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Bangkok forigners women never get attention from forigners like thai women?


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All this talk of 'feminists' reminds me of guys that fail to pull women then decide they must have been lesbians.

Sent from my GT-N7105 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

And all this cowtow to the "feminists" reminds me that some posters likely have a wife standing behind them, looking over their shoulder and telling them what to write smile.png

i dont have a wife, let alone a woman standing over my shoulder, but be assured that thai or farang she would be literate enough to properly spell "kowtow"


Well, since most Western women of a certain age are Mad Cows, this typo (if that's what it is) is absolutely perfect.

In fact, it is such a good typo it deserves to enter the dictionary to define the way men in the West have had to surrender their masculinity to the feminazis of the last two or more decades.

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Take a look at the miss universe contests

I'm not sure that winning Miss Universe proves much and some people think that the main requirement is usually Western looks, rather than true beauty.


Good point, kudos to you! A tv member with some rationality

Tell me if you find any of the Asian contestants attractive, often I sit there thinking, Omg how did she get through

Anyway, as for western looks, if that's what was the only.criteria every winner would be blonde, silicon chest, no brain and a bimbo, which often usa is, however often the winners are your Venezuela, Mexico's etc

They are usually absolutely flawless!

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If you are looking for Foreign Men in Thailand, and are serious, I am sure there is somebody for you. Unfortunately, you may find it hard to get one that is appealing to you. However, if your income is good, and you have not other major issues, then I may be of service.

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If you are looking for Foreign Men in Thailand, and are serious, I am sure there is somebody for you. Unfortunately, you may find it hard to get one that is appealing to you. However, if your income is good, and you have not other major issues, then I may be of service.

Do you run a match making service?

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Anyway, as for western looks, if that's what was the only.criteria every winner would be blonde, silicon chest, no brain and a bimbo, which often usa is, however often the winners are your Venezuela, Mexico's etc

They might have gotten away with that 40 years ago, but it would be too obvious nowadays - political correctness has to be considered.

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All this talk of 'feminists' reminds me of guys that fail to pull women then decide they must have been lesbians.

Sent from my GT-N7105 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

I get round this by openly confessing to Lesbian tendencies.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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If you line up 100 random Asian women and 100 random caucasian women, the Asians will always average about 7/10 between them. The caucasians, 4/10 average. For me, anyway.

I'm sure all those women really value your opinion, Lloyd.


Yeah, how you like dem apples, Lloyd.

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May i butt in? Being a caucasian woman who has holidayed numerous times in Thailand. I can assure you that i had a lot of attention from Western men. And i was not young, the first time i was 37. Met some nice POLITE men there, from all over the World. And some of them still stay in touch.

I was not after their money i was after having a good time on holiday. I had my own money, otherwise i would not have been there. But my cash was spent on buying gifts for my friends and family at home (i did my Xmas shopping in March) not on ringing bells and pretending to be something i am not and paying for sex. I was with male friends so saw what went on.

Also, i am not fat and have no hatred against men, i speak 3 languages and live in the land of silk and money. I am happy with me.

The men i met in Thailand were happy to have a normal conversation and a laugh with me. It doesn't always have to end up in bed.

One told me he was sick of talking baby talk.

Edited by Patsycat
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May i butt in? Being a caucasian woman who has holidayed numerous times in Thailand. I can assure you that i had a lot of attention from Western men. And i was not young, the first time i was 37. Met some nice POLITE men there, from all over the World. And some of them still stay in touch.

I was not after their money i was after having a good time on holiday. I had my own money, otherwise i would not have been there. But my cash was spent on buying gifts for my friends and family at home (i did my Xmas shopping in March) not on ringing bells and pretending to be something i am not and paying for sex. I was with male friends so saw what went on.

Also, i am not fat and have no hatred against men, i speak 3 languages and live in the land of silk and money. I am happy with me.

You go girl!

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Also, i am not fat and have no hatred against men, i speak 3 languages and live in the land of silk and money. I am happy with me.

The men i met in Thailand were happy to have a normal conversation and a laugh with me. It doesn't always have to end up in bed.

One told me he was sick of talking baby talk.

Not as good with languages as you are then!

