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Is it just me or are farangs getting out of hand in Thailand. I mean really check this guy out this guy ibsears, who posted this on the main topic forum:

" Therefore, I don't think he deserves to rot in a Thai prison. It wasn't premeditated and should be considered a crime of passion. A punishment should be applied with a jail term but nothing to long."

Crime of Passion? Ok I could see that if he just stabed her once saw the knife in her chest, felt her tender flesh give way under the blade and suddenly snaped out of it like "OMG what have I done". But no this filthy, old, pasty, deviant, scum bag POS, Stabbed her 3 times once in the arm, no doubt as she struggled to protect her self, then twice in the chest assureing her demise. Throw his A$$ under the Jail. Obviously had no sence to begin with investing money with some bar girl to open a bar...

Like Grandad used to say "Ain't no fool like a Old fool"

So cheating people out of their hard earned money is O.K.is it? Is there nothing in your life you are ashamed of and will take to your grave? I think most of us have.

I asked a Thai bar girl once before how she felt about leading the falang on in such a way as they do. Her reply was basically "You gotta have it to lose it" !

What she basically meant was this.... "To be able to give so easy surely you will be able to handle the loss with the same ammount of ease ?"

You can see the logic in her reply really.... In a Thai way..... :o

Karma, enforce a ban on prostitution and the falang and their whores will dissappear,

Edited by siam
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Wait until your are single and 64 and see if you still feel the same.

If I ever reach 64, I will not be running after 26 year old's looking like a silly old fool. :o


I do not know about the running??? :D

When I was 42 I had a 19 year old live in girlfriend back in the west, one night in the cot she said coyly "How often have you made love to a 19 year old" To which I replied "Often? Yes, recently, no" and added the postscript "Darling let me give you some earth shattering news, you will not always be 19" (in fact given your body type and lifestyle by the time your are 30 you will have 4 kids, and be a fat arsed abaandoned wife on the dole, whilst I will still have more of the things that attracted You to me). Hey Naka, did you get THAT message? In the words of Captain Maiwaring ......stupid boy" In Thailand the differnce is even stupid boys have enough cash to make them look attractive.

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Karma, enforce a ban on prostitution and the falang and their whores will dissappear,

And Pattaya. Amen to that.

This is another sad tale, a tragedy, and lives have been lost and others had theirs changed / ruined forever.

And we get a debate with too many up themselves, know-all smart-asses with the usual rants with a few voices of reason.

Nice place, not.

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loves him, is seriously delusional. It simply does not happen. :o

it does ??? am i the only older man with younger thai wife who seems to be taking her time before taking it all - maybe she does not know where to get the gun - tell me everyone how long before my younger thai wife puts boot in - ive now been waiting 5 years

still my father was 60 when i was born and my mother was 24 (he british she swiss) - also she had a lot more money than my father - my grandfathers second wife was 35 years younger than him and they lived happily for a long time together (he swiss she french)

??? am i the only one that still believes in love regardless of age difference

ill post when my ypung thai wife does the dirty

Ps: im also into lust a bit same as any normal couple :D

This theory can not be applied in Thailand, especially Pattaya.

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Wait until your are single and 64 and see if you still feel the same.

If I ever reach 64, I will not be running after 26 year old's looking like a silly old fool. :o


Famous last words ! ..... :D :D :D

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Karma, enforce a ban on prostitution and the falang and their whores will dissappear,

Siam & Ollie

You two obviously have plenty of money in your pockets to hold a view like that.

Maybe Karma will come and visit you two some day.

Hope so. :o

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Sad story for everyone but so typical. Usually not so fatal but farangs getting conned by bargirls are regular occurance in Thailand especially to lonely and unattractive old fools.

Over the years, I have seen many fools getting screwed royally up the ass. These fools doesn't learn until they experince it personally.

Pattaya attracts the world's biggest and loneliest fools and jackasses on the planet earth and it's not going to change now or in the future.

And YES, it will happen again. It's just matter of who's next. :o

Edited by Gary74
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Sad story for everyone but so typical. Usually not so fatal but farangs getting conned by bargirls are regular occurance in Thailand especially to lonely and unattractive old fools.

Over the years, I have seen many fools getting screwed royally up the ass. These fools doesn't learn until they experince it personally.

Pattaya attracts the world's biggest and loneliest fools and jackasses on the planet earth and it's not going to change now or in the future.

And YES, it will happen again. It's just matter of who's next. :o

As long as it's not me!! But then again I'm not going to buy a bar and condo for anyone soon!

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Karma, enforce a ban on prostitution and the falang and their whores will dissappear,

And Pattaya. Amen to that.


