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Failed 21/7 London bombers lose European court appeal


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Failed 21/7 London bombers lose European court appeal

(BBC) Four men jailed over a failed plot to bomb the London transport network on 21 July 2005 have lost an appeal at the European Court of Human Rights.

Three of the men claimed their human rights had been breached because statements they made to police without lawyers present had been used as evidence.

A fourth man argued he had been treated unfairly when interviewed as a witness.

Full story: http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-30493640

-- BBC 2014-12-16

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Talk about bite the hand that feeds you,each one of these scum were brought up in the Uk and educated as usual for free,and thats the result the british people get for their hospitality,nobody listened to Mr Enoch Powell,how right he was.Anyone who can leave the wife and newborn in the house and go to London to commit a crime of this nature,for any reason,should be starved to death,never mind the do gooders.

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It's a great pity that the UK don't have some lovely isolated island prisons where life is made very very hard for these baxxxards and their ilk, where they have to 'earn their keep' by breaking rocks all day for year after year

We did!

It was called Australia!

But after yesyetday's terrible event, it appear there're too many of the bastards already there.

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I really don't understand why terrorism isn't classed as a capital offense. The only remaining crime eligible for capital punishment in the UK I believe is treason.

Why isn't terrorism tried under the laws of treason?

Guy Fawkes was tried under treason laws for attempting to blow up the Houses of Parliament. He was hung drawn and quartered.

Time the UK manned up and started executing this filth.

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