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California gunman 'was filmmaker Peter Rodger's son'

Lite Beer

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When will y'all wake up and see that Hollywood has been just as effective on 'you guys' as the nazi propaganda was on the Germans.

You are the one who needs to wake up. I've never owned a gun in my life and I was in the military. Many of my friends were in the same boat.

I lived in the country and we had some nasty creatures roaming around, but I didn't own a gun either. The dogs could usually be counted on to chase them away. On rare occasions I had to ask a neighbor to come and dispatch something (like a skunk with rabies).

This guy had mental problems.

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When will y'all wake up and see that Hollywood has been just as effective on 'you guys' as the nazi propaganda was on the Germans.

You are the one who needs to wake up. I've never owned a gun in my life and I was in the military. Many of my friends were in the same boat.

Good to hear, but I fear u and your friends r in the minority in the US and represent the proverbial exception to the rule.

............And I acknowledge the truth of the very apt quotation under your post.

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When will y'all wake up and see that Hollywood has been just as effective on 'you guys' as the nazi propaganda was on the Germans.

You are the one who needs to wake up. I've never owned a gun in my life and I was in the military. Many of my friends were in the same boat.

I lived in the country and we had some nasty creatures roaming around, but I didn't own a gun either. The dogs could usually be counted on to chase them away. On rare occasions I had to ask a neighbor to come and dispatch something (like a skunk with rabies).

This guy had mental problems.

I agree that he had 'mental problems', but those with such problems and with such murderous intentions would find it almost impossible to get hold of a gun in the UK......And would be arrested and charged if found carrying a knife without good reason.

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Forget the moronic gun discussion.

How about you forget the patronising nonsense.

???? My comment was made in jest, but if you want to get ornery let's rock and roll !!! Thailand has very strict gun laws, and Thais are blasting one another with guns right and left. The states in America with liberal gun carry laws have the lowest crime rate. See if you can puzzle that one out.....

( Pssst....the criminals are afraid of being shot back at)...........

There is almost no set of laws that would protect society from a lunatic intent on harm, and if there was we certainly would not want these laws. In China with virtually no guns allowed to be owned by its citizens, the weapon of choice of mass attacks is a knife. 29 people killed in this attack alone.

So now what ? Outlaw knives ?


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7 lives lost and some seem only to care about their right to carry guns. This dude was targeting college kids and sorority girls. I suppose the solution is for every college kid, sorority girl and grade schooler to pack heat in their purse, back pack and lunch box for defense. Please. Perhaps social media is somewhat to blame as he obviously sought attention for this. Sad for someone to feel so desparate for attention they resort to something like this. Then all the innocent people caught in his path and lives changed for ever just because they were in the wrong place at the wrong time.

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I'd still like to know how a known mentally unstable person harbouring violent fantasies got the guns and ammo.

Sent from my SM-G900T using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

If wager that a great majority of gun owners are mentally ill. No surprise there.

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He also stabbed some people to death and purposely ran some over with his car. This can't all be blamed on guns.

Oh there you go. It's not guns that are the problem it's knives and cars. I'll lay odds the gun was used first. When will Americans wake up to the simple fact that a single shot rifle is for hunting, shotguns are for bird hunting an skeet, an automatic rifle is for mowing down people, and a handgun is for close quarter killing, Why, why, why does any body need or have the right to buy a handgun or an automatic rifle? Maybe it's because the USA is a sick society.

Obviously you don’t understand the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution. The Second Amendment is not there for hunting or skeet shooting; it’s there to give our citizens the ability to protect themselves against an out of control government coming to power. Hitler tried to eradicate the Jews; I’ll bet if the Jewish citizens had the rights we have to own firearms a lot less of those families would have been slaughtered and devastated. I’m perfectly happy to accept the risk that comes from a well-armed society to me it’s preferable, and to you, if you don’t like our laws its simple just don’t come here.

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I'd still like to know how a known mentally unstable person harbouring violent fantasies got the guns and ammo.

Sent from my SM-G900T using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Well, that I would like to know as well. As I read the story he was receiving care from a mental health doctor. Perhaps if receiving care for mental problems, you should be put on some kind of list that

could be checked by a firearm seller. Kind of stomping on civil rights, but it would one level of protection....I suspect within a few days the story will come out about where the guns came from. If a family member bought the guns for him, I suspect that person will be in a world of trouble......

And rightfully so !!!!!

