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'Defrauded' Briton Found Dead In Chiang Mai Guesthouse

Lite Beer

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Its fraud and she should be prosecuted , Otherwise this is a very morally sick country.

Having the quicker, better wit is not considered fraud anywhere. Though elsewhere nanny states have laws that protect those with lesser wit against the ruthless. Remember the US quote: a sucker is born every day? Or remember legalized stealing such as Enron that left many of their employees stranded.

There is a difference between being 'witty' and being a lying thief

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Having the quicker, better wit is not considered fraud anywhere. Though elsewhere nanny states have laws that protect those with lesser wit against the ruthless. Remember the US quote: a sucker is born every day? Or remember legalized stealing such as Enron that left many of their employees stranded.

Just loving these posters calling civilised countries with laws in place to protect the weak and the vulnerable 'nanny states'. Back off to the jungle with you and take your' laws of' with you.

It is morally wrong to let a sucker keep his money. W.C. Fields

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agree with beammeup to a point. But no one is holding a gun to the girls head. Having said that i pity some of them with the foreigners they have to deal with. Drunk a good part of the time , common scum balls that no woman in any country would want to deal with. Saw one just tonight with bar girl in tow. She looked miserable and the guy with beer in hand made my skin CRAWL! And this sadly is a common sight. CREEPY !

None of your business!!

Live and let live!!

Nope... Sick of this rethoric...

If its being pushed in your face and you have to see it every day, it is your business...

I think its bloody awful that the girls have to lower themselves that much that they actually pleasure these (delete where appropriate) old/saggy/bald/overweight/bloated/pale/odorous/perverse...

Not being funny, but I think, considering their circumstances it would be much better for them (and much funnier) if they just robbed the bastards...

There only reason those lowlives are here is because women in their own country (including the prostitutes) wouldnt touch them with a bargepole...

And lets face it... The old ones who probably have kids in their 30s and grandkids should know better...

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Nope... Sick of this rethoric...

If its being pushed in your face and you have to see it every day, it is your business...

I think its bloody awful that the girls have to lower themselves that much that they actually pleasure these (delete where appropriate) old/saggy/bald/overweight/bloated/pale/odorous/perverse...

Not being funny, but I think, considering their circumstances it would be much better for them (and much funnier) if they just robbed the bastards...

There only reason those lowlives are here is because women in their own country (including the prostitutes) wouldnt touch them with a bargepole...

And lets face it... The old ones who probably have kids in their 30s and grandkids should know better...

So in your opinion ugly people are not entitled to have sex?

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Nope... Sick of this rethoric...

If its being pushed in your face and you have to see it every day, it is your business...

I think its bloody awful that the girls have to lower themselves that much that they actually pleasure these (delete where appropriate) old/saggy/bald/overweight/bloated/pale/odorous/perverse...

Not being funny, but I think, considering their circumstances it would be much better for them (and much funnier) if they just robbed the bastards...

There only reason those lowlives are here is because women in their own country (including the prostitutes) wouldnt touch them with a bargepole...

And lets face it... The old ones who probably have kids in their 30s and grandkids should know better...

So in your opinion ugly people are not entitled to have sex?

Didn't say that.

I just said that I feel bad for the girls who feel that having to do that with the aforementioned.

How would you feel if it was your daughter?

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a tad puritanical

why can't oldies have sex?

All depends on how old the person is they are climbing on top of...

Unfortunately, you see a lot of them with girls young enough to be their grandchildren... and personally, it turns my stomach...

Oh my God, she isn't being held down is she ? and you are just watching and feeling sick, do something, help the poor girl

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a tad puritanical

why can't oldies have sex?

All depends on how old the person is they are climbing on top of...

Unfortunately, you see a lot of them with girls young enough to be their grandchildren... and personally, it turns my stomach...

I hope you make it to old age

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This is a thread about a 38 year old guy who probably lost everything and is now dead.

It has deteriorated beyond belief and I hope any relative is not unfortunate enough to read it.

The parents of an Oxford graduate are hardly likely to read TV, that's for us plebs. Actually i do feel sad for his situation but you would have to have a heart of stone not to laugh at the Elephant breeding station story, the audacity! That is one dangerously clever girl.

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Has the deceased been named yet or is he still just "Oxford graduate" according to our accurate, informed and trustworthy Thai police source?

If you cared to read the thread before hitting the keyboard...........................coffee1.gif

What? All 14 pages, I have scrolled through it and all I can find is someone called Jungle Jim Bob, who is fat, and into holding down hookers.

What is his name for Pete's sake? Tell me. annoyed.gif.pagespeed.ce.EWbqpZ7s0b.gif

Wow. Just got back from a week-end away and staggered to return to this thread, and see that, hundreds of posts later, the deceased still has not be identified.