Yeah, banning prostitution really works ! What a joke.

As this is being heatedly discussed in another thread already (again), Briton Arrested for Killing Thai Girlfriend

this puppy should be put to rest.

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Some harsh assumptions here naka et al. Age is irrelevant, in fact I would bet the younger are duped more often. Who are we to be judgemental.

I believe age is very relevant here. A young woman who hangs out with a

man old enough to be her grandfather is only in the relationship for one

reason ... money.

Hardly surprising she would seek other 'company' when sugar daddy is not about.


Im with Naka on this one ! All you 50+ plus guys with Thai birds less than half your age, your gal does not love you, and please dont try to convince us otherwise !! :o

So Taxin what you are saying is that at 50 years of age that`s it...over...sex life finished...thrown on the scrap heap.....can`t provide or perform like a younger man....... You are joking surely....or you don`t have a clue. Probably the latter.

For your information many Thai ladies prefer to make their lives with older men for a number of reasons.....not the least being security, stability and experience.... unfortunately it seems in this case if what we read is true this lady took him for a ride.

So stop telling all the gentlemen on here that because they have a partner much younger that they are not loved......or is it that you are unable to pull a decent lady.....or is it that you bat from the other side??

Life after 50 over ??... Absolutely not (at least I hope not) !

But thinking that a Thai bird less than half your age loves you ?.... Well I stand firm your honor, not a chance !

You're wrong on this one. Although the odds are stacked against the relationship working out, over the years I've encountered several relationships where there's a big age difference and the girl is definitely dedicated to the guy in question.

The common thread was the girls either not being part of the bar scene or having been in it only a very short time. Also the guys live here which helps a lot, as they can see each other every day and there's less temptation, lonliness, etc.

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Well, well, well....I am Thai woman and have been living with my Australian husband who is 16 years different for 10 years. We met in Thailand when I was 25 and we still love each other. Talking about the gap between us...YESSS it's HUGEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.... but that doesn't mean we don't suit. IF you love each other, do you think the gap is matter? The answer is " NO" !!! You just need to work harder to meet your needs.

I feel sorry for the old guy and don't blame him at all, in fact, the Thai girl deserved 10 pineapples in her arse before she was stabbed !!! :o

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Dave Thailand

Who (or which posting) are you referring to, please?

What is your oppinion?

Various posts.

Basically any post containing-

Pattaya prostitute, scam, cheat, sad old man etc etc.

Details were given by the press which in Pattaya does'nt mean that how it happened, i would'nt be surprised if she tried to do him and he defended himself.

A the end of the day the girl is dead and the guy's tried to kill himself and you you get is idiots going-

Sad old man, pattaya cheating prossie etc.


Hmm, yet you are suggesting the girl may have tried to 'do' him.

What is different about your comments and those of the posters you decry and label as idiots...? :o

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It is complete nonsense to say that an age gap of 20 years or more between husband and wife can never work.

In Victorian times in England, it was extremely common for middle class men in their late forties or early fifties to marry a woman in her late teens or early twenties. I dare say this also happened in other countries. There were many reasons for this which I won't go into, but the fact remains that it is a relatively modern phenomenon for people to look down on "age gap" marriages, and automatically assume that the man must be some kind of perv.

I have listened to UK radio programmes where people call in on this subject and the most common reaction is that the man must be perverted to do such a thing - this is between older English men and young English women - nothing to do with Thailand.

Ironically, in Thailand, where there no such culture of calling the older men pervs, (not by Thais, anyway), such marriages are in fact more acceptable, (as they used to be in England). Don't forget that there are plenty of older Thai men who also marry very young ladies as well.

Where there is a large age gap between husband and wife, allowances have to made by both parties in the relationship (e.g. the man is unlikely to want to go clubbing every night, and the lady might not be interested in playing bowls or bridge or whatever), but that doesn't mean that the marriage cannot be based on love and that the couple can't have a deep, loving, caring and happy relationship. There must be literally millions of couple, all over the world who could pay testimony to this.

I would be the first to agree, that a majority of the "age gap" marriages that are to be found in a place like Pattaya, between ageing farangs and young prostitutes, are probably doomed to failure and disaster, but that doesn't mean that it is impossible for such a couples to find true happiness and love. I know of a few, and I'm sure most old timers on this forum also know of several such successful marriages along these lines.

Not every Thai prostitute is a heartless, money grabbing bitch, and not every ageing farang is a fat, beer swilling, naive, idiot.

Most, maybe, but not all. :o

Edited by Mobi D'Ark
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Some harsh assumptions here naka et al. Age is irrelevant, in fact I would bet the younger are duped more often. Who are we to be judgemental.

