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Cartoon Network Amazone waterpark announce soft opening – 31st July 2014


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So if I get this right, I have to shell out over 20,000 Baht for something that I couldn't try first?

Like an airline ticket.

The big difference is that the airline ticket indeed costs 20,000. But it's for one use. The waterpark wants me to subscribe for a full year and if I wasn't impressed after the first visit I am sitting on a pass that I used for "only" a visit worth 3,500 Baht.

Anyways, as we are all grown up individuals who can make their own decisions where to spend our hard earned cash let's leave this standing as a comment of mine. I'd rather take the family for a nice dinner for that kind of money but each too their own.

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I love these soft openings it's such a thai thing, does anyone else do it? It's like we're completely not ready but what the heck let's go get some $$$$ :-) And 1290 for 1 day really? That's steep.

Yeah, lots of places round the world do soft openings- common business practice- you do the soft open to iron out kinks, make sure everything's running smoothly. Some businesses in the USA- like those in gambling industry I think- are legally required to have soft openings so officials can observe them to see they're being run properly.

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You can always wait till the official launch and make your choice then or like you say spend your hard earned any way you like..... personally as a person who has paid out and tested the park I reckon it is pretty good value as did the other poster who who has been there

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I love these soft openings it's such a thai thing, does anyone else do it? It's like we're completely not ready but what the heck let's go get some $$$$ :-) And 1290 for 1 day really? That's steep.

Yeah, lots of places round the world do soft openings- common business practice- you do the soft open to iron out kinks, make sure everything's running smoothly. Some businesses in the USA- like those in gambling industry I think- are legally required to have soft openings so officials can observe them to see they're being run properly.

I went to the soft opening of the new Marriott in Rayong that was well worth it and much cheaper than normal prices so I think soft openings represent good value providing it is done by a reputable company...getting 17 months of use for the price of 12 at the water park seems pretty good to me too but again each to their own....

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You can always wait till the official launch and make your choice then or like you say spend your hard earned any way you like..... personally as a person who has paid out and tested the park I reckon it is pretty good value as did the other poster who who has been there

Totally agree, for someone with kids who love water we will use the park 20+ times per year and then it represents great value. Based on a full year it is great value but seems the first year we get a bonus 6 months. 1,000 baht a trip, plus food and drinks is great and excercise and outdoors for the whole family.

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If I can find an easy, cheap, way to get to Amazone from Pattaya, on public transport, I might buy an annual pass. The water park could be fun, some exercise, and a nice place to have a beer.

I imagine there are lockers to store your phone, a towel, etc. Does anyone know if locker rental included with the annual pass, or is there an additional charge?

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If I can find an easy, cheap, way to get to Amazone from Pattaya, on public transport, I might buy an annual pass. The water park could be fun, some exercise, and a nice place to have a beer.

I imagine there are lockers to store your phone, a towel, etc. Does anyone know if locker rental included with the annual pass, or is there an additional charge?

Baht bus (Pattaya/Sattahip) is just 20 Baht.

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I can get a better deal at great America or 6 flags & much better rides to boot. It is only 1000 baht if 2 people go to great America . And I live 6 minutes from the water park. It looks to me like a big traffic headache coming up! Thanks for the info but if it was 300 baht for this park I would check it out . For that price I would rather treat myself to a Lobster tail & wait till I go back to the states to enjoy the big boy rides. That & I sure would not want to be on the ride if when they found out the contractor may have got his lic. on google & forgot how to add in the structural integrity... Just Sayin.............

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  • 1 month later...

Was at Cartoon Network a few weeks ago and here's my take for anyone interested. A Thai drivers license will get you some sort of a residents discount - sorry can't remember the prices.

