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At last a good Bangkok Taxi story


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Ive lived happily in Thailand for nearly 2 decades now.

I think you need a good sense of humour to survive here.
Normally, I'm the first in line to point out the faults, with what would be unbelievable storys in the UK.
Now heres my unbelievable story.
And the only conclusion I can draw is, maybe he is what's known as a genetic throw back?
From times long ago in Thailand.
It was 7pm in Bangkok.3 days before Songkram.
Annoyingly several taxis refused to take take us to where we wanted to go.
Another pulled over.
He wasn't going the way we wanted to go either.
But he invited us to get in and he would drop us in an area easier to get a taxi.
When asked to put the meter on, he refused and said he wanted no payment as he wasn't actually taking us to our chosen destination.
I could feel a confrontation brewing when we got out!
Meanwhile I changed the destination to a train station, because of the traffic.
He took us quite a long way, as it turned out approximately a 60 bht fare, and assuming he wasn't going to now try and rip me of, I got out 100 baht as a tip for his generosity.
When we stopped,I offered it to him, he refused, I tried to get him to take it and he refused again.
I really wanted him to take it more than any tip I think I've offered in my life.
And yet he staunchly still refused.
Enjoy Songhram, he said as I got out of the cab.
I didn't get his badge number.
I wish I had .
Cos, surely his the guy who should have a say in the running of Thailand, I told Jazz!
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I got a free ride over Songkran, too. Gave the guy a few baht anyway.

Bangkok taxi drivers are mostly nice guys, despite the people they have to deal with.

The thais mostly !!

I dont understand why you live in Thailand if you dont like the thais.

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i think all bangkok taxi drivers are nice friendly guys

except that one who chopped his customer up with a samurai sword

and the ones who drug people with water/ some refreshing drink and wake up without their belongings and a hazy memory

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Clearly not the one who I had to chase up Soi 4 in Bangkok with my camera and suitcase in his boot much to the amusement of the assembled revellers. If it wasn't for the heavy traffic he'd have got away with it.

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