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The majority of Americans are not right wing. It is not even a safe assumption to say that the majority of the voting public is right wing these days.

I see. I think you are wrong. Do you seriously think a man as left wing as George McGovern could get nominated by the so called "left" party in the US today? Of course not. Even the so called left party is moderate right these days.

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By right wing Americans, I do mean the majority of Americans, because America is now a very right wing nation.

There's a difference between being conservative and being "right wing"...just as there is a difference between being liberal and "left wing" . The terms in parenthesis represent extremists. Most Americans are conservative on some issues and liberal on others. It's not black and white. The US is the most religiously and ethnically diverse country in the world and, with 300 million people...doesn't lend itself to stereotypes like yours

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Bush won two elections. It is a shame, but it is a fact. Bush is the most right wing president in US history. And right wing FOX is the coutry's top news network.

True, most Americans (again to their shame) don't even bother to vote, so how to factor in the apathetic and apolitical, who knows.

The US not right wing?

You decide.

Edited by Thaiquila
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Most Americans are conservative on some issues and liberal on others. It's not black and white. The US is the most religiously and ethnically diverse country in the world and, with 300 million people...doesn't lend itself to stereotypes like yours

I would be interested to know what issues most Americans are "liberal" on. In the US the word liberal is used as an insult. You can see the grimace on any Fox presenters face when they say the word and it is used in most contexts as an accusation.

The US political spectrum is very narrow and firmly encamped to the right/conservative side. Nader would be considered a centrist politician in many countries, but in the US he is seen as a left wing liberal nutcase.

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Most Americans are conservative on some issues and liberal on others. It's not black and white. The US is the most religiously and ethnically diverse country in the world and, with 300 million people...doesn't lend itself to stereotypes like yours

I would be interested to know what issues most Americans are "liberal" on. In the US the word liberal is used as an insult. You can see the grimace on any Fox presenters face when they say the word and it is used in most contexts as an accusation.

The US political spectrum is very narrow and firmly encamped to the right/conservative side. Nader would be considered a centrist politician in many countries, but in the US he is seen as a left wing liberal nutcase.

Nader IS a nutcase .....

but take a look at the Red/Blue breakdown for the last elections by state ... it is very telling!

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I have seen Fox reporters shout down an interviewee and give clear opinion on an issue with which he (the anchorman) disagreed.

No you haven't.

You have seen a commentator like Bill O'Reilly interupt someone, but not a reporter.

Something like Hard Talk on the BBC. :o

Actually ... UG is right on this score .... FOX News Channel is a HUGE misnomer ... in the 45 minutes a day that Fox REPORTS the news ... they do an OK job .... the other 23 hours and 15 minutes is just right-wing redneck COMMENTARY on the news

I have no problem with this statement.

I agree with some of those "rednecks" and enjoy hearing their opinions, but my real gripe is with news channels that try to give the viewer the impression that they are getting a well-balanced report on the daily news while manipulating them by only showing one side of the equation. :D

really outstanding point here. This is exactly what mainstream liberal media has been doing for decades. I'm talking about NY Times, CNN, BBC, CNBC, Bloomberg, AP, Reuters, ABC, CBS, NBC.....basically every major news organization except for Fox. I keep a puke bucket on either side of me when I watch these slimes report the news. Turn on your news today and you'd think that Israel/Hezbolla was the only thing going on anywhere. I love the way they hyped up the price of oil after the hurricanes last year, especially that graphic of the oil rig falling over in the Gulf of Mexico. That footage alone was worth $10 a barrel. I need to go empty my filled up puke buckets now after non stop Lebanon coverage

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The majority of Americans are not right wing. It is not even a safe assumption to say that the majority of the voting public is right wing these days.

I see. I think you are wrong. Do you seriously think a man as left wing as George McGovern could get nominated by the so called "left" party in the US today? Of course not. Even the so called left party is moderate right these days.

Bush won two elections. It is a shame, but it is a fact. Bush is the most right wing president in US history. And right wing FOX is the coutry's top news network.

True, most Americans (again to their shame) don't even bother to vote, so how to factor in the apathetic and apolitical, who knows.

The US not right wing?

You decide.