A lot of the slides were not open. The paint is coming off the pool floors in some areas. The walkways around the slide areas have sand all over them since the pathway slabs have only been dropped like hot potatoes during installation. There's a huge concrete area just inside the entrance that I have no idea what it's for (maybe the cringeworthy dancers or CN characters complete with bodyguards that come out every hour or so) and in true local style the same concrete has cracks developing in areas already. An attempt to at least soften the place up visually might do something positive - it looks like an open workshop area with all that cold concrete. The Adventure Zone surrounding pool has a few water 'features' that are essentially groups of 8' plastic pipes sticking out of the ground with water flowing out of them into the pool, still in their majestic off-the-shelf blue colour, not even a slap of paint - watch out for them, you won't be disappointed. The place looks like it's been cobbled together in a last-minute rush. No thought given to the decor inside or outside. To top off the civil design engineers misery when a downpour arrived there were flip flops and food wrappings floating around the 3 to 4" of rain water that had nowhere to drain to.

And topping off my list of whinges is the food - absolute tosh ! The extremely limited western food consists of fries that have the strangest taste that I couldn't pin-point and onion rings that have powder inside instead of onions. The also very limited thai food I fail to understand how they got it so wrong in taste - and none of it cheap. There was even a separate cafe offering coffees with no coffee available inside. I was so close to ordering a years pass for the family some time ago and am thanking my backside I'm a procrastinator. It's basically a failed attempt to be and finally ending up, a poor distant well removed relative to anything Disney - but still trying to charge similar.

Sorry for being so bloody negative on this but for something that has a relatively decent name attached to it and that I've been waiting so long to arrive, they've managed to make a proper baIIs of.

Here's hoping better from Ramayana.

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Even at 1200 that is about 700 baht more than it is worth for what they have up. In the U.S. this is a kiddie park pool an adult park would have slides 3-4 times higher & completed fully before opening. I just can't see the value. Dollar for dollar I think it is a burn. Hell an assisted sky dive is $100.00 out in the states & way more of a rush. They should have this priced at 800 baht for non resident & 600 for resident. This is Thailand & it costs more than anywhere in the world. Even in Indonesia the price would be the equivalent of 600 baht. I just don't get it why the park feels this is so special that it charges western prices or more for less & it isn't even completed. I would try it at 200 baht for the opening but. Lets see a Lobster dinner or a kiddie park for the same amount. I won't even try it at this price. Hell you can do a zip line adventure over the rainforest in Costa Rica that is 2 miles high for 30% of this price. Too much for way to little.

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I just can not see Thai families shelling out this kind of money very often....

The beach is almost free

Pattaya Park is not very good really but its certainly affordable...

If they cut the prices in half I think they might be a lot more successful.

After paying for transportation,tickets,food,drink,and extras I think the Baht spent can really add up.

Edited by fforest1
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The price for the one day farang ticket is just about the same price for Disney’s Typhoon Lagoon water park in Orlando Florida

Which is the largest water park in the world or close to it.....

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The price for the one day farang ticket is just about the same price for Disney’s Typhoon Lagoon water park in Orlando Florida

Which is the largest water park in the world or close to it.....

So maybe Cartoon network Amazone will be the worlds largest delusion waterpark.

You know Thailand has always the worlds largest of everything.

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  • 5 months later...

Ok so I had the occasion to take a couple of my friend's teenage girls to this water park yesterday and here Is my take on it. (I note in passing that in these 3 pages of comments, there are, if I counted correctly, 4 posts from folks who have actually been to the park and 3 of these had a generally positive impression. There were numerous posts from others who had not been to the park but felt qualified to comment on it [or at least its perceived value proposition].)

I can say that the two kids and myself had a great time. I should maybe preface this by saying that this is my first experience of such a water park attraction so I have no baseline to judge or compare it to other such parks in other places/countries of the prices elsewhere. So my comments are just based on this one park and what it offers. I had intended to just accompany the kids to the park and let them slosh around for the day and I brought some reading material intending to relax in a lounger and read. However, I found myself joining in the fun for most of the day.

The park is of a good size (again I can't compare with anywhere else), with maybe 12-15 distinct water slide runs. There are three main areas: 1. The first is a large tubular slide "castle" with maybe 7-8 individual person slides. There are slides suitable for babies with their mothers and very young children, medium height slides for older children on their own, and a couple quite high slides that are very fast runs and allot of fun. These are all intermingled in this castle like structure, which patrons can wander about in, with water jets and fountains spouting water all about. This structure also provides a shaded are where people can just lounge around at the base around it.