He was identified way back on Page 1 by name and photo, as well as some follow-up posts on his background, a sample of his music, etc.

Those posts were deleted, except for:

Oh well, I'm sure the information I posted will be available in the morning when the rest of the English news catches up.

It is substantiated, but, whatever.

Anyway, RIP to the deceased. He was a good singer.

Oh well, perhaps when his interesting background, name, and photo, is eventually posted again by someone else, there will be a few more hundreds of posts discussing those out of the ordinary aspects.


Edited by Pierrefun
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BANGKOK A British man who reportedly lost 10 million baht in a fraud scheme was found dead in his guesthouse room in Chiang Mai province today.

The description of the particular guesthouse involved indicates just how far the deceased had dropped in financial resources.sad.png

Rooms range in price from 100 Baht (cold water bathroom outside) to 400 baht with hot water, bathroom, and TV.


So what? The man has died, does it matter how much his accommodation cost?

A couple of things.

One, what may not interest you can interest others, AKA forum discussion. Snarky posts, like yours, detract from that.

To me, the accommodations where he was staying reflected, very succinctly, how much he had lost.

It's also interesting, when looking at the past news stories, that this particular lodging had a very similar story just last year when another farang, who was also down and out, had died prematurely in his room same as this man. It's a reminder that this thread's deceased man's sad story is not unique.

Anyway, IMO, it was worthy of noting.


Edited by Pierrefun
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There should be a warning sign put up in arrivals at the airport warning of the dangers

of bar girls..... Seems to be an endless stream of sad stories like this one.... :-(

On a side note, with lots of Brits dying here, I wonder at what point their government

will step in.

What are the 'government' supposed to do?

Since you expect them to 'step in' what do you think is remiss at present?

What form of action should the 'stepping in' take?

Too many of us turn to 'Government' for everything, like a helpless babe in arms, this is a dangerous mindset

All western governments have travel advisories, these are of course, ignored by many, or forgotten in the flush of being high on exotic Thailand.

The 'government' cannot, nor should it, protect people from themselves.

All crime requires not only a victim, but an 'opportunity' if one removes the opportunity, you don't become a victim.

Governments do a crap job of 'governing' everywhere, never mind anything else. I personally, would not trust or encourage them to 'step in' on my behalf.

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This is a thread about a 38 year old guy who probably lost everything and is now dead.

It has deteriorated beyond belief and I hope any relative is not unfortunate enough to read it.

The parents of an Oxford graduate are hardly likely to read TV, that's for us plebs. Actually i do feel sad for his situation but you would have to have a heart of stone not to laugh at the Elephant breeding station story, the audacity! That is one dangerously clever girl.

Clever? I'd have seen her coming a mile off! These girls almost have 'grifter' written in neon on their foreheads, not just bargirls, any of the type. They are the IRL equivalent of the Nigerian email for gods sake! How hard can it be? Sophisticated cons they are not.

If anyone apart from a known philanthropist type with a track record approached me about a heffalump sanctuary I'd laugh in their face.

Edited by dhream
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As a bit of an extra on this, from what my wife read in the Thai news sources, apparently his gf tricked him into spending 10M THB to buy the elephant sanctuary, then got him to work there.

However, they didn't actually buy it, and they just let him work there because they allow volunteers to work at the sanctuary. He apparently dding realize this, so worked there thinking it was his own business. Although by the time he found out the truth, his gf had done a runner.

You have to give it to the Thai gf for being so canny and out-smarting an Oxford graduate!

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So when is this girlfriend being arrested?

It's strange, isn't it; how one half of the world is permitted entire lives of sociopathic predation, but if a member of the other half wears a colourful shirt on the day he lands a rocket on a comet flying through outer space, well...can't have that.

too bad that thai justice has not been made for cheated foreigners only for thais cheated by foreigners....

Love fraud isn't exclusive to Thailand. It's a conspiracy between the biopolitical State and infantilised women to prey on men and ensure dependent, authoritarian children.

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There should be a warning sign put up in arrivals at the airport warning of the dangers

of bar girls.....

That wouldn't work. You would have to warn of the dangers of "girls".

And then women would take offence. Truth is very rude in Polite Society. You can't point out their malice or their feelings get hurt (allegedly).

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There should be a warning sign put up in arrivals at the airport warning of the dangers

of bar girls..... Seems to be an endless stream of sad stories like this one.... :-(

On a side note, with lots of Brits dying here, I wonder at what point their government

will step in.

I'm sure most know the dangers but go ahead anyway, so a warning wouldn't make any difference.

