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Obama offer to 5m illegal migrants


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Senator Jeff Sessions on Plummeting Deportation Figures: Obama Has 'Destroyed' Immigration Enforcement

“The effective result of the Administration’s non-enforcement policy is that anyone in the world who manages to get into the interior of the United States—by any means, including overstaying a visa—is free to live, work, and claim benefits in the United States at Americans’ expense,” Sessions said in a statement Friday. “Again: this is the result of lawless orders issued by this Administration.”


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Senator Jeff Sessions on Plummeting Deportation Figures: Obama Has 'Destroyed' Immigration Enforcement

The effective result of the Administrations non-enforcement policy is that anyone in the world who manages to get into the interior of the United Statesby any means, including overstaying a visais free to live, work, and claim benefits in the United States at Americans expense, Sessions said in a statement Friday. Again: this is the result of lawless orders issued by this Administration.


This the same person who voted against the bill prohibiting cruel, inhumane or degrading treatment of persons in US custody. And you expect good Christian folk to listen to him? No thanks, I have morals.

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How's this for Obama following up on his responsibility to "take care that the laws be faithfully executed'?


Obama Deputies Free 30,862 Foreign Criminals
6:30 PM 12/05/2014
White House Correspondent
President Barack Obama’s immigration deputies released 30,862 foreign criminals into the United States’ cities and neighborhoods, according to a federal document.
The document also showed that Obama repatriated less than 1 percent of the 12 million illegals living in the United States during the 12 months up to October 2014.
Officials also repatriated only 8,805 of the roughly 180,000 unskilled Central American migrants who flooded across the border since 2011, according to the “Fiscal Year 2014 ICE Enforcement and Removal Operation Report.”
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Gents there are some really unreadable posts popping up here. Is this just lax editing or is the TV software not playing nicely again?

I think it is the software. I have had several using quotes that I tried to fix, but could not. I ended up deleting the actual quote "and doing it like THIS" instead.

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Gents there are some really unreadable posts popping up here. Is this just lax editing or is the TV software not playing nicely again?

I think it is the software. I have had several using quotes that I tried to fix, but could not. I ended up deleting the actual quote "and doing it like THIS" instead.

@ Ulysses G. #459

Many times I have just resorted to making note of the referenced post number, the posters name, and maybe a copy / paste of the particular quote - in a new post... Because I just had to give up fighting the problem ...

If necessary I keep two tabs of TVF open - even to the same thread and post to make copy/paste and referencing the quote or post number.... as I said - easier than fighting the problem...

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President Barack Obama’s immigration deputies released 30,862 foreign criminals into the United States’ cities and neighborhoods, according to a federal document.

30,000? blink.png

To put it quite simply and succinctly, this can't be factual. It's either an error in the draft of the document you've cited or someone is manipulating the statistics. No matter which side of the immigration debate a person falls on, no one supports this.

Time will tell, but I have little doubt that at some point this figure will either be revised or clarified.

Edited by up-country_sinclair
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President Barack Obama’s immigration deputies released 30,862 foreign criminals into the United States’ cities and neighborhoods, according to a federal document.

30,000? blink.png

To put it quite simply and succinctly, this can't be factual. It's either an error in the draft of the document you've cited or someone is manipulating the statistics. No matter which side of the immigration debate a person falls on, no one supports this.

Time will tell, but I have little doubt that at some point this figure will either be revised or clarified.

I'm quite certain the administration will spin it somehow, so in that we agree.

Having said that, I provided a link to the ICE report. Look it over and prove the article is wrong.

We await your research.

The LIGHT is turning on ... when he realizes that the stats are real... then perhaps he will begin to understand why so many of us are upset.... Difficult to read or hear about those 30K if all one listens to is MSNBC...

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Edit in: This post looks normal while preparing it and the proof reading of it. When it hits the open forum, it becomes scrambled.

True & it is also normal while I reply to it & quote the whole thing meaning it looks fine in the reply/quote box

But as you see it on the posted page you notice those extra "t-" on all the quote codes?