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He also stabbed some people to death and purposely ran some over with his car. This can't all be blamed on guns.

Oh there you go. It's not guns that are the problem it's knives and cars. I'll lay odds the gun was used first. When will Americans wake up to the simple fact that a single shot rifle is for hunting, shotguns are for bird hunting an skeet, an automatic rifle is for mowing down people, and a handgun is for close quarter killing, Why, why, why does any body need or have the right to buy a handgun or an automatic rifle? Maybe it's because the USA is a sick society.

Obviously you don’t understand the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution. The Second Amendment is not there for hunting or skeet shooting; it’s there to give our citizens the ability to protect themselves against an out of control government coming to power. Hitler tried to eradicate the Jews; I’ll bet if the Jewish citizens had the rights we have to own firearms a lot less of those families would have been slaughtered and devastated. I’m perfectly happy to accept the risk that comes from a well-armed society to me it’s preferable, and to you, if you don’t like our laws its simple just don’t come here.

1938 German weapons act...

"Jews were prohibited from possessing any dangerous weapons, including firearms. They were also forbidden from the manufacturing or dealing of firearms and ammunition."


Edited by EyesWideOpen
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Once again.

When one of these hot house flowers that wasn't able to bloom in the day suddenly loads up his guns and blooms in the night . . . . . look to SSRI's.

Paxil, Prozac, Zoloft just to name a few.

Or don't.

"Sometimes, 'fuggedabowdit' just means fuggedabowdit. . . . "

I thought SSRI's were meant to provide mental stability?

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Im blessed to have been born and raised in the UK where Im fortunate enough to have lived the 61 years of my life without the thought of owning a gun ever entering my head! Still In Britain today, only the military are allowed to have guns plus a small (mostly) strictly controlled number of police officers. And its real life in Britain! Not a semi-delusional fictional Hollywood-movie created gun-fest world where most US citizens sadly seem to dwell. Aldous Huxley once said that everyone is trying to be their favourite character in fiction. Nothing personal, but in the US this seems to mean that men are culturally pressurised to cultivate a movie hero's arrogance and ego, and must own a gun or 2 or 3 or 4. When will y'all wake up and see that Hollywood has been just as effective on 'you guys' as the nazi propaganda was on the Germans.

Hitler had to first disarm the population. If the 12 million Jews there had refused to give up their guns and instead fought back, they could have prevailed due to sheer numbers.

Britain is in the middle of a very long era. It didn't used to be safe there and someday it won't be again. Right now this generation relies on the nanny state to protect it, but if you look around at immigration and new laws favoring certain immigrants, you won't be safe in another generation.

But by then it will be to late because you are Subjects. You have allowed yourselves to become Subjects. Subjects even of the laws of the EU. Your country is being overrun by invaders and your leaders seem to like it.

The US has fewer than 2 million people in the armed forces and they are scattered all over the world. OTOH it has more than 100 million armed citizens who declare that they aren't subjects and plan to keep it that way. Don't give me any crap about nukes etc. either. The military wouldn't use weapons of mass destruction - not even carpet bombing on its own soil. It would have to be urban warfare to disarm people and the military simply doesn't have the manpower to get it done.

The most powerful army in the world is comprised of the citizens of the United States.

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I think that amendment dates back to when tyrannical governments had the same weapons as you. Not much use now.

Sent from my GT-I9505 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

First you have to presume that member of the military would support the military rather than the citizens. Culture runs deep.

Next you have to understand that the military wouldn't use weapons of mass destruction on the people. It would have to be fighting on the street as you see in Afghanistan. Oops the US military and allies are losing in Afghanistan as they did in Vietnam, etc.

Next understand that the number of armed citizens outnumber members of the military by more than 50 to one. There's nothing special about a member of the military. He puts his pants on one leg at a time.

American citizens are far more powerful than the military on US soil and we plan to keep it that way.

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Once again.

When one of these hot house flowers that wasn't able to bloom in the day suddenly loads up his guns and blooms in the night . . . . . look to SSRI's.

Paxil, Prozac, Zoloft just to name a few.

Or don't.

"Sometimes, 'fuggedabowdit' just means fuggedabowdit. . . . "

I thought SSRI's were meant to provide mental stability?

They probably DO, for a while, *for*a*while*

In much the same way as opium did for a while

and then phenobarbital did

for a while

and then diazepam did

for a while.