2. The second area is devoted to double-tube and circular tube multi-person slide runs. These are the "power" rides where small children are not allowed and the rides are quite exilerating. In fact, they were a blast...I can say now I know what is like to be a shirt in a front-loading washing machine. There are another 6-7 different runs in this area.

3. There is also a very large swimming pool attraction that also functions as a large wave pool. It alternates on maybe a 15 minute cycle of still calm swimming pool and then a raging sea. It was quite something when the wave machine reached full power, with large cresting waves and crashing surf powerful enough to knock down an adult if one didn't brace oneself. Probably some of the choppiest seas I've ever been in and I've scuba dived all around Asia. This attraction was very popular and allot of fun for both young kids, mothers and their babies, and adults. It is safe as life vests are provided for anyone wanting one (required for infants and toddlers) and the Mega Wave was closely monitored by two lifeguard at opposite ends of the pool.

4. I forgot to mention but there is also a fourth area/attraction...the Raging Rapids. I didn't do this but it's basically a stationary water rapid or small surf wave machine where people could surf or boogie board on the wave. It was big enough for 2-4 people to use it at any one time. It looked like fun.

Overall, the three of us had a great time. The is a large variety of fun slides for all ages. The park appeared to be well maintained and there were plenty of loungers and chairs for one to use for free. My only complaint would be that not all of the free loungers have umbrella cover...maybe it's because they also have fully cover cabana tents one can rent for an extra charge. The changing, shower/locker, and bathroom areas are clean and spacious. Yes, lockers are available at an extra charge but they are unnecessary...just keep your stuff with you in a bag at your chair.

There are allot of lifeguards and slide attendants present and safety seems to be a top priority. (In fact, the guards sometimes did so much whistling at kids dawdling at the base of the slides that I thought I was at the Foodland parking lot.) at the top of each slide is also an attendant who reminds sliders on proper positioning and to remove and secure any hats, glasses, etc. beforehand and only allows the next slider to enter the tube after the previous one has appeared at the base of the slide.

There is a limited food concessions area but we didn't use it...only bought some bottled water. No outside food or drink is allowed in the park (bags are searched). I would probably just eat a hardy breakfast before coming out to the park and skip the food here. Then hit McDonalds on the way back into town. A couple of other tips. Go in even numbers if possible...at least for older children/adults who will be using the power slides (# 2 above) because these rides require two people (and you have someone to carry the tube up to the top of the slide for you). Bring an extra pair of beach thongs or similar for walking over the blistering hot cement areas of the park between attraction areas. I had a waterproof Songkran type neck phone case where I kept my phone , money, and credit cards. It kept them safe and dry while on the slides and I didn't have to leave them in my bag on the lounger. Also, bring your own towels, sunshade, and anything else you would take for a day at the beach. Also, this park can also be allot of fun for adults as well as kids so you single guys/gals out there who want a fun place to bring a date or "friend" for the day I would highly recommend this place.

Now as to price and value. The price for locals (Thai and expats) is B 1300, tourists B1500. As others have pointed, at least there is no "double pricing." Yes, the price is on the high side at US$ 40-50 per person. However, I feel for the fun I had it was worth it. There is enough variety in the slides and the fun factor is high enough to spend the whole day at the park. Any kid will have a blast and if one can at all afford it I say it's worth it. At this price I wouldn't do it very often but I can see myself returning maybe once or twice a year, next time with a ladyboy friend, to enjoy this park. While certainly no bargain, it appears to me to be a safe and well run attraction and offers good value for the money spent. I in no way felt "ripped-off" or anything like that. There were a good number of people at the park but it was in no way crowded or congested. Of course, this was a weekday. There was also little to no wait to go down the slides...I put this down to the price surely keeps the number of visitors down somewhat so in a way it contributes to ones park enjoyment if you can stomach the admission price to begin with