A good way to deal with this funky software is turn off BB Code mode in upper left of the reply panel

The one that looks like a light switch

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President Barack Obamas immigration deputies released 30,862 foreign criminals into the United States cities and neighborhoods, according to a federal document.

30,000? blink.png

To put it quite simply and succinctly, this can't be factual. It's either an error in the draft of the document you've cited or someone is manipulating the statistics. No matter which side of the immigration debate a person falls on, no one supports this.

Time will tell, but I have little doubt that at some point this figure will either be revised or clarified.

I'm quite certain the administration will spin it somehow, so in that we agree.

Having said that, I provided a link to the ICE report. Look it over and prove the article is wrong.

We await your research.

Edit in: This post looks normal while preparing it and the proof reading of it. When it hits the open forum, it becomes scrambled.

Chuck see here if I turn off the BBCode Mode & quote you it is fine

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President Barack Obamas immigration deputies released 30,862 foreign criminals into the United States cities and neighborhoods, according to a federal document.

30,000? blink.png

To put it quite simply and succinctly, this can't be factual. It's either an error in the draft of the document you've cited or someone is manipulating the statistics. No matter which side of the immigration debate a person falls on, no one supports this.

Time will tell, but I have little doubt that at some point this figure will either be revised or clarified.

I'm quite certain the administration will spin it somehow, so in that we agree.

Having said that, I provided a link to the ICE report. Look it over and prove the article is wrong.

We await your research.

Edit in: This post looks normal while preparing it and the proof reading of it. When it hits the open forum, it becomes scrambled.

Chuck see here if I turn off the BBCode Mode & quote you it is fine

Here is my test with the BB code clicked.

Edit in: It's scrambled when I am making the post but comes out right on the open forum. Thanks, maybe it will

work for a while.

Edited by Scott
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Here is my test with the BB code clicked.

Edit in: It's scrambled when I am making the post but comes out right on the open forum. Thanks, maybe it will

work for a while.

I am seeing a lot of complaints now in forum support so who knows wink.png

Some say it looks good & a day later is wrong...If that is the case

then it is not the BBCode

Edited by mania
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Here is my test with the BB code clicked.

Edit in: It's scrambled when I am making the post but comes out right on the open forum. Thanks, maybe it will

work for a while.

I am seeing a lot of complaints now in forum support so who knows wink.png

Some say it looks good & a day later is wrong...If that is the case

then it is not the BBCode

It's the BB Code. After making my post above I was preparing a PM and noticed it was not right justifying my sentences, so I turned off the BB Code.

Then when I cam back to this thread, my post was scrambled.

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It's the BB Code. After making my post above I was preparing a PM and noticed it was not right justifying my sentences, so I turned off the BB Code.

Then when I cam back to this thread, my post was scrambled.

Good to know & good idea to try that.

I never use it myself for a long time now & did not think to

experiment with it.

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Obama amnesty in jeopardy with Bush judicial appointee hearing states’ challenge

Judge Andrew Hanen rebuked Homeland Security last year for refusing to follow border security laws

It could hardly have been a worse outcome for Mr. Obama, who, in order to preserve his policy, will now have to convince a judge who is on record calling his previous, less-extensive nondeportation policies “dangerous and unconscionable.”

Edited by JDGRUEN
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The reference is to last year.

The figure of 30,000 is wrong.

The 5000 released detainees were facing deportation last year but had to be released due to budget cuts. Those released last year were illegal/undocumented aliens, not violent or viscious criminals as portrayed by right wing extremists in their posts here even if by implication. The released from custody 5000 went on to be deported as scheduled.

This is not news. It is old stuff blown beyond recognition by fanatic right wingers.

Last year, when the release and subsequent deportations occurred, the average daily population of detained illegal immigrants facing deportation was 30,377. That is the 30,000 figure and number.

There was no release of 30,000 criminal foreigners to set upon the American public.

Pants on fire.

Report: Thousands of illegal immigrants released

The Homeland Security Department released from its jails more than 2,000 illegal immigrants facing deportation in recent weeks due to looming budget cuts and planned to release 3,000 more during March, the Associated Press has learned.

