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Phuket Immigration looking for a Russian volunteer


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Phuket Immigration looking for a Russian volunteer
Anton Makhrov

Coordinator Andy Clark, with volunteers Olaf (left) and Chris (right).

PHUKET: -- The island’s Phuket Immigration Volunteers (PIV) are looking for a native Russian speaker to join their ranks.

Currently, the eight PIV volunteers speak, between them, Thai, English, German, Dutch, Swedish and Bahasa Indonesia.

But now, with the growing number of Russians and people from former Soviet states coming to spend lengthy amounts of time on the island or wanting to get extensions to tourist visas, the PIV need help.

“Russians are quite good with [filling up] forms; more problems arise with French and Italians,” Andy Clark, coordinator of the group, explained. “But it would be nice to have someone who can speak Russian and answer any questions.”

A successful candidate must:

Have a long-stay visa (business, education, retirement etc);
Speak English and one more foreign language (Thai is not required);
Have no criminal record
Be educated enough to work with the Immigration office;
Be over 18 years old.
Upon completion of a five-step training course the applicant will join the volunteers in the Phuket Immigration Police office in Phuket Town.

Normally working hours are from 9am to 3:30pm, at least two days a week.

Regular duties include helping foreigners to fill in the forms and checking they have all the necessary paperwork to support an application.

The volunteers are not paid for their work and also have to buy their own uniforms. But according to Andy Clark that is what volunteer work is all about.

“We don’t ask for any reward. Our reward is just when one person says ‘Thank you,’” Mr Clark said.

The PIV are unique to Phuket. Not even Bangkok has a similar service.

Anyone interested in the new post should call Andy on 090 170 7360 or email piv.information [at] gmail.com.

Source: http://www.thephuketnews.com/phuket-immigration-looking-for-a-russian-volunteer-46752.php

-- Phuket News 2014-06-10

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Cool, as a retiree who would like to make a positive contribution, these sorts of opportunities are good to hear about. What kind of bothers me are the inconsistencies. Tourist police apparently require a work permit, but this does not? What would be nice is if there were opportunities to help out for retirees and those on long-stay visas that are not in Thailand to make a quick dollar (or Euro or whatever). I think there are many government departments that could benefit from being able to utilize expat's abilities... As always just my thoughts...

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I live in Hua Hin so I'm not really too clued up on this story but what exactly do these farangs do for immigration?

Are they helping people with say understanding the paperwork for a visa/extension of stay application, maybe helping with translations or are they actively going around enforcing immigration law?

Do these immigration farangs need to sign some sort of confidentiality agreement, as might they be privy to confidential info such as bank statements and other financial documents.

Could the position of these immigration volunteers not be open to abuse?

How stringent is the recruitment process?

I'm not sure I'd feel very comfortable handing over important documents to someone that was volunteering just because they have nothing better to do.

Are they just playing boy scouts or do they offer a genuine service to people?

I'm not having a go here, just trying to find out more info as I don't think we have volunteers helping out immigration like this in Hua Hin.

Edited by pinkpanther99
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I live in Hua Hin so I'm not really too clued up on this story but what exactly do these farangs do for immigration?

Are they helping people with say understanding the paperwork for a visa/extension of stay application, maybe helping with translations or are they actively going around enforcing immigration law?

Do these immigration farangs need to sign some sort of confidentiality agreement, as might they be privy to confidential info such as bank statements and other financial documents.

Could the position of these immigration volunteers not be open to abuse?

How stringent is the recruitment process?

I'm not sure I'd feel very comfortable handing over important documents to someone that was volunteering just because they have nothing better to do.

Are they just playing boy scouts or do they offer a genuine service to people?

I'm not having a go here, just trying to find out more info as I don't think we have volunteers helping out immigration like this in Hua Hin.

"No criminal record" obviously a police check...why would you not feel comfortable handing documents to them. I think their main duties are to assist in form filling and advice on docs required rather than actaully coordinating the extension etc process. The guys at Jomtien have always been helpful as no doubt Andy and his colleagues in Phuket are.

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I see that quite a few on here have no idea about doing something for the country they call home...especially if they are simply retired and doing nothing...bloody lazy as far as I can see.

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I think its a great idea. Providing a voluntary service and helping others is a noble activity and good for the soul.

My reservations are the cost of the uniform and why compensation isn't made if the volunteer stays in the post for say 3 months or longer.

Before making any kind of financial commitment do trainees have a chance to see if its for them?

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As an additional note, I just re-read the article and focused on the quotes from Andy Clark, who said how the reward was a "thank you" from people, and then further down the notation that volunteers even have to buy their own uniforms.

The Thai economy is making serious amounts of money from tourism, it is a serious amount of GDP. You are telling me that one of the main avenues for assistance within immigration for a foreign speaker within Phuket are unpaid volunteers who must jump through a series of hoops and then find themselves having to even purchase their own uniforms? Would you ask for volunteers to visit and collect taxes from the rice mills? Would you ask for volunteers to perform product quality checks on exported cans of Fruit?

