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Tragic: Dog rescues mortally wounded kitty from road in Trang to seek help


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TRAGIC: Dog rescues mortally wounded kitty from road to seek help
By Coconuts Bangkok


TRANG: -- Carrying a kitty nemesis in its mouth, a black stray dog ran across a street in Trang province to carry a battered yellow cat to a safe place on the sidewalk, but it was too late. It was just too late.

“Put up a good fight, kitty,” the dog must have been thinking. “Stay with me!”

He called two other doggy friends. "Woof! Woof!" Together they barked in front of a human's house, hoping a kind soul would come out and rescue the cat, who was hit by a car.

Full story: http://bangkok.coconuts.co//2014/12/11/tragic-dog-rescues-mortally-wounded-kitty-road-seek-help

-- Coconuts Bangkok 2014-12-11

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Part of me thinks, "Jesus, this is news??" But I then again, I clicked on the link and read the story, so there you have it...

Maybe the dog was thinking, "Awesome, I can't wait to eat this later. Normally I get scratched."

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I don't suppose anybody helped,this being Thailand. Great dog

I'm so glad I don't live in the same Thailand as you do.

I live in the countryside in a farming community,a couple of months ago i found a tiny kitten placed in the shade of the village shop to die. It had been bitten multiple times by a male cat and was covered in blood, the visitors to the shop ignored its weak miaowing. I took it home and have nursed it back to health,it took the full two months and still walks in a strange way,half forward and half side ways,it has gone through pneumonia and blood poisoning a real survivor, the villagers would sometimes come round and watch me feeding it milk with crushed mince meat with a straw and told me i was mad and that if i wanted to help it i should just drown it. He is now a great pet always by my side and has the name ''little fellah''. I am not a cat person more of a dog person really but little fellah is here to stay.

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I don't suppose anybody helped,this being Thailand. Great dog

I'm so glad I don't live in the same Thailand as you do.

I live in the countryside in a farming community,a couple of months ago i found a tiny kitten placed in the shade of the village shop to die. It had been bitten multiple times by a male cat and was covered in blood, the visitors to the shop ignored its weak miaowing. I took it home and have nursed it back to health,it took the full two months and still walks in a strange way,half forward and half side ways,it has gone through pneumonia and blood poisoning a real survivor, the villagers would sometimes come round and watch me feeding it milk with crushed mince meat with a straw and told me i was mad and that if i wanted to help it i should just drown it. He is now a great pet always by my side and has the name ''little fellah''. I am not a cat person more of a dog person really but little fellah is here to stay.

Well done you ! I wish there were more people in the world like yourself, with compassion towards animals.

I wish you and your new found friend many happy years together. If you are ever in Hua-Hin give me call and I'll buy you a few beers.

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I don't suppose anybody helped,this being Thailand. Great dog

I'm so glad I don't live in the same Thailand as you do.

I live in the countryside in a farming community,a couple of months ago i found a tiny kitten placed in the shade of the village shop to die. It had been bitten multiple times by a male cat and was covered in blood, the visitors to the shop ignored its weak miaowing. I took it home and have nursed it back to health,it took the full two months and still walks in a strange way,half forward and half side ways,it has gone through pneumonia and blood poisoning a real survivor, the villagers would sometimes come round and watch me feeding it milk with crushed mince meat with a straw and told me i was mad and that if i wanted to help it i should just drown it. He is now a great pet always by my side and has the name ''little fellah''. I am not a cat person more of a dog person really but little fellah is here to stay.

Yeah well done.. Good to know there is some nice people about..

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Humans aren't the only animals wired for empathy. I seriously doubt his intention was a meal; that type have behavior is seldom seen in domestic dogs, who are far more likely to go through trash cans in search of food.

We could certainly use some more carrion eating scavengers on the roads up here in rural Songkhla; every morning I have to cycle through scores of flattened, dead serpents.

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