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Simply bitter? You mean when a ref makes a bad call that costs the game, the losing side should not be bitter.

Women's rights and equality is like a game where the referees (women) are always making a bad call. There are rules, of course, but the referees always get the nod despite the rules. It's men -vs- women, and the women ref the game. Their rules. That is what women's rights and equality really is: a game where the goal is always being moved, and a the foul rule changes constantly.

Now there are good referees and there are bad referees, but no matter the case, the referee gets to make the call, and the game makers will always agree with the referee's call.

There is nothing wrong with being bitter about a game that has rules which are constantly changing and always in favor of the other team.

The odd thing about women's rights and equality is that no two women can agree on the rules, and the game makers allow for each and every single women to make their own rules, and when things go bad, they have all the options to pull out of the bag of tricks.

Is ti any wonder that men who understand this get out of the league of teams with the bad referees and go and join another leauge of teams with more level playing fields and with more rewards?

It is simply damn difficult to play your heart out and not know if your efforts are going to be called back, yellow-carded, red-carded or what.

What is women's rights? No one knows. Not even women. And the same goes for women's equality. It seems that as time goes by and evidence becomes apparent, that these two words have been moved to the shelf of uselessness; just like welfare and government grants were years ago.

What began as a good concept is now turning into a free for all. How many people on health benefits and welfare really need to be on those? How many are just sucking the system dry. By the same token, it must be tempting for women to use their "rights" and enforce "equality" when the thought of being responsible, accountable, fair etc. is simply too much to bear and too much effort.

I think government and special interest groups are breeding a society of people (women in this case) who are being lead to believe that they are entitled tothings without any thought of effort in the value of earning those things... they simply think they are entitled and are not responsible for earning them.

And the rules are constantly changing.

Just a smaller view on a much larger problem.

So I wonder what you think about minority rights? Just change the "women/females" in your essay above, to "blacks" and you to an American Southern plantation owner ...or I am sure I can think of many other examples. But I think this one, gets the point across, no?

Less than 4% of the population of the South owned slaves. What are you on about? Lincoln was losing the war from Northern apathy. No one gave a damn about what was going on in the South. Lincoln only used the slaves angle to generate interest, and that came years after the war began.

Regarding people with darker skin than mine, I wonder what their intentions are. I wonder what their motivations are. I wonder how they feel about being a part of a Republic.

I wonder at the amount of people who want to use their sking color as a means to be entitled to special considerations, special handouts, special grants, and to be special in general.

I wonder at people who can't responsibly answer a legitimate question, and rather instead bring up the skin color issue.

People in the USA, in particular, are a good litmus test on narcissistic behavior, and the ever changing rules they indulge in to avoid the truths and facts that would lead to a solution of many woes.

And this "point" you mentioned... I have no idea what you are talkling about. What "point"?

The point, was, more or less, that certain people, i.e. white males, seem to feel that they have lost things they were entitled too, either to females, or "other minorities" of skin color. Without being given a DEFINITE ADVANTAGE in life, they seem to feel that they have therefore been given a DEFINITE DISADVANTAGE, as compared to an EQUAL playing field.

Which let me add, we all KNOW, does NOT exist YET!!!

I feel so sorry for the white males, who have at best, been given a SLIGHTLY more even playing field to live within ...imagine how you will feel some day it it is totally equal??? Imagine when even in the 3rd world and 2nd world countries, women have more equality, then what will you do, change, or go to the moon??

I guess you will die off and then other men, with more realistic expectations, will take your place in the world.

Edited by amykat
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Also, i am not fat and have no hatred against men, i speak 3 languages and live in the land of silk and money. I am happy with me.

The men i met in Thailand were happy to have a normal conversation and a laugh with me. It doesn't always have to end up in bed.

One told me he was sick of talking baby talk.

Not as good with languages as you are then!

I can talk baby talk like everyone - to babies and animals (listening to Patsy's cat talk is awesome, friend ask themselves odd questions), but having to do it to grown ups becomes a bit tiring.

Edited by Patsycat
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Also, i am not fat and have no hatred against men, i speak 3 languages and live in the land of silk and money. I am happy with me.