There are varying shades, but even centrist left or liberal is not the same as right wing. Secondly, Bush won a faked or illegitimate first election, or at the very least, a very close election and flawed ballot process. By the second election, the U.S. was already embroiled in a war, which almost always guarantees the incumbent.

Many Americans who don't bother to vote, are actually the poorest and most disenfranchised. I am not defending them, but don't shame them if you don't understand them. You will have to take a clsoer look at history, and at the first Bush election my friend. Many of them came out in droves to vote after registering for the first time with the Democrat Party, and Bush still won through a highly dubious and flawed process at best. So, that election was also damaging in the sense that it proved to poor, disenfranchised people that their votes really don't count.

The others who don't vote are actually people who are firmly on the left, and view the American electoral process as a travesty.

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Most Americans are conservative on some issues and liberal on others. It's not black and white. The US is the most religiously and ethnically diverse country in the world and, with 300 million people...doesn't lend itself to stereotypes like yours

I would be interested to know what issues most Americans are "liberal" on. In the US the word liberal is used as an insult. You can see the grimace on any Fox presenters face when they say the word and it is used in most contexts as an accusation.

The US political spectrum is very narrow and firmly encamped to the right/conservative side. Nader would be considered a centrist politician in many countries, but in the US he is seen as a left wing liberal nutcase.

That's on Fox News, a cable, opinion show that is right wing.

*Nader has a long history in the states, and has been known to leftist Americans for a long time. I worked for his one of his organizations years ago. He is viewed as headstrong and stubborn, but I think the only people who view him as a nutcase would be those who view Fox News as a news station.

Edited by kat
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I'm no particular defender of Thailand or its people. I am a defender of the truth and...I despise Fox and all of its ilk. Liars ALL.

Sorry, but given a choice of FOX or the BBC, I'd go for FOX any time.

FOX gives coverage to both sides of a story with spokesman on both sides trying to make their case.

The BBC presents only the trendy, politically correct point of view and doesn't bother with anything else.

During the conflict in Lebanon a few weeks ago, FOX kept repeating explanations, accusations and responces from both Israel and Hezbollah while the BBC mostly ignored the Israeli explanations for what they were doing. When they did bother to repeat one of the Israeli Government statements, the commentator would sneer and shake his head before going on to the next news item.

I'm sure that this thrills all the Jew/Israeli haters out there, but they didn't start the conflict and the BBC shouldn't be operating as a terrorist propoganda machine. :o

LOL, how true is that? BBC and CNN do a lot of sneering when reading things they don't agree with. It's pukeworthy indeed

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Most Americans are conservative on some issues and liberal on others. It's not black and white. The US is the most religiously and ethnically diverse country in the world and, with 300 million people...doesn't lend itself to stereotypes like yours

I would be interested to know what issues most Americans are "liberal" on. In the US the word liberal is used as an insult. You can see the grimace on any Fox presenters face when they say the word and it is used in most contexts as an accusation.

The US political spectrum is very narrow and firmly encamped to the right/conservative side. Nader would be considered a centrist politician in many countries, but in the US he is seen as a left wing liberal nutcase.

That's on Fox News, a cable, opinion show that is right wing.

*Nader has a long history in the states, and has been known to leftist Americans for a long time. I worked for his one of his organizations years ago. He is viewed as headstrong and stubborn, but I think the only people who view him as a nutcase would be those who view Fox News as a news station.

ummm no kat ... he's just a nutcase<Nader> .... but Fox in rightwing conservative tripe for people that can niether think NOR form a real opinion for themselves!

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Funny that Nader was interviewed by Fox before the '04 election and he explained how CNN etc wouldn't have him on. That was too classic. Nader and O'Reilly hanging out like they were old pals. I enjoyed that piece thoroughly. Thanks Ralphy boy

How clear is that ... a nutcase that couldn't get airplay from respected news agencies ..... gets on O'Rielly's rightwing version of the Howard Stern show

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Funny that Nader was interviewed by Fox before the '04 election and he explained how CNN etc wouldn't have him on. That was too classic. Nader and O'Reilly hanging out like they were old pals. I enjoyed that piece thoroughly. Thanks Ralphy boy

How clear is that ... a nutcase that couldn't get airplay from respected news agencies ..... gets on O'Rielly's rightwing version of the Howard Stern show