A little bit disappointing that Thailand feels it can exploit those with a good heart and a bit of time without feeling the need to properly reward and recognise them.

We're all exploited here mate, tourists, teachers, you know the Thais.................they want 2 things in life: 1. not to pay farangs for DOING their job. 2 . payment for not doing THEIR job.

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This is very strange since Thai immigration regulations state that people with a Retirement Visa cannot work or VOLUNTEER . At the very least the Thai immigration could supply said volunteers with a working visa at no cost.

As far as I know there is no such thing as a working visa.. There is a work permit, issued to people with a business visa, but retired people can't work by definition.

This position is exempt from requiring a work permit, the term exempt should be self explaitory !

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the only reason to work for free and pay your own expenses and make thailand look good where they cannot provide people who can speak descent ANYTHING except thai to help the paying tourists, is if you believe in the pot of gold theory ... maybe them might presume to one day, they might find a dead farang with a lot of cash/gold on him and they might share the pot of gold between them ?

do they provide a work permit, I guess not as they are looking for people with already a valid workpermit or whatever ...

they make the incompentent TAT or whatever authority look good, for nothing in return ...

if they give some rights, I really might consider ... until then, until pigs fly and chicken have teeth (genetic engeneering?)

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Planet Thailand, utterly beyond words. Volunteers for helping out at the animal shelter or people in rural area's or elderly homes, anything like that I understand and I even consider doing my self. When are they finally going to get a grip on reality and reasonability here in this country????

I don't care what anyone else says, but this is ridiculous here in Thailand for the countless many more times, pffffffffffffffffffffff

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Does a work permit for volunteering come with this ?

Pertinent question.

Also, why is a long term visa needed when one can get an extension based on volunteering (minimum hours, 4 per week).

Long term meaning B visa Any foreigner working or volunteering needs one. The length of permission to stay would be my question.One year, or do they have to do a border run every 90 days? Or just report as a sex offender would have to?

These guys do a great service, and thank you to them, But....

I have a view that Immigration police should be fluent in two languages, that's the way it is everwhere else in the world. Many times the officer's 'glish is practically incomprehensible- and I see two or three sitting around feeling up their I phones while the volunteers are working up a sweat.

Sorry, this volunteer system is essentially coddling, even enabling the gross incompetence within the Thai, or perhaps just rather- the Phuket system. Time to do some serious transferring within that office- to school crossing duty.

And volunteers? WHAT ? ..NO WAY !! The Thai Govt really should be paying,... I say make 'em pay 4-5 times minimum wage as that's about the same rate as foreigners get overcharged, regularly.

Edited by EBlair48
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The main people they are helpful to is the Thai Immigration staff. Now they no longer need to learn english nor try to explain the rules.

I would be very careful when relying on the volunteers when it comes to correct paperwork. Last time I asked them about transfering a visa extension to a new passport, the guy gave me very wrong advice that would have voided my visa and cost me a lot of time and money. He was very sure that he was correct too. Luckily I had prior experience with the visa transfer(about 10 yrs earlier though) and decided to verify with Thai staff anyway. The expat volunteer was basicly trying to send me out the door with wrong info.

I guess if it makes them satisfied to be doing the Thais jobs for them, for free, then good for them. I can think of about a zillion other things I'd rather do with my time though.


On the other hand, this being Thailand, I very much doubt they are doing it for free. They probably get easy long-term visas, but will never admit it, especially here on TV. That is one way to stay here I guess.

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Does a work permit for volunteering come with this ?

Pertinent question.

Also, why is a long term visa needed when one can get an extension based on volunteering (minimum hours, 4 per week).

Long term meaning B visa Any foreigner working or volunteering needs one. The length of permission to stay is the pertinent question.

These guys do a great service, and thank you to them, But....

I have a view that Immigration police should be fluent in two languages, thay are everwhere else in the world. Many times the officer 'glish is practically incomprehensible- and I see two three sitting around feeling up their I phones while the volunteers are working up a sweat.

This volunteer system is essentially coddling, even enabling the innefficiency within the Thai, or perhaps rather- the Phuket system. Time to do some transferring in that office.

and volunteers? NO. They really should be paying,... I say make 'em pay 4-5 times minimum wage as that's what foreigners get overcharged, regularly.

I saw this today much earlier than I am replying now.

I had to think about it.

As much as I would appreciate guys helping me or others to sort out their issues for immigration I kinda wonder where these three guys motivation comes from.

Having been just put through the hoops again today for a extension of stay based on retirement I am feeling quite unreasonable to any one who would pay money (cost of uniforms) to help the immigration police ever.

Then I thought well maybe its a good idea. But I quickly put that aside when I remember all the stories on TV about how farlangs have been got at by the same immigration officials for doing volunteer work. And for the grafting these immigration police do. No its a bad idea. I don't like it.

I especially don't like that these three guys actually bought the same uniform.

Yes is a free work permit provided? The incorrect extension is quoted for volunteering (retirement)! Buy your own uniform! No pay!. Suck it up fellars this is really really bad idea. Thanks for reading my rant.

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