The men i met in Thailand were happy to have a normal conversation and a laugh with me. It doesn't always have to end up in bed.

One told me he was sick of talking baby talk.

Not as good with languages as you are then!

I can talk baby talk like everyone - to babies and animals (listening to Patsy's cat talk is awesome, friend ask themselves odd questions), but having to do it to grown ups becomes a bit tiring.

I never understood the baby talk thing, guys who do it are morons.

Talk your language, talk their language, use a dictionary when you get stuck.

That's how adults communicate.

I don't use baby talk with babies either, they need to learn too.

Edited by AnotherOneAmerican
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The point, was, more or less, that certain people, i.e. white males, seem to feel that they have lost things they were entitled too, either to females, or "other minorities" of skin color. Without being given a DEFINITE ADVANTAGE in life, they seem to feel that they have therefore been given a DEFINITE DISADVANTAGE, as compared to an EQUAL playing field.

Which let me add, we all KNOW, does NOT exist YET!!!

I feel so sorry for the white males, who have at best, been given a SLIGHTLY more even playing field to live within ...imagine how you will feel some day it it is totally equal??? Imagine when even in the 3rd world and 2nd world countries, women have more equality, then what will you do, change, or go to the moon??

I guess you will die off and then other men, with more realistic expectations, will take your place in the world.

The day I, as a man, can get pregnant, decide to keep the baby or not (my body, my choice) and force the guilty woman to buy me a house and pay me maintenance and child support for as long as I want. That will be the day I declare a slightly more level playing field.

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White males have privilege because we have responsibilities , we have established a rich peaceful world where women have the opportunity to work. White Anglo Saxon males have saved the world from fascism and communism while women stayed at home in total safety.

In the future there will be the male pill which will revolutionize the gender inequality and give back to men some rights that governments have taken away due to feminist influence. Feminism itself has become a violent hateful corrupt organization only wanting to damage men and boys.

At the present females have been given many many rights without any responsibilities which has resulted in irresponsible extreme entitled women in the west.

Of course governments have only reduced entry requirements and introduced quotas to allow females to compete with men. This is not equality it is merely infantilising women. The same feminist laws apply to many third world countries but women in those. Countries have decided that there life is easier with a pet slave called a husband to sacrifice himself for her.

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I can see where this issue can be very problematic for some people. I wouldn't like it ...so I guess my solution would be to try extra hard to use birth control. I know this isn't always practical, and we are both responsible.

However, this is just a small part of the problem of inequality between men and women. Everything won't be perfect, but I would suggest that it has been a lot worse for the ladies, overall, then the men. What can you say about the differences between black men and white men, for example, where this problem doesn't happen??

I mean, given a choice, if each woman made an equal amount of money as each man, and had totally equal opportunities, how many woman, would be out there, looking to "scam you guys" or "make babies for money" or whatever?? If women do that, and IF you guys fall for it, I guess you know and like, the fact, that you mostly have more money than us, have more power than us, have more opportunity than us ...in general. The whole reason that Thailand is famous for the various things it is famous for, depends on this fact. If the average Thai woman could earn $6000 a month, in a factory, I guess this wouldn't be the destination of choice for so many men. Where would be? Somewhere cheap, no matter what the average woman looked like! I bet if this were the case, some fat African ladies might start looking a lot better to certain guys. Then we would hear all about how looks don't really matter, but the culture does, the service does, the ATTITUDE is everything, etc. Or we would hear how fat is in, and better than thin! Or whatever.

It isn't that I don't understand men, and their various problems, but just that I am not one of the kinds of women, who have tried to take advantage of them, tried to earn money from them, nor am I the kind of female who has ever had a male take care of me, my father, my brother, my husband, nobody, has tried to improve my life, or really contributed in any worthwhile way. I can't really relate to females or people, who try to get other people to take care of them, through marriage, through children, etc. And on the other hand, I am not used to "even if I pay" that anyone does anything worthwhile for me either. By that I mean, it isn't easy to find a man, who will be your "wife" just because you can support them. Women, in that area, are just not equal, and it doesn't usually work, nor do I really want that!

I have often thought, in a sort of joking way, that I wish I was gay, and could get a Thai wife! But overall, I just wish I would find a man who could be like a best friend, be good at some things I suck at, and I will be good at the things I am good at, and we will make a team which makes both person's lives better.