Those little helpers replaced one another. We became addicted to them the way we have become addicted to "progress" in science and "growth" in economics.

SSRI's are a huge profit centre for their manufacturers.

As with ALL psychotropics there is a crash and burn scenario.

These SSRI's are behind all these shootings.

You gun people ought to do some research on this stuff.

Google is your little buddy.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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So, UG, you think it's acceptable to refer to him as 'gay as a goose?" Or you think that having Asperger's Syndrome makes him gay, or just act gay?

You might want to chose your words carefully if you decide to respond.

When I watched his complete video, it's still available around the web even though YouTube removed it, my gaydar was flashing off the charts. When I saw some of his other videos still up on YouTube all I could thing of was he's an obvious femboy. This would be fairly obvious to all but the most clueless female so it's no wonder he wasn't getting any sexual interest from them (even with his flash BMW). I can't be sure obviously but my hunch is that yeah, this guy was a severely repressed homosexual. Sorta hard to believe living and growing up in the LA/Hollywood milieu but I guess it can still happen. My armchair psycologizing says his hatred for himself caused this lashing out at society. I suppose the Aspergers didn't help, just as it didn't help Adam Lanza. It's a real puzzle what to do with these anti or asocial males that seem to cause more and more mayhem and are now able to forever memorialize themselves and their acts through the internet and social media. I would suspect that better mental health treatment and funding could be a start (but in this case it wasn't an issue as the family obviously had money, as did the Lanzas). The easy availability of commercial sex, as in Thailand and Europe, might have at least eased the sexual frustration of this fella. I think one comment I read probably said it best: A BMW is not a substitute for a good [parent]. Edited by OMGImInPattaya
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So, UG, you think it's acceptable to refer to him as 'gay as a goose?"

Yes I do. There is nothing insulting or demeaning about the term.

al·lit·er·a·tion noun \ə-ˌli-tə-ˈrā-shən\

: the use of words that begin with the same sound near one another (as in wild and woolly or a babbling brook )

I've never thought of geese as being particularly gay. There was that case of the famous gay penguin couple at the New York zoo awhile back but I guess "gay as a penguin" doesn't have the same ring to it.
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He also stabbed some people to death and purposely ran some over with his car. This can't all be blamed on guns.

Oh there you go. It's not guns that are the problem it's knives and cars. I'll lay odds the gun was used first. When will Americans wake up to the simple fact that a single shot rifle is for hunting, shotguns are for bird hunting an skeet, an automatic rifle is for mowing down people, and a handgun is for close quarter killing, Why, why, why does any body need or have the right to buy a handgun or an automatic rifle? Maybe it's because the USA is a sick society.

Of course as we all know, he stabbed and killed the 3 people in his apartment first; and as to answer your question: Because it's a constitutional right!

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Well, Poor Little Elliott, the "Supreme Gentleman", is getting his posthumous payoff now. News outlets have published his complete, 140 page autobiography, and his uncut video is now a "viral sensation." Clearly a deeply disturbed, mentally ill young person, under the "care" of numerous therapists. (Lot of good that did him,) He wanted a girlfriend, but he was too far inside his own messed up head to find someone, to do the work that makes up a relationship. As the saying goes, there's a nut for every bolt, and if he had put himself out just a bit, it shouldn't have been too hard to find a girl to ride in his fancy car and take on dates. He wasn't a bad looking guy, and it seems that lots of girls would have grooved on his Hollywood connection, at least.

He was drowning in self-loathing and self-pity, and his ego was just monstrous.

People can go on and on about "gun control", but it's not going to change a thing. We have a lot of insane people in America. Ban guns, they'll come running out of the darkness with edge tools.

I disagree with a previous poster's assertion that this guy was gay. Just having a "pretty face" and pouty lips doesn't make one a homosexual. Coddled, rich little mama's boy yes, but not gay.

Your gaydar is either broken or needs to be recalibrated :)

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He also stabbed some people to death and purposely ran some over with his car. This can't all be blamed on guns.

Oh there you go. It's not guns that are the problem it's knives and cars. I'll lay odds the gun was used first. When will Americans wake up to the simple fact that a single shot rifle is for hunting, shotguns are for bird hunting an skeet, an automatic rifle is for mowing down people, and a handgun is for close quarter killing, Why, why, why does any body need or have the right to buy a handgun or an automatic rifle? Maybe it's because the USA is a sick society.

