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Murder of Thai teen: SRT employee says he was drunk when he inflicted crime


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SRT employee says he was drunk when he inflicted crime

The Nation

BANGKOK: -- A NEW employee of the State Railway of Thailand has claimed he was drunk when he raped and killed a 13-year-old passenger on a Bangkok-bound train early on Sunday.

Wanchai Saengkhao, 22, confessed to the crime late Monday night.

A police source said Wanchai had been drinking beer with his co-workers prior to the assault.

Wanchai was also arrested on drug charges in Bangkok five years ago, the source added.

His victim, Kaem, was riding the train with her two sisters and the boyfriend of the older one. Her travel companions fell asleep in the wee hours of Sunday and when they woke up they could not find her.

Kaem's family quickly lodged a complaint with police, who summoned SRT staff on that train for questioning.

Contrary to SRT Governor Prapat Chongsanguan's claim that the staff on the train belonged to a subcontractor, the SRT website shows Wanchai had sailed through the SRT recruitment process in the middle of last month.

Naked body found in bushes

At about 4am yesterday, rescue workers found the naked body of Kaem in the bushes next to the railroad in Prachuap Khiri Khan's Pran Buri district.

Kaem's family rushed to scene and broke into tears.

On her Facebook page, Kaem's older sister blamed herself for failing to protect Kaem.

"I'm such a terrible sister. I'm so sorry. But I promise I'll pursue action against your attacker to the end… I love you very much. I love you the most."

Kaem's relatives tried to hit Wanchai when he showed up for a press conference at the Pran Buri Police Station yesterday. Eventually, the briefing was held at another location for the media only.

Deputy National Police chief Aek Angsananont said he instructed investigators to conclude Kaem's case within seven days.

An autopsy showed Kaem was most likely suffocated and was sexually violated.

Police are gathering more evidence to see if Wanchai was not alone.

The SRT's Prapat said he was deeply saddened by the tragedy and would offer remedial measures to Kaem's family.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/national/SRT-employee-says-he-was-drunk-when-he-inflicted-c-30238073.html

-- The Nation 2014-07-09

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Prapat has to go after his " white lie".

Sent from my i-mobile IQ XA using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

I was far more interested in the question of whether the killer acted alone or if others had knowledge of what was to occur.

Its possible Prapat was provided incorrect information by subordinates.

Edited by ClutchClark
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The affects of alcohol and other narcotics substance too are known to all and as such those affects cannot and should not be considered a defence in any matter.

He was logical enough to commit a horrific violent crime one can hardly excuse ones action due to the affects of alcohol.

When I got drunk in the past I fell down and went to sleep, alas also to my sorrow a number of possibly romantic encounters were doomed due to the dreaded ''brewers droop '' taking affect too.

Please excuse the frivolity of my last paragraph in this otherwise serious topic.

Edited by siampolee
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Swift execution is warranted here.

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

The death penalty solves nothing.

But further restrictions on alcohol would make a massive difference throughout society.

I get sick of the people here who praise 'beer' and moan when the bars are closed.

Too much alcohol. Too much violence (especially domestic) ......

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Being drunk doesn't excuse you from a heinous crime. Death is to quick for this animal. 25 lashes with the cat-o-9 tails would be better followed by a hangman's noose.

All you anti capital punishment people sicken me. Are you stupid enough to think that after a few years in gaol this parasite will live a life straight and true and feel remorse for what he did.

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SRT employee says he was drunk when he inflicted crime"

Karma, Kaaaarma, the nasty nasty Karma has cursed the SRT employee to murder an innocent girl by spirit force...

.... A few 1000 Baht blood money compensation to the police and he's free to go again, wanna bet?

Don't you dare to make SRT mafia bosses lose face and twisted sense for greedy honor... Another bunch of rotten mafia swines...

Using public transportation services in Thailand you play with the mafias and criminals

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Swift execution is warranted here.

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

The death penalty solves nothing.

But further restrictions on alcohol would make a massive difference throughout society.

I get sick of the people here who praise 'beer' and moan when the bars are closed.

Too much alcohol. Too much violence (especially domestic) ......

Further restrictions won't help. Thise who really want alcohol will always find a way to get it.

