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European diplomats voice concern over Thai media's presentation of news


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About time . . . hope it has "some" positive effect . . . but I doubt it very much sad.png

Don't worry, the good General will step in and "put their two feet in one shoe."

That's a Greek expression that means ""He will put them in their place."

No thank you's required.....the education is provided free from me.thumbsup.gif

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Huummmm, European want to curb press freedom in Thailand, coffee1.gif

I hate school holidays.

They were never for the benefit of students---always teachers rest -as we used to say. Count the number of Sat Sun---religious days-royal days-voting-and a host of other excuses---and most of these days happen to be on Fridays and Mondays. ??

My neighbours-( teachers) are hardly at work, what a fantastic life of part timers. This reflects the standard of education also.

Presentation of news ???? or should it be CONTENT ??? amazing topic heading.

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Huummmm, European want to curb press freedom in Thailand, coffee1.gif

No, the Europeans want to ensure that next time someone's child is brutally murdered pictures of their mutilated spread eagled bodies are NOT exhibited for the titillation of the less civilised denizens of this particular country blink.png

I find such images disturbing too because I didn't grow up with press that showed such things but would suggest they not read Thai news if they don't like these images. I find Fox News more disturbing and hurtful to people but I have the choice to watch/read or not.

To be clear, I have no problem with them speaking and bringing up such concerns but just not their place to say it is wrong simply because SOME news here may do such things just as some news is completely rubbish in their country;s too.

Edited by JohnThailandJohn
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About time . . . hope it has "some" positive effect . . . but I doubt it very much sad.png

Concern is not just limited to graphic photo's.

The PM is rightfully gagging some factions that are organized gang disruption. Not the norm opposition.

Reflect back on the Shins stranglehold with their paper Thai R T, a true propaganda press, together with the TV stations----short memories.

I post this to remind posters that it is not a new trend here. Graphic pics were always great news ----look at the people that stand and stare at an accident scene, taking photo's of a person headless-legless etc.

Gagging should also be extended to those within the government, including the general, who happily make comments on behalf of other governments etc without any authority to do so and in the face of normal diplomacy.

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About time . . . hope it has "some" positive effect . . . but I doubt it very much sad.png

Concern is not just limited to graphic photo's.

The PM is rightfully gagging some factions that are organized gang disruption. Not the norm opposition.

Reflect back on the Shins stranglehold with their paper Thai R T, a true propaganda press, together with the TV stations----short memories.

I post this to remind posters that it is not a new trend here. Graphic pics were always great news ----look at the people that stand and stare at an accident scene, taking photo's of a person headless-legless etc.

Gagging should also be extended to those within the government, including the general, who happily make comments on behalf of other governments etc without any authority to do so and in the face of normal diplomacy.

Maggie went through the same sort of era. We still need the nutters like Skinner--Benn-Enoch, keeps people on their toes.

Better than spending most of you allotted term out the country.

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About time . . . hope it has "some" positive effect . . . but I doubt it very much sad.png

Don't worry, the good General will step in and "put their two feet in one shoe."

That's a Greek expression that means ""He will put them in their place."

No thank you's required.....the education is provided free from me.thumbsup.gif

Nah, more likely they will fart their testicles :>

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About time . . . hope it has "some" positive effect . . . but I doubt it very much sad.png

Concern is not just limited to graphic photo's.

The PM is rightfully gagging some factions that are organized gang disruption. Not the norm opposition.

Reflect back on the Shins stranglehold with their paper Thai R T, a true propaganda press, together with the TV stations----short memories.

I post this to remind posters that it is not a new trend here. Graphic pics were always great news ----look at the people that stand and stare at an accident scene, taking photo's of a person headless-legless etc.

Gagging should also be extended to those within the government, including the general, who happily make comments on behalf of other governments etc without any authority to do so and in the face of normal diplomacy.

Maggie went through the same sort of era. We still need the nutters like Skinner--Benn-Enoch, keeps people on their toes.

Better than spending most of you allotted term out the country.

As I remember Skinner, Enoch, Wedgie Benn and now Galloway spent their time attacking the British Government, the system, former colleagues and their own / old party.

They didn't take time to quote other governments etc saying everything was wonderful because they were too busy pointing it it wasn't.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Huummmm, European want to curb press freedom in Thailand, coffee1.gif alt=coffee1.gif width=32 height=24>

I hate school holidays.

They were never for the benefit of students---always teachers rest -as we used to say. Count the number of Sat Sun---religious days-royal days-voting-and a host of other excuses---and most of these days happen to be on Fridays and Mondays. ??

My neighbours-( teachers) are hardly at work, what a fantastic life of part timers. This reflects the standard of education also.

