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lets have a happy topic. Who all still loves living in Thailand?

Franky Bear

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Firstly you are dichotomising the situation, just because people criticise the place it doesn't mean they don't like living here, you also use the word "love" which again is exclusive of many people who are happy to stay here.

The other possibility is that you are one of those people so cut off from reality you have not the slightest realisation of what is going on around you........ whether irt is human rights, politics social depravation human trafficking etc etc...... things that any right-minded person would be at least concerned about.

These things i do shut off to as i cannot change them. I see it all the time, so used to it.

do you have any idea how lame that sounds??

I could care less what you think. I enjoy my life immensely and in no way will i ever let things i can't control effect it.

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Been here 16 years and have been scammed is so many ways. Many friends lost everything due to the cunning Thai's, and have retuned to their home country broke.

One thing they are good at is getting the money out of you, and then when you are broke they say, adios amigos.

If I had to do it over again I would chose Malaysia. My days here are numbered.

They're the fool then. These things only happen to weak minded people

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Firstly you are dichotomising the situation, just because people criticise the place it doesn't mean they don't like living here, you also use the word "love" which again is exclusive of many people who are happy to stay here.

The other possibility is that you are one of those people so cut off from reality you have not the slightest realisation of what is going on around you........ whether irt is human rights, politics social depravation human trafficking etc etc...... things that any right-minded person would be at least concerned about.

Hummmmm..Are you talking about Thailand..or the US?.....Well...probably not, because Americans are not only cut off from reality...are in denial too.

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There is a dark side in any country. What happen in USA crime rate? Or in England, We can not judge the country be few instances. I live in Thailand for almost 5 years and I had been threatened many times by our Western who think Thailand is their country and all the rest are outsiders. Unfortunately the only thing they do is to get drunk and then you should be lucky not to come on their ways.

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If you are content with good food, warm weather and low cost of living, Thailand is great.

Doing business there not so much due to that whole dark side thing. The dark side thing gets in the way of good business, business that should reside in Thailand but is still in China. The current regime has made doing business that much tougher for both Thais and outsiders. The Thai people are capable of doing great things and should not be hampered.

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If you are content with good food, warm weather and low cost of living, Thailand is great.

Doing business there not so much due to that whole dark side thing. The dark side thing gets in the way of good business, business that should reside in Thailand but is still in China. The current regime has made doing business that much tougher for both Thais and outsiders. The Thai people are capable of doing great things and should not be hampered.

As i said i live here, i don't earn here. That's a different thread

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What person with a healthy mind does not enjoy Thailand; the freedom, an abundance of healthy food and water in Bangkok, with reasonable prices for all, not to mention beautiful women. The BTS and MRT are wonderful public transportation avoiding street traffic.

Thailand has escaped most of the horrors of war. As I recall, during World War II the intense fighting in the south lasted for about one hour. Compare that to the horrors in neighboring countries that lasted for many years.

Anyone that complains currently, needs to study history and current events around the world. Paying particular attention to tax increases, violent protesting, economic retreats, war, natural disasters, Police beat downs and more.

Be happy!!

If you are complaining, exit Thailand for a wake up and refresh and you will return soon.

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Name me 1 country with no unsolved brutal murders. Name me 1 country where police is always flawless in catching suspects. Name me 1 country where justice always prevails.

There is just a load of cranky farangs here in Thailand, that should be better off in their homelands.

More than happy to live here, I'll never leave again.

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7 years now

. making good money, living in a nice house, but NO!

I find this smile to be a fake and helpfullness? have never seen it to be genuine and free.

Overall i always find the Thai to be rude and unconciderate to anyone or anything else including their own friends, family and children.

I am concidering leaving Thailand despite of having a good running business here.

All the murders, political chaos and corruption has never bothered me , it is purely the antisocial way of the Thai people making me want to leave.

They are to me the most impossible people i've ever met and i don't know if their stupidity and unwillingness is much longer bearable.

For sure i foresee no good future for this country. One that is unwilling to learn and progress and more concerned about the loss of their face than to solve real issues.

So no i no longer love living here. The more i get to know the people, the less i love being here

Edited by myluckythai
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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

OP, I'm happy that you are happy, so that makes us all happy.

