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Thai village evicts 48 HIV patients


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The Thai government and people will never admit it and if you brought this up to their attention they would loose face and get angry! I have seen it for years how the Thai people discriminate against their own day in day out! so this is no surprise to me! Because it all comes down to lack of education and ignorance! period! If Chon Buri local government had any balls they would tell them to <deleted>> O-f!

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Not really astonished.

I know a similar story in the west, when they planned to build a hospital for mentally challenged people.

It's more than often a similar attitude in the west:

"Holy St. Florian, spare my house, lit other houses. .."

Yes, I have seen first hand NIMBYs at work. NIMBYs, Not In My Back Yard. Yes, people should be re-housed soomewhere - but not near me.

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Assuming most of these patients were druggies or prostitutes, I can see the villagers point.

Maybe they don't like living near criminal types.

48 criminals added in a community of 161 villagers isn't all that nice.

Well, it maybe you've made an assumption about the 48 living dead but you must be close to the truth. Other people have given you crap about your post, but I think it's disgusting the attitude of some TV posters who have no consideration for the good people who own property in this village and those with families that have to live in the shadow of this abomination on god's earth.

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Assuming most of these patients were druggies or prostitutes, I can see the villagers point.

Maybe they don't like living near criminal types.

48 criminals added in a community of 161 villagers isn't all that nice.

Well, it maybe you've made an assumption about the 48 living dead but you must be close to the truth. Other people have given you crap about your post, but I think it's disgusting the attitude of some TV posters who have no consideration for the good people who own property in this village and those with families that have to live in the shadow of this abomination on god's earth.

I hop eyou forgot to post your tongue in cheek sticker. As for AOA's post does he not realise the large number of Thai women who get infected by the husbands or boyfriends simply because they cannot say no even if they know he is HIV+.

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You know you had a bad day when......

My new gf told me she just got evicted from her village.....ah, probably nothing.

as the Buddha says, in my own words since too lazy to memorize anything, "If there is a problem, look into yourself" "Karma will have you re-born to the lower world (i think this means animals, living in fear)" "compassion........" anyhow, you get the idea....

even though buddha doesn't want me to play the lottery, i do in USA for $1 to win 100 million. IF I win the next drawing, I will buy a village and these people can all live there for free. odds are 1 in 90 million...it can happen.

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Thai tollerance at its best. "We do not hate them" it's all about land values and money. So if it is having an effect on land values, that the HIV patients are living there, clearly the villagers are not alone in their "values". Its a Thai thing perhaps.

So they can all come to stay at your house ?

In the small village I live in, some 300+ people, there aee at least 20+ people who have HIV. Most of them are coping well, thanks to the availability of retroviral medication, unfortunately some of the meet an early death each year. Regretably, due to lack of education regarding HIV, there are still more people being infected, especially teens.

So I dont have an issue with people suffering from HIV, DO YOU?

......................."Its a Thai thing perhaps."........................

Sorry BBG, but it is definitely NOT a Thai thing, perhaps.

In many western countries there is an expression used in this situation, NIMBY, (not in my back yard)

In other words it is quite alright for the USA/UK/Australian government eg. to build a new airport with lots of runways that can handle 20 million passengers a year, good for the country etc etc, just don't build it anywhere near my home as the sound of the planes taking off and landing will drive me crazy and our land values will drop.

It's all about the money, in any country.

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Assuming most of these patients were druggies or prostitutes, I can see the villagers point.

Maybe they don't like living near criminal types.

48 criminals added in a community of 161 villagers isn't all that nice.

Well, it maybe you've made an assumption about the 48 living dead but you must be close to the truth. Other people have given you crap about your post, but I think it's disgusting the attitude of some TV posters who have no consideration for the good people who own property in this village and those with families that have to live in the shadow of this abomination on god's earth.

As you mention God's Earth I'll assume you are religious. IMHO one of the biggest abominations on Nature's Earth is religion. Especially those who use their religious beliefs to persecute people just because they are not the same as them or don't have the same belief system. Religion breeds ignorance.

I would go as far to say that if your post was not tongue in cheek and you actually feel that way, then you are on the same level as the Taliban who just slaughtered over 100 children for no better reason than their parents are in the army. You are the abomination not the sick and the dying.

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Shameless, selfish, bigoted and greedy beyond belief. Just when I thought this place couldn't go any lower....

Can't wait for the apologists response to this one...

First sentence spot on.--------------- the second really ridiculous ------and nothing to do with apologists. it's about local admn--who were more than likely got their jobs under the PTP regime................

Bingo!! You've done it again, turned a simple post around to show give us another one of your imbecilic political drones about the PTP... Are you saying the PTP turned the villagers heads into uncaring people? Actually I don't think you know what you're trying to say other than trying to squeeze and inappropriate political jibe in somewhere

Edited by Alwyn
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Shameless, selfish, bigoted and greedy beyond belief. Just when I thought this place couldn't go any lower....

Can't wait for the apologists response to this one...

First sentence spot on.--------------- the second really ridiculous ------and nothing to do with apologists. it's about local admn--who were more than likely got their jobs under the PTP regime................

