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What Shall We Do


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If I quit drinking it will save me B200 Baht a day at least, thats 8,000 a month for 3 months= 24,000 Baht!

Not to be sniffed at.

What shall we do with it... we could all go away with our other halves for a little holiday to celebrate?

Just a thought, everyone that is stopping should work out how much they will save in the first 90 days :o

I have saved 600 baht already :D

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Call me a finicky pedant but 200 a day is 6000 a month = 18000 every 3 months...

Good luck with the stopping though, my missus has often told me we could buy this and that if I didn't drink 2 bottles of beer a night, I HAVE to remind her about her plant pot addiction :-(

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I like the trip away idea, but obviously not applicable to a distant tv.com relative.

However, I´d like to get a new, modern laptop, and get connected online, invest in my site. And a bunch of things.

I´m only on day four though, and I´ve not earned the money I would have saved in four days of hiding in my mountain side cabin.

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Well, how about we try to arrange a party of sorts for those of us that have lasted the 90 days?

I am sure we can all afford a few nights somewhere just as a reinforcer, a congratulatory vacation. We will deserve it. I will help those that are on a minimum wage.

At the present my program starts from the 30th of this month and will last until the Aussie rules grandfinal wich is held in the last weeks of september. I have no positive feelings for this soccer crap that is going on now. I watched the Aussie/Italy game and was bored the whole way though. If you really wanna see an axciting game of footy check out Aussie rule. I heard that there was 40 odd thousand people at that game, let me tell you, every week there is 50+ thousand people at an Aussie rules game in Aust. This happens every year, not just world cup. Infact, soccer is quite lame when copmpared to Aussie rules and the excitement that goes along with an AFL game...sorry, I hate soccer, I think it is boring...I am an Aussie rules bloke through and through.

Anyway...time to stop the drink. 30th folks...

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What about donating what we save to a Thai Charitable organisation?

We could form some sort of foundation.....its better to be remembered for something like this than being a DRUNK.

Any suggestions.. I for one would like to support the Foundation for bright kids that cannot afford to go to University... the details are on the Bhuddism forum.. but I can be more specific if anyone is interested


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We can buy shoes for the money, socks and shirts, even pants.

And of the money we thus don't have to spend on clothes and shoes, we just pay the rent.

In that way we double the profit and have still the money left as well (because we save the money of the rent).

Limbo :o

(six days without a drink: I seen things much clearer now)

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  • 3 weeks later...
If I quit drinking it will save me B200 Baht a day at least, thats 8,000 a month for 3 months= 24,000 Baht!

Not to be sniffed at.

What shall we do with it... we could all go away with our other halves for a little holiday to celebrate?

Just a thought, everyone that is stopping should work out how much they will save in the first 90 days :o

I have saved 600 baht already :D

intersting about saving money. i give up smoking in 1977 (2 packs a day) and stopped drinking in 1982 ( not sure how much i drank but it was a lot) all i know is when i look at the price of smokes and drink after that lenght of time they look expensive and you tend to look at it as a waste of money. the only way you notice the differenc is if you open anouther bank account and put the money you save on drink in their and use it for them special things(car, holiday. watch etc)

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  • 2 weeks later...

If I quit drinking it will save me B200 Baht a day at least, thats 8,000 a month for 3 months= 24,000 Baht!

Not to be sniffed at.

What shall we do with it... we could all go away with our other halves for a little holiday to celebrate?

Just a thought, everyone that is stopping should work out how much they will save in the first 90 days :o

I have saved 600 baht already :D

intersting about saving money. i give up smoking in 1977 (2 packs a day) and stopped drinking in 1982 ( not sure how much i drank but it was a lot) all i know is when i look at the price of smokes and drink after that lenght of time they look expensive and you tend to look at it as a waste of money. the only way you notice the differenc is if you open anouther bank account and put the money you save on drink in their and use it for them special things(car, holiday. watch etc)

Well I gave up smoking in 2000 been a gradual thing over the years from cigs to cigars, the financial benifit I have to say I didn't feel. And the drinking (3 beers a day now) well iv'e tried that, but again I didn't notice the extra money in my pocket. I know maybe I have to much! My point is that if all the savings were held for one year then you would see and feel the cash saved, Anyway I LIKE the feeling of a few beers, and I will be dead soon enough----------

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Don't think I would "class 2 beers a day - 200b" as being a problem, a minimal amount of alcohol is good for you.

We always find things to spend money on, seeing as drinking is not a "one time payment p/m" kind of thing, the challange would be extracting the normal drinking money from total funds every month.

We could always open a joint bank account to put all our saved money into, then we can buy a bar! :o

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Don't think I would "class 2 beers a day - 200b" as being a problem, a minimal amount of alcohol is good for you.

We always find things to spend money on, seeing as drinking is not a "one time payment p/m" kind of thing, the challange would be extracting the normal drinking money from total funds every month.

We could always open a joint bank account to put all our saved money into, then we can buy a bar! :D

Ah theres the problem Ive had many a buisness in the uk but always avioded the publican, I know my limits and living with the drink 24/7 would be well beyond my control.. :o

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Don't think I would "class 2 beers a day - 200b" as being a problem, a minimal amount of alcohol is good for you.

We always find things to spend money on, seeing as drinking is not a "one time payment p/m" kind of thing, the challange would be extracting the normal drinking money from total funds every month.

We could always open a joint bank account to put all our saved money into, then we can buy a bar! :D

so wrong, quit or drink, no minimal amount ...

where did you find this?

in your mind to get comfortable with you daily drinks?

alcohol is a hard drug, the hardest of them all :o


Edited by francois
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is it really a "I want to stop to drink" thread?


No, it's a "What Shall We Do, With the money we save?" thread. :o

I believe most realize the health & social aspects of drinking too much, TP just added another reason to the list.

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