I'm very happy living in Thailand as you are happy too.

Is that enough happiness in the air?

I still love living in Thailand despite the fact that I am about to return to New Zealand.

I love this place, I love the people.

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I had to return to the UK after 14 years in Thailand due to the anti-government protests and subsequent coup causing our business to crash and supporting my personal choices for not wishing to live under a dictator and blah blah blah. As it happens the coup was a blessing for me as I have an illness that I wouldn't have been aware of until it was too late! I'm having treatment and once I'm clear and democracy has returned I will return (I have a missus and kid etc) But I thoroughly enjoyed living in Thailand, sure there are challenges for us farang with visas - but those problems are less than the Thais have regarding visas in the UK. My brother is emigrating to Canada, he has a Canadian wife, married for 20 years and living in the UK. They have a house bought and paid for in Canada, great CV's, my brother is at the top of his industry and makes over £1,200 per day contracting and his wife makes £350 a day in the same industry. They will be cash rich when they arrive in Canada with in excess of £1 million (proceeds of house sale etc in the UK). He is going through hell with the visa. He applied in February and the Canadiam imigration have asked for more papers that cannot possibly provided! Thailand visas are easy compared to Canada and the UK for example... It's terrible what's happening with this double murder and I've had more than my fair share to say about it but when you compare what's happening in the UK with drummer Rigby having his head cut off in broad daylight in S. London these thing seem mild... Plenty of fresh fruit, plenty of fresh fish which although like the rest of the World the prices have risen, it's all still cheap comparing to Oz or Europe! Count me in as a happy camper who has learned not to get irate about things I cannot personally change!

Great post

It's a sore one with your business, but you don't sound biter at all.

Hat Tipped


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I have only been here four months. I am in my seventies and live with my GF (46) that I met thru a Thai friend in the states. I love it here. I am in Chiang Mai and thought that I would spend a lot of time meeting and socializing with like minded farangs. But I have met so many wonderful, friendly, helpful Thais that I don't really go out of my way to find Farang friends. Sure there are challenges and adjustments that I have had to make but that is one of the things that make it interesting and rewarding. My Thai woman makes my life very good.

Good luck to you :)

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Been here 16 years and have been scammed is so many ways. Many friends lost everything due to the cunning Thai's, and have retuned to their home country broke.

One thing they are good at is getting the money out of you, and then when you are broke they say, adios amigos.

If I had to do it over again I would chose Malaysia. My days here are numbered.

A few of them at the market stalls have probably done me out of a few baht too, little bastards.

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Hello to the OP

Colours and tastes (notice I spelled it C O L O U R, as you are a britt) are personal. To each the perfect one.

Personaly, I never ever loved Thailand for a lot of reasons, the main being I am a weak person and there are so many temptations here.

To the question : Why are you still here after 15 years? there is only one response : In my own country it is almost impossible for a man of my age (53) to get a decent job with decent wages; while here I am 'upper managment', not because language skills (I barely speak or write english, and I speak 20 words of thai), but because I am an hardworking seasoned IT professional.

So while I do NOT love Thailand, I am hugely grateful to that country and to the its inhabitants to have offer me of 2nd chance, and the capacity to show my qualities. For that, Thailand and Thai people did earned my respect (respect and love are 2 differents matters, not related).

the bottom line, I will not retire here, but come for extended vacations when I will be in age of stop working.

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wilcopops, on 30 Sept 2014 - 10:07, said:
PaulHamon, on 30 Sept 2014 - 10:04, said:
Braddockrd, on 30 Sept 2014 - 09:56, said:

Thailand is a third world country masked by a prolific tourist industry that markets a deceptive picture of the country.

I would say that Thailand is growing wealthy country that is deceptive pictured as a 3rd world nation.

the only people who think Thailand is a "third world" nation don't know what "third world" means or don't know Thailand. By any definition it isn't.

thailand is a wealthy "developing" country......and it will soon be regarded as "developed".

Yeah, just look around and see how "wealthy" it is....NOT.

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Yep. It's awesome.

I seem to live in a different Thailand to many of the people who post here, though.

Same here mate. It's easy to block out the bad and embrace the good......very easy

I don't block out the bad. Well, I did when I first moved here, almost 25 years ago.