Bingo!! You've done it again, turned a simple post around to show give us another one of your imbecilic political drones about the PTP... Are you saying the PTP turned the villagers heads into uncaring people? Actually I don't think you know what you're trying to say other than trying to squeeze and inappropriate political jibe in somewhere

Alwyn, would you like me to pm you every time one of your red flag waving buddies does the same thing ? No, I did not think so. biggrin.png

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Shameless, selfish, bigoted and greedy beyond belief. Just when I thought this place couldn't go any lower....

Can't wait for the apologists response to this one...

First sentence spot on.--------------- the second really ridiculous ------and nothing to do with apologists. it's about local admn--who were more than likely got their jobs under the PTP regime................

Bingo!! You've done it again, turned a simple post around to show give us another one of your imbecilic political drones about the PTP... Are you saying the PTP turned the villagers heads into uncaring people? Actually I don't think you know what you're trying to say other than trying to squeeze and inappropriate political jibe in somewhere

Alwyn, would you like me to pm you every time one of your red flag waving buddies does the same thing ? No, I did not think so. biggrin.png

Mike I have no political convictions in Thailand as I'm not a Thai and cannot change anything. All I would say about politics is that democracy is better Autocracy which is where Thialand is right now. Autocracy is based on the assumption that one man is wiser than a million men. Let’s play that over. Who decides? This gingag bloke answers ANY post with some b/s political statement that generally has nothing to do with the topic but twists it so it fits his tiny little views, Why? Who cares?

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You are the abomination not the sick and the dying.

According to Leviticus (18:22, 20:13), it would be the other way round.

According to what some bloke thought a couple of thousand years ago? It is easy to pick a passage from the bible and use it to justify your beliefs. An eye for an eye or turn the other cheek, which is it? Wasn't Jesus supposed to have healed the sick and touched lepers? I don't think he tried to evict them or call them an abomination.

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The best way to confront prejudice is not to shout and holler like all the reactionary posts on here. It is to look at the issue rationally. Firstly, the vote is absurd as it could have no possible legal standing whatsoever. So the charity's residents dont need to worry about a thing. Secondly, fighting prejudice will be successful by attacking those that took part in the vote. A good lawyer should be able to make a case out to sue the villagers for victimisation . I dont know the precise law here but there must be a way to fight back. Any good Thai lawyers on TVF want to do some good and take up this case on the behalf of the victimized HIVers? Contrary to what many people think there are many laws on the statute books in Thailand that protect people living with HIV.

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Assuming most of these patients were druggies or prostitutes, I can see the villagers point.

Maybe they don't like living near criminal types.

48 criminals added in a community of 161 villagers isn't all that nice.

Well, it maybe you've made an assumption about the 48 living dead but you must be close to the truth. Other people have given you crap about your post, but I think it's disgusting the attitude of some TV posters who have no consideration for the good people who own property in this village and those with families that have to live in the shadow of this abomination on god's earth.

As you mention God's Earth I'll assume you are religious. IMHO one of the biggest abominations on Nature's Earth is religion. Especially those who use their religious beliefs to persecute people just because they are not the same as them or don't have the same belief system. Religion breeds ignorance.

I would go as far to say that if your post was not tongue in cheek and you actually feel that way, then you are on the same level as the Taliban who just slaughtered over 100 children for no better reason than their parents are in the army. You are the abomination not the sick and the dying.

Your being very unfair towards me when you compare me with the Taliban....but I won't lose any sleep over it. smile.png

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So, Thai villagers can vote to eject someone from their village, presumably led by some chump of a headman. The only things missing are a set of stocks, a ducking stool, and a 20 foot wicker man.

I wonder if the people of the village and the headman who voted them out, know that more than likely a lot of them are probably suffering from Hepatitis, Tuberculosis or any of the multitude of infectious diseases that are in all villages and cities of Thailand, not only their village. They being easily led and uneducated would not know what HIV or AIDS was and don't know the difference between the two, let alone what any of the other infectious diseases are that they already have. I think this is also a follow up on something else I read where a Monk was scamming in Lop Buri taking people on tours through the HIV/AIDS hospital there and asking for donations for their pills, but not buying any and letting them die. I believe the Government was looking into the scam.


Edited by OZEMADE
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How about all the foreigners that marry isaan girls, and build giant houses. Are they entitled to ask the rest of the farming community to move out, because they don't live up to the standards. Or they can start small and ask the in-laws to move out of their house, because they lower the house value.

I don't hate them, but they boost our land prices.

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Mike I have no political convictions in Thailand as I'm not a Thai and cannot change anything. All I would say about politics is that democracy is better Autocracy which is where Thialand is right now. Autocracy is based on the assumption that one man is wiser than a million men. Let’s play that over. Who decides? This gingag bloke answers ANY post with some b/s political statement that generally has nothing to do with the topic but twists it so it fits his tiny little views, Why? Who cares?

Fair enough Alwyn, I respect your opinion. But I do believe if you live in a country for a long time, start a family, build a home, run a business etc you do have the right to at least have political convictions, even if you cannot vote.

And I won't get into an argument regarding the the political situation as it is now, compared to what we had before, you probably know what my thoughts are on that subject.

Merry Xmas to you and your family. partytime2.gif.pagespeed.ce.V_K7hML3fShT

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