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Bangkok signboards going bilingual for the AEC

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They need set rules for when Thai words and names are written in English. Even make it the official Thai to English spelling.

Yes, for the most part we know what it says. But I was driving the other day, and I nearly missed the short cut onto 'Lard 'Prao' road because the sign had spelt it 'Rat Plow'. When walking, it's easy. When driving and concentrating, not so easy sometimes.

The rat plow is secret weapon from the hub dept, it sources the ingredients for falnag restaurants

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Bangkok signboards going bilingual for the AEC: Thai and Burmese.

All Thai ATM already have Burmese language option now.

Really? Burmese??

I can understand they won't use the language of the southern neighbours, but Burmese?

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They need set rules for when Thai words and names are written in English. Even make it the official Thai to English spelling.

Yes, for the most part we know what it says. But I was driving the other day, and I nearly missed the short cut onto 'Lard 'Prao' road because the sign had spelt it 'Rat Plow'. When walking, it's easy. When driving and concentrating, not so easy sometimes.

There are already 5 'k; sounding consonants yet the language police have declared that 'gaw gai' consonant gets written with a 'k' also. How many spellings of Sri Nakarin Rd, and Chakrapong Rd. are there (5 each). I agree completely with your post.

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got a few in Pin Klao already...........as follows........

(Direction sign) U-Trun........!!

(another huge billboard outside a beauty clinic).......We are slimeing clinic

Outside Tesco Lotus........Tresco Lotus

At a Sidewalk cafe........Branana Smothies.......stroberry milkshakes

At Phya Thai at the bottom of the BTS stairs....4 medium/large official looking signs within 100 metres of each other.......Prya Thai........Phia Thai.......Phyra Thai.........Phraya Thai

Ok...I am not being pedantic....just observing...spelling or transliteration errors occur worldwide.

Hilarious. 5555 whilst I do enjoy reading these (tresco was the pick of the bunch btw) I can help but think why can't they just rub it past a farang before going to print?

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got a few in Pin Klao already...........as follows........

(Direction sign) U-Trun........!!

(another huge billboard outside a beauty clinic).......We are slimeing clinic

Outside Tesco Lotus........Tresco Lotus

At a Sidewalk cafe........Branana Smothies.......stroberry milkshakes

At Phya Thai at the bottom of the BTS stairs....4 medium/large official looking signs within 100 metres of each other.......Prya Thai........Phia Thai.......Phyra Thai.........Phraya Thai

Ok...I am not being pedantic....just observing...spelling or transliteration errors occur worldwide.

Hilarious. 5555 whilst I do enjoy reading these (tresco was the pick of the bunch btw) I can help but think why can't they just rub it past a farang before going to print?

check with a Farang?! Have you gone mad? That would imply they need help from the Farang in question. Never happens here.

Edited by PaullyW
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got a few in Pin Klao already...........as follows........

(Direction sign) U-Trun........!!

(another huge billboard outside a beauty clinic).......We are slimeing clinic

Outside Tesco Lotus........Tresco Lotus

At a Sidewalk cafe........Branana Smothies.......stroberry milkshakes

At Phya Thai at the bottom of the BTS stairs....4 medium/large official looking signs within 100 metres of each other.......Prya Thai........Phia Thai.......Phyra Thai.........Phraya Thai

Ok...I am not being pedantic....just observing...spelling or transliteration errors occur worldwide.

Hilarious. 5555 whilst I do enjoy reading these (tresco was the pick of the bunch btw) I can help but think why can't they just rub it past a farang before going to print?
Because doing that would mean that somebody with a degree in English has to lose face. I wrote a gardening column for a German newspaper and getting it checked before sending it off was more work than writing it.
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I understand that there are fines imposed if the type face is larger than the Thai type face.

TESCO in Chiang Mai takes this seriously - you need binoculars to read what the English says under the large Thai product descriptions.

Many road signs are the same - they can't be read until you are level with them.

Not true in the least bit. Go to any tourist area in Thailand and you may see signs, advertisements etc. only in English. Billboards and company names may be in English with only a tiny Thai translation of the company name in the top right hand corner.

I once read the law about this on these pages.

Apparently it's illegal to have any language other than Thai on top, and the farang language must be smaller.

Depends who you pay I suppose.

If you include Thai writing on your signs you get a 50% discount on the sign tax. And - at least in Phuket - the Thai part should be on top.

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The signboards should include:

Thai price

Foreigner price


Did you recognise that often Thai and Farang prices are written with the old thai number system in hope foreigner don't realise this scam?

Must be an Asian thing. At the public toilets on Kuta beach, Bali, the signs say in Indonesian "small water 50 Rp" and in English "Urination 100Rp".

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