looking at the situation through different eyes..... yes I am more sceptical about the situation but I cant give up on her yet she seems to honest and I care for her deeply and she made me more happy than I have been in many years.    I think about here all day nearly


 I wait till she can communicate with me again and I will update what happened here.

/thank you

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technique, my man,

she changed her profile to say she was no longer looking for someone


how do you know she does not have other profiles?

how do you know there is a husband?

examine your answers really well and then make your decision.


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All the Thai girls and wives want a foreigner with money to look after them .  A Thai woman's idea of love is money .

Never mind your emotions , you'd best forget her , you're heading for trouble .  You'll end up with not a dollar to your name .

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Anyone know the OP's age?

(Member since today!)




But hey, thanks for a great laugh!

I mean, no one could be that stupid - could they?




 Im 35 she is 26.     I havent given any cash sure I took her to some nice restaurants and bought some cheap clothes from the road side stalls in BKK but that nothing.       I stated this thread to see if there was anyway for her to get a divorce without me paying his bribe since he wont agree to one.    From what Ive learned the answer is no as under thai law she has no grounds.                I still care for her and only want her to be happy.




 This is video of her she is very cute and alluring tongue.png


 RE the dating site she changed her profile to say she met me, and she has stopped using it.    I know because you can check when they last logged in and she hasn't logged in for 2 months that's why I thought she was serious as a gik wouldnt do that because they would lose to many customers smile.png




OK, but why only quote part of my post?

Which was:-

Anyone know the OP's age?

(Member since today!)


As my dear old Mum used to say:
There's none so blind as them as don't want to see.

None so deaf as them as don't want to hear.


But hey, thanks for a great laugh!

I mean, no one could be that stupid - could they?


BTW, please post your bank account details in case some members here would like to make a donation to help you out.

I'm also quite interested in the bridge, sounds like a winner that one!



I met and married my Thai wife in quick time after meeting her at a friends wedding.

She was divorced and has two sons. She was worried that the problems of her having a large family might put me off her.

I was lucky that I had read both Thailand Fever and Stephen Leather's book Private Dancer.

I knew what I was getting in to , and yes, my wife IS different LOL

If you are not trolling, get those books and study them. Private Dancer is online and free.

If I offended you with my flippant posts - sorry.

But FFS, why take on such a difficult relationship?

This thread has given you all the advice you need so why don't you take it?

Sorry I can't continue to post as I will be on a long international flight.


Good Luck (but I still think this is a wind up!)

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i have got a "know it all" mate, who is in Thailand now,(he preaches to me ha ha) about not getting involved, anyhow his girlfriend befriended me on facebook (by accident) we were in BKK new year, she had to look after her "sick mum" but posted a photo of her and a thai guy under an arch of roses, on new years day, all my thai lady friends say she has thai boyfriend, a couple of years down the line (if not before) he is going to get a rude awakening, she wanted him to rent a condo for her when we were out last December (and her fella as well i suppose) so my advice is walk away mate, it is an elaborate scam.

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So you are in love with a Thai girl that you have only spent two weeks with and she jumped into bed with you straight away? Warnings lights are flashing everywhere.

A Thai girl, jumping in bed so easily (normally, Thai girls do NOT do this), and dating foreigners on a dating site, yeah, it seems, OP should be VERY cautious.

A Thai girl jumped into bed with my husband the first night and now she has everything he owns
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If the OP's story is in fact true, then HER story most certainly isn't.  Locked up, smashed phone, hacked email, snippets of information coming from "friends", just a well worked scam in progress.


Yep seen this strategically worked plan many times before.. Pay the 30K divorce money to husband


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RE adultery post, yea that's grounds for him to get divorce but he dosent want.    She the one that wants not him, her adultery is not grounds for HER to divorce under thai law.

Ok,i knew that,i just wanted to see how green you are.Re vid,baht a dozen in Thailand.As i said before why the hurry to marry.Most Thai's dont legally get married so why should you worry.
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Now hear this stopping thinking with your dick and try thinking with you head!  This is a scam! When I read your story I heard it before!  


First, even if this was on the up all you have to do is hire a good lawyer they would not be able to contest since they most likely can not come up with the retainer?  Now believe this it does not cost 30,000 to have a divorce wake up sucker!  Like someone said you go down to the office and sign some papers it is done but in your case if this is real he will contest?  again how?  he is penny less to defend?  If this was my problem a few thousand baht and I would have a bunch of guys go over bust down his door and torture him until he is ready to sign the paper. Of course all this does not matter since this is a scam!


There are millions of Thai women with children that have been abandon by their husband who are working the go go and bars all she has to do is walk away. Does she seem helpless?  Even in Thailand there is a law called being held against her will!  


Stop and in a few weeks she will be back on Facebook or whatever source she is using!   

Edited by thailand49
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RE adultery post, yea that's grounds for him to get divorce but he dosent want.    She the one that wants not him, her adultery is not grounds for HER to divorce under thai law.

Ok,i knew that,i just wanted to see how green you are.Re vid,baht a dozen in Thailand.As i said before why the hurry to marry.Most Thai's dont legally get married so why should you worry.



 Well because we talked about having a life in Australia and its is much easier to get visa if marry, and I want to marry her with a pre nup in place of course.          She is legally married in Thailand so I can not marry her.

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tekNique, I advised you to run.


I now see that your OP was your first, and that rings bells for me, and those bells are ringing out 'troll', but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt, and post again.


You've been advised by people with a LOT more experience that I have, that you're being played, the husband may not exist, her gf's arein on the scam, divorce is cheap, that if her friends are visiting her, they could alert authorities if she's being 'held', so take the advice, and dump this woman, but it sounds as though you may have already been dumped.  How much opinion and evidence do you need from guys who've been through the mill??


If you go further, you won't get the benefit of any doubt from me, and I'll know you're a troll.



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It's getting pretty serious:



Okay I must admit I lol'd   dam it!!!!



Hahaha........I had to do it....That popped in my head when I read your post.

Hope everything works out, but I agree with most others here.
I have been "on the ground" for about 12 years now and seen/heard pleanty of scams.
This falls right in line.
I would advise never making contact with her again.
She will eventually move on to the next Joe to drain money from.
Good luck.

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