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[Video] Thailand Coup 2014 - Message to John Kerry and the World


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What is this ridiculous piece of propaganda doing in the news section? I thought we posted ridiculous videos like this in the Farang Pub section.

You must have missed this from the first page.

we are publishing opinion pieces from time to time. This video came in our news feed from an overseas expat community. We try to give airtime to all sides, why should we not?

If you have other (opposite side) video content to balance it out, feel free to PM me the YouTube links and we will probably publish.


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Why is this pieced together propaganda even on here?

I wonder if the mods on here would allow the right of reply by the pro democracy movement on how they have seen the elected leaders win by landslides on to have their vote taken away.

You must have missed this from the front page.

We await your video.

we are publishing opinion pieces from time to time. This video came in our news feed from an overseas expat community. We try to give airtime to all sides, why should we not?

If you have other (opposite side) video content to balance it out, feel free to PM me the YouTube links and we will probably publish.


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And I thought that there was supposed to be rules on commenting on the political situation in LOS by the little people that are not fact and rumor mongering???

This video is far from fact and extremely one sided, now that is a fact!

Corrected with a small red addition.

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Yes, the people are always too ignorant to decide their own destiny. They are also incapable of learning from their mistakes as those in the West have done, often born of blood.

Peace and prosperity under a fascist dictator is always the answer for all of the stupid peasants. Just as that guy - what was his name? - in Germany in the 1930's. He had all of the answers for the lemmings.

The final answer for him from the ignorant masses was that 60 million people died in Europe which was 2.5% of the world's population. LINK

Was the shedding of blood worth it? I say yes.

"Freedom isn't free." - Colonel, Walter Hitchcock (And used commonly in the United States to express gratitude to the military.)

For those justifying and cheering on violence and civil war because 'freedom isn't free' and blood must be shed, I offer you this:

“Violence,” came the retort, “is the last refuge of the incompetent.” - Isaac Asimov

Thailand has it's own way of resolving their problems and they will do so regardless of your opinions.

“Violence,” came the retort, “is the last refuge of the incompetent.” - Isaac Asimov

Is that what Churchill was saying when he repeatedly begged the reluctant Americans to get involved in Europe in WWII?

The guy you quoted didn't plan for all contingencies, and as they say, "failure to plan is planning to fail."

You could start a campaign in your home country to stamp out all military and police so you wouldn't ever be "incompetent."

So you are saying you would be for a coup against Hitler, but not against the Shinawatra Nazi dictatorship? Got it.

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And I thought that there was supposed to be rules on commenting on the political situation in LOS that are not fact and rumor mongering???

This video is far from fact and extremely one sided, now that is a fact!

Just when did Thaksin implement a amnesty bill for himself?

and this propaganda video shows some power brokers and government leaders that somehow have some connection with this video or it message,

Well I must inform the TV users that Julia Gillard (former Australian PM) was not in power during the coup, nor the protests preceding it.

It showed violence against protestors, and I condemn that, But it did NOT show violence to people that wished to vote, It did not show the grenade thrown at police by protesters,

If this video had stayed with facts only and not propaganda it would have a little credibility, unfortunately it didn't...

I wonder if i'll be banded for stating the facts, but wait how about the OP? posting against the current rules?

"Sieg heil mein fuhrer"

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Even if the video has a few flaws, they add up to far less than the flaws in the media reports in the west regarding the removal of the government here.

With overseas TV showing clipped footage and even decade old footage.., politically indoctrinated so called reporters sending back stories from here of bloodshed when there was none and the usual crap exaggeration of the situation until the west though we were in Beirut, Libya or the Ukraine....Well Its about time something like this was put to out to show the other side of what is happening here.

Much of that bias media reporting sent to the west was BOUGHT by powers that WANT the west to see this as a bloody overthrow instead of a house cleaning exercise.

the only objection I have to the video is the use of the warmonger Blair for the intro.. ;)

Edited by TommyDee
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Excellent video,

Before this video. I am sure the US intelligence community had no idea what was going on in Thailand and this video set them straight.

John Kerry I am sure, after viewing this video is now in total support of the military coup, and is probably running over to the White House Yelling " Hey Barack , have you seen this video?"laugh.png

I enjoyed the vid also... May your take on it arise from your keyboard.. to the Heavens krap. ... and to John Kerry, of course.. wai2.gif

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There is a very simple reason that politicians will not back this coup.

They don't want to get kicked out by their own armies for the same reasons.

