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Bangkok’s Bible Thumpers

John K

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If the "anti-christain" comment is directed at me, I dare you to find any comment by me anywhere on the internet where I denied any individual thier right to believe in the supernatural. Christian or otherwise.

Just simply pointing out the zealousness of your cause. In which you have assisted me greatly. Hate on dude, your free. :o

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my older brother is a 'bible thumper' - he's been married and divorced 6 times, and has 5 kids - none of which he's ever paid support for. His reasoning; "When I divorced the woman, I divorced the kids.'

The one woman I dated who was an arch-Christian (in California) had this to say about her 3 ex-husbands: each one, in turn, sexually abused one or more of her 4 daughters. Two of her ex's were preachers. When she got so fed up, she dropped her girls off at grandpa's - and found out later, grandpa got nasty with the girls also. (oh, and grandpa was a retired preacher, in case you're wondering).

To the self-confessed 'bible thumper' who had the courage to contribute to this discussion, I say: Apparently what you believe is good for you. Ok, go ahead and get together with your like-minded buddies and go at it. Just don't impose on me and others. I've studied Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism and a host of other beliefs and have settled very comfortably with SCIENCE AND NATURE. I don't push my beliefs on others. If someone approaches me for a conversation, ok, we can talk.

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Just simply pointing out the zealousness of your cause. In which you have assisted me greatly. Hate on dude, your free.

...and my cause is???

Read my last two posts again, and your post somewhere in the middle; now, try and imagine some sort of sarcasm in my tone. Try really hard. What was I trying to say, hmm? If you can’t quite make it out, it’s OK too, we don’t discriminate here. At least most of us don’t.

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the bible thumpers are there at the entrance of nana plaza and soi cowboy because they are irritated by the behavior of people going to gogo bars looking at girls dancing like they do.

yes, I agree they have the right to parade and preach their beliefs. do I enjoy their sermons? no.

if you want to open up their eyes to the negative effects of their preachings, do the following...

go to the churches, or the any other religious temple, bring a few gogo girls along, and have them dance in front of their places of worship, and see how they will react.

I know how the muslims would react. but it would be interesting to see if the christians will allow that sort of behavior.


there is no freedom of speech in the house of the lord whether it be muslims or christians. there is only THEIR way, and THAT is the problem with them.

did you know that most wars in history were committed because of some religious excuse?

religious intolerance - the problem.

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I routinely see the 'bible thumpers" outside NEP. I have spoken to them many times. They are NOT mormons, but 'christians'; a catch all phrase which includes too many religious doctrines & interpretations to mention.

Because Thailand's Buddhism beliefs allow for differing views; here in the glorious "Land 'O Thais" they are quite 'tolerant' to other religious beliefs. While the article eludes me, I read Thailand was one of the first S/E Asian countries to allow foreign missionaries on their soil.

Corporate religion; which is what most western religions have become and 'selective and/or blind adherence' to any religion are some things I find distasteful.

I think Morgan Freeman summed it up succinctly in a line from a movie he did in 2003 based on a Stephen King novel called Dreamcatcher;

"God is just an imaginary friend for grown-ups."

IF you need something like that in your life to get you thru the day, good for you; DON'T EVER assume it is something I need in mine.

The bible thumpers seem to hurt no one and for the most part seem to be as genuine as a 'bible thumper' can be.

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I routinely see the 'bible thumpers" outside NEP. I have spoken to them many times. They are NOT mormons, but 'christians'; a catch all phrase which includes too many religious doctrines & interpretations to mention.

Because Thailand's Buddhism beliefs allow for differing views; here in the glorious "Land 'O Thais" they are quite 'tolerant' to other religious beliefs. While the article eludes me, I read Thailand was one of the first S/E Asian countries to allow foreign missionaries on their soil.

Corporate religion; which is what most western religions have become and 'selective and/or blind adherence' to any religion are some things I find distasteful.

I think Morgan Freeman summed it up succinctly in a line from a movie he did in 2003 based on a Stephen King novel called Dreamcatcher;

"God is just an imaginary friend for grown-ups."

IF you need something like that in your life to get you thru the day, good for you; DON'T EVER assume it is something I need in mine.

The bible thumpers seem to hurt no one and for the most part seem to be as genuine as a 'bible thumper' can be.

Bangkok’s Bible Thumpers, What do you think about them?

There harmless thats what i think.

At least you are free to "thump " the bible should you wish, unlike some other currently topical religous volumes.

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Just read the whole thread. Interesting.

