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Is bike theft a big thing in Chiang Mai?


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Our neighbour had his Trek road bike stolen from outside a 7/11 south of the city in PaDaed yesterday. Very distinctive USPS colours. He's been to the police station and reported it obviously. He posted the full details on here yesterday, but it looks like it got modded off for some reason. So I was wondering if anyone else on here had had a similar experience or knew of other cyclists who have had bikes stolen, and did they ever get them back? And also just a friendly reminder to lock your bike even if it's only going to be out of your sight for a couple of minutes.

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I have a Trek also - never leave it about & have 3 cable locks for the two bikes + U locks as needed........plus have a car bike rack that can be secured/locked.....

While I have heard of of only one theft I'm sure they do occur more frequently....one time we rode down to the local market held about a mile away fro our house....we pulled in & I noticed a man in a truck that had started up to leave the parking lot about 100 feet away stop the truck and lean against the back of it when we pulled in & parked the bikes....my wife really wanted to go with her shopping but I felt it not safe to leave the bikes - I initially started to walk but then decided to I stayed with them....he stood and watched - once it became apparent she had left to shop and I wasn't going anywhere he got back in his truck - started up - backed out and drove away.....there's no doubt in my mind we would have walked back home......

Tell your frind to watch the 2nd hand CM on FB and other resell ads....but I think he's out of luck.....someone knew what they were grabbing....let's face it no one is going to get challenged riding a bike down the street.....

Edited by pgrahmm
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Bicycles are very attractive targets because the serial numbers are rarely registered, recorded or checked.

Kind of like having a super hot girlfriend. Have to keep your eyes on them 24/7.

It's so easy to repaint a bike or part it out. Even if you knew who stole it then they might be friends with police etc.

I never leave mine unattended but really I'm more concerned with getting flattened by a vehicle.


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I've had a few decent - 10,000 baht - bicycles over the years and have never had a problem, but I always lock them and try to park them somewhere I or someone else can see them. Theft is not nearly the problem that it was back in San Francisco, but it is certainly possible.

I try to lock them to something if I can, but I often park in front of a restaurant where I am eating or quickly dash into a convenience store and only lock the wheel to the frame. Maybe I have been lucky, but they were always there when I returned.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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It would be great to get a decent bike for 10,000 baht. But many of the bikes people leave outside 7/11s are worth far more than that: Up to 250k and more. So yes be careful and if you spot this bike tell the police because the guy who lost it cycles most days and is absolutely devastated. People who steal things seem to have no inkling of the emotional damage they cause. I know of 3 bikes stolen this year alone: including a very pricey one from outside of VeloCity.

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My Trek was stolen in 2008 near 3 Kings Monument. I still find myself looking for it. A 22.5 inch, too big for 99% of Thais. I was about 8500 thb. Who knows, if might have saved my life......lol. Motorbike theft is a problem, too. That is more related to being close to Myanmar....they will cut through pretty big locks.

I knew someone who was knocked off his bike with a baseball bat in SF......I kept my Marin indoors......

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I am a trek owner as well and the same 7/11 is my local so i will keep my eyes peeled over the next few days.

If it was just ridden away then it could still be in the vicinity but if it was loaded onto a pickup then slim chances of recovery.

From the post yesterday i recall it was blue but not much other detail not sure what upsp colours are.

So if i spot it what does the real owner look like and does the bike have any recognisable additions.....lights speedo rack mudguard bell drop handles or straight.

I ask about the owner just incase the bike is recovered over next few weeks

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I don't worry about bike theft in CM like I might do in the UK. The risk of theft is much lower in Thailand than the UK. I did buy a second hand bike from Niyom Panich about 14 years ago for 600 baht. A bit of a clunker but useful and a bargain price I used to leave it unlocked outside the house every night. After about 8 months someone stole it. No big deal but even that 600 baht bike was attractive to some desperado.

Now I have much better bikes but my bike that I use for the local market and around town has chinese lock built into the back wheel. Fine for 7 11 or 5 or 10 mins in the market. I lock it every time as it very easy to lock. If I go out on my specialized or better bikes I have a large u lock but really I don't leave those bikes anywhere. If I do they are always in sight.

I will keep my eyes out for the Trek but at 250k it may be sold separately. Wheels, chainset, seat etc may start appearing on thaimtb.com or sold cheap to locals.

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I've had two bikes stolen in CM. First time was 100% my fault. I was drinking then, and left it parked in the alley across from Kafe Bar on Moon Muang. No lock! Took a tuk tuk home. Woke up the next day, walked downstairs at my hotel, and then remembered....Too late. You could hardly even class that one as theft. Was a major factor in deciding to permanently "plug the jug," so that was a plus.

Then I bought a replacement, and cable locked it to a utility pole in the alley behind Hotel M/Thapae Gate. Sunday night, walking street market, thousands of people around. When I came back, the neatly cut cable was laying on the ground, next to the pole. I had owned that bike for thirteen days. Obviously somebody was walking around with bolt cutters. They would have had to do the cut in the presence of a crowd, and walk the bike out of the alley, past the ever-vigilant Tourist "Police".