Obviously you don’t understand the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution. The Second Amendment is not there for hunting or skeet shooting; it’s there to give our citizens the ability to protect themselves against an out of control government coming to power. Hitler tried to eradicate the Jews; I’ll bet if the Jewish citizens had the rights we have to own firearms a lot less of those families would have been slaughtered and devastated. I’m perfectly happy to accept the risk that comes from a well-armed society to me it’s preferable, and to you, if you don’t like our laws its simple just don’t come here.

'Out of control government' .....So how come u didnt rise up and get rid of George W Bush?

Seriously, any US government coming to power has been voted in by the people and you can vote them out again after 4 years. You dont need guns to do it. That's what democracy is. Shit! Where the hell do you think you are, Thailand?

I thought the 2nd Amendment was written so that after you kicked us Brits out everyone would be armed and ready to fight if we came back. But dont worry. We aint coming back.

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He also stabbed some people to death and purposely ran some over with his car. This can't all be blamed on guns.

Oh there you go. It's not guns that are the problem it's knives and cars. I'll lay odds the gun was used first. When will Americans wake up to the simple fact that a single shot rifle is for hunting, shotguns are for bird hunting an skeet, an automatic rifle is for mowing down people, and a handgun is for close quarter killing, Why, why, why does any body need or have the right to buy a handgun or an automatic rifle? Maybe it's because the USA is a sick society.

Obviously you don’t understand the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution. The Second Amendment is not there for hunting or skeet shooting; it’s there to give our citizens the ability to protect themselves against an out of control government coming to power. Hitler tried to eradicate the Jews; I’ll bet if the Jewish citizens had the rights we have to own firearms a lot less of those families would have been slaughtered and devastated. I’m perfectly happy to accept the risk that comes from a well-armed society to me it’s preferable, and to you, if you don’t like our laws its simple just don’t come here.

'Out of control government' .....So how come u didnt rise up and get rid of George W Bush?

Seriously, any US government coming to power has been voted in by the people and you can vote them out again after 4 years. You dont need guns to do it. That's what democracy is. Shit! Where the hell do you think you are, Thailand?

I thought the 2nd Amendment was written so that after you kicked us Brits out everyone would be armed and ready to fight if we came back. But dont worry. We aint coming back.

I don't know of any Americans that have lost any sleep over the threat of an invasion from England.

Most Americans are more worried about land invasions by the Bureau of Land Management or Department of Agriculture than they are about the threat of an incursion by the British armed forces.

Edited by chuckd
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'Out of control government' .....So how come u didnt rise up and get rid of George W Bush?

Seriously, any US government coming to power has been voted in by the people and you can vote them out again after 4 years. You dont need guns to do it. That's what democracy is. Shit! Where the hell do you think you are, Thailand?

I thought the 2nd Amendment was written so that after you kicked us Brits out everyone would be armed and ready to fight if we came back. But dont worry. We aint coming back.

I don't know of any Americans that have lost any sleep over the threat of an invasion from England.

Most Americans are more worried about land invasions by the Bureau of Land Management or Department of Agriculture than they are about the threat of an incursion by the British armed forces.

If we had come back, maybe by now y'all might have understood 'irony'. Perhaps a smiley might help: thumbsup.gif !!!

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'Out of control government' .....So how come u didnt rise up and get rid of George W Bush?

Seriously, any US government coming to power has been voted in by the people and you can vote them out again after 4 years. You dont need guns to do it. That's what democracy is. Shit! Where the hell do you think you are, Thailand?

I thought the 2nd Amendment was written so that after you kicked us Brits out everyone would be armed and ready to fight if we came back. But dont worry. We aint coming back.

I don't know of any Americans that have lost any sleep over the threat of an invasion from England.

Most Americans are more worried about land invasions by the Bureau of Land Management or Department of Agriculture than they are about the threat of an incursion by the British armed forces.

If we had come back, maybe by now y'all might have understood 'irony'. Perhaps a smiley might help: thumbsup.gif !!!

The Brits did go back after the second amendment was passed.laugh.png

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my gaydar was flashing off the charts

Is a 'gaydar' like a perk on? and how does one get it to 'flash off the charts?"

All I saw was some spoiled brat who had had shit parents who then have the nerve to blame other people for their poor parent skills

Edited by HeavyDrinker
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Right, so the family knew he was a nut-case but he still has access to a semi-automatic. Oh wait, this is the US where any moron can get their hands on a gun.

