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OK. You win. We will all go home with all of our dosh!


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Must Say I think the Thai land ownership rules make a lot of sense , look at the Map ..Its a small land mass

and it makes sense that Thai's own most of it . If you dont wish to Stay , thats fair enough ..enjoy whatever you do .

Absolutely no problem with being called Farang , its far from Racist , being a Tad too sensitive there .

Its a wonderful Lifestyle in Thailand , at an extremely low cost ..More than happy to Rent here , choose to own in Australia .

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Thailand may have not been colonized in the old fashioned traditional "This is our land now" kinda way. But as mentioned in other posts, don't be fooled Thailand was and has remained to this day suzerain the to west in many respects

History has served this country well cow towing to foreign needs to ultimately remain an "independent" nation...Giving up massive territories to the French in 1893, being an unofficial part of the Axis by allowing Japan to control it in the 40's, to the aid of the Americans during the Vietnam war....Thailand would play its cards and hand over little bits and pieces of power in order to claim that they were never truly "colonized"...let's not be fooled...To this day Thailand remains very much in many ways at the beck and call of nations like The United States

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wow u have lived your whole and still dont understand what investing is.

its so convenient for farang not question the mechanics behind the 'farang price'.

what company did u help build? peasant.

do governments invest?

farang are basically a parasite along with the enabler, the thai central bank.

I would say that most people simply have a low IQ

u r spending money that has been freshly printed

u r stealing and consuming with out producing any thing

did your spending increase infrastructure? does thailand now produce more by giving there products away for free?

u took an apple out of another thai person's hand


im gonna point this out, to every thai person I meet!

I will say, see that fat farang, he stole from you!

I suppose thai ppl r pretty dumb not too, as the cant figure this out either...

I have no idea who you're replying to here - quoting is always a good thing to do to keep things in context. However, you are very wrong in many of the things you write.

its so convenient for farang not question the mechanics behind the 'farang price'.

The mechanics behind "farang price" is exploiting the sometimes lack of knowledge of the real price, or assuming that "farang" can afford it.

what company did u help build? peasant.

Many farangs have company here, which employ Thais and pay taxes - including my own.

farang are basically a parasite along with the enabler, the thai central bank.

Please explain that to me. How can a person that contributes to the economy in a country be a parasite?

I would say that most people simply have a low IQ


u r stealing and consuming with out producing any thing

Please explain the stealing part. What exactly are "we" stealing? From who?

As for producing - some of us are. And anyone spending money and consuming in this country is contributing to production. Far from every Thai is "producing" something either.

did your spending increase infrastructure?

First off, some of us pay taxes. Secondly, spending (no matter by who) increases for example infrastructure via taxes from vendors and service companies who benefit from the spending. That is, if those companies and individuals are honest about their income.


im gonna point this out, to every thai person I meet!

I will say, see that fat farang, he stole from you!

A lower exchange rate increases export and tourism and tourist spending. How can this NOT benefit Thais?

Sure, go ahead and promote your twisted version of reality to everyone you meet, but it's not going to help anybody except increasing the gap between cultures. Not sure where you're getting your ideas from...

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Why don't these westerners who complain about such things in Thailand just move to the Philippines where most of these issues would be resolved? Same weather, prices, girls, but with small land ownership available and easier business setup process, easier visa, locals all speak decent English, and you have great casinos etc.. Only downsides are the disgusting local food (eat foreign food) and higher crime (be safe). Why waste your money on a place like Thailand? Leave the place to the Eastern Europeans and the Chinese

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Can agree to the OPs general frustration wanting to invest, create wealth and employment in Thailand.

It certainly seems like Thailand has rather limited interest in such things.

But Thailand does in fact welcome westerner's investments for the purpose of providing for the extedended families of poor farmer's daughters.

This is a way for Thailand to obtain foreign investment into the development of rural Thailand, especially the north east.

Doesn't necessarily help the OP though... :-)

I really do hope your joking. This type of comment is always bantered about by those who were unable to score any pussy in their home country. Usually because they were too ugly, stupid or poor....not you though, your the exception.

Oops, forgot to put the "Contains sarcastic humour" warning upfront...

(Also, I'm afraid it is not easy to discern any logic in your comment. Such a person that you allude to would typically not make "this type of comment", as they would then admit being taken for a ride by an uneduated farmer's daugther and her family.)

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The OP describes two main issues, racism and land ownership, I ask you, which country is more racist, Thailand or the UK? Despite all the legislation in the world the UK wins that title in my book.

As for land ownership: it's always been that way, it's not a secret that a person suddenly finds out about and it's definitely nothing new. The earlier poster who suggests that Thailand has got it right on this point is absolutely correct.

So I wonder if the OP is actually describing the real problem that making him feel so concerned about his chance of success in Thailand and wealth creation here, is there perhaps another question that has something to do with penetrating Thai society/culture and understanding it all?

I will not bother to contradict,you obviously know nothing about the UK!

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I have lived in Thailand for the past 9 years, I have just sold my house and my truck. I went into my bank with a bankers draft and the sale contract. I told them I wanted to transfer XXX baht back to UK.