As of last week, the agency held an average daily population of 30,733 in its jails. The internal budget documents reviewed by the AP show the Obama administration had intended to reduce those figures to 25,748 by March 31.


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Obama amnesty in jeopardy with Bush judicial appointee hearing states’ challenge

Judge Andrew Hanen rebuked Homeland Security last year for refusing to follow border security laws

It could hardly have been a worse outcome for Mr. Obama, who, in order to preserve his policy, will now have to convince a judge who is on record calling his previous, less-extensive nondeportation policies “dangerous and unconscionable.”

There is not an immigration amnesty no matter what the fringe right repeatedly calls it.

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There is not an immigration amnesty no matter what the fringe right repeatedly calls it.

In effect it is amnesty, no matter how you try to spin it. Selective enforcement of our laws amounts to a de facto repeal of their provisions. The president has some power to withhold prosecution, but granting legal status and work permits to millions of people exceeds his discretion.

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There is not an immigration amnesty no matter what the fringe right repeatedly calls it.

In effect it is amnesty, no matter how you try to spin it. Selective enforcement of our laws amounts to a de facto repeal of their provisions. The president has some power to withhold prosecution, but granting legal status and work permits to millions of people exceeds his discretion.

Even if you want to call it an amnesty, it's temporary.

Pass an immigration bill.

What are they so scared of?


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The quote function won't work for me presently, so I'd say to UG that discretionary enforcement does not necessarily or in effect "repeal" any law.

The president and the executive branch grant legal status and issue work permits etc in accordance with the existing laws as specified in 8 USC Nationality & Immigration, which is the United States code of laws pertaining to, well, nationality and immigration.

The point is well made now and many times already that it is the job of the Congress to enact laws, yet the House specifically has refused to act.

Had the House acted, a Conference Committee of the key immigration legislators of the House and of the Senate would have been able to sit and hammer out a final bill which would have been sent to the president for his signature. The House has not acted however nor will the House act.

There's an old saying to lead, follow or get out of the way.

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I believe those who do not think the now 20 states and other parties have a case - then you should check the full details of their legal challenge. They are only indirectly going after obama -- but more directly after the DHS -- for it is the Secretary of DHS that actually issued the memorandum to perform the massive effort to across the board not enforce certain laws. And notice the judge who is currently presiding... a judge who chastised DHS for not enforcing laws pertaining to border enforcement....

This legal team has some very experience people on it - they are not just shotgunning... they have specific points of law and fact which will win the day in my opinion.

I hope to be cheering soon ... when the judge issues an order to cease and desist -- via an injunction or other type of order -- pending a full hearing and perhaps even a trial... If that happens - even with the obama Administration banging on the tables for a release - the clock turns slowly and months will go by with the DHS still enjoined from proceeding... Then the newly elected members of the House and Senate will be fully on board with enough strength to push the namby pamby RINOs back and will take action to de-fund much of the DHS effort to push this disguised Amnesty - (a decision that a group of people will not be punished)

Edited by JDGRUEN
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I believe those who do not think the now 20 states and other parties have a case - then you should check the full details of their legal challenge. They are only indirectly going after obama -- but more directly after the DHS -- for it is the Secretary of DHS that actually issued the memorandum to perform the massive effort to across the board not enforce certain laws. And notice the judge who is currently presiding... a judge who chastised DHS for not enforcing laws pertaining to border enforcement....

This legal team has some very experience people on it - they are not just shotgunning... they have specific points of law and fact which will win the day in my opinion.

I hope to be cheering soon ... when the judge issues an order to cease and desist -- via an injunction or other type of order -- pending a full hearing and perhaps even a trial... If that happens - even with the obama Administration banging on the tables for a release - the clock turns slowly and months will go by with the DHS still enjoined from proceeding... Then the newly elected members of the House and Senate will be fully on board with enough strength to push the namby pamby RINOs back and will take action to de-fund much of the DHS effort to push this disguised Amnesty - (a decision that a group of people will not be punished)

Counting chickens at this time is definitely fun for some but remains unwise as always because while some hatch others get scratched which is what will happen to this much ado about nothing litigation. This egg is easily identifiable because it has Republican party politics writ large on its shell and it has the farm serial number 2016November on it besides.

