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Should there be an "American section" to ThaiVisa?


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What would the forum be called?

Team America World Police?

Welcome back Mr Toad ... you have been missed.


Indeed. It is good to see you, you nasty little green aR sed b@stard. How did your latest series of operations go to remove all those warty growths you seem to have acquired ?

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I am sure you will need a gun section there

I as a Dutchman would vote against it.. this is a nice melting pot and Americans can be just as bad as Brits and Dutch.

You could name that sub section, 'The slaughter house'.

I'm just wondering what sort of membership criteria one would need to provide before being allowed to enter this elite American TVF club, I mean, could an expat that had spent time in the USA post there, or would it be strictly blooded Stars and Stripes people. :P

My only final thought is, why would you just want to communicate with the one breed of expat on any forum, doesn't the OP realise that it's the mad Dutchman & Kiwi's that provide much of the entertainment here at TVF. Don't get me started on the Czechlovakian hermaphrodites either. ;)

Since the only real Americans are the conservative Patriots and those not fitting that description have already been encouraged to just go home, I fear the requirements to post on the forum might be quite stringent. Firstly, you would have to have an avatar with some manly pursuit and a name from either a cowboy western, an action hero or a porn star.

I could possibly sneak you in as a guest on our "new member" tuesdays ;-)

Edited by ClutchClark
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An american section on a forum for foreigners that live in thailand?

What would the discussion on? Citizens from the "best" country in the world therefore the best farangs in the world in thailand?

Would you guys be going "dude" or What's sup mane! or yo yo! yeah i know many farang speak that ebonics too.

Can see why would suggest something like this. Just plain ol' american arrogance.

Maybe you guys could set up some type of support group for jet lag and messed up biological clocks along with why are air flights so long and expensive.

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What would the forum be called?

Team America World Police?

Welcome back Mr Toad ... you have been missed.


Thanks David, I've rather enjoyed my holiday, but nice to be back.

Holiday ? You call having your p e n I s sliced up and stitched, a holiday? YIKES ! Either way, glad you found a micro surgeon that was up for such a 'little' job. :Raflao:

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I am sure you will need a gun section there

I as a Dutchman would vote against it.. this is a nice melting pot and Americans can be just as bad as Brits and Dutch.

You could name that sub section, 'The slaughter house'.

I'm just wondering what sort of membership criteria one would need to provide before being allowed to enter this elite American TVF club, I mean, could an expat that had spent time in the USA post there, or would it be strictly blooded Stars and Stripes people. tongue.png

My only final thought is, why would you just want to communicate with the one breed of expat on any forum, doesn't the OP realise that it's the mad Dutchman & Kiwi's that provide much of the entertainment here at TVF. Don't get me started on the Czechlovakian hermaphrodites either. wink.png

Would they allow black people in there? Yo yo yo, what's sup mane and dude! should be the usual greetings even though i doubt they would all come from california or new york but they need it to show that they are cooler than the limeys.

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Every non native English user is doing fine but the OP needs a special forum because he is from the USA. blink.png.pagespeed.ce.AQgCnSOpp_.png.

Maybe we just want a safe place we can talk about guns without all those radical views from the rest of the civilized world.


Americans vs the rest of the civilised world. Doesn't that tell you something?

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I've enjoyed learning more British and Aussie slang, and have adopted some of it. It isn't found in newspaper writings or even visiting as a tourist with the tourism people.

Now, if we could just get the Aussie, Canucks, and Brits to understand: "Hang it Martha, will ya'll ever 'member to hit that there forward assist, idgit?"


Well, that's the thing; We all understand you. Is it because the Canucks, Brits, and Aussies are more worldly?

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I am sure you will need a gun section there

I as a Dutchman would vote against it.. this is a nice melting pot and Americans can be just as bad as Brits and Dutch.

I suppose they could have a Redneck sub forum as well

A Singaporean section for Singlish also.

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I would have expected another of his bellicose rants by now but it must be a quite a shock for less traveled Americans finding out that America doesn't actually rule the World. Why can't I buy a 10 litre pick-up, where's Walmart? Why do they drive on the wrong side of the road? Why are there so many Europeans everywhere? Wonder if he can understand Cajun?

To be fair, nobody can understand Cajun, even some Cajuns.