With respect, I don't think they do know the dangers or there'd be a lot less mugs being taken to the cleaners.

They get fed the PC line about Asians etc being angels compared to Europeans and so when they arrive overseas they have rose-tinted glasses practically glued over their retinas!

I've seen them swanning about bragging about it, convinced they are 'right-on', 'hip' and 'with-it' as honorary Thais who are reinventing themselves etc etc.

This one kid was in total denial that his house was not his own when he described basically paying a builder to develop some land (he didn't own) and the builders family were basically living there waiting for him to go home![/quotes

I've seen it with a foreigner who's been here for over 30 years. There's no helping some people..

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too bad that thai justice has not been made for cheated foreigners only for thais cheated by foreigners....

Love fraud isn't exclusive to Thailand. It's a conspiracy between the biopolitical State and infantilised women to prey on men and ensure dependent, authoritarian children.

Did you read the story? I don't know if it is true. Someone here wrote that his ex-girlfriend let him think that they bought the elephant sanctuary but I was not true and then she dissapeared with the money.

So where is the difference between this and a Nigerian Man who writes to a Thai woman and tells her that he is a rich business man and tries to send 1 mio Baht to the woman but first needed 50.000 THB to pay for customs so the money will arrive on the womans bank account. The Nigerian would have been arrested. Will this woman ever been arrested? I dont read many News about Thai woman who get arrested because of scamming foreigners but I read a lot about foreigners get arrested who scammed Thais.

You read many times that Thai Police Officers warning Thai people of getting scammed by foreigners. Why they don't warn foreigners of getting scammed by Thais?

Just a "sad" side story. We rented our house to a thai family few years back. When my wife once visted the tenants alone the tenants wife made the her outrageous offer if she needs help to get all our belongings (actually she was talking about the house) in case we divorce she could help her with that. The same woman smiled and chit chatted with me a few weeks earlier and complimented what a nice man I am.

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The reason why these girls don't get prosecuted is because they are usually in a relationship so it is interpreted as a domestic squabble over money rather than an outright fraud.

And with10 mil baht it's not difficult to get the law on your side.

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They really don't want to say that suicide word again, do they.

So many dying, with strange circumstances. I think 3 or 4 just in these 2 weeks.

Nothing strange about this one.

Just another guy who drank too much.

Got swindled by a Thai bargirl with a 6th grade education.

Finally drank himself to death.

Alcohol is an equal opportunity killer--it kills Oxford grads just as easy as it does guys born into abject poverty.

Tough break--was likely the sort who thought he was spending his fortune helping one of the worlds endangered animals.


Being educated doesn't necessarily mean you have common sense. Like too many of us, he let a wet spot determine his fate. However, I wouldn't call it a fortune, about GDP194k, probably the average annual salary for an Oxfordie 15 years after graduation.

Doubt it.Most will not reach that level nor is a high salary the main objective for many.As a Cambridge graduate I would guess the average salary for a 40 year old Oxbridge graduate to be about Pnds 60,000.

Sorry, didn't realize Oxford graduates were so poorly paid. Three years salary then, still not a fortune.

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Yet more conspiracist rubbish - how do you know they weren't blissfully happy for years, then it turned sour because he played away, was tight with his money, had a secret schoolgirl fetish, liked to howl at the moon, was a wife beater etc etc at which point she thought stuff that I'm off and I'm taking everything with me because he treated her badly ? Answer - you don't !

A man being taken to the cleaners is NOT I'm afraid to tell you, exclusive to Thailand and anyone thinking it is, is going to come badly unstuck in any country.

Despite it being repeated dozens and dozens of dreary times on here there is zero proof it is more prominent in Thailand but it does fit the anti-thai bias so prevalent on here - and unless someone can come up with that evidence, you are just boring everyone with half a brain whilst pandering to those with none !

You really are deluded. It happens in other countries too of course but not to the same level and in other countries there are Justice systems that work for law and order rather than here where the police are almost universally corrupt and the Justice system does not lend itself to justice for foreigners because there is a huge stigma on any Thai assisting a foreigner here. So you have the ingredients of a system that supports and encourages fraud against foreigners, it is not much easier for Thais to get Justice but there are several less hurdles and a general willingness to help a Thai against a Thai.

Great - so provide the evidence that I am deluded and I will bow to your superior knowledge - until then please allow me to ignore your bigoted view of Thailand based on nothing you can provide to help your case or what a few wizened old expats spew out in the bars !

Why not check a few of my previous posts over the last few years then maybe you will understand!

I have a family and almost never visit bars - and I am the bigot - yeah right!