Presentation of news ???? or should it be CONTENT ??? amazing topic heading.

As a point of fact Thai teachers have fewer holidays than their western counterparts. During the long holidays from March to May (2 months/ US long holiday June-September = 2 months) teachers are expected to go in to work and use the time to prepare for the next school year. In essence they get 2/3 weeks actual holiday in this period.Western teachers are not expected to attend school during the holidays. Yes, they have week-ends off, but so do western teachers and they celebrate another 16 public holidays during the course of the year, as do all civil servants and bank employees.

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As I remember Skinner, Enoch, Wedgie Benn and now Galloway spent their time attacking the British Government, the system, former colleagues and their own / old party.

Maggie went through the same sort of era. We still need the nutters like Skinner--Benn-Enoch, keeps people on their toes.

Better than spending most of you allotted term out the country.

They didn't take time to quote other governments etc saying everything was wonderful because they were too busy pointing it it wasn't.

Negative politics. Boring as can be, but it always works on the chattering classes.

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No, the Europeans want to ensure that next time someone's child is brutally murdered pictures of their mutilated spread eagled bodies are NOT exhibited for the titillation of the less civilised denizens of this particular country

Well, since no such photo appeared in the Thai media this time, my own guess - and it's the future, so I don't KNOW this - but my own guess is that they won't appear in the Thai media next time either.

These interfering nannies from the dying continent don't even know what they're talking about. The ridiculous Mark Kent didn't even know where to go to wring his hands, and went off to the NBTC, who give away 650-baht coupons and have NO power over the content of news programmes - instead of just asking someone, "Where can I go to vent?" Mr Thepchai would fall on a bed of nails over a bed of burning coals before he would ever publish such stuff. Why are they pouring out their sensitive hearts to him?

These people are truly clueless and massively unhelpful. No one but websites published such photos from Koh Tao. And the one standing, dependable website that does it, that has been linked from this very forum, is in Europe. It has all the nice crime, beheading and accident photos that some people love to see.

Yes, Thais look at horrible photos too. So do the dozens of members of the Official Thai Visa Committee on Horrified, and then link to them for the pleasure of others. It's not at all nice, but it's human nature. No Thai media, no western media, no Timbuktu media has published such photos. The ambassadors, I guess, are justifying their jobs. Or trying to.

Let's hope some influential European reporter picks up the scent of these interfering envoys of utter uselessness and exposes their supercilious whining to their public. (S)he could public this list of all the Thai media that published the graphic photos of the Koh Tao killings. Here it is, in full:


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Huummmm, European want to curb press freedom in Thailand, coffee1.gif

No, they want them to act like responsible journalists instead of lapdogs obeying a political master just like every other organisation in this country.

ABOUT TIME TOO. The press need reform as much as anybody.

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They should maybe start by telling their own media how biased and manipulative are. Most media in Europe and states are in hands of same lobby.

This colonialist mentality should stop from western governments and many of their citizens who need to wake up and stop trying to show others what they should do.

Well said !

Learn to deal with the reality,and that's what people here want to see.

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Huummmm, European want to curb press freedom in Thailand, coffee1.gif

I wonder if you will be of the same opinion if you lose a loved one and pictures of their dead mutilated body are printed uncensored in the press. Perhaps you will then think that human decency does not equal a curbing of press freedom.

Edited by Carrerakiss
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The fact that a collective of western Embassies found it necessary to present such a letter, to the 2014 Thai News Media directorate(s), is indicative of the general state of immaturity prevailing in the "overall" Thai cultural mentality.

Personally, I'm already of the conclusion, that such a letter is nothing more than an effort in total futility. My reasoning, and considered opinion is thus: "It is totally impossible to pour reverse osmosis treated H2O, into a Made-in-China glass drinking cup, that is already filled to the brim with unchlorinated faucet water."

As the late John Lennon, so eloquently wrote, in the song "Let It Be"coffee1.gif

Edited by TuskegeeBen
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Huummmm, European want to curb press freedom in Thailand, coffee1.gif

No, the Europeans want to ensure that next time someone's child is brutally murdered pictures of their mutilated spread eagled bodies are NOT exhibited for the titillation of the less civilised denizens of this particular country blink.png

I find such images disturbing too because I didn't grow up with press that showed such things but would suggest they not read Thai news if they don't like these images. I find Fox News more disturbing and hurtful to people but I have the choice to watch/read or not.

To be clear, I have no problem with them speaking and bringing up such concerns but just not their place to say it is wrong simply because SOME news here may do such things just as some news is completely rubbish in their country;s too.

What is being asked for is merely a degree of "kreng jai" -consideration for others. A much promoted facet of Thainess, yet, in reality an often alien concept.
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