Interesting though, but may be credible, just look at Tony Abbott who is Anti Thailand this week.

You may have to click on the link, as it may not play in this thread.

Edited by Chao Lao Beach
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Let's just say, this video is very economical with the truth. The first few sentences already contained lies, Thaksin never passed the Amnesty law, he might have tried it, but it was never passed. I will refrain from some of the other <deleted>, except to point out that reform can only be performed if there is a government that has a clear electoral mandate.

Of course after the reform by the militairy, there is no doubt the same people, or at the very least people from the same background and same methods will return to power, simply because a large part of the Thai electorate votes them into office, just as happens all around the world.

The Amnesty Law was passed. They then passed, at three o'clock in the morning, a special clause for Thaksin. They passed it. That's when the Yellow Shirts really got into gear and the bill or at least this part of it, disappeared.


keep up, will you?

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No surprise that traitor Jane Fonda Kerry sides with the commie red-shirts, he has always sided with the commies.

I don't like Kerry at all and I agree with what he is, but he's speaking in favor of democracy.

The PTP are far from commies, bad as they are. Commie is a type of government that never existed.

You could not be more wrong.



A husband and wife commie red-shirt UDD team with the husband serving as a member of parliament for the PTP since 2011.



Communism and democracy are not in the same category. Communism is an economic system like socialism and capitalism. Democracy is a form of government like totalitarianism, plutocracy or dictatorship. No country has a pure form of economic system just as no country as a pure form of government. Most today are a mix of socialism and capitalism, and those that claim to be democratic are usually a democratically-elected republic with more than just a little mix of plutocracy (rule of the rich).

Edited by billsmart
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There is a very simple reason that politicians will not back this coup.

They don't want to get kicked out by their own armies for the same reasons.

Interesting though, but may be credible, just look at Tony Abbott who is Anti Thailand this week.

You may have to click on the link, as it may not play in this thread.

The guy is a numskull and thais just didn't know how good they had it under Yingluk. Imagine if they Abbott. Should send him back to England and Australia should stop importing people to be P.M.

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How are the people going to learn the value of their votes if they don't suffer the consequences? There can be a long series of coups each with a reset leading to same same, or there can be a long series of elections where people get hurt. But even the rice farmers and therefore Isaan could eventually learn that voting for corrupt people doesn't really benefit them.

Lots of democracies go through long birthing pains. The US had a devastating civil war 100 years after it was founded where masses were killed. Atlanta was burned to the ground. But out the other side there was a long learning and coming together process.

And it bothers you that Thailand is more civilized than the USA, that Thailand chooses to avoid a civil war and the loss of millions of lives, the end result becoming like Cambodia under Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge (Thaksin and the commie red-shirts).

You need to lay off the booze...clouding your mind

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This reminds me so much of what Fidel Castro did to the USA back in the late 50's, except this was so much more polite, the thai way, but very direct....

The USA is not a democracy, its being run by the ones that have the most money, The peoples wishes and voices are not being heard, I guess similar to what the previous government was doing here in Thailand....

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I don't see anything wrong with "buying" votes with populist policies.

I did not support the government of Yingluck but she was elected by the people.

Remember that Thailand is mostly poor.

This is and has been about the elite trying to help themselves and enrich themselves at the expense of the majority of Thais.

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I'm not even going to watch it. There is a lot of negative press concerning only the US and John Kerry despite the fact that the same statements have been made by most countries around the world with some sort of democratic form of government. I'm not quite sure why everyone seems to blame only one country.... They have disagreed with the current situation, recommended a change and halted the flow of free aid money which is their right to do. Expressing an opinion is not intervening.

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No surprise that traitor Jane Fonda Kerry sides with the commie red-shirts, he has always sided with the commies.

This was by far, the funniest thing I have seen on Thai Visa yet. Completely wrong and moronic, but funny as hell. John Kerry, a war hero who went home to disagree with the "police action" he fought in and luckily survived. He has spent his life serving his country both in the military and in government. A saint he is not, but one thing I am certain of, he isn't any "commie".

And give up on Jane Fonda. Her photo taken with the Vietnamese insurgents 50 years ago is such old news. She has long since apologized.

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This reminds me so much of what Fidel Castro did to the USA back in the late 50's, except this was so much more polite, the thai way, but very direct....

The USA is not a democracy, its being run by the ones that have the most money, The peoples wishes and voices are not being heard, I guess similar to what the previous government was doing here in Thailand....

Another of the world is wrong and the Thai feudalists are right post.