You'll also see an increase in ilegally brewed alcohol.

More education is needed.

Also why is an employee drinking alcohol at work? Yes, he was off duty but he was at his work place. Government workplace at that.

The management also have a share of the blame.

Don't get me wrong. I think this a horrendous crime and he should be locked up for life. His life in jail will be hell.

I don't believe in the death penalty.

Sent from my SM-G900F using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Swift execution is warranted here.

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

The death penalty solves nothing.

But further restrictions on alcohol would make a massive difference throughout society.

I get sick of the people here who praise 'beer' and moan when the bars are closed.

Too much alcohol. Too much violence (especially domestic) ......

You are obviously a non drinker, which you will likely deny to attempt debase my comment, but I bet everyone is thinking like me here.

By putting the focus on alcohol, what you are doing is actually handing this guy what appears to be in your view, a reason for what he did... a defence almost. Just so you can chime in with a cheap pop at those who like to have a relaxing beer.

I have news for you. although I have witnessed drunken violence in my time, considering the amount of times I have been out drinking, it has been VERY few and far between. Maybe one bar fight every few years.

I have never been in the company of anyone who has displayed violence EVER! I don't hang out with thugs so that is probably the reason, but I have heard and even seen the same person getting into drunken mischief outside our drinking company, and this was because that guy was an out and out thug regardless of alcohol.

Violence is more attributed to the person, not the drink... The drink is the catalyst in that person.

Remove alcohol and you will still see problems and violence in society. Look at the middle east, hardly anyone drinks, and it is probably the most violent place on earth.

So I totally reject your opinion... Drink is not the reason, so stop trying to point to being drunk as a defence.

The death penalty solves nothing???? Well it would certainly solve the possibility of this poor girl's relatives have to endure the news that her killer has been pardoned and is walking as a free man by the time he is in his 30s, and trust me... that is not so much as a possibility in Thailand it is a probability.

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Kaem's relatives tried to hit Wanchai when he showed up for a press conference at the Pran Buri Police Station yesterday.

Is that all?

There wouldn't be enough police in the station to stop me from ending this monster.

Not hard to grab a gun off a policeman's belt and put six into him.

A missed opportunity...

First, lets point out that you are not in their shoes and you did not just lose your daughter to a violent assault so who are you to judge their actions.

And how exactly would your suggestion benefit the other two daughters and mother who need a caregiver and a strong man to help them in their grief? Hard to make a living in prison for murder.

Huh.... I have 3 young children... two of them daughters, and I can safely say that if I were in that police station and the that killed my 13 year old walked in, I would not be standing calmly by thinking about being a shoulder of strength for my family... No way would I be able to hold myself back, and I don't think I would be in prison for too long under the circumstances.... do you???

Besides, I think my family and everyone who knew me would applaud that rather than denounce it.

If you have young daughters you would understand, as I understand what there father must be going through.

You don't have to walk in another man's shoes to know what they must be going through and what they would want to do to this monster.

Edited by lostsoul49
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And now this moron's family will be scratching their neanderthal nuts trying to work out which of their relatives has the connections to get their murdering son's penalty lessened. Sadly they may have some success in that direction.

So sad. RIP

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SRT employee says he was drunk when he inflicted crime"

Karma, Kaaaarma, the nasty nasty Karma has cursed the SRT employee to murder an innocent girl by spirit force...

.... A few 1000 Baht blood money compensation to the police and he's free to go again, wanna bet?

Don't you dare to make SRT mafia bosses lose face and twisted sense for greedy honor... Another bunch of rotten mafia swines...

Using public transportation services in Thailand you play with the mafias and criminals

He's nobody, he'll do the time.

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Swift execution is warranted here.

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

The death penalty solves nothing.

But further restrictions on alcohol would make a massive difference throughout society.

I get sick of the people here who praise 'beer' and moan when the bars are closed.

Too much alcohol. Too much violence (especially domestic) ......