The manager asked me if I had Thai Lady? I said no, then asked me why I wanted to take my money out of Thailand?

It was a difficult process as it was a large amount of money, I was told it was ok to transfer $50k and I could do it in $50k lots but this would cost me 1,300 baht each time. So a lot of bank charges.

After sitting in the bank for 2 or 3 hours I eventually got the full amount transferred. I felt so relieved and happy, this all happened about 3 months ago and I have been in Cambodia since. What a different attitude here!

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The OP describes two main issues, racism and land ownership, I ask you, which country is more racist, Thailand or the UK? Despite all the legislation in the world the UK wins that title in my book.

As for land ownership: it's always been that way, it's not a secret that a person suddenly finds out about and it's definitely nothing new. The earlier poster who suggests that Thailand has got it right on this point is absolutely correct.

So I wonder if the OP is actually describing the real problem that making him feel so concerned about his chance of success in Thailand and wealth creation here, is there perhaps another question that has something to do with penetrating Thai society/culture and understanding it all?

I will not bother to contradict,you obviously know nothing about the UK!

Only a white Anglo Saxon UK citizen would read that post and give the response that you have.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The OP describes two main issues, racism and land ownership, I ask you, which country is more racist, Thailand or the UK? Despite all the legislation in the world the UK wins that title in my book.

As for land ownership: it's always been that way, it's not a secret that a person suddenly finds out about and it's definitely nothing new. The earlier poster who suggests that Thailand has got it right on this point is absolutely correct.

So I wonder if the OP is actually describing the real problem that making him feel so concerned about his chance of success in Thailand and wealth creation here, is there perhaps another question that has something to do with penetrating Thai society/culture and understanding it all?

There are laws and statutes in the UK that prohibit racial discrimination!

there are laws and statutes here in Thailand that promote it!

What kind of moron are you!

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In review of your remarks, I have come to a conclusion and will pose this question ?

How much did she get you for ?

Yeap, clearly, that's what it's about. Why do some disgruntled farangs claim to be some wealthy financier when it's obvious that they're in fact, destitute? The OP's got no money. He's failed in business. His GF/wife (mostly likely a former BG) dumped him. He's being chased out of Thailand with his tail between his legs. So he's going to dump on Thailand the only way he can. Pathetic, but all too predictable.

Oh what you say is so true!

Your overall insight must be so burdening that you are compelled to dispense it at every given opportunity.

I wish I was so verbose and wise as you

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The OP is back.

I just expressed my opinion after 10 years of "experience" in Thailand!

Then, I sat back and read.

I just posted my opinion, so why do some consider it an invitation for personal slurs.

I was asking a question about the policies of the Thai government.

I am old school, I was taught, "don't say anything on the phone that you can't back up in person"

I apply the same to this forum.

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Why don't these westerners who complain about such things in Thailand just move to the Philippines where most of these issues would be resolved? Same weather, prices, girls, but with small land ownership available and easier business setup process, easier visa, locals all speak decent English, and you have great casinos etc.. Only downsides are the disgusting local food (eat foreign food) and higher crime (be safe). Why waste your money on a place like Thailand? Leave the place to the Eastern Europeans and the Chinese

I dont know what you call this phenomenon

but any loser back home, divorced multiple times, ugly, fat, old, unattractive, poor, alcoholic etc. etc. is going to be ignored so nobody really cares what they think

they come to any thirld world country, especially one where farangs are put on a pedastal

they then experience, being noticed and actually given some respect,

so they get some form of entitlement and think they the world owes them something and they should be treated like a god

look at how many posts on TV demanding, why the thais cant do things the correct farang why? why cant they do it better like the farang way?

its a natural human reaction for the most

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  • 5 months later...

Why don't these westerners who complain about such things in Thailand just move to the Philippines where most of these issues would be resolved? Same weather, prices, girls, but with small land ownership available and easier business setup process, easier visa, locals all speak decent English, and you have great casinos etc.. Only downsides are the disgusting local food (eat foreign food) and higher crime (be safe). Why waste your money on a place like Thailand? Leave the place to the Eastern Europeans and the Chinese

I dont know what you call this phenomenon

but any loser back home, divorced multiple times, ugly, fat, old, unattractive, poor, alcoholic etc. etc. is going to be ignored so nobody really cares what they think

they come to any thirld world country, especially one where farangs are put on a pedastal

they then experience, being noticed and actually given some respect,

so they get some form of entitlement and think they the world owes them something and they should be treated like a god

look at how many posts on TV demanding, why the thais cant do things the correct farang why? why cant they do it better like the farang way?

its a natural human reaction for the most

perhaps they do value their life unlike you it seems........enjoy Thai driving do you?

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guys, if some are not happy here, they are free to leave.

go USA and try to obtain a retirement visa.... (doesn't exist)

go buy land and a house in London. UK is so cheap. you can get a condo for half million pounds. you can rent in UK too, a room will cost you 30000 bahts... what a bargain.

leave Thailand today...