It was great. Here was the guy that single handedly cost Gore the election in 2000 being celebrated on the show. The mainstream media didn't want a repeat of that so refused to present the guy or his point of view on their channels and thus Nader was a non factor in 2004. If it wasn't for Fox and the internet, it would be 1992 all over again when the arrogant mainstream news organizations effectively controlled that election with biased coverage. Rush was around then but he alone could not offset the media barrage. Now liberals haven't got a prayer. Life is good

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In any case, people who refuse to participate in the political process are irrelevant to the political process, and by not participating, are endorsing the status quo, whether they want to or not.

Well, in the case of the 2001 election, people who voted were also irrelevant.

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ummm no kat ... he's just a nutcase<Nader> .... but Fox in rightwing conservative tripe for people that can niether think NOR form a real opinion for themselves!

Well, it'd be hard to disprove if you're convinced. But many intelliegent people on the left view him as an intelligent man. I view him as an intelligent, egocentric meglomaniac, based on past experience and the 2001 election.

the nice thing about talking to Butthead is that you can call him one :D

There's one HUGE joy in living in Thailand .... you never meet any rightwing folks from the US here!

:o On second thought, I think that's just your humor, because you can't be serious :D

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your own description ... egocentric megalomaniac ???? yeppers ... nutcase

well other than when the fleet is in Pattaya ... i have yet to meet any real Republicans/rightwing extremeists here .... and you can't blame the brainwshed kids in the miitary .....

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The American political process was corrupted in the 50’s.

The dropping out and dumbing down of the population in the 60’s, 70’s and 80’s secured the power base of the industrial military complex. Fox news, CNN and BBC are just tools of various organizations to make people feel they still have a say in government.

I think anyone who takes the fox news reports as absolute truth is in the same boat as anyone who believes Dan Rather. They all have an agenda and it is bought and paid for.

What I find so refreshing about Thailand is the fact that everyone knows everything is fixed.

They don’t labor under the same assumptions that there is a chance of fair play.

I knew Al Gore in Vietnam, we worked together briefly. He left after six months because his dad was politically connected. He is not a brain trust and he is not a leader.

I never met John Kerry but I know his military record leaves many things to be questioned and he is a snotty Boston type aristocrat. He would do very well in the House of Lords.

I have never met George W but I have had lunch with his brother Jeb on a number of occasions. Jeb is a nice guy and a good administrator (read he lets everyone else who knows anything do the job). The best thing I can say about him is he is tall and has a nice smile.

To me the battle is lost. There are no more democracies in the Western world and there is no hope for getting them back.

What hope is there for such as me? Pattaya works pretty good.

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Fox news, CNN and BBC are just tools of various organizations to make people feel they still have a say in government.

.......They all have an agenda and it is bought and paid for.

Not sure you can lump the BBC in this particular pot. The BBC is bought and paid for by the British public. It is state owned and takes no advertising. It has a board and is independent of the government. Various Governments have tried to influence it's political bias and all have failed. All parties complain of bias reporting, which is a good sign that they more or less get things right (although I accept, not perfect).

The BBC's main compass is reflected in the background and education of it's journalists. As nearly all of them would have come through UK universities, I would suspect it is this that gives the slightly left of centre bias that many may percieve. Of course, left on centre in Europe is something entirely different to your average Fox viewer like Butthead.

Fox is owned by a media magnate who makes no bones about what he wants his TV stations and newspapers to do. His agenda - his rules. The two organisations could not be more different in this respect.

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Guest endure

I'm no particular defender of Thailand or its people. I am a defender of the truth and...I despise Fox and all of its ilk. Liars ALL.

Sorry, but given a choice of FOX or the BBC, I'd go for FOX any time.

FOX gives coverage to both sides of a story with spokesman on both sides trying to make their case.

The BBC presents only the trendy, politically correct point of view and doesn't bother with anything else.

During the conflict in Lebanon a few weeks ago, FOX kept repeating explanations, accusations and responces from both Israel and Hezbollah while the BBC mostly ignored the Israeli explanations for what they were doing. When they did bother to repeat one of the Israeli Government statements, the commentator would sneer and shake his head before going on to the next news item.

