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How much do you give to your Thai girlfriend/wife? What % of your income?


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On 07/06/2017 at 12:03 PM, theguyfromanotherforum said:

I feel sorry for my wife reading these posts. No, I don't give my wife anything, she has a decent paying job and potentially a decent inheritance. However, I wouldn't be surprised if she's aware of farang suckers giving their lazy gfs mountains of money in exchange for love which would probably make her have many second thoughts about being with me :)

Kids or not, wife should have income and not rely on farang mug to support.

Have a great day!

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Seems to be a thing. My wife is a member of one of those farang wife/girlfriend pages on Facebook. Many Thai bragging how much they get, usually around the 20-60k mark. Not uncommon to have a few men on the go also. One of her friends sisters gets 35k a month just being the girlfriend of a guy - both are under 30 years of age so the Mrs assumed it was a relationship based on 'love', as the girl's family is not 'poor'. She just bought a new car. 

Many women on the page are now at the optimum lazy level of thinking that finding a farang will be easier than actually finding a job. 

All my money goes to my kids and dogs. Although I did buy the Mrs a blender for her birthday last year to help us with the baby food. This year, well we bought a puppy at roughly the same time of her birthday, so worked out nicely lol. 

Seeing as I will probably not qualify for a pension, and her pension will be bigger than the Australian one anyway, it will be her that will be giving me a % of her income in our later years. Both clean the house ourselves, go shopping together more often than not.


I wonder what these girls are actually spending the money they get on. It certainly isn't a home loan (as obviously banks don't accept such incomes), unless eating at the best restaurant in the city every day then certainly not bills or food. I think this is where the monthly car repayments come in. 

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I met my girlfriend in Pattaya 3 years ago outside a massage shop and we all know what that means. She had been there a couple of weeks but had worked in Bangkok for about 7 years previously. She is a pretty lady so earned good money I have no doubt about that. 

We met over a few months and decided to give the relationship thing a go. I've been coming to Thailand for well over 20 years so know most of the ins and outs so was a bit sceptical tbh but in for a penny and all that. 

We had a chat and i was totally upfront about what I would and wasn't prepared to do. I knew she missed her son and family and was desperate to go home but how many say that I hear you ask.........well me too. I made it clear I would never marry or have more children but I would always be faithful. 

I give  her enough money to feed her and her son for a month.  Nothing like the sums I hear banded around on this Forum but she lives on Issan and it's cheap as chips to eat there especially with the <deleted> they eat. 

I wasn't prepared to support her parents. Yes she sent money home galore before she met me which had pretty much rebuilt their home but I don't support my parents and I'm damm sure I won't support hers, culture or not. 

After a year or so I had an annexe built on their home, as much for my benefit as hers. It cost around 200,000 but it gives me and her our own space when I go visit, and her and her son when I'm not there. It's a godsend having your own shower and tv and was worth every penny. 

Yes, I do treat all the family when I'm there and will buy food, and chip in for bills etc and I've helped them purchase animals which they buy and sell. Any money thus far has been repaid. If it weren't returned nor would I simple. For her I buy anything she needs in terms of clothes, phones and all the usual stuff. 


3 years on, things are going well. I spend about half my time in Thailand (I still work) and when I'm here I'm travelling with her all over the country to places new to us both. It is an amazing adventure so far and so far she has never complained about money or lack of, or put pressure on me to do anything I initially said I wouldn't. I am a man of my word and would never stray and have kept every agreement we made and I believe she has too. I do believe being upfront is important. I never had any doubts about her past, I could tell from meeting her she was a good decent person. If she's playing the long game and somehow thinks I will change, and I am aware many do, I will walk and it's been worth every baht. 

Applogies for rambling. 