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I am sure you will need a gun section there

I as a Dutchman would vote against it.. this is a nice melting pot and Americans can be just as bad as Brits and Dutch.

As an American - a fact i keep to myself outside of this topic not out of shame or pride but because not relevant - I am 100% against this.

Weary of the boorish and mean spirited nature here as it is, establishing an 'American' section of a Thai forum would be stupid enough for me to quietly slip out the back door and not come back.

For the love of any shred of something redeemable - please god no.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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What would the forum be called?

Team America World Police?

Welcome back Mr Toad ... you have been missed.


Thanks David, I've rather enjoyed my holiday, but nice to be back.
Holiday ? You call having your p e n I s sliced up and stitched, a holiday? YIKES ! Either way, glad you found a micro surgeon that was up for such a 'little' job. :Raflao:

Very good ND, yes it was an interesting holiday, the penis reduction surgery went well.

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Classic mommy's boy, never travelled, little exposure to other cultures growing up. Am I getting warm?

Rather than get bent out of shape because YOU can't understand what's going on, consider starting your own forum for you and your kind, eh!

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...I can not understand a third of what the heck you are writing. Brit and other slang, to me odd words for what I know by a very different word, and nationalistic-based inside jokes are confusing this old American...

When the Pilgrim Fathers were thrown out of England they were given two things to take to the new world.

The English language and some cutlery. They still haven't mastered either. smile.png canada_flag_icon_small.gif

benalibina, on 18 Jun 2014 - 01:15, said:

That was a bad example of Dutch humor. You are not making us proud.


Wooden Shoes

Wooden Head

Would'nt Listen!


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I think it's a grand idea.

Lure all the mindless USA-bashers into the forum (much like this thread has done), lock the door, and throw away the key.


Edited by Fookhaht
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What would the forum be called?

Team America World Police?

Welcome back Mr Toad ... you have been missed.


Thanks David, I've rather enjoyed my holiday, but nice to be back.
Holiday ? You call having your p e n I s sliced up and stitched, a holiday? YIKES ! Either way, glad you found a micro surgeon that was up for such a 'little' job. :Raflao:

Very good ND, yes it was an interesting holiday, the penis reduction surgery went well.


Reduction ! Wow dude, you really must win the title for the smallest frog in da world ;)

I said Micro surgeon fella. Now please stay on topic, this is about big Americans, not small green members.

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I think it's a grand idea.

Lure all the mindless USA-bashers into the forum (much like this thread has done), lock the door, and throw away the key.


Mr Fookhaht,

Nothing to do with USA bashin, most the critics are Americans themselves.

I reakon you've got the right idea though, lure them in, let them slip into a black hole.

There's crazy strange buggas of every nationality on the forum, for example You and Me ;)

Seriously I think there's enough sub forums on TVF, there's everything from Cars to small furry creatures and everything in between, I can't understand why anyone would want to divide all of that up into nationalities as well, sort of defeats the purpose IMHO. I come here because I happen to like the Poms, Yanks, Kiwis and just about everything in between.

It's the anti Thai drivel I read on here that seems to make no sense, some really bitter souls out there.

So don't throw ur handbag down.

Edited by neverdie
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then you would have to have a section for all other nationalities and everyone would then want to be in the aussie section because we are such funny ba*tards, we are open minded and love taking the p*ss out of everyone else including ourselves.All the other sections would dry up so they need to leave us all together, can you imagine how boring some sections would becomew00t.gif

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then you would have to have a section for all other nationalities and everyone would then want to be in the aussie section because we are such funny ba*tards, we are open minded and love taking the p*ss out of everyone else including ourselves.All the other sections would dry up so they need to leave us all together, can you imagine how boring some sections would becomew00t.gif

Could I be granted a guest visa to the Aussie section?

They have the best Avatars...and humor.

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I am American and I enjoy the differences, opinions, and humor presented by a multi-national society......I am not forced to accept or reject the writing or opinions of anyone and quite often enjoy the comments and/or rejoinders......

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I am American and I enjoy the differences, opinions, and humor presented by a multi-national society......I am not forced to accept or reject the writing or opinions of anyone and quite often enjoy the comments and/or rejoinders......

You can't fool us... you love the idea of a 'US of A forum' don't you ? God bless America, yeeehaaa, woooo YEAH !!

totster :)

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