Every country has its bad and its good sides. And what is bad and what is good is for every individual to decide for himself.

So, I made the list, comparing Thailand to my home country and to some other countries I know. The bottom line was that Thailand is best for me.

That's the rational dimension, On the emotional dimension, I feel homesick for Thailand when I'm on a long trip overseas. "Long" means over two weeks. I love it here.

You have just given me an idea for another topic similar to this one, will be up shortly.

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Bizarre thread with similar boring posts with one ney sayer who's ugly take ruined all the love put forth by all the off shore workers. How many posters are living in finer home here than they would be back in their home countries? How many have hired house keepers, gardeners and drivers?

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Bizarre thread with similar boring posts with one ney sayer who's ugly take ruined all the love put forth by all the off shore workers. How many posters are living in finer home here than they would be back in their home countries? How many have hired house keepers, gardeners and drivers?

You can &lt;deleted&gt; off aswell.

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I love Thailand and I regret I didn't moved here younger to get into new businesses, and a new way of life called "sabai...sabai"

You may not agree, it is OK, These are reasons why I like Thailand......and its old generation's people...comparing with the US.

I understand than many of these may be reason to dislike Thailand to people with very different culture....specially for the younger ones. Young people, even Thailand's youngs, do not appreciatte much its own traditions and culture....

In Thaland..with rare exeptions..and considering my own experiences and observations in the last 4 years.

Families are very united and help their members and friends in any way they can...

Families are very conservative, and honest when following Buddhist teachings...

Poor people have many options to live well and with dignity, because self employment and small business opportunities is supported by the government without so much regulations, and it is the source of income for the larger part of the population.

Poor and uneducated families may live in poverty, but not in misery or in slavery situation.

Poor and homeless people live on the streets if they wanted. Government and Religious institutions offers shelter and food for unlimited time. Abandoned children, even from border countries, get protection from other families or from Buddhist temples.

Thailand offer good business opportunities for young people with enterprenour mind...and without so much investment...

Teachers in Government Schools are an example how the Government helps members of poor families to to obtain education and become professionals, also offering a secure long term employment with full benefits.

Social Security benefits for enrolled people and Government employees, are a lot better than many "developed" countries, even the US. Most Thailand's Government employees get over 60% of the last salary in its retirement checks after 35 years of service.

Crime and safety problems are comparable with most world countries.

Government corruption is comparable with most world countries.

Government services and burocracy is better than most world countries.

Bank services are better than most world countries.

Credit is more available than most world countries. Interest rates are lower than most world countries.

Real Estate values and rent values (in non tourits areas) still lower than most world countries.

Ratio between the $300US/month official minimum salary, and cost of living index is better than most world countries. (Average house rent value on non turistic areas is about $100/month....and average house value is about $20,000)

If you do not believe in this numbers, comparing with your way of life in your country...it is about PERCEPTION.

In many "developed:" countries is a wide difference between classes and in some cities, specially in the US, that is more clear. If you are no poor, live in a nice house, have a nice job and a nice car, probably you will not see any homeless people around, and nobody living in misery.

That will be your perception of reality. That will make you not well suited to be a critic of other countries and cultures.

By the way...I just live in America 17 years....and I had encounter there some of the "problems" I encounter here with some people, some business, some institutions, some women, some men, some foreigners, some bosses, some coworkers.....

If life is perfect..probably is also boring. I am never bored in Thaland....Thanks God.

Edited by umbanda
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Thailand is a third world country masked by a prolific tourist industry that markets a deceptive picture of the country. The Thais that smile at you do so because you give them money, you make them uncomfortable or they think you are a white buffalo. They have no interest in you, where you come from or your culture. In fact they have no interest in anything other than their repetitive food. The question is, why are you so happy? The expat, semi expat or refugee population in Thailand is predominantly male and middle aged. Query what makes them happy. I understand why you love Thailand after spending 28 days in an oil rig, but having visited 100 countries I would expect that there would be at least 50 in the list that have more interesting things to offer than Thailand. I worked there for 3 years. I am happy to be away.

this is a highly inaccurate perception on Thailand and grossly cover estimates the "expat factor" - common in many occidento-centristic assessments.

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