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British stars speak out against dog-meat trade's cruelty: Thailand


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British stars speak out against dog-meat trade's cruelty

The Nation


BANGKOK: -- Thailand's Soi Dog Foundation has some of the biggest stars in Britain speaking out against the dog-meat trade in a video that starts with a warning about its "distressing" content.

Dame Judi Dench, Ricky Gervais and two of the stars of the international-hit series "Downton Abbey" - Laura Carmichael and Phyllis Logan - give voice to the "I Never Knew" campaign in the moving (and, yes, distressing) three-minute video that drives home what you probably didn't want to know. But of course you should know.

"I didn't know that these innocent creatures are crammed into cages so brutally that their bones almost break, so tightly that they can't move, and that they're trapped like this for the smuggled journey, which can take days," declaims Dench, the acclaimed star of stage and screen. Meanwhile you see footage of a truck loaded with dogs presumably on its way to the slaughter grounds.

"Many of them are stolen pets," explains Gervais, the comedian turned actor who hosted the Oscars a couple of years back. A lot of the pooches don't make it, of course, crushed, suffocated or dying of hunger and thirst along the way.

We've all winced at Western jokes about dog meat being on the menu in Thailand, knowing it's only eaten in far-flung places on the Northeast frontier, or else the mutts are scooped up for Vietnamese consumption. So we don't do anything about it. The Soi Dog Foundation wants us to do something.

"I didn't know about this unimaginable cruelty, and neither does the majority of people in Thailand," says Gervais. He notes that many of the dogs do get rescued and that shelters exist for them in the Northeast, but the government offers no funding, so the money can only come through donations to SoiDog.org.

The foundation has initiated a petition asking the government to halt the dog-meat trade and so far it's drawn 423,000 signatures. Head to the website and add your name - and you might also like to adopt a rescued pooch while you're there.

To see the video, go to YouTube and punch "gerA3kWXEz4" or "luSggyByBMQ" into the search line.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/life/British-stars-speak-out-against-dog-meat-trades-cr-30246525.html

-- The Nation 2014-10-30
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There needs to be a nationwide culling of the dogs and then a system put in place where stray dogs are taken off the streets. However, much like the West, people need to be held personally responsible for looking after their dogs.

Most dogs that go into rescues in USA/UK end up being euthanised anyway!

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Animals can die without suffering. Not impressed by the views above, hope the dogs keep you mmiserable.

I worked in an abattoir back in OZ and I know that there is a better way to slaughter animals in a far more humane way.

There also needs to be a concerted effort made to go around to villages and de-sex dogs free of charge.

One thing about the video I disagree with is the claim that most Thai's don't know about this practice, wrong! they do know but most don't care. and there's money to be made.

There is NO humane way to slaughter animals for eating.

Ever wondered why meditation is so much easier when one is a vegetarian?

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Saw them transport dogs in plastic bags over the Thai border into Cambodia. It was horrific.

What needs to happen, which will NEVER happen in a place like Thailand, is dogs and cats need to be registered. Registration fees should differ greatly between neutered / spay'd pets and those that are not. Sadly the rest will need to be culled.

During my time in Thailand, I took my dog on numerous walks and had little trouble with stays. What areas are strays the worst ?

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Animals can die without suffering. Not impressed by the views above, hope the dogs keep you mmiserable.

I worked in an abattoir back in OZ and I know that there is a better way to slaughter animals in a far more humane way.

There also needs to be a concerted effort made to go around to villages and de-sex dogs free of charge.

One thing about the video I disagree with is the claim that most Thai's don't know about this practice, wrong! they do know but most don't care. and there's money to be made.

There is NO humane way to slaughter animals for eating.

Ever wondered why meditation is so much easier when one is a vegetarian?

Is that because the aroma of frying bacon makes it impossible to concentrate on anything? smile.png

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