However it is a complicated subject, obviously. I think pulling out the old "women have children we don't want, or women have abortions that we don't agree with", is just a smoke screen and doesn't do justice to the real problems and inequalities. I guess no matter how equal or not, women and men, get or don't get, this will always be an issue. I've always felt that having a child with a man, would be the worst sort of hell and trap/jail I could put myself in, and so, I never did it. But I have a child! Apparently, I am not normal !! Sorry for you men, that many ladies find that sort of jail, something comfortable for them!!

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White males have privilege because we have responsibilities , we have established a rich peaceful world where women have the opportunity to work. White Anglo Saxon males have saved the world from fascism and communism while women stayed at home in total safety.

In the future there will be the male pill which will revolutionize the gender inequality and give back to men some rights that governments have taken away due to feminist influence. Feminism itself has become a violent hateful corrupt organization only wanting to damage men and boys.

At the present females have been given many many rights without any responsibilities which has resulted in irresponsible extreme entitled women in the west.

Of course governments have only reduced entry requirements and introduced quotas to allow females to compete with men. This is not equality it is merely infantilising women. The same feminist laws apply to many third world countries but women in those. Countries have decided that there life is easier with a pet slave called a husband to sacrifice himself for her.

Parmo, would you please do me a favor?? Call the "white male police" and have them jail my father, my brother, my ex-husband, for failing their responsibilities???

My monthly bills will be due soon, and so I also want to arrange with you, how I can NOT be responsible for them, and you or your pals, can take care for me?? I want to become one of your followers. Please PM me soon!!

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Women never will earn the same as men , they themselves CHOOSE to study easy subjects , they themselves CHOOSE cushy jobs.

Women consider they have the "right" to work but for men it is an OBLIGATION.

Like in sport if there was REAL gender equality women would be scond class , society would maybe become like bonobo one with women allowed to have limited grazing rights instead of women.

Men have kept women alive since start of human life , they did not have to but if they had not the species would have died out. In most of the world men still keep women alive.

Why did men do this ? Exclusive right to sex , without sex , women would be slaves or even our food, steak mignnon already sounds a bit girly

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Women never will earn the same as men , they themselves CHOOSE to study easy subjects , they themselves CHOOSE cushy low paid office jobs. Why ? Because they expect to find a stupid male slave called a husband.

Women consider they have the "right" to work but for men it is an OBLIGATION.

Like in sport if there was REAL gender equality women would be scond class , society would maybe become like bonobo one with women allowed to have limited grazing rights in exchange for sex.

Men have kept women alive since start of human life , they did not have to but if they had not the species would have died out. In most of the world men still keep women alive.

Why did men do this ? Exclusive right to sex , without sex , women would be slaves or even our food, steak mignnon already sounds a bit girly ;-)

Edited by parmo2
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Relationship problems such as yours are 50/50 amykat but only one gender had the government laws completely on their side and can act irresponsponsibly can you guess which one ( they don't have a penis),

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I think you should free yourself from the real thing enslaving you, which seems to be sex, according to you. What is that saying, "you pay your money, you make your choices?" or something like that.

Thankfully, not all people are a slave to one issue in their life and can make better choices!

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Relationship problems such as yours are 50/50 amykat but only one gender has the government laws completely on their side and can act irresponsponsibly can you guess which one ( I give you clue - they don't have a penis),

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Also Parmo, regarding your "cushy easy office jobs" I went to graduate school, to become something less than 1/2 of 1% of people in my country become. Most of them are also men, and in decades past, almost ALL of them were men. I haven't looked up the numbers, but would be willing to bet, that around my birth year, less than 10% of them were woman, maybe only 1-2% ...but I CAN look it up and get back to you. However, I am only ONE woman, so that doesn't really make my argument, but however ...just want to add that.

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In the future there will be the male pill which will revolutionize the gender inequality and give back to men some rights that governments have taken away due to feminist influence.

Parmo, this exists already, and has all through time ...keep yourself out of female vaginas, and you have discovered the male pill. Or there are even easier things which will get you what you want, without the downside.

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