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Does any Diabetics out there see a need for more Sugar-Free Products in Thailand?


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a very good documentary on this subject is ,,,Simply Raw ,,,,

Lost cause

You show diabetes people that follow a raw food diet and cure diabetes 1 and 2.

They refuse to look at the film, but they still say it's not true.

Hopeless coffee1.gif

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just what i expected ...another pointless post .... you are obvioulsy from the pharma camp , i suggest you open your eyes and ears , drugs are not the only way to treat and cure disease ....

Another tinfoil hat merchant. Actually I'm from the diabetics camp and I CONTROL (not cure) my diabetes without using any drugs at all.

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a very good documentary on this subject is ,,,Simply Raw ,,,,

Lost cause

You show diabetes people that follow a raw food diet and cure diabetes 1 and 2.

They refuse to look at the film, but they still say it's not true.

Hopeless coffee1.gif

I don't need a film. I have one of these which tells me what's happening in MY body. I've tried most of the variations on diet and I know what works for me and it isn't raw veg. Still don't let my facts get in the way of your beliefs. BTW are you a diabetic. Are you talking from personal experience?


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a very good documentary on this subject is ,,,Simply Raw ,,,,

Lost cause

You show diabetes people that follow a raw food diet and cure diabetes 1

Diabetes 1 is caused when the body is unable to produce its own insulin. All the raw veg in the world won't fix that.

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Oh by the way, last time we talked you put me on "ignore", what happened to that?

I'm afraid you have that wrong as well. I didn't put you on ignore.

BTW you haven't answered my question. Are you a diabetic? Do you have any personal experience of diabetes? Did you spend 8 months when you were first diagnosed going through all the different diets to see what worked for you? Which make and model of BG meter do you use?

I told you I wish I had diabetes and you took it as an insult, remember?

That's when you blocked me in PM.

Anyone who wishes for diabetes is being very foolish indeed.

I didn't block you in PM. I deleted the PMs which is a different thing altogether. I have 3 people on ignore and you're not one of them.

Now how about telling me about your personal experience of diabetes?

Gosh this guy kills me.

I do not have ANY personal experience with diabetes (other than family members being affected) but that does not deprives me the right of giving you an advice on the matter, otherwise all doctors and scientists should be required to have all the diseases they treat.

And yes I would swap your diabetes for my Lyme in a New York minute.

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Gosh this guy kills me.

I do not have ANY personal experience with diabetes (other than family members being affected) but that does not deprives me the right of giving you an advice on the matter, otherwise all doctors and scientists should be required to have all the diseases they treat.

And yes I would swap your diabetes for my Lyme in a New York minute.

The difference between you and doctors is that they have been trained to understand the diseases that they treat. You have neither personal experience nor training in endocrinology so your advice on diabetes is not particularly relevant or useful.

I'm genuinely sorry that you have Lyme's disease and if I were a fellow sufferer I'd be grateful for any advice that you could offer from your personal experience.

If you can't see the difference between those circumstances there doesn't seem to be a lot of point in carrying on talking.

I believe in science - in this case the results my BG meter gives me. It tells me that some vegetables and almost all fruit is not good for my BG levels so I shan't be eating them.

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Gosh this guy kills me.

I do not have ANY personal experience with diabetes (other than family members being affected) but that does not deprives me the right of giving you an advice on the matter, otherwise all doctors and scientists should be required to have all the diseases they treat.

And yes I would swap your diabetes for my Lyme in a New York minute.

I believe in science - in this case the results my BG meter gives me. It tells me that some vegetables and almost all fruit is not good for my BG levels so I shan't be eating them.

You believe in science and look where it got you.

If I believed in science I would be locked up in a psychiatric ward, like many lyme disease sufferers as our disease 'does not exist' and we are 'making it up" or are crazy/depressed/deluded.If I was listening to doctors I would be in dire pains, in a wheelchair, paralyzed, unable to talk or sleep. I have been to all the hospitals in Bangkok no one could tell me what was wrong with me. When no doctor can help you, you HELP YOURSELF.

I took a leap of faith and that rid me off most of my pain.