I believe age is very relevant here. A young woman who hangs out with a

man old enough to be her grandfather is only in the relationship for one

reason ... money.

Hardly surprising she would seek other 'company' when sugar daddy is not about.


Im with Naka on this one ! All you 50+ plus guys with Thai birds less than half your age, your gal does not love you, and please dont try to convince us otherwise !! :o

So Taxin what you are saying is that at 50 years of age that`s it...over...sex life finished...thrown on the scrap heap.....can`t provide or perform like a younger man....... You are joking surely....or you don`t have a clue. Probably the latter.

For your information many Thai ladies prefer to make their lives with older men for a number of reasons.....not the least being security, stability and experience.... unfortunately it seems in this case if what we read is true this lady took him for a ride.

So stop telling all the gentlemen on here that because they have a partner much younger that they are not loved......or is it that you are unable to pull a decent lady.....or is it that you bat from the other side??

Nice one Pattaya Fox These young fools think that they know it all I wonder if they will abstain when they reach 50 years of age? or infact only chase the old ladies? One t6hing is for sure they are comming to Pattaya for one thing only, could it be that they are jealous of these older guys with lovely young girls on there arm?

My wife saw it on tv last night and told me about it she said that the girl deserved all she got and that the guy would get off if he had a decent lawyer as in Thailand it would be deemed a crime of passion, and my wife is 26 as well.

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It is complete nonsense to say that an age gap of 20 years or more between husband and wife can never work.

Spot on Mobi.

It strikes me that many of the dissenters may be a tad envious? :D

A school of thought on age difference to which I subscribe offers an ideal age for your female partner as half your age plus seven, or thereabouts.

No doubt some of the diehards will cringe at the thought... :o

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A school of thought on age difference to which I subscribe offers an ideal age for your female partner as half your age plus seven, or thereabouts.

No doubt some of the diehards will cringe at the thought... :o

When you think about it though,

If you were 16, the ideal age for your g/f would be 15 (8+7).

If you were 24, it would be 19. If you were 40, it would be 27 and for a 60 y.o. the ideal age would be 37.

Not that radical (then again, I'm 45 and the current soon-to-be-ex is....younger than 29.......by a few years........to say the least) :D

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Shouldn't the younger guys really be back home in their own countries chasing their own women?

What is their reason for living in Pattaya?

Nah, the young, hot women back home are looking for older, rich guys to take care of them. They don't want poor, young punks that can't give them the lifestyle they'd like to become accustomed to.

The older, mature women, are looking for young studly hunks, which leaves the majority of the "less handsome" guys out in the cold (or looking for love in places like Pattaya) !!

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I wonder how long he knew her before buying her a bar and condo. Apart from that who in their right mind would buy their GF or wife a bar in Pattaya. But however bad she was he had no right to kill her. As far as comments on age difference girls in Pattaya etc let me give you this thought. When I married my Thai wife who is ½ my age most of her friends (all genuine university students or from good homes) kept asking me to introduce them to my friends. Anyway one of them who will be nameless kept pestering and my wife being computer literate helped her put her name on a marriage site. She’s a nice girl, has a good degree and works in a large co in BKK earning about 20,000 baht a month. I warned her (I mean my friends wife) that not all forang were good and also warned her of cultural differences etc. So I asked her did she want to marry a forang for herself or to help her family. She said both and admitted in end her family would always come first. I asked her why she did not want a thai man. She said most are no good. I asked her what she thought of me and my wife’s age difference. That’s a well educated Thai girl with good job and salary. Most of you who have been here some time know about cultural differences. For example from birth most kids here are taught they will go to hel_l if they don’t do everything they can for their family.

In my view 80% of thai/forang relationships fail. Not because of age so much as because of culture. I’ve said in a previous post I am happily married to a Thai half my age and we have a lovely child. Before I decided to marry her I obviously asked her why she wanted to be with a man twice her age. Her answer because she knew I loved her and would care for her. Shes very non thai I’m a silly old git but I believed her but to make sure I put 1 million bath in a bank account in her name and waited to see if she just took it. She never touched a bath for 2 years. I told her it was all I had in world and I wanted to show I trusted her. ?? what would I have done if she just took it and vanished ?? just been sad but would have considered it a cheap escape compared with having a wife I could not trust. And yes I got million back when I asked for it.

Of course if it had been a bar girl in Pattaya 10,000 baht would probably be plenty to test her.

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If he was a thai man from thailand and she was a brit from uk, and he invested in the white lady, who then decided to leave him, would we still think the same?!

