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Teacher accused of trying to 'saw off' students ear: Thailand


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Poor tyke. That woman is not a teacher, and hardly a human. Allow her to stand before the parents and explain why she had to result to such barbarity.

Actually she's not. Suarez was seen arriving at Suvarnabhumi last week, with a new teaching post in prospect.


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A lot of Thai schools still use the cane and chalk throwing, which still seems accepted in Thai society if not legal, but this is ridiculous. Teacher should be prosecuted.

Throwing chalk, that's scary. At our school it would have to be whiteboard markers but they are quite expensive and can also be refilled from rather cute little ink bottles.

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Lets see a classroom of 4 yo said she did it. If you remember 4yo aren't prone to lying yet, very easy to get the truth out of them with even the smallest of push. So we have a criminal offense witnessed by 30 eye witnesses, in a public place. Ahhhh how could you 'check further into the matter?' Fire her sadistic butt, bring her up on assault charges, then hand her over to the parents. Perhaps her 'good deeds passport' should be revoked?


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A lot of Thai schools still use the cane and chalk throwing, which still seems accepted in Thai society if not legal, but this is ridiculous. Teacher should be prosecuted.

Throwing chalk, that's scary. At our school it would have to be whiteboard markers but they are quite expensive and can also be refilled from rather cute little ink bottles.

Junior 3rd year teacher -hair-bun on the back of her head, Miss, boy hater thick bamboo called jamima. 4th year ex army never wore socks, dab hand at hurling the blackboard rubber, problem it was solid wood with a felt pad.

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The entire Thai educational system needs to reformed from top to botton, and all the deadbeat, wacko teachers and administrators need to be fired ASAP.

Good grief. Thailand has soooooo many problems it is going to take years, if not decades, to fix.

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Lets see a classroom of 4 yo said she did it. If you remember 4yo aren't prone to lying yet, very easy to get the truth out of them with even the smallest of push. So we have a criminal offense witnessed by 30 eye witnesses, in a public place. Ahhhh how could you 'check further into the matter?' Fire her sadistic butt, bring her up on assault charges, then hand her over to the parents. Perhaps her 'good deeds passport' should be revoked?


Absolutely correct. 4 year olds are not prone to lying. Lying is learnt, by example, primarily at the age of six. Proven psychology. Proven psychiatry.

Dr Robert Winston made an excellent BBC docu about such. wink.png

Edited by UbonRatch
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they taste nice with garlik and fava beans snif snif snif

Should have washed it down with a nice Chianti.drinking-wine-smiley-emoticon.gif

That's what Tyson did, with his coalition of tigers. wink.png

Bruno was in the corner, and the Ref said, "Why are you hiding in the corner, Bruno?"

Bruno said, "Cos my Thai teacher told me to stand here!"

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I thought they outlawed corporal punishment in schools a few years back. Whether they did or not, she had already been put on probation. If they find that she did this, which seems likely, she should be immediately fired and arrested for mistreatment of a minor. 'Twould be nice if there were to be a follow-up story on this, but that's probably too much to wish for.

Makes me wonder if they are going to

School director Praewnapha Thamniamton said an investigation has been launched into the incident. The teacher's identity has not yet been made public.

Transfer her to an inoperative position.

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The entire Thai educational system needs to reformed from top to botton, and all the deadbeat, wacko teachers and administrators need to be fired ASAP.

Good grief. Thailand has soooooo many problems it is going to take years, if not decades, to fix.

When you say from the top I hope you are including the Collage professors who obviously are incapable of teaching their students how to teach. As I see it we will have to wait two generations before the schools have fully accredited teachers. In the mean time just do what we can to help them.

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No criminal charges? GBH of a child while under your duty of care?

Oh right, Thailand... I forgot. Enough face has been lost, let's all wai each other again and continue as before.

Before you make a post like this you may want to consider not making a post making a joke of this incident immediately prior to it.

Deacon Bell

Yesterday, 19:36

I had my ears sawn off when I was a naughty child and nothing bad ever came of me.

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I am shocked about the reaction of the school : fairness to all sides ...

How can you speak about fairness to all side when an adult person tries to cut off the ear of a 4 years old?

This is not a good way to start my day, I wish I would have never read this post.

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Thai kindergarten teachers are the most sadistic in the school, in my experience. From what I understand they believe they have to "break" the children before they go onto primary so they will behave "properly". Torture, physical and mental including humiliation are common forms of "punishment" used by Thai teachers. To me it screams a lack of self discipline and knowledge of children and the inability to cope in the profession. Thankfully, I am out the door in a few days. This teacher should be seriously punished and prosecuted, as should any teacher who has to resort to physically chastising a child.


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