I believe in what works, and raw food works.

If it can cure this frigging son of a B... of a bacteria that no antibiotic in the world can eradicate, I believe it definitely can cure diabetes, which compared to lyme sorry is a picnic in the park .

I am not there yet, but I am doing much better than all the people in my forum hooked for years on IV abx.

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Friend of mine found the best way to controls his..... He uses the Atkins program.. Well it works for him + he lost weight and his BG is way down, and still is 15 years on.

Lots of Drs have very mixed views on this diet..

Myself just could not face all that meat and fat, not even for 1 meal let alone years on end.

I use the Accu-Chek meter about the same size at the picture from 'Sustento' my old was was twice the size big problem here getting batteries and the strips so bought a Thai one about 6 - 7 years ago.

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Type 2 diabetes is a lifestyle choice. Eat enough unhealthy food and you can be assured of success at getting diabetes. The modern western diet almost guarantees that most people will get Type 2 diabetes at some point sooner or later. Processed "sugar-free" foods are of little or no help as they contain all kinds of artificial sweeteners, un-natural oils and other chemicals that increase appetite and sugar cravings. Pharmaceutical medications are not designed to "cure" diabetes - they just mask the real problem with temporary and partial relief of symptoms. It's a multi-billion dollar industry keeping people alive with continuing diabetes - they don't want anyone to get "cured" and lose all that income.

Type 2 diabetes can be easily prevented - and existing illness can be cured - by eating the right kinds of natural foods which significantly reduce the amount of sugar produced by the body and reduce insulin resistance so that the body can recover and achieve a natural balance. There are various herbs that are proven to help with this, e.g Cinnamon, Jiaogulan, etc. The scientific evidence for this is abundant - it is only denied by those who have a vested interest in allowing diabetes to continue. If you don't believe what others know to be true - then it's time to educate yourself - everyone must take responsibility for their own life.

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Gosh this guy kills me.

I do not have ANY personal experience with diabetes (other than family members being affected) but that does not deprives me the right of giving you an advice on the matter, otherwise all doctors and scientists should be required to have all the diseases they treat.

And yes I would swap your diabetes for my Lyme in a New York minute.

I believe in science - in this case the results my BG meter gives me. It tells me that some vegetables and almost all fruit is not good for my BG levels so I shan't be eating them.

You believe in science and look where it got you.

If I believed in science I would be locked up in a psychiatric ward, like many lyme disease sufferers as our disease 'does not exist' and we are 'making it up" or are crazy/depressed/deluded.If I was listening to doctors I would be in dire pains, in a wheelchair, paralyzed, unable to talk or sleep. I have been to all the hospitals in Bangkok no one could tell me what was wrong with me. When no doctor can help you, you HELP YOURSELF.

I took a leap of faith and that rid me off most of my pain.

I believe in what works, and raw food works.

If it can cure this frigging son of a B... of a bacteria that no antibiotic in the world can eradicate, I believe it definitely can cure diabetes, which compared to lyme sorry is a picnic in the park .

Both the NHS in the UK and the CDC in the US seem to think that Lyme disease exists:



Lyme disease is a bacterial infection. Diabetes is a hormonal disease. What cures or alleviates one doesn't necessarily cure the other.

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Cure is different from controlling it. Diet can control it a cured person would not have to follow a diet and could eat what they want.

I really don't understand what is hard about that.

Just to clarify: If the diabetics would be cured. After the cure you could eat again all the Pizza with coke again and remain a normal sugar level.

Controlled: You need to keep your diet to be OK.

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All these websites and for that matter Doctors, all appear to have there own ideas, it is difficult to know..

Like years ago use to come to Thailand for holidays my Thai friends Father and Brother both have Diabetes and said ripe Mango is very bad for sugar.......... asking my own Dr Diabetic Specialist in the UK was told ALL Fruits have GOOD sugar, and ripe Mango are good + No problem to eat 1 a day.. !!