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only read op, 1st thing that came to mind is try staying in europe for 2-3 years on back to back tourist visas and having the same living costs as thailand

Advantages and disadvantages, cant have one without the other

I'd marry a girl here and buy some land for us (her) anyday, if it goes to shit eventually so what, get a mortgage in Oz these days and your paying the bank $500k+ just in interest over the term of the loan

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Why don't these westerners who complain about such things in Thailand just move to the Philippines where most of these issues would be resolved? Same weather, prices, girls, but with small land ownership available and easier business setup process, easier visa, locals all speak decent English, and you have great casinos etc.. Only downsides are the disgusting local food (eat foreign food) and higher crime (be safe). Why waste your money on a place like Thailand? Leave the place to the Eastern Europeans and the Chinese

I dont know what you call this phenomenon

but any loser back home, divorced multiple times, ugly, fat, old, unattractive, poor, alcoholic etc. etc. is going to be ignored so nobody really cares what they think

they come to any thirld world country, especially one where farangs are put on a pedastal

they then experience, being noticed and actually given some respect,

so they get some form of entitlement and think they the world owes them something and they should be treated like a god

look at how many posts on TV demanding, why the thais cant do things the correct farang why? why cant they do it better like the farang way?

its a natural human reaction for the most

50% of people back home are divorced, hardly makes them losers.

If you want to be a white foreigner put on a pedestal, try Nepal, Thai people despise foreigners of any colour.

I guess you live in a foreigner enclave protected from Thai people by your Thai wife, and never speak to Thais in Thai.

If you did, you would know what they really think of you.

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Personally, I think the problem is that some people come here with a neo-colonialist mentality and a deep-rooted sense of racial entitlement.

Lose those attitudes and learn to show a little humility, and I assure you peace, happiness and prosperity can easily be found here.

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  • 5 weeks later...

I leave every couple of months when fed up [with all-things-Thai]... And then get back when I get fed up again with that other side of the globe. People will be people, for the good and the bad. Same goes for governments and laws. I don't think Thai are any worse than eg. Europeans or Americans... In fact, i think Americans are +often+ worse than thai tongue.pngtongue.pngtongue.png

ps. I'm here as a long-term tourist, free to leave whenever without having to look back. No pictures, no postcards and no emotional burden.... Love it!

Edited by stickylies
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I leave every couple of months when fed up [with all-things-Thai]... And then get back when I get fed up again from that other side of the globe. People will be people, for the good and the bad. Same goes for governments and laws. I don't think Thai are any worse than eg. Europeans or Americans... In fact, i think Americans are +often+ worse than thai tongue.pngtongue.pngtongue.png

a sad way to have to live, getting fed up with your life wherever you are

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On the contrary: I take the BEST from both [all] sides, all the time, for nearly 20 years now. I give myself the most comfortable [easy] life possible, while seeing most parts of the world, learning (and speaking) many languages, understanding and adapting [to] different cultures, etc. And it's short-sighted comments like yours that confirm that i actually live an extra-ordinary life for someone who's yet 20 years away from retirement.

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On the contrary: I take the BEST from both [all] sides, all the time, for nearly 20 years now. I give myself the most comfortable [easy] life possible, while seeing most parts of the world, learning (and speaking) many languages, understanding and adapting [to] different cultures, etc. And it's short-sighted comments like yours that confirm that i actually live an extra-ordinary life for someone who's yet 20 years away from retirement.

your words pal, not mine

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To the OP. I agree with everything you say except that I don't think the word Farang is racist, it does not bother me to be called a Farang. The rest of your post, I am in Thailand because despite the unfair way us expats are treated by the Thai government, and me not being rich, I am still a lot better off in every way than when I was back in Scotland.

I have been accused of being hypocritical because I complain about all those immigrants that pour into the UK, us expats all contribute to the Thai economy, and they need us, If I went back to the UK to stay, the money I have would not last long because of all the taxes I would have to pay, and all the money I have would just dwindle away.

At least the Thai government do look after their own up to a point, but a lot of us cannot go home (I'm referring to the UK) because we would soon not have all the dosh we have living here in Thailand.

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To the OP. I agree with everything you say except that I don't think the word Farang is racist, it does not bother me to be called a Farang. The rest of your post, I am in Thailand because despite the unfair way us expats are treated by the Thai government, and me not being rich, I am still a lot better off in every way than when I was back in Scotland.

I have been accused of being hypocritical because I complain about all those immigrants that pour into the UK, us expats all contribute to the Thai economy, and they need us, If I went back to the UK to stay, the money I have would not last long because of all the taxes I would have to pay, and all the money I have would just dwindle away.

At least the Thai government do look after their own up to a point, but a lot of us cannot go home (I'm referring to the UK) because we would soon not have all the dosh we have living here in Thailand.

they dont need you pal.

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You use the term "we" most of the time. I think it should be "I". Then you can answer the questions you pose. Of course there are some things that could be changed and I have been to many countries on this planet, each has things about it that could be improved. It sounds like you have become disilllusioned about LOS and would be happier somewhere else.

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if foreigners would be allowed to buy and own land here thailand would have been bought up by the chinese by now. many people on this forum seem to think that the laws here are anti-farang laws. think again. the majority of farangs in thailand are [very] small fish. the real deal is the Chinaman and not some retired westerner with a pension of what, 1400-2000 euro....

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