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Bangkok forigners women never get attention from forigners like thai women?


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Women never will earn the same as men , they themselves CHOOSE to study easy subjects , they themselves CHOOSE cushy jobs.

Women consider they have the "right" to work but for men it is an OBLIGATION.

When at University my gf studied Maths, My daughter at University studied Pharmacy.

Neither were easy subjects, their subsequent jobs weren't that cushy either.

Edited by AnotherOneAmerican
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I can see where this issue can be very problematic for some people. I wouldn't like it ...so I guess my solution would be to try extra hard to use birth control. I know this isn't always practical, and we are both responsible.

However, this is just a small part of the problem of inequality between men and women. Everything won't be perfect, but I would suggest that it has been a lot worse for the ladies, overall, then the men. What can you say about the differences between black men and white men, for example, where this problem doesn't happen??

I mean, given a choice, if each woman made an equal amount of money as each man, and had totally equal opportunities, how many woman, would be out there, looking to "scam you guys" or "make babies for money" or whatever?? If women do that, and IF you guys fall for it, I guess you know and like, the fact, that you mostly have more money than us, have more power than us, have more opportunity than us ...in general. The whole reason that Thailand is famous for the various things it is famous for, depends on this fact. If the average Thai woman could earn $6000 a month, in a factory, I guess this wouldn't be the destination of choice for so many men. Where would be? Somewhere cheap, no matter what the average woman looked like! I bet if this were the case, some fat African ladies might start looking a lot better to certain guys. Then we would hear all about how looks don't really matter, but the culture does, the service does, the ATTITUDE is everything, etc. Or we would hear how fat is in, and better than thin! Or whatever.

Personally, I rate making money and career choice as very low on my list of priorities, all I ever wanted was to have a home, children and look after them. Something the current western rules and regulations won't allow any man to do with security.

As for the unequal division of assets on western divorce, in many cases it doesn't appear to be about the woman gaining money, more about the woman destroying the man who failed to live up to her expectations. Usually with no consideration for her children either.

Thailand, not so sure there, lots of foolish men giving away their money, it's not like in the west where they are given no choice.

Edited by AnotherOneAmerican
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Simply bitter? You mean when a ref makes a bad call that costs the game, the losing side should not be bitter.

Women's rights and equality is like a game where the referees (women) are always making a bad call. There are rules, of course, but the referees always get the nod despite the rules. It's men -vs- women, and the women ref the game. Their rules. That is what women's rights and equality really is: a game where the goal is always being moved, and a the foul rule changes constantly.

Now there are good referees and there are bad referees, but no matter the case, the referee gets to make the call, and the game makers will always agree with the referee's call.

There is nothing wrong with being bitter about a game that has rules which are constantly changing and always in favor of the other team.

The odd thing about women's rights and equality is that no two women can agree on the rules, and the game makers allow for each and every single women to make their own rules, and when things go bad, they have all the options to pull out of the bag of tricks.

Is ti any wonder that men who understand this get out of the league of teams with the bad referees and go and join another leauge of teams with more level playing fields and with more rewards?

It is simply damn difficult to play your heart out and not know if your efforts are going to be called back, yellow-carded, red-carded or what.

What is women's rights? No one knows. Not even women. And the same goes for women's equality. It seems that as time goes by and evidence becomes apparent, that these two words have been moved to the shelf of uselessness; just like welfare and government grants were years ago.

What began as a good concept is now turning into a free for all. How many people on health benefits and welfare really need to be on those? How many are just sucking the system dry. By the same token, it must be tempting for women to use their "rights" and enforce "equality" when the thought of being responsible, accountable, fair etc. is simply too much to bear and too much effort.

I think government and special interest groups are breeding a society of people (women in this case) who are being lead to believe that they are entitled tothings without any thought of effort in the value of earning those things... they simply think they are entitled and are not responsible for earning them.

And the rules are constantly changing.

Just a smaller view on a much larger problem.

So I wonder what you think about minority rights? Just change the "women/females" in your essay above, to "blacks" and you to an American Southern plantation owner ...or I am sure I can think of many other examples. But I think this one, gets the point across, no?

Less than 4% of the population of the South owned slaves. What are you on about? Lincoln was losing the war from Northern apathy. No one gave a damn about what was going on in the South. Lincoln only used the slaves angle to generate interest, and that came years after the war began.