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Well I have to answer this question although its my opinion this question should not be here.My opinion,she has a thai child,how much is he giving her?Ok you are living together and thinking of moving to Issan,she has no income,so you pay all the house upkeep and pay her 20,000,I would say you have lost your mind with that statement,you are making bullets for her to shoot.I never heard such a statement,but ok we all have a cross to bear.My quick opinion,firstly she should get no more than 6 thousand per month,she has nothing to spend it on but save,and if you believe all that you hear about helping Ma and Da in issan ,then thats up to you,she has a child in Issan are you sure she is not married over there and he may be living in the house,because it would not be a first,especially in Issan.Ask yourself some questions before you end up brokenhearted and bankrupt,of course you have to take care of your child,but be fair to yourself ASK YOURSELF SOME QUESTIONS,you are getting some advice on thaivisa please try to take it in for the sake of you and your child.You can find out most things here,many good men went down the wrong road including myself,easy to shrug it off and say they dont know what they are about,ask the questions first,but whatever in the future.good luck to you 

Edited by patrick kennedy
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  • 2 weeks later...

My wife & I have joint accounts.
We both have debit cards.
When she wants money she asked me to give her some or get some out for her.
She is quite caperble getting money out but just gets me to do it.
When she is doing something, going out with her friends, going bowling, etc she just gets my wallet and takes what she wants but always tells me.
We have been married over 29 years never had to doubt her. [emoji4]

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On ‎10‎/‎4‎/‎2017 at 7:57 PM, jeab1980 said:

How much do people married in the west to a western woman give to there wifes? What bills do you pay? 

We thats me and my wife have a joint account which we both pay into. Is it right i say you can only have x amount out of that account per month? Of course its not.

A thread like this brings out mainly the treat them mean keep em keen falang.

Personaly we have our our way of living and paying bills which is exactly the same as i did when married to another wife 8n the west. Its called being married and trust.

If you dont trust your wife/GF it begs the question why are you with them at all. Do them a favour and walk away they the women will be much better off away from those type of farang lets face it its a power trip for them. The only way they can have so called power over anyone.

I can't say why all men want to be with a woman, but IMO it's usually for sex.

However, after reading a lot of posts on here, it would seem that there are some farang men that apparently marry Thai women so they can give them lots of money and support their families as well.

Edited by thaibeachlovers
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3 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

I can't say why all men want to be with a woman, but IMO it's usually for sex.

However, after reading a lot of posts on here, it would seem that there are some farang men that apparently marry Thai women so they can give them lots of money and support their families as well.

That's there decision there money there choice. It. Just doesn't fit the TV way of thinking is all. 

Not all just want sex some want companionship.  Let's face it the sex side usually  Ieeds south after the first few months of a relationship anyway. 

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7 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

I can't say why all men want to be with a woman, but IMO it's usually for sex.

However, after reading a lot of posts on here, it would seem that there are some farang men that apparently marry Thai women so they can give them lots of money and support their families as well.

Sure there are.  And I am not saying it is bad.

Many people get much satisfaction and pride from taking care of others. Taking care of a family.

Maybe helping with medical issues or more so a better education for youngsters.

Thanks God there are some givers out there.

Good for them.



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10 minutes ago, jeab1980 said:

Not all just want sex some want companionship.  Let's face it the sex side usually  Ieeds south after the first few months of a relationship anyway. 

sex is concentrated mostly down south :smile:

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7 minutes ago, bkk6060 said:

Sure there are.  And I am not saying it is bad.

Many people get much satisfaction and pride from taking care of others. Taking care of a family.

Maybe helping with medical issues or more so a better education for youngsters.

Thanks God there are some givers out there.

Good for them.



not to forget sick buffaloes and dentures for grandma.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I read only part of this thread but it seems some people think even 10,000B a month is too much. Is it?

There is a big difference between surviving and living. Yes, it should be possible to survive of 6,000B a month up country if there is no rent to pay. But who wants to live like that? One guy complained about her "fancy coffee" for 30B per day. Are you serious? I live in Bangkok and often enough I go for a coffee which cost currently 85B in ABP. And maybe I even eat a cookie with cost maybe another 60-80B. And when my girlfriend is with me she also has a cappuccino. Is that luxury? I don't think so. If you have kids and they ask you to buy ice-cream for them do you do that? Or is that luxury they are only allowed to get maybe once a week or once a month?