Like when I was 1st tested for Diabetes the reading was 24. something, was told this was very bad and must get the reading down to if possible to under 10,0... 6 x metformin per day + 4x Gliclazide per day.. change of food, going to a dietician we found I was not eating much bad food [never been one for fast food or junk foods] always been a large person, but at that time weight was the same as when I was 18... about 130 KG, now a day about 110 -112 KG, so about the same as when I was 15.. @ 6'3 not a small person.

The 1st year with the meds and small change in diet I put on weight !! so reading all these different website found what could be a problem 4x Gliclazide per day.... reducing this to just 1x per day stopped the weight gain...

In Hospital here a few years ago for an Op, the Diabetes BG reading was 178, and my blood pressure was Dr said dangerously low now have to take tablet per day.. Dr said normally people with Diabetes have high blood pressure.... now a day my BG reading is normally around 116 - 120... The Dr here said, Metformin is good, if the reading is above 130 then take an extra metformin for a few days, if drops below 100 take one less per day [for some years here take 3x 500 mg per day]

It would appear that many test every day ?? I used to for the 1st couple of years, now test about every 14 days [tested this morning is day 14 or 15, same 116] any need to test more often ?

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I find it difficult to exercise as I broke my leg quite badly (falling out of the bath!) three years ago and it still gives me a lot of grief.

walking is enough , as long as you get your heart rate up to 60 to 70% max .... 30 to 40 mins every other day , perhaps bicycle or rowing machine are options .... i think exercise will make a huge difference to your readings ..goodluck

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All these websites and for that matter Doctors, all appear to have there own ideas, it is difficult to know..

I really recommend you read bloodsugar101.com or better still buy the book so you can read it off line. If you follow the advice there you will definitely improve.

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I find it difficult to exercise as I broke my leg quite badly (falling out of the bath!) three years ago and it still gives me a lot of grief.

walking is enough , as long as you get your heart rate up to 60 to 70% max .... 30 to 40 mins every other day , perhaps bicycle or rowing machine are options .... i think exercise will make a huge difference to your readings ..goodluck

Thank you.

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what if all type 2 diabetes could be cured by diet change ? what would you say if the diet change did not include any of the crap you listed ? Type 2 diabetes CAN be cured by diet change ...that is FACT .... what your posting is disease inducing garbage , more processed junk from Uncle Sams disease machine ...funded by Wall street !!!! ... in fact many Type 1 diabetes can also drastically reduce their meds by diet change ...

Type 2 diabetes cannot be "cured" by diet, though appropriate diet can help reduce the odds of developing it in the first place, and of course appropriate diet is a cornerstone of managing the condition when it does occur.

For many (but not all) Type 2 diabetics, diet alone if correctly followed will control blood sugar adequately. This does not however mean the condition has been cured and no longer exists, only that the person is able to manage it successfully through dietary measures.

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I am pretty cute that a small cohort of type 2 diabetes can be cured by following a strict diet for a few months. After that they can go back to a 'normal' diet.

But in the main it is not curable.

Arguments about this food or that miss the point: as a population we eat far too much far too often and don't exercise enough.

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i disagree , it is most certainly a cure if you maintain the diet , such as HFLC ....and lets not forget Diabetes is the precursor to many other diseases , Diet is greatly under rated as a treatment for many, many diseases .... education is the key here ....

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"Cure" would mean the condition had disappeared permanently, not that it is kept under control by diet. Entirely different things.

Someone whose type 2 diabetes is completely controlled with diet, should they go off that diet and consume foods high in glycemic index, will once again show abnormal glucose levels. Non-diabetics, on the other hand, do not.

Control and cure, medically, have completely different meanings.

Diet is most certainly NOT underrated as regards management of diabetes. It is given all importance.

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would it be fair to say Cheryl the medical world has failed to address the real power of diet in " controlling" & in many cases curing Type 2 , due to the lack of dietary training given to GP's ? lets face it how many hours due Gp's get to study this vital ingredient in health ? it is becoming more obvious many GP's in the past, have failed to try diet/exercise change as a first step to treating this self induced disease. Is that due to lack of training in this area or is it easier and more profitable to treat the disease ongoing with meds ? Interesting,if you go through a few of the Diabetes association websites globally, you will find recipes that are just not suitable for treating diabetes. Its like a revolving door .......

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