Regarding people with darker skin than mine, I wonder what their intentions are. I wonder what their motivations are. I wonder how they feel about being a part of a Republic.

I wonder at the amount of people who want to use their sking color as a means to be entitled to special considerations, special handouts, special grants, and to be special in general.

I wonder at people who can't responsibly answer a legitimate question, and rather instead bring up the skin color issue.

People in the USA, in particular, are a good litmus test on narcissistic behavior, and the ever changing rules they indulge in to avoid the truths and facts that would lead to a solution of many woes.

And this "point" you mentioned... I have no idea what you are talkling about. What "point"?

The point, was, more or less, that certain people, i.e. white males, seem to feel that they have lost things they were entitled too, either to females, or "other minorities" of skin color. Without being given a DEFINITE ADVANTAGE in life, they seem to feel that they have therefore been given a DEFINITE DISADVANTAGE, as compared to an EQUAL playing field.

Which let me add, we all KNOW, does NOT exist YET!!!

I feel so sorry for the white males, who have at best, been given a SLIGHTLY more even playing field to live within ...imagine how you will feel some day it it is totally equal??? Imagine when even in the 3rd world and 2nd world countries, women have more equality, then what will you do, change, or go to the moon??

I guess you will die off and then other men, with more realistic expectations, will take your place in the world.

amycat, I don't believe I need to add or negate anything you have expressed here.

You have simply said again what has already been said, and which is becoming more and more clear as time goes on.

It removes from me the stress and potential ridicule from saying something that the "undecided" may not believe, or the "decided" may not lend credit to.

I, in turn, feel sorry for you and those who embrace your views, in that being clear on something is worlds apart from truly realizing its fruition.

I am certain that if you continue to construct a bridge to span your clarity of mind to the realization and fruition of what you describe, and if the substance of that construction consists of what you have expressed in your post, then truly you will realize that being clear on something is worlds apart from truly realizing its fruition.

Life has a way of evening the playing field, amycat. It is simply that stubborn, ignorant or stupid people slow down the process of time, and lifetimes may come and go, but that field does eventually get even.

I do not exclude myself from that prior statement, either, yet I am content in the truth of it, and willing to accept the responsibilities and/or consequences.

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There was a Moldavian woman at a party last night and all the men of all races were attempting to not stare lewdly all night. She was very nice, well spoken and friendly, even though her man was right there also. The drool continued apace.

Yes there is a level of attraction for Asian women in the foreigner ranks, some because that was their preference before ever setting foot in Thailand, others an acquired taste. I do note after several Korean air flights I really did find the Thai woman more to my tastes. But this is purely subjective.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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Personally, I rate making money and career choice as very low on my list of priorities, all I ever wanted was to have a home, children and look after them. Something the current western rules and regulations won't allow any man to do with security.

As for the unequal division of assets on western divorce, in many cases it doesn't appear to be about the woman gaining money, more about the woman destroying the man who failed to live up to her expectations. Usually with no consideration for her children either.

Thailand, not so sure there, lots of foolish men giving away their money, it's not like in the west where they are given no choice.

Hi again AOA,

I'm sorry, I think I may have misunderstood a previous post, where I just assumed you were worried about ladies having babies without your consent, and some of those issues. I didn't think that you might be coming from wanting a family and children but feeling insecure that you can't make that choice, because when/if the lady leaves, you are too exposed ... can lose too much.

Maybe you are coming from a place sort of like me, where I felt it was giving too much power to any man, to have a child with him (to me that is much bigger than marriage), and you are feeling the same?

think that some men on this thread, are expressing dislike for their particular government programs, which seem to give some women, another reason to want children, (and not be very responsible people and if they can't get what they need from the man, they will get it from the government, or from both?

Because I am American, I think we don't have this same dynamic at work, to the same extent. I think I have ever only once, known a woman who was on welfare, and had a kid, when I was a teenager, and it isn't something I have ever heard someone aspire to. Well, except that as part of my education, I was once forced to defend women on welfare, who got caught breaking the rules, and were kicked off. I found the work difficult, because I did not believe in my so-called "clients" and did not feel at all, like defending them, as they all seemed to be obvious rule breakers/liars ...although I understand that these programs serve a certain purpose and maybe some of the American laws, might be poorly thought out ...so whatever, I didn't last long doing that!