I'm sure that this thrills all the Jew/Israeli haters out there, but they didn't start the conflict and the BBC shouldn't be operating as a terrorist propoganda machine. :o

The flagship UK BBC radio programme (PM) has had reporters in both Israel and Lebanon all through the conflict talking to 'ordinary folk' every day. What you see on BBC World (or whatever it's called) is a poor shadow of the BBC news that we get here in the UK. It's also nowhere near as good as the World Service on shortwave radio. In fact, BBC World is a pile of shiet.

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Guest endure

I'm no particular defender of Thailand or its people. I am a defender of the truth and...I despise Fox and all of its ilk. Liars ALL.

Sorry, but given a choice of FOX or the BBC, I'd go for FOX any time.

FOX gives coverage to both sides of a story with spokesman on both sides trying to make their case.

Have they changed their methods then? Admittedly I've only seen Fox for a short while when I was in Thailand a couple of years ago but their coverage of 'both sides of the story' consisted of ameliatory interviews with people whose views they agreed with and shouting matches with those they didn't

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Guest endure
I never met John Kerry but I know his military record leaves many things to be questioned and he is a snotty Boston type aristocrat. He would do very well in the House of Lords.

The House of Lords today consists of what are known as 'Life Peers', Lords whose titles expire on their death. They're mainly made up of 'ordinary people' ex-politicians, ex trade unionists, that kind of thing. The House of Lords Act 1999 got rid of most of the hereditary peers. There are now only 92 hereditary peers out of an approximate total of 730 peers in the Lords.

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Oh ya! Big story! All you here about in the U.S. for days, and here they say the guy did not admit to killing the girl, was in a different state at the time, if no DNA match no evidence.

On the radio in the U.S. it's pretty much excepted as a hipped story to keep the media from talking about the real story, cort rules that Bush has broken the law!

Every one I know here have turned even the local state news off for a few days because they have no interest in the Ramsey case as presented in the media. And they are aware that Bush pressured Blare to blow the airline bomb threat be for they had evidence to convict because he needed some thingBIG NOW to instill the fear factor, election coming on fast.

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Oh ya! Big story! All you here about in the U.S. for days, and here they say the guy did not admit to killing the girl, was in a different state at the time, if no DNA match no evidence.

On the radio in the U.S. it's pretty much excepted as a hipped story to keep the media from talking about the real story, cort rules that Bush has broken the law!

Every one I know here have turned even the local state news off for a few days because they have no interest in the Ramsey case as presented in the media. And they are aware that Bush pressured Blare to blow the airline bomb threat be for they had evidence to convict because he needed some thingBIG NOW to instill the fear factor, election coming on fast.

Regular wordsmith you are........

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Right up there with O'Reilly's blowhard style... is Sean Hannity, Fox's yappy little Chihuahua Dog, who fancies himself as some sort of Pit Bull, but in reality, is just like a puppy in need of quick smack from a rolled-up newspaper for the "mess" he created in the corner. That's a good metaphor for his words... they're just a pile of cr#p.

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All media is biased, a question of degree and whether overt or covert.

The only way to approximate ‘truth’ is to read widely.

Fox is more dangerous than most propaganda vehicles, because the composition of the US electorate and electoral system allows it to exert great leverage over the political process.

A one vote per person system works best when the vote is from an informed voter.

Many (not all) in the US are not what I would call informed (meaning being across both sides of an issue) and are in fact quite naïve as to the deeper factors behind many issues. This is for various reasons including education, media, culture, electoral system and so on. However on a personal level I have found Americans to be a very kind bunch of people who do try to help.

In any case, the results can be quite catastrophic as recent world events demonstrate.

KerryK (although in my view a tad cynical) makes an excellent analysis, see the full post previously>>

The American political process was corrupted in the 50’s.

The dropping out and dumbing down of the population in the 60’s, 70’s and 80’s secured the power base of the industrial military complex. Fox news, CNN and BBC are just tools of various organizations to make people feel they still have a say in government.

I think anyone who takes the fox news reports as absolute truth is in the same boat as anyone who believes Dan Rather. They all have an agenda and it is bought and paid for.

What I find so refreshing about Thailand is the fact that everyone knows everything is fixed.

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