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Santika Pub's former owner faces 12 months imprisonment for tax evasion


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Santika Pub's former owner faces 12 months imprisonment for tax evasion


BANGKOK: -- The owner of the former Santika Pub in Soi Thong Lor was today ordered jailed for 12 months by the Ratchadapisek Criminal Court after he was found guilty of tax evasion amounting to 85 million baht.

The court said that Mr Visuk Setsawat, managing director of White and Brothers Company which owned the Santika Pub, was duty-bound to manage the pub but failed to file tax returns for five consecutive years from November 13, 2003 to December 31, 2008. The unpaid excise taxes owed to the state amounted to 85 million baht.

Other charges against Mr Visuk such as giving false statements to excise officials were dismissed by the court.

Visuk’s lawyer said he would appeal against the verdict to the Appeals Court and would seek bail for his client.

Earlier, the Appeals Court overturned a three-year imprisonment imposed on Mr Visuk by the Criminal Court for the New Year’s Eve fire at the pub in 2008 which killed 67 revellers and injured 103 others, 32 of them in serious condition.

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/santika-pubs-former-owner-faces-12-months-imprisonment-tax-evasion/

-- Thai PBS 2014-04-25

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One wonders about this: walks on the people related charges ( not responsible for the deaths, failure to provided safe venue with adequate fire protection, allowing underage customers etc etc) but guilty of tax evasion. What happened to the civil case brought by relatives of the victims? That was for B549million. Not a word in the media about the outcome.

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One wonders about this: walks on the people related charges ( not responsible for the deaths, failure to provided safe venue with adequate fire protection, allowing underage customers etc etc) but guilty of tax evasion. What happened to the civil case brought by relatives of the victims? That was for B549million. Not a word in the media about the outcome.

Would love to know it too, there should be far more investigative journalism and cases like this should be closely monitored.

These rich guys get away cases are a shame and no government has ever done anything about stuff like this because they themselves are rich and want a way out. (Dems / PTP whatever)

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One wonders about this: walks on the people related charges ( not responsible for the deaths, failure to provided safe venue with adequate fire protection, allowing underage customers etc etc) but guilty of tax evasion. What happened to the civil case brought by relatives of the victims? That was for B549million. Not a word in the media about the outcome.

Would love to know it too, there should be far more investigative journalism and cases like this should be closely monitored.

These rich guys get away cases are a shame and no government has ever done anything about stuff like this because they themselves are rich and want a way out. (Dems / PTP whatever)

The court system just fundamentally sucks beyond belied. Its not just bad, it is horrendous.

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What about the police and other influential people involved? There are rumors that if you operated and entertainment facility, that you have to pay money to the police for protection. Protection from police harassment. This is just a rumor, we all know that there is no corruption in Bangkok finest..

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I presume this isn't the major police col. who was given a large number of shares in the club, which suddenly stopped all the police raids for the licensed NOODLE STALL.

Yes, Santika was only licensed as a noodle stall, was located in a non-entertainment zone, didn't have an alcohol license and was frequently raided until the local top cop was made a share holder.

Also, a number of victims reportedly had gold stolen off their bodies while kept in the police morque the following night, and cash stolen out of the clothes.

Read up about it, if you don't mind being sickened by the society here.

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Sounds like a never ending story. Criminal Court convicts Santika Pub owner for the fire with a 3 year prison sentence. Owner bails and appeals and the Appeals Court overturns the conviction. Chapter 2, Santika Pub owner convicted by Criminal Court for tax evasion and sentenced to 1 year in prison. Owner's lawyer is asking for bail and appealing sentence to Appeals Court. A guess on the outcome?

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They didn't get for killing 67 people but they got him for tax evasion, kinda like Al Capone

whom the US government couldn't get on murder charge but got him on tax evasion,

like they say : there is nothing new under the sun....

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One wonders about this: walks on the people related charges ( not responsible for the deaths, failure to provided safe venue with adequate fire protection, allowing underage customers etc etc) but guilty of tax evasion. What happened to the civil case brought by relatives of the victims? That was for B549million. Not a word in the media about the outcome.

Surely just a coincidence that he is cleared of the wrongful deaths at the approximate time he gets convicted for a tax infringement... Certainly couldn't be a plea bargain of any sort.

Edited by bangon04
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One wonders about this: walks on the people related charges ( not responsible for the deaths, failure to provided safe venue with adequate fire protection, allowing underage customers etc etc) but guilty of tax evasion. What happened to the civil case brought by relatives of the victims? That was for B549million. Not a word in the media about the outcome.

Would love to know it too, there should be far more investigative journalism and cases like this should be closely monitored.

These rich guys get away cases are a shame and no government has ever done anything about stuff like this because they themselves are rich and want a way out. (Dems / PTP whatever)

The court system just fundamentally sucks beyond belied. Its not just bad, it is horrendous.

Only if you are poor or Farang, if you are Rich Thai the court system works exceedingly well!

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Remember Al Capone, the notorious mafiosa back in the day? Despite a long history of criminal activity he was convicted for tax evasion and not the extreme criminal activity. The same holds here. A criminal conviction requires a greater burden of evidence to show guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. In a civil case, the threshold is not as great and for tax cases, one need only show a violation of the law. Either you filed and paid the tax or you did not. The tax evasion case was easier to secure a conviction with and was a given since the owner became a "public figure". A criminal conviction required a maze run of convoluted twists and turns and a need to establish responsibility, knowledge of wrong doing and an intent to engage in the criminal act. The result is actually typical of such cases elsewhere.

Will he do time? I doubt it. Will he be able to pay the fine and the tax owed? I doubt it. However, the man is financially ruined.

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One wonders about this: walks on the people related charges ( not responsible for the deaths, failure to provided safe venue with adequate fire protection, allowing underage customers etc etc) but guilty of tax evasion. What happened to the civil case brought by relatives of the victims? That was for B549million. Not a word in the media about the outcome.

Yes this case has done the classic Thai fade away...... :-) I seem to recall that there

were government officials in this mess up to their necks regarding the permits and zoning

for this club, thus allowing this catastrophe to occur, so that is why it faded away. This

tax violation is an interesting wrinkle, guess it is a way for the government to prosecute

the guy without bringing in the issues with the club itself that government officials were

complicit in..... Also seem to recall that there were some hiso young people who were

burned up, am surprised their families have not extracted some form of revenge....

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Earlier, the Appeals Court overturned a three-year imprisonment imposed on Mr Visuk by the Criminal Court for the New Year’s Eve fire at the pub in 2008 which killed 67 revellers and injured 103 others, 32 of them in serious condition.

Source: http://englishnews.t...nt-tax-evasion/


-- Thai PBS 2014-04-25

We can only hope that karma will eventually catch up with this guy for all of the past history. Although, for those familiar with the history of Santika, it was pretty well known that this guy wasn't the main figure behind that club, but rather, others in "authority" supposedly were. And they've never been touched.

But let's wait and see what happens with the appeals process on this guys tax case. In all likelihood, somewhere along the way, he'll probably get off the hook for the tax case as well -- as seems to be the norm here.

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  • 1 year later...

He has now missed 2 court dates for hearings on the tax evasion. The first ( Sept 1st 2015) his lawyer cited a bad headache and the second (sept 30th) , illness again. An arrest warrant has been issued and he is scheduled for court today. It seems this man has no shame.

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