I suppose as a man, who really wants children, and really wants to be involved in the day to day care/life of those kids, that one could feel resentful and restricted, since you can't just produce one all alone. And you mostly can't adopt either? I think, as a single man.

So, sorry for not being thoughtful about this other side of the issue. I am so used to just hearing about men who don't want the baby their " woman" is having, or the ones angry because a woman decided to abort. Or the ones who want to have 3 or more families, and can't afford that, and try to get out of their responsibilities towards past children, etc.

I think I mostly can't relate with many men on this thread, because in my country, the laws aren't really favoring the woman, as far as I can see. I mean, in individual cases, one can always find a lot situations that seem like a travesty of justice, but that is usually because certain individuals are great at working the system (are immoral, liars, scammers, thieves) and they can often WIN the better deal. Greedy, selfish people, in my opinion, also, OFTEN, get the better deal!! I was sad to find out that "nice guys finish last" and those sorts of clinches are often true!

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Catharsis? To wind people up? Misogyny? Ignorance? Drunk...something along those lines.

Bullshit the Thais are slender and the best looking females in the world, most farangs who are cute come with a boyfriend, reality check please, I would not say the majority are overweight , would you ? ( farang females )

Also Most Thai females are uninhibited regarding sex, that's why we males love them.

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Women never will earn the same as men , they themselves CHOOSE to study easy subjects , they themselves CHOOSE cushy jobs.

Women consider they have the "right" to work but for men it is an OBLIGATION.

When at University my gf studied Maths, My daughter at University studied Pharmacy.

Neither were easy subjects, their subsequent jobs weren't that cushy either.

Paramo two, you seem to forget that it is the female who gives birth and nurtures the new born, you are a crock of sh......

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Before anyone calls me a loser for my comments, let me say I don't mind western women, I also don't think Asian women are tops

Western women are used to be put on a pedestal, they are used to getting attention, as a result their sense of entitlemebt is very high and their ego/expectations have also expanded big time

They go to Asia or thailand and although their.desirability may be still very high, or even higher, the number of men interested in them diminishes greatly for various reasons

What was easy in the past and an expectation, is now much harder

Or course they are not going to like it,

I doubt most will be able to handle it

Its like when western women when they reach early 30s,and are single, start realising their.attractiveness starts to.drop and they don't like it

Spot on. I have noticed as soon as they hit Thailand, they become Casper the not so friendly ghost. It freaks them out. Even thai nor ones are used to having so much power over men back home. They come here and turn irrelevant in a nanosecond. They simply cannot compete with Thai women, who are a hundred times more feminine than they are. So many western women are more masculine than the average guy. No matter how beautiful they are, they are diminished by their lack of femininity.


Chaiyaphum, Thailand

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Before anyone calls me a loser for my comments, let me say I don't mind western women, I also don't think Asian women are tops

Western women are used to be put on a pedestal, they are used to getting attention, as a result their sense of entitlemebt is very high and their ego/expectations have also expanded big time

They go to Asia or thailand and although their.desirability may be still very high, or even higher, the number of men interested in them diminishes greatly for various reasons

What was easy in the past and an expectation, is now much harder

Or course they are not going to like it,

I doubt most will be able to handle it

Its like when western women when they reach early 30s,and are single, start realising their.attractiveness starts to.drop and they don't like it

Spot on. I have noticed as soon as they hit Thailand, they become Casper the not so friendly ghost. It freaks them out. Even thai nor ones are used to having so much power over men back home. They come here and turn irrelevant in a nanosecond. They simply cannot compete with Thai women, who are a hundred times more feminine than they are. So many western women are more masculine than the average guy. No matter how beautiful they are, they are diminished by their lack of femininity.


Chaiyaphum, Thailand

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

its got nothing to do with feminity

i think western women physically are more femine then Asias physically,

its mentally they aren't as feminine

the men in Thailand are in Thailand because of the cheap and easy women,

which other country can an old ugly fart get a girl 20 yrs younger while being of average wealth

no guy is going to go to thaialnd to look for western women

so with nobody there looking for western women it wouldn't make any sense for them to go there to look for a partner

its like a straight person going to a gay bar looking for a straight partner

i find western woman far more physically feminine then Asian woken,

its just that most western women age faster and get fatter quicker

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Once you go Asian....you will never go Caucasian !!