Anyone you guys don't like, democracies especially and in particular, are not actually, really, true democracy.

Where you guys are concerned, a democratic election is not really or actually an election, nor is it democratic.

Voting is not really and truly voting.

Freedom of speech and media/press is not truly and really freedom of speech or press.


So hey, you guys need to know Orwell's 1984 was a criticism of indoctrination and of any kind of brainwashing, totalitarianism, disinformation.

It was not intended to be a bible of any kind.

You guys who believe Orwell wrote a "How To" book are inside out, upside down, backwards.


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No surprise that traitor Jane Fonda Kerry sides with the commie red-shirts, he has always sided with the commies.

I don't like Kerry at all and I agree with what he is, but he's speaking in favor of democracy.

The PTP are far from commies, bad as they are. Commie is a type of government that never existed.

You could not be more wrong.



A husband and wife commie red-shirt UDD team with the husband serving as a member of parliament for the PTP since 2011.



You are something else, really. Did you even read those first two links before posting? As for using wiki as a source, well..................

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A little fancier than I would expect from the local Thai. Looks like it was produced by the Network of Thais Overseas (NTO), http://www.youtube.com/user/ThaisOverseas

From the comments on the youtube page. "This is true story in Thailand, I'm Thai"

Comments section on YouTube for this video is rigged you cannot enter a thumbs down vote, so much for fair play.

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How are the people going to learn the value of their votes if they don't suffer the consequences? There can be a long series of coups each with a reset leading to same same, or there can be a long series of elections where people get hurt. But even the rice farmers and therefore Isaan could eventually learn that voting for corrupt people doesn't really benefit them.

Lots of democracies go through long birthing pains. The US had a devastating civil war 100 years after it was founded where masses were killed. Atlanta was burned to the ground. But out the other side there was a long learning and coming together process.

All you say is quite true. The difference is that here in Thailand the education system is the pits and most Thai people do not seem to believe that education is important. Please remember that the makers and signers of the US constitution were highly educated Europeans. And, America has always valued education. Another difference is the work ethic. If you compare the American work ethic of 100 years ago with the Thai work ethic of today, hopefully you will see my point.

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Why is every one thinking that it will be better and that there will be less corruption if the Democrats come in power.

Look at Wikipedia.and search for Suthep.And you will find this http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Suthep_Thaugsuban

How can you blame other people if you did this

Corruption scandal, political and criminal offenses

As part of the Sor Por Kor 4-01 (สปก.4-01) land reform scheme, Suthep gave title deeds to 592 plots of land in Khao Sam Liam, Kamala and Nakkerd hills of Phuket province to 489 farmers. It was later found that members of 11 wealthy families in Phuket were among the recipients. Suthep addressed a huge crowd in his Surat Thani constituency a month before a no-confidence debate and called on his supporters to march on Bangkok in the hundreds of thousands to defend his reputation.[8] The scandal led Prime Minister Chuan Leekpai of the Democrat Party to dissolve the House of Representatives in July 1995 in order to avoid the no-confidence debate.[9] In subsequent elections, Thai Nation Party won a majority, leading to the downfall of Chuan Leekpai's Democrat Party-led government.

Wikileaks diplomatic cables from the US embassy revealed that many members of his own party have long complained of his corrupt and unethical behavior.[10][11][12]

In 2009, Suthep was accused of violating the Constitution of Thailand by holding equity in a media firm that had received concessions from the government. Under the 1997 Constitution of Thailand, which Suthep had supported, Members of Parliament are banned from holding stakes in companies which have received government concessions. In July 2009, the Election Commission announced that it would seek a ruling by the Constitutional Court to disqualify Suthep. Suthep held a press conference a day later, announcing his decision to resign from Parliament. Suthep's resignation as an MP did not affect his status as a Deputy Prime Minister and as a Cabinet member. If his case had been submitted to the Constitution Court, he would have been suspended from duty as Deputy Prime Minister. He insisted his resignation was not a proof that he had done anything wrong but that he was worried about status as Deputy Prime Minister.[13]

After several Criminal court rulings that deaths and injuries sustained by red-shirt protesters during the political unrest in April and May 2010 were the direct result of orders to soldiers given by Suthep Thaugsuban, the director of the Resolution of the Emergency Situation (CRES), the Department of Special Investigation, public prosecutors and police agreed to file murder charges against him.[14][15]

Suthep along with Abhisit was also found responsible by the Court for the assassination of Italian journalist Fabio Polenghi, who was covering the 2010 protests.[

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