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Yet more conspiracist rubbish - how do you know they weren't blissfully happy for years, then it turned sour because he played away, was tight with his money, had a secret schoolgirl fetish, liked to howl at the moon, was a wife beater etc etc at which point she thought stuff that I'm off and I'm taking everything with me because he treated her badly ? Answer - you don't !

A man being taken to the cleaners is NOT I'm afraid to tell you, exclusive to Thailand and anyone thinking it is, is going to come badly unstuck in any country.

Despite it being repeated dozens and dozens of dreary times on here there is zero proof it is more prominent in Thailand but it does fit the anti-thai bias so prevalent on here - and unless someone can come up with that evidence, you are just boring everyone with half a brain whilst pandering to those with none !

You really are deluded. It happens in other countries too of course but not to the same level and in other countries there are Justice systems that work for law and order rather than here where the police are almost universally corrupt and the Justice system does not lend itself to justice for foreigners because there is a huge stigma on any Thai assisting a foreigner here. So you have the ingredients of a system that supports and encourages fraud against foreigners, it is not much easier for Thais to get Justice but there are several less hurdles and a general willingness to help a Thai against a Thai.

Great - so provide the evidence that I am deluded and I will bow to your superior knowledge - until then please allow me to ignore your bigoted view of Thailand based on nothing you can provide to help your case or what a few wizened old expats spew out in the bars !

Why not check a few of my previous posts over the last few years then maybe you will understand!

I have a family and almost never visit bars - and I am the bigot - yeah right!

Dont worry...posters like that will blame you too for it. Shades of grey....difficult for all the thaier than thai defenders.

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As a bit of an extra on this, from what my wife read in the Thai news sources, apparently his gf tricked him into spending 10M THB to buy the elephant sanctuary, then got him to work there.

However, they didn't actually buy it, and they just let him work there because they allow volunteers to work at the sanctuary. He apparently dding realize this, so worked there thinking it was his own business. Although by the time he found out the truth, his gf had done a runner.

If that is the case, then I know of this gentleman. Very sad story and I hope his girlfriend rots in hell. Horrible horrible con.

RIP but hardly newsworthy since it happens every day many times to one mug or another most however in time move n and lesson learnt he was young had a degree from Oxford so while maybe his whole fortune plenty of oppertunity to put Hz life back on track.

Apart from money it hurts like hell when someone you loved and trusted lies to you and money does not really come into it. Sadder is impression given all thai girls are scammers they are not and nor are bar girls. In 30+ years I've seem university graduates here cheap and scam worse than any bar girl and gills from hiso family's even worse and bar girls who never conned their partners

worst is well educated thai Chinese who con some poor old geezer out of everything and simply dumped them after bleeding them dry on rubbish at an age they are to old to start again. Ive also seen ex bar girls give all they could for their forang husband even down to selling all they had to help him.

So please none of this bar girl bad crap its men who are crap by being so stupid and ones who gloat about cheating Thai girls especially poor ones are far worse scum than any girl scammer here

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I'll give a little insight shall I? I was duped out of 14m in my first years here. No matter how bright one is, there's always a way.

I got married... bought 2 large houses (in her name of course), a new Audi, (in her name of course), and this was AFTER she had had our BABY... yes baby. Married with baby, together 2 years. I thought I had a great life. I was working in China, earning well as a consultant. I was flying back and forth every 8 weeks. Into year 3, I flew back to Thailand, went home........ and... somebody I didn't know answered my door. She had sold both houses, emptied our JOINT bank account, and done a runner with my kid.

All my hard work and savings..... yes, I too went into a depression, but I never for once thought of suicide. I decided to make a comeback and get off my ass and fight on.

I did, and eventually met a fine woman, highly educated, as I waited and chose very carefully. Married 7 years now.... nice new home and new car, wife's a lecturer at Uni.

It is easy to be duped; my ex had it planned for 3 whole goddarned years..... including baby... to entice me to depart with my savings.

However, suicide was not an option for me. It's a shame for some, who just can't face such a loss. Don't, please, take the proverbial out of this young man; it can happen to anybody, especially if well planned! sad.png

and it can happen b y anyone those university educated thai girls those bank workers school teachers i fact they are worst in my experience of 30+ years here because mugs think they are safer with that ape of girl they are not so doth be so patronising and boastful that its got much to do with your wife's job or education it does not Ive known many many over years scammed as bad or worse by well educated good job girls and woman here even in one case by a bank manager In my experience its about equal between bar girls and their higher in society competitors or if anything in my experience more from well educated ones number of times I've heard i thought shed be ok she was not a bar girl and really was not or i thought ok since she was a little older. Just more experienced and al title cleverer in doing con thats all and easier for them (the non bar girls) to catch bigger fish

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