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UK Visit Visa Interview

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My girlfriend is expecting her telephone interview in a week or so for her UK visit visa.
What will they ask her?
What information will she need to memorise in readiness for the interview?
How should she respond when asked about our relationship and the holiday at this time?
How long will the interview be and how brutal are they with questions?

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"For non-student applications UK Visas and Immigration will conduct interviews if deemed necessary during the processing of your application by UK Visas and Immigration." http://www.vfsglobal.co.uk/thailand/frequently_asked_questions.html

As far as I know most visit visas are issued without interview, what makes you/your girlfriend think she will receive a call?

Coaching should be avoided, she should answer all question honestly, if she did not fill out the application herself then she should have given truthful information to the person who completed it for her and they should not changed any of the facts, then she should be able to answer all questions correctly, so she should not worry about it, I would go as far as to say ECO's are trained to detect coaching, inconsistencies and evasive answers.

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Ok, but what questions will they ask if they call? will she be expected to give an in depth description about what she will do in UK? Will she be expected know all the UK addresses in full? Will she be expected to know the names of my family members?

If so then obviously I will need to translate all the UK info into thai for her so these details are ready for her if the phone interview does happen.

If not will she just receive all the docs given at the appointment along with a yes/no in the post to her address?

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It's highly unlikely that she would be called, ECO's tend to make a decision on the strength of the evidence provided.

If there is concern about any evidence they might call the author of that evidence, for example if there was a letter in English from an employer confirming that a job would be left open they could feasibly call that person and would expect the conversation to be in English.

I've never ever known an ECO, or one of their Thai staff, to call an applicant and quiz them on the details of their proposed trip. Mind you just because I've never known it that doesn't mean they wouldn't, but I don't recall ever reading on this forum.

ECO's are not out to trap people, if the application is genuine and the applicant is in the loop, it's her application remember, then she should have nothing to worry about.

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In the highly unlikely event that they do call, then as long as the information in the application is true and as long as her answers are true; no problem.

If she doesn't know the answer, she should say so.

Most settlement applicants aren't interviewed these days either; but back in 2000 my wife was.

We still remember the questions she was asked, not word for word, but along the lines of:

"Where will you be living?"

"With my husband's parents."

"What is their address?"

"I don't know."

"What are their names?"

"I don't know; he calls them Mum and Dad."

She got her visa.

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As stated above, a phone call is not usual unless there are specific questions that need to be answered. If there is a phone call it should be in Thai or an interpreter available so the language issue should not be a problem.

Not a bad thing to make your girlfriend fully aware of your address (perhaps the only thing to coach her with!). It is very common for an immigration officer to ask where someone is going to stay. Not a problem if you are travelling with her, of course.

Where will you be staying? Why are you travelling to the UK? What money do you have to pay for your stay? All commonly asked so make sure your girlfriend has this information on hand just in case!

The Entry Clearance Officers are quite aware of language limitations and don't expect an applicant to be absolutely word perfect on anything. At the border make sure she has your contact phone number!

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There'll be questions at the border when she arrives but I'm 99.9% sure there'll be no interview for the application itself.

She might be questioned by UK immigration at her port of entry; most visitors aren't.

She should keep all the paperwork submitted with her application in her hand baggage so she can show it to the Immigration Officer if required.

If you are travelling with her then go with her through the non UK/EEA queue.

If she is travelling alone, then, as Bob says, make sure she has your mobile number so the IO can call you if necessary.

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Good advice above. I walked through the non UK/EEA gate with my wife in March this year and the Immigration Officer couldn't have been more pleasant. We had a laugh and a joke and were waved through without her having to say anything. They are pretty skilful at detecting who are dodgy and who are genuine. The main thing with the process is having all the paperwork in order to accompany the application. That is the key to the whole thing.

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