I'm a Christian living in Pattaya working for a Thai foundation. I would never describe myself as a missionary (a) because it's not biblically correct to do so and (:D because of the negative connotations of which there are numerous examples above. I actually agree with a lot of the negative posts above. My usual response to questions about my work is, 'there are a lot of people in Pattaya that are having a good time - enjoying the party, but there are a number who are not. There are a number who are hopelessly addicted to whatever, desparate and suicidal. Jesus said, 'it's not the well who need a doctor but the sick'. Most, if not all, of the posters here seem to be well (even if it is in their own eyes) and have no need of a doctor, thank you very much. They have it sussed, they know there is no God, no heaven, no hel_l, no judgement etc. They are in control of their own lives and are happy that way. Great!!! It is not my job or any other Christians job to convince them of the existance of God.

(Having said that there is a place for street preaching - it is a direct commandment in the NT.) My personal opinion is that it is a matter of motivation. I've been around long enough in the world of Christian service to know that a lot of ministry is done with selfish motivation. Not necc. money-grubbing, although that does go on. But more like, trying to score brownie points with God. Even if it's more than that and it is a genuine attempt to obey the commands of Jesus. It still lacks something, which is what most of you are reacting to.

For me, I'm fed up of people destroying themselves - killing themselves, thai's and farang. This city just chews people up and spits them out. Be it drugs, the 'party-scene', gambling etc. young people are dying hopelessly every day. And not too many people really care. Well, I do. God rescued me from a filthy hole a decade or so back and my understanding is that if He could sort my life out then He can certainly sort out a few of Pattaya's hopeless lives as well. In case you hadn't noticed Buddhism doesn't work - in fact no religion works. That was one of the fundamental messages of Christ. I agree with all of you anti-religion posters, I'm probably more anti than any of you. However, a revelation that Jesus actually was who He said He was and a subsequent heart change in light of that revelation does work. It can change the most horrible, depraved and broken life into one that has meaning and value that lasts.

Don't want to preach :o but did want to add my two penneth.

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So the question is, what do you think about The Bible thumpers who visit the night life venues, are they hurting or helping their cause?


Seen 'em doing their rounds for a long time.

Some of them I suspect get a vicarious thrill at entering the bars and others are just on a mission. :o

The question also begs...why do so many U.S. university seniors doing graduate work in fields like Foreign Studies get assigned to write papers on the 'conditions' in Pattaya?

It's all just an exercise...

Edited by Boon Mee
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What good can come from religions? Which intelligent person can believe (believe = accept without evidence) all the things these Bible, Koran, Talmud people claim?

George W. Bush says he believes in "Intelligent Design" when he is the living prove that this idea is absurd.

For intelligent people, who would like to really learn something, visit this web-site:


and listen to what scientists have to say.

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I'm just a regular sinner, run of the mill, nothing spectacular. I've visited various churches in my life, usually for weddings, funerals and christenings. I'm not a rabid non believer but I'm only impressed by the people who actually do things in the name of God, such as: the late Father Ray Brennan who ran the Pattaya orphanage for many years and selflessly lived for his beliefs by helping children in need. He even managed, without preaching to get me to help out there for a week or two; that was a true miracle. He was not a street preacher, nor did he ever criticise the way others choose to live but he was smart enough to know that talk alone doesn't help much. People like Ray are usually so low profile that hardly anyone recognises the good they do. IMO that man should have been made a saint. This kind of Christian commands my admiration.

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I have read this thread from start to finish, and an surprised that it has managed to go for 7 pages without turning into a slanging match, or getting too insulting.

I am a christian, and firmly believe that we are judged on our actions.

If i want to influence peoples lives, i choose to do it by the way that i live.

I am not perfect, but do try to lead a good life.

If people want to know why i live my life in the maner that i do, they are welcome to ask, and i will tell them.

I do not believe that standing on a street corner, preaching to those that mostly do not want to hear, will help them.

It only serves to further strengthen their resolve to reject christianity, in most cases.

There are so many out there that are wanting help, and there are a lot of good people selflessly helping them.

My hat goes of to them.

To me they are real christians. They put the needs of others, before their own needs.

They work in a thankless environment.

All of the people mentioned in this thread, who are like that, seem to be admired by all, whether christian or not.

The world needs more people like them...

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I can't stand them they are like poison to societies that do little more than to be divisive self serving, manipulative bastards...they and the murderers who call themselves Muslims in the south (who are also inciting a peaceful group to revolt) need a one way ticket too...................damm I can't even think of a place I despise enough to send them too....:D But some where far far away :o...T'noon t'noon..

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I have read this thread from start to finish, and an surprised that it has managed to go for 7 pages without turning into a slanging match, or getting too insulting.

I am a christian, and firmly believe that we are judged on our actions.

If i want to influence peoples lives, i choose to do it by the way that i live.

I am not perfect, but do try to lead a good life.

If people want to know why i live my life in the maner that i do, they are welcome to ask, and i will tell them.