No matter whether or not she was from Pattaya, and regardless of the age difference, conning a person and worse playing with their hearts and emotions, will only end in such a result. She played with his emotions to get the love and money, so what did she expect when she tells him to f*** off, him to simply say ok and bye, or have the same intensity that he had with love when he set her up. These girls should learn to stop playing with fire, otherwise they will get burnt, I feel sorry for the old chap. Everybody has a crossover point, and another stupid BG made him cross it.

Many TGs play on a farangs naiveness of being a ###### and con artist in the moral sense. & i dont think he should have known better, he was just living his life with his heart and mind too. These TGs are con artists who can easily give their bodies and souls to man if the price is right, until they get bored or get the majority of what he has to give.

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If she did swindle him out of all that money then Im glad shes dead. and Ill happily spit on her grave :o

Hes obviously not the brightest chap in the world either

Why would you want to spit on the grave of

Someone you have never met, you nothing about and

has done on harm to you.

Do you do this sort of thing in the very very small village you live in.

Would you do this if one of your family members killed someone.

Think you got a screw loose mate.

Remember someone is dead, it?s not something to poke fun at or make

nasty comments about.

We are not judge and executioner here, well hope not.

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No matter whether or not she was from Pattaya, and regardless of the age difference, conning a person and worse playing with their hearts and emotions, will only end in such a result. She played with his emotions to get the love and money, so what did she expect when she tells him to f*** off, him to simply say ok and bye, or have the same intensity that he had with love when he set her up.

:o And how exactly do you know all this?

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Thta is of course unless they are a young fool!


well said - I want one of these young studs to answer why my mother ages 24 (Swiss) married my father age 60 (English) and she had more money than him - but as I tell my sceptical friends I only married my Thai wife for her money and she only married me for my body - still its still working after 5+ years and has been a dream compared with the last 15 years of my previous marriage in UK - so guys why did my mother 24 with loads of money marry my almost bankrupt father age 60 and why did my grandfathers second wife 24 years younger than him marry him (he Swiss 74 she French 40) ???

but ive got an agreement with my lovely younger Thai wife she says I can find a younger wife after 30 years - only 25 years to go I hope super viagra has been invented by then - but I reckon ill stay with my current wife

Have a nice life - don’t listen to prats and go with your heart but let your head have a look in so you don’t do something really stupid

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Dave Thailand

Who (or which posting) are you referring to, please?

What is your oppinion?

Various posts.

Basically any post containing-

Pattaya prostitute, scam, cheat, sad old man etc etc.

Details were given by the press which in Pattaya does'nt mean that how it happened, i would'nt be surprised if she tried to do him and he defended himself.

A the end of the day the girl is dead and the guy's tried to kill himself and you you get is idiots going-

Sad old man, pattaya cheating prossie etc.


Hmm, yet you are suggesting the girl may have tried to 'do' him.

What is different about your comments and those of the posters you decry and label as idiots...? :o

Just saying that it could be so, My idiot comment was based on the BG/ old man bashing.

not aimed at either just saying that the story might not be accurate. :D

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If she did swindle him out of all that money then Im glad shes dead. and Ill happily spit on her grave :o

Hes obviously not the brightest chap in the world either

Why would you want to spit on the grave of

Someone you have never met, you nothing about and

has done on harm to you.

what do u mean I know nothing about, Im saying if its true she stole an ol mans heart and life savings she doesnt deserve to be on this planet

Do you do this sort of thing in the very very small village you live in.

I dont live in a village and I made it clear I doint agree with this behaviour

Would you do this if one of your family members killed someone. no

Think you got a screw loose mate.

Why? because I would spit on the grave of an evil woman who ruined an innocent mans life?

Remember someone is dead, it?s not something to poke fun at or make

nasty comments about. Because shes dead we cant make nasty comments? thats ridiculas, Adolf Hitler, the 9/11 suicide bombers , surely even you have said nasty things at dead people..?

We are not judge and executioner here, well hope not

Edited by hopeless
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Hes obviously not the brightest chap in the world either

Why would you want to spit on the grave of

Someone you have never met, you nothing about and

has done on harm to you.

what do u mean I know nothing about, Im saying if its true she stole an ol mans heart and life savings she doesnt deserve to be on this planet

Do you do this sort of thing in the very very small village you live in.

I dont live in a village and I made it clear I doint agree with this behaviour

Would you do this if one of your family members killed someone. no

Think you got a screw loose mate.

Why? because I would spit on the grave of an evil woman who ruined an innocent mans life?

Remember someone is dead, it?s not something to poke fun at or make

nasty comments about. Because shes dead we cant make nasty comments? thats ridiculas, Adolf Hitler, the 9/11 suicide bombers , surely even you have said nasty things at dead people..?

We are not judge and executioner here, well hope not

Your off you head


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