PS: On the price, I lucked out a bit on that for as my group was approaching the ticket area, a Thai family approached me and offered to sell me a free entrance coupon they had acquired somewhere (lucky them). I think it was from his work or something and one of the family. Couldn't make so they had an extra. In any case, he offered it to me for 500 baht, telling me what I already knew that the ticket price for me would be 1500 baht. I examined the coupon, being sure to read the fine print terms and conditions and expiry dates on it that were in English and it seemed legit. I told him if I got in with it I would pay him the 500 after we were all inside the park. So I just bought two tickets for the Thai girls with me and at the entrance turnstile handed the free entrance coupon to the ticket taker and was waived in. It worked like a charm and once inside paid the man his money and saved myself a cool 1000 baht!

Edited by OMGImInPattaya
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Ok so I had the occasion to take a couple of my friend's teenage girls to this water park yesterday and here Is my take on it. (I note in passing that in these 3 pages of comments, there are, if I counted correctly, 4 posts from folks who have actually been to the park and 3 of these had a generally positive impression. There were numerous posts from others who had not been to the park but felt qualified to comment on it [or at least its perceived value proposition].)

I can say that the two kids and myself had a great time. I should maybe preface this by saying that this is my first experience of such a water park attraction so I have no baseline to judge or compare it to other such parks in other places/countries of the prices elsewhere. So my comments are just based on this one park and what it offers. I had intended to just accompany the kids to the park and let them slosh around for the day and I brought some reading material intending to relax in a lounger and read. However, I found myself joining in the fun for most of the day.

The park is of a good size (again I can't compare with anywhere else), with maybe 12-15 distinct water slide runs. There are three main areas: 1. The first is a large tubular slide "castle" with maybe 7-8 individual person slides. There are slides suitable for babies with their mothers and very young children, medium height slides for older children on their own, and a couple quite high slides that are very fast runs and allot of fun. These are all intermingled in this castle like structure, which patrons can wander about in, with water jets and fountains spouting water all about. This structure also provides a shaded are where people can just lounge around at the base around it.

2. The second area is devoted to double-tube and circular tube multi-person slide runs. These are the "power" rides where small children are not allowed and the rides are quite exilerating. In fact, they were a blast...I can say now I know what is like to be a shirt in a front-loading washing machine. There are another 6-7 different runs in this area.

3. There is also a very large swimming pool attraction that also functions as a large wave pool. It alternates on maybe a 15 minute cycle of still calm swimming pool and then a raging sea. It was quite something when the wave machine reached full power, with large cresting waves and crashing surf powerful enough to knock down an adult if one didn't brace oneself. Probably some of the choppiest seas I've ever been in and I've scuba dived all around Asia. This attraction was very popular and allot of fun for both young kids, mothers and their babies, and adults. It is safe as life vests are provided for anyone wanting one (required for infants and toddlers) and the Mega Wave was closely monitored by two lifeguard at opposite ends of the pool.

4. I forgot to mention but there is also a fourth area/attraction...the Raging Rapids. I didn't do this but it's basically a stationary water rapid or small surf wave machine where people could surf or boogie board on the wave. It was big enough for 2-4 people to use it at any one time. It looked like fun.

Overall, the three of us had a great time. The is a large variety of fun slides for all ages. The park appeared to be well maintained and there were plenty of loungers and chairs for one to use for free. My only complaint would be that not all of the free loungers have umbrella cover...maybe it's because they also have fully cover cabana tents one can rent for an extra charge. The changing, shower/locker, and bathroom areas are clean and spacious. Yes, lockers are available at an extra charge but they are unnecessary...just keep your stuff with you in a bag at your chair.

There are allot of lifeguards and slide attendants present and safety seems to be a top priority. (In fact, the guards sometimes did so much whistling at kids dawdling at the base of the slides that I thought I was at the Foodland parking lot.) at the top of each slide is also an attendant who reminds sliders on proper positioning and to remove and secure any hats, glasses, etc. beforehand and only allows the next slider to enter the tube after the previous one has appeared at the base of the slide.