I do not believe that standing on a street corner, preaching to those that mostly do not want to hear, will help them.

It only serves to further strengthen their resolve to reject christianity, in most cases.

There are so many out there that are wanting help, and there are a lot of good people selflessly helping them.

My hat goes of to them.

To me they are real christians. They put the needs of others, before their own needs.

They work in a thankless environment.

All of the people mentioned in this thread, who are like that, seem to be admired by all, whether christian or not.

The world needs more people like them...

Oops I guess because I hadn't woken up yet. The world dose not need more pepole like that who seek to push off their relgious belifes off on others and corrupt and divide otherwise spirtualy harmonious communities.

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I find them rather comical - good for a laff. The ladies get a good kick out of them too, trying lure them in. Anyways I get the strong impression once they finish their shift - they prob change clothes and then end up in said bar. Pretty much a sham!!! :o

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What good can come from religions? Which intelligent person can believe (believe = accept without evidence) all the things these Bible, Koran, Talmud people claim?

George W. Bush says he believes in "Intelligent Design" when he is the living prove that this idea is absurd.

For intelligent people, who would like to really learn something, visit this web-site:


and listen to what scientists have to say.

I like the line about George W.

Checked out the website. No surprises really, the God v. science wrestling match has been going on a long time. The debate usually polarises into two camps of opinion quite quickly and is a stalemate from that point on. IMHO, it takes as much faith to believe what the scientists say as it does the Bible. In fact, since the emergence of post-modernism, science has really become a religion with the scientists preaching a new scientific doctrine complete with a liturgy of core 'beliefs'. The majority of people have already made up their mind that they don't like God, so they will automatically side with the scientists without really taking an objective look at their claims.

Of course, there are an equal number of websites from qualified and respected scientists who have turned their back on many of the core claims of macro-evolution etc. because it is bad science. Too much of a rush to prove their isn't a God, me thinks.

Personally, I think God is still quite secure about His existance and what we, scientists or bar-room philosophers, think about it will not make a single iota of difference in the long run.

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I'm not particularly fond of missionaries of any stripe. I figure if they want to invade the nightlife zones and proselytize, you guys in those zones should take your, um, ladies to the churches and hang out as you would normally do. Fair's fair! :o

Had a strange caller at the door the other day,. a fellow rang the bell, when i answered he said " would you like to be a jehovahs witness ", well i says " im sorry but i didnt see anything ' and sent him on his way ,,.. ###### cheek !

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I can never cease to be amazed by those that claim that they see a sky pixie. There IS NO GOD.

Why can't other people see that.

As for bible thupers or , as I call them, the just plain deluded, if they took themselves to darkest Issan, where many of the girls they scare are from, and did someting worthwhile, instead of scaring them, I may have a tiny amount of respect for them.

If I was out and father Tony and his mob started with their nonsense I would have to tell them, if it became 'physical' then all the better.

The PROOF that god has never existed can be summed up in 3 words. Hitler, Bush, Muslims.

When creationists do there "AHH! HA! You cant prove your point so that is the proof of god", rubbish. I always want to ask, when you are a kid and there is a strange knock or bang that you cant explain, is that proof of monsters in the closet?

Once again! THERE IS NO GOD. I hope that helps.

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Christians, Muslims, Jews, Buddhist and every other religion are all the same to me. They have some good moral teachings but thats about it. I think religions should be banned. They give people an excuse to sin because they know they can get forgiveness or redemption later.

People rationalize about ethical situations and choose to do the easy wrong over the hard right. Then they come up with some crazy excuse and say it wasn't their fault.

For most of the religions, they really don't bother me. I can live with them. I do, however, dislike Christians trying to convert me. I grew up in a Christian home. It took years to get that crap out of my head.

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What good can come from religions? Which intelligent person can believe (believe = accept without evidence) all the things these Bible, Koran, Talmud people claim?

George W. Bush says he believes in "Intelligent Design" when he is the living prove that this idea is absurd.

For intelligent people, who would like to really learn something, visit this web-site:


and listen to what scientists have to say.

I like the line about George W.

Checked out the website. No surprises really, the God v. science wrestling match has been going on a long time. The debate usually polarises into two camps of opinion quite quickly and is a stalemate from that point on. IMHO, it takes as much faith to believe what the scientists say as it does the Bible. In fact, since the emergence of post-modernism, science has really become a religion with the scientists preaching a new scientific doctrine complete with a liturgy of core 'beliefs'. The majority of people have already made up their mind that they don't like God, so they will automatically side with the scientists without really taking an objective look at their claims.

Of course, there are an equal number of websites from qualified and respected scientists who have turned their back on many of the core claims of macro-evolution etc. because it is bad science. Too much of a rush to prove their isn't a God, me thinks.

