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Cellar slave girl: Salford couple must pay victim US$160,000


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Part of their defence in court was that they were moderate but devout Muslims and what they did was not wrong under Sharia law.

I rest my case.

7by7, you ever get tired of being wrong?

This couple may have used their religion as an excuse; but excuse it was.

Not only is slavery illegal in the UK; it is illegal in all Muslim countries.

But people of all religions are still the perpetrators of this crime as well as the victims.

But you don't care when the criminals are not Muslim.

As has been shown in many other topics, you and others of a similar mind set will use any excuse to demonise all Muslims and justify your bigotry.

No doubt nothing I or anyone else says will ever change your ignorance.

Oh, and I'm sorry that my having a life, family and job means that I am unable to sit 24/7 at my keyboard so I can instantly respond to you.

Edited by 7by7
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Is this the type of behaviour we should expect from 'moderate' Muslims?

It appears IS's treatment of women has some support in northern British towns.

This, and crimes like it, are heinous and the perpetrators deserve severe punishment.

But to use it as another excuse for Muslim bashing is disgusting; particularly as there is no evidence, other than the couple were originally from Pakistan, to suggest that they are Muslim. Not all Pakistanis or immigrants to the UK from Pakistan are Muslim.

I notice you refrained from commenting in UK man forced into 'modern day slavery' and in Women 'held as slaves for 30 years' in London.

Could it be because in both cases the criminals, or alleged criminals in the second case as it has not yet come to trial, are not Muslim and so you could not use them to promote your bigotry?

Here you go again...............gawd.........blink.png

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Part of their defence in court was that they were moderate but devout Muslims and what they did was not wrong under Sharia law.

I rest my case.

7by7, you ever get tired of being wrong?

So if the same thing was done to them, they wouldn't have a problem with it.

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Your life may be so empty that you are glued to this forum 24/7, whether by smartphone or any other means.

Mine isn't.

You're the one with over 13,000 posts.thumbsup.gif

Ouch! :lol:

7x7 is making a career of looking foolish on this thread.

Edited by H1w4yR1da
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Your life may be so empty that you are glued to this forum 24/7, whether by smartphone or any other means.

Mine isn't.

You're the one with over 13,000 posts.thumbsup.gif

Ouch! laugh.png

7x7 is making a career of looking foolish on this thread.

Since August 2008; which averages around 6 per day.

Not that many.

Also, the vast majority of those posts are not in the news forum posting ignorant bigotry; but are in the Visas and migration forum offering what I hope was useful advice to those seeking UK visas.

(Sorry, Scott. Last from me here unless someone has an intelligent remark to make about the topic.)

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I have sympathy for both points of view.

Pakistanis have always had a poor reputation. Likewise, Arabs, Jews, Blacks in Africa and some Mediterranean societies. Ask any bar girl which men are the best customers and which are worst and I bet her answer will reflect generally held beliefs about particular countries. I don't see this as 'racism' but simply an observation of how we see these peoples behave.

Muslim-bashing, like Iran-bashing and Putin-bashing, is a reflection of the relentless media vilification, by the Empire's handmaidens, demonising targeted countries and communities, so they can blow up more brown babies. Now there is racism writ large. The mass murder of defenceless third world nations by 'civilized' nations. This vilification, focuses on extreme incidents which aren't a reflection of the prevailing moderate societies, in order to 'manufacture consent'. Those who echo these media memes are ignorant. They don't realize that by buying into the meme, they are facilitators of the murder that follows.

None of these 'bad' peoples, including Pakistanis, will ever inflict as much death and misery on mankind as the 'good' mainly white, Judeo-Christian Masters of the Universe, who have perfected 'divide and rule' to create conflict and turn peoples against each other. Those who are only too willing to bash Muslims should instead take a good long look at the actions (not the words) of their own 'tribe', who have slaughtered millions in cold blood and who are still doing it. How does a young girl being kept as a slave compare to us blowing up a child via predator-drone? Do we have any right to sit in judgement, when we ignore the lack of morality within our own 'tribe'?

Racism is a relatively new word. The charge of 'racism', like 'anti-semitism' is a tool, which can be used to bash anyone who.. for instance.. protests the flooding of their country by mass immigration. Or who might be concerned about the dilution of their own national or 'tribal' identity.

The truth is not racist. It is simply the truth.

Edited by Choctastic
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Since August 2008; which averages around 6 per day.

Not that many.

Also, the vast majority of those posts are not in the news forum posting ignorant bigotry; but are in the Visas and migration forum offering what I hope was useful advice to those seeking UK visas.

(Sorry, Scott. Last from me here unless someone has an intelligent remark to make about the topic.)

You might want to rethink this part of your post.

"Also, the vast majority of those posts are not in the news forum posting ignorant bigotry"

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