Both of these bikes were cheap "LA" brand hybrid style, made in Thailand, with a nice flashy paint job, but low end...cost new 6500 baht.

Now I have a well used Trek, that I lock up with a stouter cable everywhere I go. Even though it is old and non-flashy, I'm much more attached to this one, so I am more careful now.

Lock it or lose it. And make sure the lock is substantial. There's a video on youtube, showing how to unlock a Kryptonite u-lockwith the barrel of a throwaway Bic ball point pen.

Chok dee. Crime never sleeps, even in our beloved friendly Chiang Mai.

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Dante encountered thieves in the "Eighth Ring of Hell". There the condemned were tormented by reptiles whose bites caused monstrous transformations.

Don't believe all that but sure there is some serious Karma due bike thieves.

I have been lucky occasionally leaving one of my bikes unlocked momentarily popping by 7/11.

I would be absolutely wrecked if it got got snaked, not expensive but unique build-up. The pricey one never leaves my sight and is stored indoors.

Finding something to secure to is often a problem. Just locking the wheel to frame presents a crime of opportunity to anyone who might just throw it in back of a pick-up and drive away.

Edited by arunsakda
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There are a few Facebook pages such as "Second hand Chiang Mai" and "Chiang Mai buy, sell, swop" It's worth checking the pages out and also placing a comment (with photos) asking people to let him know if they see it for sale, maybe offer a small reward. It's a long shot but better than doing nothing and there's no cost involved.

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hello, it was my bike that was stolen and as my neighbour says i was "modded out". i did post a full description of the bike and a photo but was advised that it could not be posted because of rule 22, which i am sure you are all familiar with..

the c.m.p.d. arrived on the scene and took details. i later went to pra sing police station with a photo of the bike and to sign some paper work.

the case was assigned to a detective who was going to have a word with the some of the local "dodgy geezers".

i was most impressed by the chiang mai police in the handling of the situation and they seemed genuinly concerned that i get my bike back.

unfortunatly the only real witness is not saying anything, the dog that lies outside 7/11.

i am the eternal optimist and feel that i will get my bike back.

thanks to the people who have offered to loan me a bike in the mean time.

take care when leaving your bike unattended.

happy cycling,


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the case was assigned to a detective who was going to have a word with the some of the local "dodgy geezers".

Now that is something you would never see here in the States. Cops will maybe have you fill out the paperwork before putting it into the shredder.

Bike theft is just too common an occurrence.

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So your talking about a bicycle......hahaha I thought a motorcycle....I wouldn't even pay 10 grand and your saying some cost 250 grand....without a engine..???

I bet my Huffy from Walmart will do what those do.....60 bucks usd....took me to Khon Kaen and back many times over the years 60k round trip

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Wow, that bike stands out in a crowd. It is so distinctive looking, they will almost have to take it far away from CM, or, unfortunately, tear it down for your mods. I'll keep an eye out. Whenever I see a bike of that quality, it is zooming by me very fast with a guy on it fully decked out in Tour de France type riding gear. Don't know if it's still happening, but there there used to be a group every Sunday morning leaving from Thapae gate for a group ride. These were guys with serious gear like yours. Might be worth talking with them if that is still going on.

I hope it turns up.

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This is the bike that was stolen.

I'll definitely keep an eye out for Jerry's bike in my travels around the city. Sorry to hear he lost it.

I've got a 10K + bike. I always lock it to something solid unless it's in physical proximity to me. They're just too easy to steal even if you lock the front or back tire to the frame. Too easy to pick up, throw into a car or truck, and cut the lock off later at your leisure. But that's just me. The lock I use isn't going to stop someone with motivation and a pair of bolt cutter, but it will keep honest people honest. lol

Edited by connda
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Don't know if it's still happening, but there there used to be a group every Sunday morning leaving from Thapae gate for a group ride. These were guys with serious gear like yours. Might be worth talking with them if that is still going on.

It is still at Thapae gate every Sunday.

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So your talking about a bicycle......hahaha I thought a motorcycle....I wouldn't even pay 10 grand and your saying some cost 250 grand....without a engine..???

I bet my Huffy from Walmart will do what those do.....60 bucks usd....took me to Khon Kaen and back many times over the years 60k round trip

If you think 250,000 is too much how about over 1 million baht ?w00t.gif


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So your talking about a bicycle......hahaha I thought a motorcycle....I wouldn't even pay 10 grand and your saying some cost 250 grand....without a engine..???

I bet my Huffy from Walmart will do what those do.....60 bucks usd....took me to Khon Kaen and back many times over the years 60k round trip

Yes - real bikes.

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So your talking about a bicycle......hahaha I thought a motorcycle....I wouldn't even pay 10 grand and your saying some cost 250 grand....without a engine..???

I bet my Huffy from Walmart will do what those do.....60 bucks usd....took me to Khon Kaen and back many times over the years 60k round trip

If you think 250,000 is too much how about over 1 million baht ?w00t.gif


"Somchai look, man! Some farang just left his Aston Martin bike unlocked in front of Tesco Lotus! Get over there and act casual, and I'll circle back around with the pickup!"

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