Personally, I think God is still quite secure about His existance and what we, scientists or bar-room philosophers, think about it will not make a single iota of difference in the long run.

Excellent post torngseea, about the most balanced so far! It amazes me how many who claim to be scientists present such unscientific hypothesis. It is not science to put forward a solution and then endeavour to prove it. No, a scientist examines the evidence, all of it, then offers a logical conclusion based on the evidence.

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Well you know as well as I as soon as you confront them with science they will hit you back with one of their prescripted answers. That is actually one of the things that turns me off to them, the failure to be flexible. Take the catholic religion and the no condom stand. Do you really want them preaching in places like Nana and soi cowboy?

I guess you could always start off with asking them what their personal position is on the things that science has proven them wrong about, that is always a great icebreaker. My guess it should take about 10 seconds before they are quoting.

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And here's another Bible Basher - You'll find him working in Klong Toey with drug addicts, HIV/AIDS sufferers, Orphans, the stateless and the poor.


Father Joe

I know Father Joe personally, and I can honestly say that there is nobody less like a "bible-basher" than him. He does what he does out of a love of the less fortunate of society. If they see in him something worth emulating then great, but he never tries to convert people.


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I can never cease to be amazed by those that claim that they see a sky pixie. There IS NO GOD.

Why can't other people see that.

You are using exactly the same approach as those evangelicals that you dislike so much.

As for bible thupers or , as I call them, the just plain deluded, if they took themselves to darkest Issan, where many of the girls they scare are from, and did someting worthwhile, instead of scaring them, I may have a tiny amount of respect for them.
They are 'just plain deluded' because they don't agree with you?
If I was out and father Tony and his mob started with their nonsense I would have to tell them, if it became 'physical' then all the better.

Oooooh, Dirk(not so)Gently eh?

The PROOF that god has never existed can be summed up in 3 words. Hitler, Bush, Muslims.
I would LOVE for you to elaborate on this as I'm sure you have a very well constructed and researched point of view. :o
When creationists do there "AHH! HA! You cant prove your point so that is the proof of god", rubbish. I always want to ask, when you are a kid and there is a strange knock or bang that you cant explain, is that proof of monsters in the closet?

Once again! THERE IS NO GOD. I hope that helps.

Not really!! Once again, you present your views in the same way as the fundamentalists you accuse. They say 'There is a God!', you say, 'THERE IS NO GOD.' About as fundamental as you can get!

Edited by torngseea
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I can never cease to be amazed by those that claim that they see a sky pixie. There IS NO GOD.

Why can't other people see that.

You are using exactly the same approach as those evangelicals that you dislike so much.

As for bible thupers or , as I call them, the just plain deluded, if they took themselves to darkest Issan, where many of the girls they scare are from, and did someting worthwhile, instead of scaring them, I may have a tiny amount of respect for them.
They are 'just plain deluded' because they don't agree with you?
If I was out and father Tony and his mob started with their nonsense I would have to tell them, if it became 'physical' then all the better.

Oooooh, Dirk(not so)Gently eh?

The PROOF that god has never existed can be summed up in 3 words. Hitler, Bush, Muslims.
I would LOVE for you to elaborate on this as I'm sure you have a very well constructed and researched point of view. :o
When creationists do there "AHH! HA! You cant prove your point so that is the proof of god", rubbish. I always want to ask, when you are a kid and there is a strange knock or bang that you cant explain, is that proof of monsters in the closet?

Once again! THERE IS NO GOD. I hope that helps.

Not really!! Once again, you present your views in the same way as the fundamentalists you accuse. They say 'There is a God!', you say, 'THERE IS NO GOD.' About as fundamental as you can get!


I don't agree with your views, being an atheist, myself, but I like the way you state your case & counter argument. Admirable posts! :D

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I'm not a christian anymore but I was raised as one.

I turned away from christianity because our local priest tried to get into my pants.

He was much later killed by one of his victims who's life was destroyed for ever.

I found out later that religion was invented by man, that all religious books have been written by man.

I also found out that religion can be a blessing to many people to have something to hang on to, and I must agree that many religious people have done a lot of good for mankind.

But I also believe that a lot of evil has been done, and is being done in the name of religion.

Even the germans marching into Belgium in May 1940, were all wearing a belt buckle with the words

"Gott mit uns" (god with us) on it.

I do believe however that if anything points to the existance of a god it is the fact that a lot of us do have a CONSCIENCE, and I know that mine tels me to do good rather than bad, but then again that might be due to the teachings of my parents.

Unfortunately it is the people without any conscience whatsoever that seem to rise the quickest on the ladder to social prominence and I don't think that bashing a few bible thumpers is going to change anything

To each his own opinion and everyone has the right to have one.

My 2 cents



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