What garbage. I'm on a beach in Thailand surrounded by gorgeous European women in bikinis. The average Isaan woman who most foreigners end up with doesn't seem at all appealing right now, although there are some gorgeous Thai women too.

In response to the OP, western women get a lot of attention from western guys who know they have a chance. It's easy for the ugly old western guys who know they don't have a chance with a young western woman to pretend that they're not interested in these 'disgusting white feminazis'. Stop making fools of yourselves guys.


So what was the outcome, Ed, of you being on a beach in Thailand surrounded by gorgeous European women in bikinis?

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the men in Thailand are in Thailand because of the cheap and easy women...

Please. We weren't all lead here by the dick.

Thank you. Don't you love the sweeping generalizations? All. Everyone. Always. Hello.


generelisations are true because they represent the majority

just because you aren't one of them, it doesn't mean its not true

im 10 years younger then my friend who looks slightly younger then me, does that mean the generalisation "older people look older then younger people" become untrue?

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It's certainly not true of the majority of expats I know here. If you think the majority of men came here for 'cheap and easy women', that's merely a reflection on the company you choose to keep.

you may not be intelligent enough to work out but expats don't make up the majority of male foreginers in Thailand, which just proves my point again

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It's certainly not true of the majority of expats I know here. If you think the majority of men came here for 'cheap and easy women', that's merely a reflection on the company you choose to keep.

What do the majority of expats come here for?

Seeing as they nearly all live or sleep with younger Thai women.

Expats in most of the rest of the world don't behave like this (Philippine expats excluded).

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What do the majority of expats come here for?

Seeing as they nearly all live or sleep with younger Thai women.

Not the ones I know. Some of you guys are like dogs rolling in a small pile of shit, claiming the whole world stinks the same as you do.

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What do the majority of expats come here for?Seeing as they nearly all live or sleep with younger Thai women.

Not the ones I know. Some of you guys are like dogs rolling in a small pile of shit, claiming the whole world stinks the same as you do.

oh i assume all your expat friends are just so hansum and awesome

congratulations, you just fit the stereotype of deluded farangs in thailand

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What do the majority of expats come here for?Seeing as they nearly all live or sleep with younger Thai women.

Not the ones I know. Some of you guys are like dogs rolling in a small pile of shit, claiming the whole world stinks the same as you do.

oh i assume all your expat friends are just so hansum and awesome

congratulations, you just fit the stereotype of deluded farangs in thailand

What an odd comment. Why would you assume that? They're just normal people, who didn't come here because of the sex industry.

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You think the majority of tourists are here for the cheap women?

Don't be so ridiculous. There's a big country outside of the tawdry little circle you move in. You should visit it sometime.

oh ok, sorry for my ignorance

maybe they are here for the safe roads, or hygiene standards or lack of pollution

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What do the majority of expats come here for?Seeing as they nearly all live or sleep with younger Thai women.

Not the ones I know. Some of you guys are like dogs rolling in a small pile of shit, claiming the whole world stinks the same as you do.

oh i assume all your expat friends are just so hansum and awesome

congratulations, you just fit the stereotype of deluded farangs in thailand

What an odd comment. Why would you assume that? They're just normal people, who didn't come here because of the sex industry.
why is it an odd comment?

haha ignorance at its best

cheap women isn't limited to bargirls

what are you? A love struck teenager ?

Edited by hellohello123
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haha ignorance ar its best

cheap women isn't limited to bargirls

what are you? A love struck teenager ?

Another weird comment. No, I'm just a normal guy who didn't come here for the women. Plenty of us exist, despite the fact that some of you find this hard to believe.

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Not the ones I know. Some of you guys are like dogs rolling in a small pile of shit, claiming the whole world stinks the same as you do.

oh i assume all your expat friends are just so hansum and awesome

congratulations, you just fit the stereotype of deluded farangs in thailand

What an odd comment. Why would you assume that? They're just normal people, who didn't come here because of the sex industry.
why is it an odd comment?

Why would you assume the people I know are 'hansum and awesome', just because I pointed out that they didn't come here for the cheap women?

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