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Swimming Pool construction company


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Looking at building a swimming pool later this year. Any good swimming pool companies in Chiangmai? I heard the Aussie guy running Siam Pools died a couple weeks ago. Heard some good things about this company. But seeing the manager is no longer with us..... I liked their Purra Pool water system etc..

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  • 2 weeks later...

Based near Udon Thani - unfortunately still quite a long way from Chiang Mai for pool construction, but (we believe) we are the largest and most well equipped pool construction company north of Bangkok. According to the feedback we receive, CM appears to be poorly served with reliable pool firms - don't hesitate to contact us if you think we can help in any way.

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Having built my own 84 cu mt pool with common sense and my smart friend Google to advise and a good Thai general contractor to get the man power and equipment, I discovered that it's not 'rocket science' and built my pool that is still level and no leaks after 7 years and saved myself 50% of what the 'sharks' quoted me. My neighbor went with a local 'shark' contractor and built a much smaller pool for more than twice the price per cu mtr I paid and had many issues with leaks, fittings etc.

If you do go with a pro, make sure that you see one of his pools after 7 years............

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Unfortunately the pool construction industry in Thailand has a poor reputation, and there are a lot of 'one-pool-wonders'. Even more sadly, we are called out often to repair pools that are as little as 6 months old - genuine after-sales service and warranty appears to be not always honoured. That said, not all established pool firms are sharks - prices will naturally be higher if the company has to travel a long way. The solution is to obtain plenty of quotations and go for the middle of the road. Established firms have a reputation to maintain, but some who appear to have a nationwide network of offices/stores may not necessarily be responsible for the quality of the work of their local franchisees.

A pool should not require any major repairs for many years, although if water chemistry is not maintained regularly and accurately, re-grouting could be required in as short as 2 years especially if the expensive special grout for pools has not been used Tiles will crack and become loose quite quickly if proper (quite expensive) tiles adhesive for pools has not been used and applied correctly. Pumps will fail if allowed to run dry too often, and filter media (sand filters) may get clogged up if not backwashed and rinsed often enough. D.E. filters are susceptible to needing expensive new grid elements quite often. Poor quality plastic underwater lights will go brittle and the plastic will crumble, and the plastic lenses go opaque.

When considering the purchase of salt water chlorinators in Thailand, opt for reputed branded equipment; they are more expensive but they come with long guarantees and excellent product support here in Thailand. The retail price of pool salt in Thailand varies quite considerably although it generally comes from the same manufacturer in Isan.

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SPT...........for the record, I was not implying that your company was a 'shark' company. I was just offering my experience and simply using common sense and your own research and I didn't mention as a back up and confirmation, I employed a structural engineer to approve my drawings and then added more steel.

one very important step is to dig a much larger and deeper hole than needed and use a lot of gravel fill as a stable base, especially if you are in a clay soil area.

I've done a lot of legal and illegal building and my moto was always 'when in doubt- over build'.

SPT................do you have any 7+ year old pools here in LOS??

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some ten yrs ago,made a very in depth research of a D.I.Y. s/pool and a contractor s/pool

from my research on costs and quality etc etc a D.I .Y. won hands down

basically a very good thai bldr with a top set of plans can easily excute a s/pool at least half the price of a contractor thai or farung , and perhaps more

during my research, i learnt very quickly to give the farung s/pool contractors the wide berth in fact my motto has always been, never get involved in farung contractors, in any shape or form

sure been beaten up by a few a few thai sub contractors, but managed to dodge the fatal bulletts, these farungs contractors etc etc( J.M.O.) most have not be able to cut it in there own countrys, and look for the weak prey overhere

so to the o/p..look into the D.I.Y. plan done all thai style

and a very nice afternoon to allbiggrin.png

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  • 2 months later...

Keith was the manager at Siam Pools. Sadly he passed away a few months ago.

They did a fine job on our pool, a few hiccups like any building project here but all sorted out in the end.

The woman thats manager now seems very intelligent and has excellent English skills. She personally comes to see whats going on during all phases. This was lacking in the past.


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Based near Udon Thani - unfortunately still quite a long way from Chiang Mai for pool construction, but (we believe) we are the largest and most well equipped pool construction company north of Bangkok. According to the feedback we receive, CM appears to be poorly served with reliable pool firms - don't hesitate to contact us if you think we can help in any way.

It's not "poorly served" at all. Are you building pools here too? If not are you planning to?

Again, Siam Pools are well established here and do a fine job.


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As stated, our comments are: 'according to feedback' (and we receive a lot of emails every day and in many languages).

We have no immediate plans to enter the construction market in CM for domestic pools - it's simply too far away (with mountain ranges and small roads for much of the journey). This would make our prices disproportionately high on new builds and refurbs, and we would not be able to offer routine after-sales support. In spite of our location however, we can be much quicker in Vientiane in Lao (where we have a depot), central Thailand, and some of the the southern provinces (where we also have a depot). The furthest we go north is Phistanulok, which in fact is practically (as the crow flies) directly east of our main depot.

We do however have a high conversion rate in CM on enquiries for blueprints and BoQ, complete sets of technical equipment for DIY builds and/or constructions being done by the 'house builder'. The comments accompanying such enquiries are often on the lines of 'we are unable to locate a pool organisation in CM that inspires confidence'. We also regularly receive requests for advice from people who feel their constructor may not be doing things quite right, or who may be supplying unknown (read: "pirate copies") brands of equipment, or has made a complete mess of things and been fired.

However, if you are from Siam Pools, or closely connected with them, you are welcome to contact us. We receive at least 4 enquiries a week from CM and neighbouring provinces asking for quotations for domestic pools or on-site construction help which we unfortunately have to decline.

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As stated, our comments are: 'according to feedback' (and we receive a lot of emails every day and in many languages).

We have no immediate plans to enter the construction market in CM for domestic pools - it's simply too far away (with mountain ranges and small roads for much of the journey). This would make our prices disproportionately high on new builds and refurbs, and we would not be able to offer routine after-sales support. In spite of our location however, we can be much quicker in Vientiane in Lao (where we have a depot), central Thailand, and some of the the southern provinces (where we also have a depot). The furthest we go north is Phistanulok, which in fact is practically (as the crow flies) directly east of our main depot.

We do however have a high conversion rate in CM on enquiries for blueprints and BoQ, complete sets of technical equipment for DIY builds and/or constructions being done by the 'house builder'. The comments accompanying such enquiries are often on the lines of 'we are unable to locate a pool organisation in CM that inspires confidence'. We also regularly receive requests for advice from people who feel their constructor may not be doing things quite right, or who may be supplying unknown (read: "pirate copies") brands of equipment, or has made a complete mess of things and been fired.

However, if you are from Siam Pools, or closely connected with them, you are welcome to contact us. We receive at least 4 enquiries a week from CM and neighbouring provinces asking for quotations for domestic pools or on-site construction help which we unfortunately have to decline.

I had a pool built by them if you had bothered to read my posts. I have nothing else to do with them.

As i said we had a few issues with them but got them sorted in the end.

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