There is a limited food concessions area but we didn't use it...only bought some bottled water. No outside food or drink is allowed in the park (bags are searched). I would probably just eat a hardy breakfast before coming out to the park and skip the food here. Then hit McDonalds on the way back into town. A couple of other tips. Go in even numbers if possible...at least for older children/adults who will be using the power slides (# 2 above) because these rides require two people (and you have someone to carry the tube up to the top of the slide for you). Bring an extra pair of beach thongs or similar for walking over the blistering hot cement areas of the park between attraction areas. I had a waterproof Songkran type neck phone case where I kept my phone , money, and credit cards. It kept them safe and dry while on the slides and I didn't have to leave them in my bag on the lounger. Also, bring your own towels, sunshade, and anything else you would take for a day at the beach. Also, this park can also be allot of fun for adults as well as kids so you single guys/gals out there who want a fun place to bring a date or "friend" for the day I would highly recommend this place.

Now as to price and value. The price for locals (Thai and expats) is B 1300, tourists B1500. As others have pointed, at least there is no "double pricing." Yes, the price is on the high side at US$ 40-50 per person. However, I feel for the fun I had it was worth it. There is enough variety in the slides and the fun factor is high enough to spend the whole day at the park. Any kid will have a blast and if one can at all afford it I say it's worth it. At this price I wouldn't do it very often but I can see myself returning maybe once or twice a year, next time with a ladyboy friend, to enjoy this park. While certainly no bargain, it appears to me to be a safe and well run attraction and offers good value for the money spent. I in no way felt "ripped-off" or anything like that. There were a good number of people at the park but it was in no way crowded or congested. Of course, this was a weekday. There was also little to no wait to go down the slides...I put this down to the price surely keeps the number of visitors down somewhat so in a way it contributes to ones park enjoyment if you can stomach the admission price to begin with

PS: On the price, I lucked out a bit on that for as my group was approaching the ticket area, a Thai family approached me and offered to sell me a free entrance coupon they had acquired somewhere (lucky them). I think it was from his work or something and one of the family. Couldn't make so they had an extra. In any case, he offered it to me for 500 baht, telling me what I already knew that the ticket price for me would be 1500 baht. I examined the coupon, being sure to read the fine print terms and conditions and expiry dates on it that were in English and it seemed legit. I told him if I got in with it I would pay him the 500 after we were all inside the park. So I just bought two tickets for the Thai girls with me and at the entrance turnstile handed the free entrance coupon to the ticket taker and was waived in. It worked like a charm and once inside paid the man his money and saved myself a cool 1000 baht!

Thanks for the report. What a refreshing change to all the "overpriced/I would never go there/more expensive than in XXX" posts that dominate every thread about any activity/item costing more than 20 Baht. It sounds like fun so I will take the extended family there for a day of frolicking now that the low season is upon us and the waiting-in-line time should be minimal.

Edited by MZurf
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(I note in passing that in these 3 pages of comments, there are, if I counted correctly, 4 posts from folks who have actually been to the park and 3 of these had a generally positive impression. There were numerous posts from others who had not been to the park but felt qualified to comment on it [or at least its perceived value proposition].)

Hands-on experience is not a sine qua non for having an opinion or having knowledge.

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(I note in passing that in these 3 pages of comments, there are, if I counted correctly, 4 posts from folks who have actually been to the park and 3 of these had a generally positive impression. There were numerous posts from others who had not been to the park but felt qualified to comment on it [or at least its perceived value proposition].)

Hands-on experience is not a sine qua non for having an opinion or having knowledge.

You're right...that empirical evidence stuff is so overrated.

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Well there is always Pattaya water park...Its 100 baht per person farang and Thai..

Their water slides are pretty good too.I went on the big yellow slide,its so fast it almost

scared me..

I have not been to Cartoon Network Amazone..But is sure sounds like a expensive

proposition for a family....

Edited by fforest1
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