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Is it really alright to eat topless in a restaurant?

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No it is not alright, but that is simply my opinion and I'm fairly certain it is the opinion of most people eating there. However, what can you do when the management allows it. You either ignore it or leave. Unfortunately, Pattaya is the kind of city that attracts the dregs of the earth and most businesses in Pattaya have learned to tolerate it...money, money, money.

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Its not only BK thats is the problem. I visit the Coffee Club on a daily basis and its the same in there. All these places should have a no shirt - no service policy. Just because its quiet here at the moment doesn't mean standards should drop. How 'Mole' can compare a restaurant (all be it BK) to a roadside snack bar is beyond me!

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If there is something that annoys me, when someone criticises something,, it's the reply, 'if you don't like it, move on'. How stupid!!

As for the smart casual shorts........I can remember, I suppose it must be forty years ago, bank employees in Melbourne, wearing shorts in the Summer months. Whether they still do or not I would not know.

As for the rest of it. Perhaps the chap can't help sweating, but he could put on a T shirt. That will cover up his probably most unattractive upper half. I don't care whether it's in a BK or not.

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Well, i knew it was going to be a guy as I will never forget visiting one of our seaside restaurants, sitting facing the sea and having a guy sit in front of me so that my unavoidable view became his mole covered hairy back - it was gross… and I would not go into such a situation willingly.

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I hate it anyways, because I cannot seriously take my top off, and maintain decorum. Then again, I got those man boobs and handlebars.

Perhaps I would feel intimidated, sitting next to a man with a six pack for abs. It would have been great if you asked the manager, and she said "mai pen rai"....and then you took off your shirt as well...and did some man boob juggling.

Edited by slipperylobster
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Going around topless, ie without a shirt in public is quite simply low class. The same as walking into a shop with bare feet, be it burger king, a supermarket or any such public place is not acceptable. unless you are at a swimming pool, beach or the like, most people raised with reasonable standards would simply not consider it. It is something that is unfortunately becoming more frequent in Aus., and with silly tv shows these days glamourizing BOGANS, it's little wonder. You either have class or you don't.

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Never seen a Thai shirtless in a restaurant or a burger-joint..........


While some degree of cultural accomodation is necessary in settings where local establishments cater to mostly foreign tourists, there should be some limits.

The desire of many tourists to sun-bathe (something Thais definitely do not share!) has to be accommodated but within reason. One is not going to get a tan sitting in a restaurant, fast food or otherwise. So cover up.

And for heaven's sake, those who insist on sunbathing/swimming nude or (female) topless - cover up when you get up to walk over to a food or souvenir vendor...or when walking about upright, period. It won't interfere with your tan and it will make everyone else a lot less uncomfortable.

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No it is not alright, but that is simply my opinion and I'm fairly certain it is the opinion of most people eating there. However, what can you do when the management allows it. You either ignore it or leave. Unfortunately, Pattaya is the kind of city that attracts the dregs of the earth and most businesses in Pattaya have learned to tolerate it...money, money, money.

Bad money drives out good money. But you are right about the Thais allowing it. I refuse to see armpit hair when eating inside. When I was a teenager landlords threw you out of pubs for wearing a singlet. It's vile seeing other people's hairy sweat glands. Shoeless is an Aussie thing and is supposed to be good for health, as it happens. But it is not acceptable in food outlets, along with dogs, breastfeeding and young kids. Edited by The manic
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You'll get over it in time.

I am truly sorry your panties were put in a twist by this heinous disregard for the feelings of others. But, Thailand hasn't reached 'Nanny-State' status yet. But give it time. Constant nagging and leading by Western, puritanical example may eventually get these Buddhist heathens to change their minds.

OK - Enough syrupy sarcasm. This isn't worth a post. Get over it. I know conservative Thais that will expose their (maile) chests in public. Females use to also prior to the advent of Christian influence. Next you'll be complaining about 'bare-breasted' statuses at the temples. If it bothers you so much....go home. You don't belong here.

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Totally disgusting, but unfortunately there are lower life forms that will never see the problem. These fast food joints COULD put a sign up asking shirtless people to eat at the outside tables. If there are no outside tables that would pretty much explain their expectations. Most of these artery choking joints have outside tables to mix the grease with diesel fumes.

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Topless in a restaurant - definitely a no no. But a Burger King..............???

Seriously though - I am with you on this one.Pretty disgusting. Vote with your wallet and boycott the place..

expecting standards in burgerking 5555.

Exactly as I thought...what a donut !!

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If a shirtless bloke eating in a seaside restaurant ruffles your personal feathers...my prediction is you will be constantly having your high-values challenged in a country that could give a rip about what you think or say...

You might try remembering you are in Thailand...and not la-la land...it will make your stay here much more enjoyable...

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My point is that the standards in a fast food burger joint near the beach in a tropical tourist destination island is a bit different than elsewhere. So you better get used to it, or find some other "finer dining" to eat.

These people may already be sweating and putting on a t-shirt won't certainly help at all. So sweaty smelly shirtless farangs, not OK, but if they put on t-shirt which will be soaked in sweat and smelled perhaps worse, that would suddenly make any difference?? Will putting on a t-shirt make smelly armpits go away??

Or do you suggest they head back to their hotel, then take a shower, and change clothes and then come back to that high standard fast food joint and get their burger? By the time they make their way back to this joint, they're be soaked in sweat again.

Even the finest restaurant on this island won't mind if you come in Hawaiian shirt and shorts and sandals and you expect "high standards" in a BK joint?

Just because people go to a place of eating topless or in a smelly T-shirt does not make it right. For me it shows a lack of education and lack of respect for ones fellow diners. If you respect Thai culture you know that it is important to be appropriately dressed. My wife would never permit me to leave the house shirtless or even in a T-shirt. I would be given a short sleeved shirt and asked to change. Even for a trip to Tesco for shopping. So why do you think it is ok to look like a slob and disrespect others. But then of course Mr Mole as your name suggests I suppose you live in a hole.

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Topless in a restaurant - definitely a no no. But a Burger King..............???

Seriously though - I am with you on this one.Pretty disgusting. Vote with your wallet and boycott the place..

Agreed, the Russians think its all the 'rave' now, and its being cool, ah well not their fault not having lived in the real world for 100 yrs . lol

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Great, and surprising to see the vast majority of responses find as I do, totally unacceptable. IMO it says a lot more about the person than just "I don't want to wear a shirt"

And yet, given that we mostly all agree, then why do we see it so often, and then.....why is it always the guys who really shouldn't be seen shirtless anywhere!

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I have not read all the posts to this op, but....I was brought up to be more respectful of myself and my fellow human beings.

If I am on the beach and go to a beach restaurant I still put my shirt back on. When I stay in a hotel I dress for breakfast, then go upstairs and change clothes. Too many times do I see people come to breakfast in shorts and singlet shirts, hovering over the buffet. I am not interested in what nationality, nor in the age, it is to me simply courtesy and to a point, a respect for my fellow man who are around me.

I may be classed as old fashioned, but my father brought me up to be proud of my appearance.wai.gif

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