I think everybody who recommends any amounts in this thread should ask himself how much he spends himself on coffee, snacks, drinks, etc. And then ask yourself if your beloved wife/girlfriend should just be able to survive or if you want that she can also buy a snack or an "expensive" coffee if she feels like it.

Obviously we can only give our wife/gf what we can afford. But everybody who truly loves her should be willing to pay more than just the amount to survive.

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8 minutes ago, OneMoreFarang said:

I live in Bangkok and often enough I go for a coffee which cost currently 85B in ABP. And maybe I even eat a cookie with cost maybe another 60-80B. And when my girlfriend is with me she also has a cappuccino. Is that luxury?

that's what i call hi-so lifestyle :smile:

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26 minutes ago, OneMoreFarang said:

I read only part of this thread but it seems some people think even 10,000B a month is too much. Is it?

There is a big difference between surviving and living. Yes, it should be possible to survive of 6,000B a month up country if there is no rent to pay. But who wants to live like that? One guy complained about her "fancy coffee" for 30B per day. Are you serious? I live in Bangkok and often enough I go for a coffee which cost currently 85B in ABP. And maybe I even eat a cookie with cost maybe another 60-80B. And when my girlfriend is with me she also has a cappuccino. Is that luxury? I don't think so. If you have kids and they ask you to buy ice-cream for them do you do that? Or is that luxury they are only allowed to get maybe once a week or once a month?

I think everybody who recommends any amounts in this thread should ask himself how much he spends himself on coffee, snacks, drinks, etc. And then ask yourself if your beloved wife/girlfriend should just be able to survive or if you want that she can also buy a snack or an "expensive" coffee if she feels like it.

Obviously we can only give our wife/gf what we can afford. But everybody who truly loves her should be willing to pay more than just the amount to survive.

Would never do it, but if someone is willing to give someone money, then a year of expensive coffees and biscuits all add up. So why not just spend that money on improving the house, investing in some transport, putting money aside for any future health concerns. If she already has all that then why does she need money in the first place - she can just go and work to buy her own coffees.


Many Thai are pretty happy with the basic lifestyle, especially if that's all they know. Surely those after more are ones who could afford it themselves previously, or are just out to use. Maybe that's why some guys put limits on how much they give. Men shouldn't pay for pure laziness of their wives/gfs not working even a part time job. 

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To all the guys who think even a <100B coffee is luxury: When you met your wife/gf did you ever invite her for a drink or a meal or coffee? Was she only entitled to that kind of luxury when you first met her? And now, maybe years later, you think she should not spend 100B on a coffee? Wow! It must be fun to live with generous guys like you.

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2 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

When you met your wife/gf did you ever invite her for a drink or a meal or coffee?

i met my wife at a wedding reception. we were both guests and had food and drinks for free. no need to waste any money. :whistling:

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2 hours ago, JLCrab said:

As long as the arrangement is that you will pay for a year's worth of expensive coffee and biscuits as long as she consumes such with her clothes off, what's the big deal?

I like the idea but I am not sure the coffee shop will allow it. Maybe it's ok if she leaves her hat on...

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On 10/22/2017 at 12:28 PM, OneMoreFarang said:

To all the guys who think even a <100B coffee is luxury: When you met your wife/gf did you ever invite her for a drink or a meal or coffee? Was she only entitled to that kind of luxury when you first met her? And now, maybe years later, you think she should not spend 100B on a coffee? Wow! It must be fun to live with generous guys like you.

Thais rarely take their wife out, only their mistress.

Wife stays home to look after the kids.


PS. I pay 25bht for coffee, Hom Coffee near Sri Pum corner in CM.

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