Even you?

Would you be happier if he had used a Revolver?

Semi-auto = one round fired per trigger pull, just like a revolver.

But "Semi-Automatic" sounds much scarier, especially to the ignorant.


OCD much?

No, it's just that some people here are utterly ignorant and throw around terms that they haven't a clue as to their meaning.

And I take it you didn't like the factual evidence much, so you attacked the person that sourced the material.

No worries. I was born and raised in San Francisco and I know how those on the left "debate" better than they know themselves.

See the "Nazi" reference a few posts above...

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'Out of control government' .....So how come u didnt rise up and get rid of George W Bush?

Seriously, any US government coming to power has been voted in by the people and you can vote them out again after 4 years. You dont need guns to do it. That's what democracy is. Shit! Where the hell do you think you are, Thailand?

I thought the 2nd Amendment was written so that after you kicked us Brits out everyone would be armed and ready to fight if we came back. But dont worry. We aint coming back.

I don't know of any Americans that have lost any sleep over the threat of an invasion from England.

Most Americans are more worried about land invasions by the Bureau of Land Management or Department of Agriculture than they are about the threat of an incursion by the British armed forces.

If we had come back, maybe by now y'all might have understood 'irony'. Perhaps a smiley might help: thumbsup.gif !!!

The Brits did go back after the second amendment was passed.laugh.png

Fascinating! I wonder why we didnt stay...........We must have known they'd never understand ironywink.png !

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Im blessed to have been born and raised in the UK where Im fortunate enough to have lived the 61 years of my life without the thought of owning a gun ever entering my head! Still In Britain today, only the military are allowed to have guns plus a small (mostly) strictly controlled number of police officers. And its real life in Britain! Not a semi-delusional fictional Hollywood-movie created gun-fest world where most US citizens sadly seem to dwell. Aldous Huxley once said that everyone is trying to be their favourite character in fiction. Nothing personal, but in the US this seems to mean that men are culturally pressurised to cultivate a movie hero's arrogance and ego, and must own a gun or 2 or 3 or 4. When will y'all wake up and see that Hollywood has been just as effective on 'you guys' as the nazi propaganda was on the Germans.


Meanwhile, the UK violent crime rate continues to skyrocket.

I as an American, I can tell you that the average gun owner despises the liberal politics and hypocrisy of Hollywood and doesn't pay them any attention. They make ultra-violent movies, yet they speak out against guns and violence. Blood money all over their hands.

No, we use logic and facts, not Hollywood fantasy when it comes to defending ourselves against the daily influx of criminals that an Island country doesn't have. Ever heard of MS-13? Nortenos? Surenos? And that's just for starters.

Ironically, they can enter the US without a background check while the average gun owner must undergo a colposcopy of background checks in order to purchase a gun for protection against home invaders, burglars and thugs in general.

And it's not NRA members engaging in these shootings either, although in the US, law-abiding people use a firearm up to 3 Million times a year to prevent from becoming a statistic. That's directly from a CDC survey Obama had commissioned, then buried when those numbers came out.

Must be great living in the UK though - no crime and no need to protect oneself against a bunch of thugs. Oh wait, they've made that illegal, haven't they?

And the "Nazi" reference was a nice touch, although expected. Of course, "knife crime" in the UK has skyrocketed and I hear there is now a push to ban Kitchen knives.

As long as you have sticks and stones, you're going to have violence. If you can't or won't understand that, then you are being purposely obtuse or ignorant.

Of course, when you are a subject and not a citizen, you grow up in the fantasy that nothing bad will happen to you.

Nanny statism on full display.

No gun control in the US? Again, utter ignorance.

In California alone, you must be 21 years of age or older, undergo a full criminal background check, undergo fingerprinting, submitting to tests that display the buyer knows how to safely handle a firearm, a 10-Day waiting period, etc...

Yet you believe the US doesn't have gun control?

Perhaps you need to lay off the Hollywood movies.

Or perhaps your idea of "gun control" means that the US removes the 2nd Amendment from their Constitution. Then we can start on Kitchen Knives, then sticks and stones...and still wonder why violent crime hasn't gone down.

Perhaps guns should be banned in the UK since so many people can't watch a Soccer match without getting piss drunk and beating the hell out of each other.

Sounds like these "subjects" have been living in a nanny-state for so long, that you give them some rights and they can't handle them.

Edited by PHP87
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