The death penalty stops him doing it again, it also acts as a deterrent, to others. You will be delighted to learn that (TV 9 July 2014) "The State Railway of Thailand will impose a ban on alcohol sale and drink on all trains in the aftermath of the rape and killing of a 13-year old girl on board a night sleeper train by a railway employee who took drug and drank on board." A slight over reaction, it would be better to monitor their employees, but hey, this is a "typical" reaction in Thailand. It almost appears that it was the alcohols fault, not the scumbags.

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Being drunk doesn't excuse you from a heinous crime. Death is to quick for this animal. 25 lashes with the cat-o-9 tails would be better followed by a hangman's noose.

All you anti capital punishment people sicken me. Are you stupid enough to think that after a few years in gaol this parasite will live a life straight and true and feel remorse for what he did.

I am anti capital punishment but not because I think jail will reform every criminal, I just think that capital punishment makes "us" just like "them". Also in my home country it is cheaper to jail people for life than to give them a sentence of death.

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"....include campaigns to ensure that producers of television series do not play up scripts about sexual offences against females in their shows," I concur. Thai soaps are shit - particularly for youngsters to watch - which they often do. They're 'screamplays' rather than 'screenplays.' If I had any little boys or girls in my house, they would be forbidden to watch those pap smear programs. Horrible influence on young minds.

"The National Council for Peace and Order has assigned military and police units to take care of security measures on trains." Umm, ok, but how sure can the public be that military or policemen aren't going to rape also? They're men, aren't they? How about female security guards only.

If it was any other drug other than alcohol, newspapers would be screaming; 'DRUG-RELATED CRIME' - but because it's just alcohol, which essentially every adult drinks (including legislators and lawmakers/upholders) ....then it's not called a 'drug-related crime.' Wouldn't want to piss off the alcohol drink corporation bosses, would we?

Hey Mr. Chaleum, it's not a drug-related crime is it? Of course not. That's what I expected you to say.

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I'm tired of reading that Thais have a Facebook page demanding execution for this sort of crime. They have to do a little more than mince on FB to make penalties for this sort of crime a lot tougher.

For many youngsters, who are justifiably angry about the crime, that's their outlet. It's commendable that they're expressing themselves in a public forum.

You might suggest they, or their older siblings or parents, go and talk to higher authorities (judges, lawmakers, politicians, army brass), but you and and I and they know it wouldn't accomplish anything tangible - more than just a pat on the shoulder along with, "yes, I'm sorry that happened...." bla bla bla.

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Being drunk doesn't excuse you from a heinous crime. Death is to quick for this animal. 25 lashes with the cat-o-9 tails would be better followed by a hangman's noose.

All you anti capital punishment people sicken me. Are you stupid enough to think that after a few years in gaol this parasite will live a life straight and true and feel remorse for what he did.

I am anti capital punishment but not because I think jail will reform every criminal, I just think that capital punishment makes "us" just like "them". Also in my home country it is cheaper to jail people for life than to give them a sentence of death.

Cheaper to jail for life than give a death sentence? What country could that be that could be so expensive to cut their throat or electrocute them rather than give them at least a bowl of gruel and house them for 50 odd years? Unless you are talking of forced labour where prisoners become slaves.

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Kaem's relatives tried to hit Wanchai when he showed up for a press conference at the Pran Buri Police Station yesterday.

Is that all?

There wouldn't be enough police in the station to stop me from ending this monster.

Not hard to grab a gun off a policeman's belt and put six into him.

A missed opportunity...

First, lets point out that you are not in their shoes and you did not just lose your daughter to a violent assault so who are you to judge their actions.

And how exactly would your suggestion benefit the other two daughters and mother who need a caregiver and a strong man to help them in their grief? Hard to make a living in prison for murder.

Huh.... I have 3 young children... two of them daughters, and I can safely say that if I were in that police station and the that killed my 13 year old walked in, I would not be standing calmly by thinking about being a shoulder of strength for my family... No way would I be able to hold myself back, and I don't think I would be in prison for too long under the circumstances.... do you???

Besides, I think my family and everyone who knew me would applaud that rather than denounce it.

If you have young daughters you would understand, as I understand what there father must be going through.

You don't have to walk in another man's shoes to know what they must be going through and what they would want to do to this monster.

And there is a huge difference between "want" to do and do.

I applaud the father's self-control and his focusing on the greater good.

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