First, the Supreme Court has recognized in the Constitution that "the Executive Branch has exclusive authority and absolute discretion to decide whether to prosecute a case." In this case, immigrants and deportation.

Secondly, Prez Obama issued an executive action to halt deportations of undocumented immigrants whose children are U.S. citizens. The president has the legal authority to do so under existing statutes of the United States Code of Laws, Title 8, Nationality & Immigration.

Thus it is clear Prez Obama has the constitutional and the statutory authority to act, to do what he has done within the existing framework of the constitution and within existing immigration laws. Prez Obama signed two memoranda to the cabinet secretary who in turn wrote memoranda of his own in what is commonly referred to as regular procedures and practices.

The aggressive US District Court judge in Texas who will get the case will have fun with his few surviving chickens but he has authority over them only within his small judicial district, which is southern Texas. His reach goes no further.

The US Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals remains a court of conservative judges, yes, which is why it will uphold the US Supreme Court's ruling by striking down the District Court judge's ruling against Prez Obama and thus clear the way for immigration action down there deep in the heart of Texas.

All this will play out over time, however, easily in to next year and into the 2016 election year when no one will hear the chickens die of the elephant virus called politics. It will be a lot of fun though for some to count all those chickens now.

Obama Has the Law—and Reagan—on His Side on Immigration

Pres Obama has issued an executive action to halt deportations of undocumented immigrants whose children are U.S. citizens. Republicans, including Speaker of the House John Boehner and new Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, have threatened reprisals against such an order. But one thing is clear: The president has the constitutional authority to decide to not proceed with deportations. It has always been within the president’s discretion to decide whether to have the Department of Justice enforce a particular law. As the Supreme Court declared in United States v. Nixon, “the Executive Branch has exclusive authority and absolute discretion to decide whether to prosecute a case.”


The best response the Republican party has to the President's executive action is to win the 2016 presidential election. But to do that, however, would require the R party to present its specific positions on immigration and in general so that the electorate can assess what the R party would do with the presidency and what that would be and mean to the country.

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Analysis of Obama's Executive Amnesty Scheme: It Will Put an End to Secure Communities

The president can say what he wants about wanting to focus on criminals, not families. It's bunk. In 2013, ICE released over 36,000 criminals from custody, including serious offenders such as murderers and sex offenders, because they somehow didn't meet the endlessly shifting enforcement and detention priorities.


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All this bloviation about Obama's daring Executive Order granting prosecutorial discretion rights on a broad basis mean nothing.

Unless thee is something hidden under Executive Privilege, Obama NEVER issued the alleged Executive Order.

Can anybody provide a link to the Federal Register where the Order would appear?

Following is what a Republican Senator says about it:


'It's a stunning event'
Published: 8 hours ago
WASHINGTON – Sen. Jeff Sessions, R-Ala., a leading opponent of President Obama’s move to provide amnesty for up to 5 million illegal immigrants, expressed astonishment Monday and ridiculed the administration for not carrying out the action through an executive order.
In remarks made at the Washington office of the government-watchdog group Judicial Watch, Sessions said: “I guess they just whispered in the ear of (DHS Director) Jeh Johnson over at Homeland Security, ‘Just put out a memo. That way we don’t have to enforce the law.’”
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I think some of you guys need to cut back in the Chang! It's no wonder some members are so angry with these ridiculous posts!

If this is addressed to me, let it be known I haven't had a drink in something like 6 months, but your suggestion is appreciated none the less. My last drink was one glass of beer at a Thai funeral in Isaan, and that was merely to be polite.

If you are addressing my post as ridiculous, I might offer a nicety offered by ThaiVisa. It is called the "report" button and can be found at the lower left corner of each and every post.

If you find my post as being ridiculous to the point of being offensive, then please report it.

Angry and anonymous posters are hardly upsetting to me.


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